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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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I wouldn't say it would "make" a person bi, but I'd just have to say a more general thing to clarify some understandings.


Basically, when making a tulpa, your mind becomes almost open to anything. Think of it like seeing glimpses of perspectives in which you start to understand. With this open mind, in the end, you still get to choose what you want to be. It's not like it forces you in any way, because if anything it actually puts you more in control of what you think. It's not necessarily bad or good to be open, but if you are open in a certain way, then you are put into a very powerful position over what your mind believes.

You mean open as in suggestible? Because I'm thinking that if I ever get desperate, I can use pony hypnosis to give myself Twilight Sparkle's fondness of books/research/studying. However, the only hypnosis file I could find includes a line about wanting to keep using the file, and I heard of a guy who has Twilight's memories instead of his own, and tulpas of Spike and Owlowiscious (one of whom used to be a tulpa of the guy himself). Could I see a glimpse of a perspective in which I, likely having gone bat:yay: insane, want the "continue using this file" bit to work, or one in which I want to be in the guy's situation?


T[ If the myth implies the character is a good guy, then I think it's ok. ^^ ]

The myth I have so far is that the sun god creates the barren earth, but the moon god tricks S into setting the stage for life to form. M takes it from there. The "Satan-analogue who faked being a tulpa" I mentioned before is a big fan of this myth (in fact, he went back in time and founded the culture who believes the myth). This culture sees the Satan-analogue as the embodiment of the moon (the good guy of the myth). The myth lines up pretty well with both science's idea of how the Earth and moon and life came to be, and the guy's hatred of God (since he gave the culture their creation myth). Edited by KruegerMeister
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Day 1.

*Spoilers everywhere to avoid wall of text*


Which guide should I reference?


I decided to go with something similar to JD's guide, because it came more naturally for me. As for wonderland; I already had a pre-made one.



Appearance and Name


Her initial name was Star Gazer, but when I asked her if she likes this name, she said it was 'too cheesy' and she went with Star Light or Starlight. So basically, she chose her name.


Her original looks consisted of a Earth Pony mare with brown coat, deep blue eyes, blonde mane (in Creps style, because I like it a lot), and the cutie mark in the form of the Ursa Major constellation. Another thing is that when she feels intense emotions, she will have a strand of her mane/tail that looks exactly like it's from space. A bit hard to explain, really. Just that she will have a strand that looks as if space was there.


Interesting enough is that she, while not having a concrete form, decided to make some changes to her original body. From brown coat to grey coat. And when she gets in her determined/inspirational/'lets do this'/a lot more energetic and active self, her eyes change to gold (in contrast to her blue eyes come around when she is her 'normal' self; which at the moment is a more curious Fluttershy-like personality). Heck she even changes her voice to a deeper one when she 'goes golden' (her pun, not mine). Her mane reminds me of Derpy more or less. Same cutie mark, but something tells me it won't be the same for long.






I first met her 'Golden' side, which basically held a motivational speech which blown away all and every single doubt out of my mind. She actually made me make a list WITH HER regarding how her personality should be. It seems she goes gold only when she wants or when it's needed.


Her second side when 'she is blue' (Her pun as well. That means with no space strand and blue eyes), she is like a less shy but more curious Fluttershy.




She in the wonderland.


She absolutely loves it. Every single thing about it. Despite that it is HUGE (like, nation-wide huge), she absolutely loves it and everyone in it. She also uncovered the little plot of a secret tulpa, of whom I wasn't aware he was a tulpa in the first place. He basically administrates the wonderland. I will let him introduce himself below. Since I can't stay with her 24/7, I left him in charge of her and take care of her while I was away. She basically explored the wonderland the whole day with him, nothing more. She also met the other inhabitants. And she loves the place the more she learns about it. By the time I got back, he was her 'older brother.'




The secret tulpa.



Say hello to Val. He is the 'vice-president' of the wonderland.


Hello there, citizen of the internet! My name is Valiance, but if you may choose so, you may address to me as father... or Val. Preferably Val. Yep, definitely Val. (*Cookies for those who got the reference*)


I happen to be a talking falcon about half the size of my creator that happens to wear an armour almost all the time, and I am the boss of this beautiful wonderland called Arcadia, where the grass is green and girls are pretty. Blame me for that.   B) 

I was with this guy since Spring 2013, and secretly became aware of myself (achieved sentience) around January 2014.




Well, I just happen to agree with everything you say... most of the time. Because, in full honestly, we are generally on the same frequency but with different views and even ideas. So technically, I kind of DO whatever you want me to do, because I would want to that later. Also, tricks and gimmicks were not available at that time because of technical issues.  :P 


Makes sense... I think. Wait, what tech-


Anyhow! To help out with Starlights strand; think Twilight Sparkles strand on Derpys hair with a space parallax effect.

I hope I will hear from ya soon enough!

Ladies and gents, Valiance is out!

Edited by TheAnonPony
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What's a "space parallax effect"? Does Starlight essentially look and sound like Derpy when she "goes golden"?





Me: It's right below your office...


Val: Oh. *Pulls out gigantic book and slams it on the office* *Dust everywhere* *Puts monocle* *Ahem!* Alright. The academic definition is 'A displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines.' In a more normal explanation, I can see space in her strand and it 'changes position' in perspective based on the angle I am looking from. Kind of like the subtle thing iOS7 menus have.


Me: Also, when she 'goes golden' her voice is something like Vinyls but when 'she is blue' she has a similar Derpy voice. She doesn't have wings, and that space strand + constellation cutie mark are the differences.



She'd make a good double agent...


We are not talking about this.


Splinter cell Double Starlight.




Come on, I know you want it.


*Leaves room blankly*


You can run BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!  :lol: 



Edited by TheAnonPony
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So if she was on your right, the strand would be, for example, here:

Mane mane mane mane strand mane mane

But if you were on her right, the strand would be, let's say, here?:

Mane strand mane mane mane mane mane


EDIT: :derp: I thought you meant "space" as in the strand changes it's position in her mane, not "space" as in outer space.


on a separate topic, Rainbow Dash and I do D/S stuff a lot (including last night, if that's relevant). This morning, I talked with her about some stuff, but I forgot to write that all down in my progress report. The very next time I fell asleep, I dreamt that my dad wanted me to pack up my stuff and my mom was, pardon my French, being a demanding b*tch. I think there's a connection, but Dash doesn't. Anypony care to be a "tiebreaker"?

Given the events surrounding the dream, it's similar to Riz & Crep's "Please Kill Me" google doc. Only, Dash wouldn't do anything like what Crepescule did.


[i'm kiiinda the type--]


Bullshit. What do you gain from lying about being "the type"?


[Time wasted.]


Translation: she lied that she WOULD do something like what Crepescule did, for the apparent lulz of wasting a few seconds of my life.


Yet another separate topic, because my posts are being merged for some reason: Would a tulpa be a good shrink? Because I was reading a Reddit page about serial killer calling cards, giggling like a maniac at some of the funnier posts, and mine said I was messed up. I want to get a professional opinion, but I don't want to scare my parents (because "Mom, Dad, I want to see a psychologist because I laughed at serial killer-related stuff" sounds perfectly normal :sarcasm: ).

Edited by KruegerMeister
  • Brohoof 1
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on a separate topic, Rainbow Dash and I do D/S stuff a lot (including last night, if that's relevant).

Wait what does D/S stand for, if I may ask? Also how would I have known that, whatever it was, from its context? Edited by SkyDream
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Wait what does D/S stand for, if I may ask? Also how would I have known that, whatever it was, from its context?

It stands for domination/submission. It's a sex thing. And I referenced a doc that Rizoel had linked to; he was replying to a post about falling asleep while tulpaforcing, saying that the things described in the doc are what happened to him when he fell asleep while tulpaforcing. For some reason, I want to say that you already had an account here when he posted that, and would have seen the his post.
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Nah, the name doesn't ring a bell, and I've only been following for about ten pages of this thread so far. It's a little much to read, considering the most useful information can be found off-site. I only really asked because I wanted to make sure it wasn't Dom/Sub before I assumed that it was, because I have a dirty mind. :-3

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Actually, the creation of a Tulpa to help with psychological needs would be one of the reasons why I would have one. Even though I tend to take things too personally, I also know that I should accept helpful criticism and analysis whenever necessary or available. If a Tulpa is literally already in your head, then why shouldn't they be able to see more than what you see in terms of perspective?


I'd totally go for it. I mean as long as they're the type of person that would be prone to seeing things from a different perspective upon the acquisition of new information. Twilight Sparkle would be decent at that, I'd bet.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well then, I guess I'm at an ethical dilemma. I didn't give Rainbow Dash the trait of seeing things from perspectives I don't during initial creation (side note: "initial creation" sounds like I'm describing something other than a living being. Any ideas for a different term? An I being too politically correct?), and she hasn't demonstrated that trait, but her having that trait would be useful. We agreed that the only other tulpa I'd have in my head would be our foal, but I think that's never gonna happen. My only option seems to be to engineer a situation in which Rainbow Dash develops that trait, but the tulpa wiki likens that to brainwashing.

Now that I think about it, she might be showing a bit of that trait: I was struggling to come up with images for a Tarot card deck I'm making. Dash suggested that fapping would somehow cure my writer's block. I fapped, then randomly remembered a villain from Yugioh who used tarot cards. I watched an episode he appeared in, and the opening scene from that episode gave me an idea for one of the cards. I know that correlation isn't causation, but I also read that the brain can see a small amount of time into the future.


Also, about Twilight: I want to have Twilight's study skills/fondness of research...did I already bring this up? Does the username "Twilight{Spike}[Owlowiscious]" ring any bells?

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So people who appear "insane" are just on a different wavelength? Like if one person's culture considers normal what another culture consider's abnormal?

I think you misunderstood my question. I was asking if being "open" (whatever that means) could set me on the path to ending up like that guy who thinks he's Twilight if I ever listen to the Twilight Sparkle hypnosis file. If I desire to have Twilight's study skills, could that change to a desire to be Twilight? Would I be able to change that desire, if things got that bad?

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"Those Who Dance Are Considered Insane by Those Who Can’t Hear the Music" ~Someone.


To answer that question, I feel as if being open also implies that if you have made yourself into something, you can continue to make yourself into other things as well.  I mean, think of how many things have molded you into the person that you are today?  What's one more change?  Surely you can change yourself out of even that by being open in a similar way?  Maybe I'm being optimistic, but I've done plenty of those "change yourself by thinking about it" things, and I'm still somewhat sane.

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I was trying to figure out the size of my tulpa's head. I estimated that it was about two iPhones tall and two iPhones wide. She added that her head was spherical. For those of you whose tulpas are 2-D, are they actually 2d or do they just look 2-D, if that makes any sense?

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I was trying to figure out the size of my tulpa's head. I estimated that it was about two iPhones tall and two iPhones wide. She added that her head was spherical. For those of you whose tulpas are 2-D, are they actually 2d or do they just look 2-D, if that makes any sense?


My Ariel looks 2-D but feels three-dimensional... if that makes any sense. I see her in my mind's eye like one would see her in the show, though her profile changes as you view her from different angles. I'm not sure how to describe it... It's like those "Ponies in Real Life" or whatever videos??


Also, in terms of size, Ariel has settled on a size closer to that of about a medium-sized dog (maybe the size of a Labrador, give or take? I guess that's actually a larger one) overall. Perhaps because she knows I often translate smaller into cuter, hehe~


[Yep, sounds about right.]

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My Ariel looks 2-D but feels three-dimensional... if that makes any sense. I see her in my mind's eye like one would see her in the show, though her profile changes as you view her from different angles. I'm not sure how to describe it... It's like those "Ponies in Real Life" or whatever videos??


Also, in terms of size, Ariel has settled on a size closer to that of about a medium-sized dog (maybe the size of a Labrador, give or take? I guess that's actually a larger one) overall. Perhaps because she knows I often translate smaller into cuter, hehe~


[Yep, sounds about right.]

[We're not really clear on size. I laid on Krueger's chest once, and I was human-sized, but there was this time where I was cat-sized.]


She was stretched out when she was human-sized, and lying down like a Sphinx when she was cat-sized. At the time of writing this sentence, I saw her stand up in the car. She was a bit shorter than (back of the seat + the headrest). When I was trying to figure out her size, the ponies in real life videos were a godsend ^^.


[*chuckle* Did you just say "godsend"?]


What? An agnostic, non-practicing Jew can't say words that include "god"?

  • Brohoof 1
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Hehe. This may be useful. Let's say I'm reviewing a scientific paper, or analyzing some mystery. Will the Tulpa, if I make one, be able to see things that I don't? Make connections I fail to make? Come up with their own ideas, without inhibiting my own ability to come up with ideas?


If so, I could have three scientists in one head instead of one. That could be very useful xD


Will they be able to help me focus on schoolwork, or go to sleep when I need to?

  • Brohoof 1

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Whoa! This thread is still alive and kicking! <3 


So pleased to hear it. I've been reading your posts in 2014 all the way up to page 27 until I finally wondered.. "Gee, just how long will this even go for?!" 


Question answered.


I am happy.


I wish I could hear from the original posters who made this thread and how their tulpae are doing thus far.

  • Brohoof 1


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(Pretend I quoted your middle paragraph. It's huge. :P )


Case in point. I'm mainly linking to that because of the introductory paragraph, but I do believe it's possible. It's definitely raised my Smash Bros game to a higher level.


Techoh, it's always a joy to read your posts. Thanks for enlightening this thread! Lighting it up, whatever.

  • Brohoof 1
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(Pretend I quoted your middle paragraph. It's huge. :P )


Case in point. I'm mainly linking to that because of the introductory paragraph, but I do believe it's possible. It's definitely raised my Smash Bros game to a higher level.


Techoh, it's always a joy to read your posts. Thanks for enlightening this thread! Lighting it up, whatever.

It was quite a large paragraph... wasn't it? XP I can get a little carried away sometimes....


Anyway, thankyou so much. ^^ It's really just my pleasure to help "share the word" of tulpas whenever I can! :D It's really just a shame that the world would think badly about this.... I call it a revolution though. Not anything destructive, no, but rather a revolution that can construct the world to get along better. It's like how colored people in America have been trying to get their rights, and got them after the revolution led by Martin Luther King Jr. There are people that won't listen to simple facts, but with dedication and a will to spread the word, the world will start to slowly understand the truth about tulpas. Right now, this entire "revolution" is pretty much underground.... hidden from plain sight. With time, though, we can get larger and larger groups who come together understanding the greatness of tulpas. Eventually, I envision a moment when people are diverted between two equal sides. One side tries to bring light to what is true, the other tries to stick with what they know and assume everything else to be false.


My main goal is to help grow the side that implies the truth, even if it means I am to be thought of as insane. (or write endless paragraphs. XP )

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