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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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My main goal is to help grow the side that implies the truth, even if it means I am to be thought of as insane. (or write endless paragraphs. XP )

Well, someone somewhere said this at some point, so...


(Yes this entire post was oriented around the uncertainty of a quote. Oh boy.)

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Ummm...Techoh, I'm not really sure that your revolution's such a good idea, at least, the way you talked about it in your post. No offense, but you sound kind of...well, obsessed. I know that the historical precedent of people like Galileo (seemed insane during his time, but turned out to be right) is in your favor, and that I'm not your mother and don't really have the ability to tell you what to do, but...dude. Could you please dial the fervor down? I'm talking from experience; I once did a tiny bit of crusading/campaigning to prevent my classmates from having a negative view of furries, but my brother said it wasn't worth it (my classmates most likely saw me as nuts). On the one hand, I agree with you that it'd be nice for tulpas to be accepted in society, but on the other, why would that be necessary? It's really, really hard to unintentionally reveal that you have a tulpa, and I can't see what one stands to gain from doing so on purpose, or why hiding your...never mind, I can kind of see why hiding your tulpa would have a negative impact on you.


Please, PLEASE note that I'm not trying to make anypony mad, or come off as disrespectful and/or an asshole or douche or other thing that it's bad to come off as. I'm just trying to offer my two cents and/or spark a friendly, animosity-free debate.

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Eh, it's not that bad. If there's an accidental revealing, somehow, it can be rectified by an explanation as to its benefits within the context of an exhibition of sanity. If the person doesn't know what sanity is, they have a lot of soul-searching to do.

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Wouldn't a funeral for a tulpamancer technically also be a funeral for their tulpa(s)? Am I the only one who thinks that it's kind of beautiful/heartwarming that, due to neuro..whatever, a tulpa will die at the same time as his/her host (meaning they don't have to go through the pain of grieving)? Here's the context of why I'm asking: I just watched The Fault In Our Stars (really sad movie, one of the characters talked a lot about oblivion).

Here's another question I thought of during the film: should I work on possession and have my tulpa prerecord her eulogy, to be shown at my funeral (so that the funeral ends with general good feels, and also so that it's too late for anyone who'd be concerned about my dicking around with my brain to do anything about it?)

[The latter's...kiiind of a fear response.]

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I wish I could hear from the original posters who made this thread and how their tulpae are doing thus far.


Me too. Rizoel and Crep had the best stories :) It's been a while since they sent a post here. I remember the activity here went down when... nevermind. I'm glad it's still active, even tough I don't visit here that much now.


Millie: Maybe we could tell them some of our stories :P


^.^' rather not, and there are not that many. I wish we could get into a lucid dream together again :3

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Am I the only one whose experienced something like this?: Rainbow Dash said that I "stuck too close" to MLP:FiM's Rainbow Dash's personality by giving my Rainbow Dash the trait of "good-hearted prankster". I said that she can always deviate away from that trait. While I typed that last sentence, she said that she already did deviate away from being a prankster. While I typed that last sentence, she said that she didn't say that. I asked her what her deal was, and she said "Need...attention...". Turns out she was pulling my leg by pretending to be starving. While typing the previous sentence, she said that she was giving me what I deserve for worrying about her too much (I'd skip a day of tulpaforcing, then ask if it negatively affected her). I asked her about the "good-hearted prankster" bit, and she said that I didn't stick too close to FiM!RD.


The above was copied/pasted from my progress report. While getting ready to post it here, Dash said that all of the above was a prank :confused:.

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So are you saying that I should reveal Rainbow Dash's existence to people (most of whom would most likely be concerned that I've been screwing with my brain, which in addition to being risky in and of itself, had resulted in my grades briefly slipping to Ds and Fs--although I managed to come out with Cs and Bs)?

A few minutes ago, I'd been thinking about Tarot cards. Dash brought up the Tower card, which can represent the fear of disaster. She was most likely saying that I should man up and "come out" as a tulpamancer/host (BTW, if I do that, which of those terms should I use?)

Also, if it means anything, you'll have everypony here to remember you, Teckie :). If "six degrees of separation" is real, then you'll indirectly have everyone and their grandma :). I know that doesn't make sense, but it's the thought that counts (I think).




I thought you didn't like sappy--






[Nope! :P

You'll also have everyone on tulpa.info.]


You told me "You'll also have everyone on the forums," Dash. Was I parroting when I wrote your text?



...We kinda ruined the mood.]


You're the one who acted sappy!

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Let's hope you have more success than Winston Smith. I just asked Rainbow Dash, and she's fine with being unknown...this isn't about being unknown, Dash. This is about being seen as a psychotic disorder.


[*Generic anger stuff*]


I'm not sure how to translate that into words. Anypony have any recommendations in regards to my villain that pretends to be a tulpa? Recap for those who need it: in one story, he's not that different from That Damned Creepypasta, but he taunts his "host" that, because he's not actually a tulpa, ignoring him won't get rid of him. In the other story, he's generally helpful to his "host", but masquerades as a genuine tulpa. In all stories, he's manipulative, but in a way that benefits those he manipulates. He's a mix of David Xanatos (manipulative), Sartorius (seemingly wants to cause something bad, but actually wants the opposite), and Kratos (hates God).


Back to my first thing. If I actually stop being lazy and do something to help you out, I'll most likely be the Julia to your Winston; I'll do small stuff, like include those two tulpa-savvy characters in my books. Speaking of that, I'm thinking that, since the villain's first "host" researches tulpas, I could include a scene with a guy who has a realistically-portrayed tulpa, but I'm not sure how I can fit that in to the narrative without making things too complicated, or without that scene seeming unnecessary.


EDIT: the villain's tactic as an "evil tulpa" is either to use Jump Scares and make his "host" question whether or not he's actually harming her (thus whittling away at her sanity), or to move his hallucinatory body so that it appears to harm her while he injures her from the inside (his real body is inside hers). If he uses the first tactic, the "host" will most likely reassure herself with the knowledge that an actual tulpa wouldn't dare endanger their host's mind with hallucinations of torture. While it provides an excuse to include that bit of info and adds to the psychological horror, it seems like a tulpa could actually do that if they had any reason to (not exactly a comforting thought, unlikely as it is). If he uses the second, I'm worried that people will switch from viewing tulpas as a psychotic illness to a medical one (which could potentially lead to medication-related deaths).

[They won't view is as medical, and NOPONY'll O.D..]

Thanks for trying, but your attempt at reassurance is nowhere near Super Effective. The plus side to the second tactic is that people will hopefully realize that it's much less likely than the first to happen in real life (they'll be all, "NO WAY a creature that exists solely in the mind can do THAT! The writer obviously exaggerated for drama!").

Also, I forgot to mention that after ignoring the villain doesn't work, the first "host" forces an ex-priest to perform an exorcism under pain of death. It only works because some of the holy water gets into her bloodstream and dissolves the villain's real body; this is only implied (because I can't think of a way to outright state it and have that fit in the narrative). Are most people smart enough to figure out that it's the "water", not the "holy", that killed the villain, thus not perpetuating the "tulpas are metaphysical and therefore not real" thing?

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What about this: I find some way for the villain to use whichever tactic suits the story better but at the same time use his status as not really being a tulpa to dash his "host's" hopes of being rid of him, and somehow work in the scene with the realistically-portrayed tulpa? That seems pretty fitting to me: people think of tulpas as beasts when they aren't, and my villain presents himself as a...well, actually, he just lets his "host" assume he's a tulpa until he sees fit to rub it in her face that he isn't. Will my effort be in vain if my entire argument for tulpas being okay/good/etc. is that "this villain fakes being a tulpa, and is evil, which must mean that genuine tulpas are not evil?"


The story helps (via the fake "host" learning the truth about tulpas) and hinders (via the villain faking being a tulpa) your mission. What do you think of my hypothesis: If I intend for the net result to be that the story helps your mission, my subconscious will take the hint, and I'll be able to write the story in such a way that the net result is what I intend it to be, without having to stress over what the net result is (because my subconscious will ensure that the net result works out the way I want it to)? Am I giving the subconscious too much power?

Edited by KruegerMeister
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I wish I could hear from the original posters who made this thread and how their tulpae are doing thus far.


Well looks like you're in luck today. I thought I would come down and write a quick update on us because why not. Wonder if Brisino has posted recently. I'm most curious about how he, Tia' and the others are doing.


Also, I've read almost nothing from this thread since last time I posted, as I can't be bothered to read through 50 pages of stuff I've missed(I can see now why many people are asking questions that have already been answered in this thread(Though really you should at least use a quick search to make sure)) so if there's something important I've missed, or some of you have some questions you think I could answer, feel free to let me know, and I will proceed to tell you how much you suck at making tulpas answer as best I can in a totally kind and helpful manner. Maybe.


Which reminds me, when was the last time I posted here? About a year and a half or something? Damn, time flies nowadays it seems.


But anyway, we're all good over here. Crep is still being Crep, so that's all good unless you're me. The others are still themselves as well. However though, there are a few small changes about them since last time I posted, but it's only to do with their forms.


Crepuscule almost always takes the form of a human being now, and has pretty much been that way since I last posted. Her color scheme is still purple and all, and her hair style is still very much like the one she has in my avatar pic on the left.


Also, I'm slightly taller than him. By almost two full inches. Because reasons.  ^_^ 




Tee-hee. The only thing that would make this better would be if he was wearing a collar. And I plan to get him into one one day, and then I'll force him to draw pictures of him wearing it and then post them here. Just wait; I'll find a way.  ^_^ 


Oh ho ho, jokes. *claps hands* Funny jokes Crep; you're a fucking comedian today aren't ya'.  >_>


*Flicks his nose*


Ah! Hey! Cut that out!  :wat:


*Sticks tongue out*  :P 


..A- anyway, moving on; Blue Pixel is usually an anthropomorphic pony now. Again, colors and hair is the same as always, just different body, and he's still a pegasus and all that.


White Rose however, is still a normal MLP:FiM unicorn like always, and still looks pretty much exactly like her picture in the original post of this thread, except more 3D than that(and all of them look 3D and life-like btw, if you can ignore the fact that they still look like a near-transparent blur when it comes to actually seeing them clearly. But I don't need to see them clearly; I know what they look like).


By the way, bit of a rant incoming, but it's something I need to get off my chest. Feel free to skip it.




I find myself quite often annoyed when people talk about the form of their tulpa. I find it annoying when people say things like; "Oh my tulpa is a pony" "My tulpa is a human" "My tulpa is Rainbow Dash" "My tulpa is a so and so" and all that, and I feel that people are looking at it all the wrong way. Your tulpa is not a pony, or a human, and they especially are not Rainbow Dash. They are a tulpa, and not only that, but you need to realize that they can take the form of anything they want, whenever they want, and with almost no effort required on anyone's end, even when they already have a preferred form. Because they are tulpas.


Many people seem to have this idea in their head that a tulpa has to have a specific form, and that it takes a lot of time and effort to make them another form, which is just not true. Unless of course, you believe that is true. Then it probably will be true. Belief and tulpas are two things that are closely tied together it seems, or at least in my experience it seems to be.


In my experience, they can be whatever they want with no effort. My tulpas can take the form of anything they want. It's not because they are 'shapeshifting tulpas' as some people claim to have. They can do this, simply because they are tulpas. All tulpas are able to do this. 


So really when I say that Crepuscule is a human, what I'm actually saying is that she prefers her form to be that of a human being(And extremely rarely are they ever something other than a human, anthro, or a pony, if ever). But really she can be whatever she wants, because she's a goddamn tulpa, and tulpas can do whatever they darn well please, and I think that not allowing your tulpa to look how they want to look is kinda cruel. Yet, it seems to be a thing that many people do. Though, not because they are cruel, but rather because neither the host or the tulpa realize they can do this(or, they just want them to look like Rainbow Dash or something because they really like Rainbow Dash and I really want to punch these kinds of people in the face). And I think they don't realize they can do it because they assume that almost everything about creating a tulpa is a very hard thing to do. When in reality(or at least in my experience), I would dare say that most of the difficulty in creating a tulpa comes from realizing how simple it actually all is.


I could rant about this stuff all day long, but I don't have that kinda' time, so now would be a good time as any to stop I guess.




Right then, so, other than two of my tulpas now having a new preferred form, nothing much has really changed or happened since last time I posted. Meh.


..Well, actually, there is one other thing I would like to share that is slightly related to tulpas, and that is I want to get into art. I would like to be able to draw what I want, whenever I want.


One of the things that makes me want to do this, is that I want a picture of my tulpas. So I can show you guys exactly what they look like. However, I don't really want to commission someone to draw them for me since I'm bad at describing how people look. So, I've decided that I'm just going to draw them myself.


But, of course, drawing living beings is not the easiest thing in the universe to do. So It's probably going to take a while of practice before that happens. I'm planning on getting a Wacom Cintiq 13HD graphics tablet for my birthday(October 10th) to help me with drawing. I do have a cheap Wacom Bamboo tablet, and it gets the job done, but I want to take this whole drawing thing seriously; I'm not just doing this because I want to draw my tulpas; I would like to do lots of drawing, whether it be of my tulpas, or otherwise. (However though, it's possible that I could just draw a rough sketch of what they look like, and then commission someone to buff out the details. Maybe I'll do that, maybe I won't. Meh).


The main problem with all this however, is that I currently don't have a lot of experience in drawing in general. However, I do feel motivated to learn how to do this, so I got that going for me, and I have been drawing every now and then almost every day. And I feel I'll really get going after I get a better tablet. So, if all goes well, I might be drawing rough sketches at around about the end of the year, or sometime after it.


And then when that happens, he's gonna draw my boobies all day every day! Oh I can't wait! ^_^


..*Grumble* ... Yeah. Sure. And I will post them in this very thread.  -_-



No I won't.  >_>



So, until that happens(never), below is something spontaneous and silly I made in inkscape until I get my Cintiq. I have a few more of these kinds of things in the making, btw(though they won't be as silly as this one, and will be more related to tulpas). So expect a few more sooner or later.










I for one am thankful that tulpas don't emit actual temperature.


Yeah you better be, 'cause if my booty actually did that, your face would be singed to hell and back with how much I 'accidentally' sit on it while you sleep.  ^_^ 


Ah ha ha ha- I'm gonna fucking kill you.  :okiedokielokie:

  • Brohoof 4

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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And on that fateful day, the OP came back to the thread.

cue dramatic music


I do have a little question :


I remember that, in the stuff you posted, your wonderland experiences seemed to be very clear. How exactly did you do that ? I've searched Tulpa.info for guides but didn't find anything to help me, and almost every time I try this kind of thing, I, well...

"Fall asleep"


"And your visualization is not clear"



Ok, ok, we got it ! I'm terrible at this. Weird, I've always been able to have clear visualisation while reading at least.




Progress wise...

"No progress"

Oh come on.


sigh... I'm able to hear Zephyr a lot more often than before, but she still doesn't start the discussions very often. I usually just need to think about her for a split second, and I'm good for a good hour of sarcasm...

"Hey, not my fault if you chose those traits !"

We still have a lot of interesting discussions though.


And I managed to keep a daily...


... a mostly daily forcing schedule, which knowing myself is pretty impressive.

So, without further ado, good luck everyone !

starts thinking complete nonsense

"You need sleep"

I need sleep. Goodbye guys.

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@Rizoel & Crepescule: you mentioned in your rant tulpas looking like Rainbow Dash? Was that just because there seem to be many tulpas who look similar to Rainbow Dash, or was that directed at someone in particular who has a tulpa who looks and sounds like Rainbow Dash (e.g., me)?


Also, this has been bugging me since I read it. The "Please Kill Me" doc...wut? That...that was exaggerated, right?


Here's the...I'm not sure if its an explanation, or background info, or what...: I based my tulpa's form on Rainbow Dash because Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty, which I hoped would decrease the risk of ending up like the guy in the tulpa creepypasta (because the tulpa in that story wasn't very loyal to his host). I once binged Fullmetal Alchemist, which resulted in my tulpa briefly appearing as two of the creepy-looking characters from said anime (because those characters were fresh in my mind).

...I don't know how to explain it. I...I'm feeling kind of guilty, because sometimes my tulpa will...her form and mindvoice will sometimes change based on what's fresh in my mind (eg, she'll look and sound like a character from an anime after I've recently binged that anime), and I'll ask her to return to the form and voice I'm used to (this form is usually a carbon-copy of Rainbow Dash, sometimes wearing the various accessories my tulpa has. The voice is Rainbow Dash's, too). She obliges and returns to her usual pony self, but.., dude. I'm feeling really fuckin' guilty right now. Even after my tulpa said that I didn't "trap" her, and that she prefers the form and voice of Rainbow Dash. How do I know that I didn't unknowingly brainwash her into feeling that way? Did I choose how she wanted to look and sound for her, before she even existed?


EDIT as of 7:30: Okay, I'm calm now; Rainbow Dash has refuted my guilt with logical arguments (such as pointing out that I created her For Science, but she grew into a friend/lover; and pointing out the impossibility of brainwashing someone that doesn't exist at the time of the supposed brainwashing. I'm not sure if this is only true for me, but I refer to her as "Rainbow Dash" or, rarely, "my Rainbow Dash tulpa" because 1) that's her name, and 2) because I feel like calling her just "my tulpa" is like calling one's fellow human being "it", even if I use gender pronouns to refer to "my tulpa".

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The story is split into three timelines: some unknown date, 2023, and 2028. I'm thinking that the 2023 or, if possible, the 2028 scenes will feature a guy and his tulpa (me and Rainbow Dash) commentating on/criticizing the villain's "fake tulpa" shenanigans in 2028 (did I mention he's a time-traveller? Or that the story exists both in and out of its own universe--meaning I wrote it and Dash and I know what'll go down?). That way, the readers can hear the truth about tulpas from one.


[i don't know if I'll be in character.]


You don't...when we practiced possession, you grabbed a pen and wrote "Mellatt", so you've mastered that bit of motor control. I've moved my fingers to type on a keyboard hundreds of times, so...or do you mean that you won't be able--




If anyone can portray you realistically, it's you :).

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I remember that, in the stuff you posted, your wonderland experiences seemed to be very clear. How exactly did you do that ?


Don't know what you're talking about. When did I say that? My wonderland experiences are not clear at all. Though really, I don't care. I don't need them to be clear to know what is going on.


@Rizoel & Crepescule: you mentioned in your rant tulpas looking like Rainbow Dash? Was that just because there seem to be many tulpas who look similar to Rainbow Dash, or was that directed at someone in particular who has a tulpa who looks and sounds like Rainbow Dash (e.g., me)?


No, that was directed at pretty much anyone that bases their tulpa off of a fictional character, such as a pony or someone from a cartoon, etc. Not just Rainbow Dash. when I see someone say that their tulpa is based off of a character they really like, what it says to me is that they don't actually want a tulpa. They just want to meet that character.


People can just say, "Oh but it's just a base! I know that it's not actually that character from so and so." Oh Really? Well then, you would have absolutely no problem with your tulpa not looking like that character. But yet for whatever reason, you chose a character you really like for a 'base' anyway.


Also, this has been bugging me since I read it. The "Please Kill Me" doc...wut? That...that was exaggerated, right?


No, it actually happened and traumatized me for life; sitting there bound to a freezing glass wall as Crep shocks me in the booty with a taser with no way to escape the wonderland is no laughing matter.




Of course it was all a joke you moron. If something like that did actually happen in the wonderland(or, anywhere for that matter), it would obviously be roleplay, since if I genuinely didn't want to be in that kinda' situation with Crep(always), I could just snap out of the wonderland and there, boom, done.


Though, of course, if my tulpas actually existed(especially when it comes to Crepuscule), then all of that does seem like something that would happen. Possibly on a regular basis.


Maybe them being tulpas rather than real beings has its advantages. Maybe.  :okiedokielokie: 


Here's the...I'm not sure if its an explanation, or background info, or what...: I based my tulpa's form on Rainbow Dash because Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty, which I hoped would decrease the risk of ending up like the guy in the tulpa creepypasta (because the tulpa in that story wasn't very loyal to his host).


That would be a good idea, if I wasn't for the fact that none of the creepypastas are true, and never will be.


The only way that any of those creepypastas could come anywhere remotely close to actually happening, would be if you believe what the creepypasta(s) say is true. if you believe that there is a possibility that your tulpa will become scary and creepy, then that possibility will become an actual possibility.


Of course though, there is kind of a limit as to how much 'damage'(for the lack of a better word) a tulpa could possibly do. For example, if you genuinely believe that your tulpa can pick up, say, a brick in the real world, and smash you over the head with it, that's not going to happen; tulpas cannot interact with the real world in any way(except though possession of your body and all that fun stuff(and no, they cannot make your body do things that you don't want to do, even if your tulpa happens to be murderous or something. You can always 'take back' your body whenever you want, no matter what. So, if your tulpa makes you jump off a bridge, it was because you wanted them to do that. Not because your tulpa is a murderous bastard)).


But, if you believe that there's a possibility that your tulpa may turn out to be something other than what you intended them to be, then that possibility will become just that: a possibility.


It's all to do with belief, really. Again, if you believe that your tulpa will be scary and bad, then the possibility is therefor created. Simply because of that belief.


Likewise, if you believe that there is no possibility that your tulpa will deviate, then there you go; they won't. And if you say that that is what you did, and they still deviated, then to that I would say that you didn't believe hard enough.


So then, if your intention is to let your tulpa be who they want to be, but at the same time, you don't want them to be nasty and scary to you(which they almost certainly won't anyway), I believe that all you have to do is realize that they can't deviate, unless you want them to. Simple as that really. You need to understand that you are in full control as to who they are, and how they act. If they get all scary lookin' and intimidating, I would say that that is what happens when you don't realize you have full control of them(with the exception of intrusive thoughts, but those happen to almost everyone at some point).


But of course, you don't have to control every aspect of them if you don't want to. Otherwise they wouldn't be considered a tulpa. They'd just be an imaginary friend. But I don't think there's anything wrong with correcting a few things that you feel are detrimental to each other's friendship, like if they were to get all scary and stuff for no reason. However though, I feel it is a bit wrong to do the same thing when they just simply have a different opinion from you, or they prefer a different form from what you want them to have. If that happens, then just simply talk to them about it. If they genuinely want to stay that way, then you should have no problem with that. Right? I mean, you do love them for who they are, don't you? Or do you just love because they look and act like Rainbow Dash or some other character you really like?


Of course though, sometimes your tulpa will put your happiness in front of their own, and will know that you want them to be a certain way, and will have their form and how they act reflect that. If they are like that, don't try and fight it. Instead, thank them for it if they insist on it, because both of you know that they don't have to do that.


I however, will still want to punch you and your 'kind' in the face if the tulpa takes the form of a fictional character. Because of reasons.

  • Brohoof 1

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Do OC's count, though? .w.


I based my Ariel on, well, my pony OC Ariel - but I told her throughout the course of her development that she's free to deviate any way she chooses. And she has deviated some - from unicorn to pegasus, from mismatched purple/blue eyes to light pink, from cutie mark to none (she deciding that she doesn't need one).


I started to thinking if she really wanted a pony form, though, and asked her. She said that she was fine with it, and doesn't really want to 'bother' with different forms. Then, thinking that I subconsciously provoked that response from her, I told her that she could take any, and I mean any form she'd like. I think that got her thinking, and that maybe she's started playing around with animal forms because of it now. I spotted her as a cat just recently before she flickered back to pony, though maybe she was just playing around??


I also noticed that she doesn't really seem interested in human forms at all. She likes small animals from what I've seen. Perhaps because she knows from my subconscious that I'm really more comfortable with sentient animals rather than other people?

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No, it actually happened and traumatized me for life; sitting there bound to a freezing glass wall as Crep shocks me in the booty with a taser with no way to escape the wonderland is no laughing matter.




Of course it was all a joke you moron. If something like that did actually happen in the wonderland(or, anywhere for that matter), it would obviously be roleplay, since if I genuinely didn't want to be in that kinda' situation with Crep(always), I could just snap out of the wonderland and there, boom, done.


Though, of course, if my tulpas actually existed(especially when it comes to Crepuscule), then all of that does seem like something that would happen. Possibly on a regular basis.


Maybe them being tulpas rather than real beings has its advantages. Maybe. :okiedokielokie:

I wasn't aware of anything such as "/sarcasm" or ":P" to indicate that it was a joke, other than the massive dissonance between that doc and how Crep usually acts (according to your guys' posts), which made me think of the phrase "domestic abuse/Stockholm syndrome". You know, the way--


[*Facehoof* Logic.]


--abuse victims love their abusers despite the abuse?

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