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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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Looking back, I've noticed how my initial username has not really gone through much change since first joining the site almost a year ago. No drastic or major changes at all.










You notice what they all have in common? Obvious answer to an obvious question, I know. 




Eeyup. Always had, and most likely always will have the "sanders" in my username, no matter how I may change it. 


The true meaning behind that name goes back to my early childhood. I was really into writing short stories back then, especially stories of action and adventure.


I thought of this awesome, adventurous, and badass protagonist character whose main weapon of choice is an indestructible staff. 


I gave him like most of my personality traits, so he pretty much became part of my childhood mind and imagination. His name has absolutely no relevance to my IRL name whatsoever.


His name was David Sanders.


He basically represents my childhood and youth. 


Heck, the name was so catchy I stuck with it. Even after I stopped writing those short stories of his, his name and the memories still stuck with me. 


I shorten the first name to the initial "D" and the letter along with his last name "sanders" became my ultimate internet persona.

Edited by Dsanders
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I chose Mandy-chan cause I thought it sounded cute. Besides I perfer being called Mandy instead of my full name IRL anyways. LOL


Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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I typically rarely change my name from Hayze as I like my original name. For for only for a fre reason do I ever change. They tend to be for favorite characters. I was with Celestia, Hatsune Miku, and now Tomoko Kuroki for those very reasons.


Why Tomoko specifically? Possibly because She is a very relate-able character for me. I find her cute and funny (though she doesn't think so of her self). She's a bit of a recluse (like myself), and her situations somewhat remind me of what my High school experience was.

Edited by Tomoko Kuroki
  • Brohoof 1


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I'll describe why in as few words as possible:


Mute - I'm a quiet person

Mutt - I try to keep an open mind and therefore have a wide range of tastes and hobbies... and I love dogs  :wub:

plus it's got alliteration, yo!

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I picked my username because of my likeness of Fluttershy. She's an adorable character, and she's so sweet and nice. And, I wanted it to be a little different than just, Fluttershy.

This awesome signature was made by the amazing, Rainbow Skywalker!!!!


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I chose it in honor of the best pony eveh. RAINBOW DASH!!!! Sparkle Speed is a mix of dah speed of RD and the sparkle has nothing to do with Twilight Sparkle at all. Just pulled that one out of my hat. Sparkle Speed will eventually be my own character when I get around to drawing him up :)




-Sparkle Speed

  • Brohoof 2


• Photoshop Image Design • Giff creation •

•PM me if you need a custom avatar or signature•

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Well I made my name up about 7-8 years ago, when I was learning about greek mythology. I didn't really go on the internet until about 2009 - 2010 So internet wise it is fairly new. My name originally comes from Delphos son of  the Greek God Apollo.

Edited by Xelphos


Random white text!

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My username belongs to a fictional character I made up once back when I wanted to be a writer. The character, who was female despite the name 'Rudy' usually being associated with the male gender, was conceived as an adventurer/pirate living in a surrealistic nautical-themed post-apocalyptic world. Rudy originally existed in my head as a fun, lighthearted character, but through the years she became deranged and violent - no doubt due to my increasingly disturbed mental state. I have since lightened up somewhat and put the idea (and writing in general) on hold, so she is unlikely to ever see the light of day.


I never intended her name to become my online persona. It just kinda happened. The system asked me to enter a screen name and Rudy was the first thing that popped into my head. I have taken this to mean she's still within me, seeking vengeance for abandoning her by slowly eating me inside out. Perhaps one day I'll need to forcibly remove her through brain surgery.

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Way back in 2000, the net was new to me and I could only accsess it thru the local Public Library PC's.  I came up with this name.  Mostly in to Sailor Moon at the time It sounded cool. Shadow_Rose_2000 , and was used for a hotmail account, now lost to the seas of the internet.   I chose 2000 at the end because it sounded cool as well to me, didn't relize till later that I made the account in year 2000.  



So now here I am still using it.  I probly will continue to as long as what ever I join lets me.

  • Brohoof 1

Other's more Talented than me.




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So you wanna know why I made this is my display name on the forums? Because Sunset Shimmer is best pony, that's why. Now go make me a sandwich. 

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Until a few years ago, I had a different username for everything. It got really hard to keep track, so eventually I picked one username for all my sites. I realized it was a horrible username later, and since it stinks I won't say what it was. Of course, now I was stuck with it on many websites. To start over, I wrote down all my username ever, and realized they all were too common, and would probably be taken already on alot of sites. So that meant to make a new, unique one that could be slightly edited if taken.

When I wanted to make a pony-related username, I chose my favorite type of pony (pegasus) and just stuck immortal to it. I liked it, so now it's my handle.

I take the mathematical approach to everything, even my handle.

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I was starting a new YouTube channel and I just sat there trying to think of a name for a few minutes. Eventually I just thought, "ShockSand, that'll do, it's not like I'll ever actually get subscribers or anything." And now I'm stuck with this name. Well done me.

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It started a long time ago when I was nine. I played a game called "stick figure arena", and I chose the name super700 because I looked up some suggested names. After about 3 years, I joined the LEGO club. When I discovered that super700 was already taken, it gave me a new name choice: super2379. I have been using this name for the past couple of years, and it sticks pretty well (get it? Sticks? Because that's where it all started? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!). All awkward humor aside, that's my story.

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My username when I first joined was Pegasister1. Then I was like "pfft thats boring" so I changed it to Otaku Pinkeh Pie with the little music note. Then I didn't want people to think I was THE biggest anime fan in the whole forums because being an Otaku is like.. an achievement I have to work towards. I'm getting there. Maybe in 30 more anime I'll consider myself to be that. 
So I deleted the "Otaku" part of my username and here I am. The Pinkeh Pie. With the music note, cause that makes it cute. :3


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

What do you think of me?:


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I chose my member name cause I thought the name Amanda sounds too formal.

Thus I created my adorable nickname for the forums :3


Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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Maxos, I looked up and dug very deep in finding the meaning of the name. There is virtually nothing recorded for the name. Its a mystery in all honesty. I had first encountered the name in a game called Divinity II, though.

I wanted a name for myself that would make me completely different from others for a very long time you see, something that would make me unique. I had remembered Maxos, so I looked into the name as I said already. Only thing I could possibly turn up was the word Craft relating to Maxos or the meaning of the name was craft. I had submitted the name to a philosophy website for review and it was surprisingly accurate toward my life both past and present, maybe the future too, but that wasn't pretty. As it talked about health. Now a'days I realize that kind of review is a standardized mentions of common things that could relate to a person. Kinda like a sidekick if you will.


My name I do find sometimes taken on big websites. But usually is completely free and No body ever really has seen my name so it makes me feel special in that way when first meeting a pony. Plus the only meaning of the name Maxos being Craft makes it all the more relating to me. Because I craft and create things. I tend ta fix em too, whether is be practical problems or philosophy ones. I help people in any way I can and work hard doing so, which normally requires my skills in "crafting" things such as a server, website, music, art, video. You name it and I do it. Might be a bad thing at times. But then again I know when ta say no.


That's my name ^,^


- Maxos

  • Brohoof 1


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I've been using this name (and avatar) for as long as I can remember over the years, didn't feel right to just change it every time you stared a new forum.


A few years back I used to study in video game design and I came up with this fella in my spare time, yes he is a collection of sprites put together, but as said he was created in my spare time and I didn't put too much effort into it.

Regardless however I simply decided he wouldn't be too bad to use to represent myself on forums, so there you have it ^^


(apologies if I went off topic)

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I chose my user name cause it has two works, frozen and roses


Frozen is a representation of ice. Ice is a symbol of hate, or timelessness.

Roses symbolises love, or passion


So, my username can be interpreted as an oxymoron by viewing it as love-hate, or hate-love, Or can be viewed as something of great passion by veiwing it at timeless passion (for ponies :)* squee*)


That is why I choose my username

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I thought "what's a Quirky Username?" and after a while of trying to think of one I just went the literal approach of QuirkyUsername.

I would have gone with my gamertag TheHammerDoosh but thought I'd just keep that for gaming.

  • Brohoof 4


This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika

Hey so Johari

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Well I came up with this username based on my other alias except for ponies. I randomly came up Greyhawk but then realized it has deeper meaning.


'Grey' means a balance of black and white, like harmony, and birds are known to have good eyes and he can see ghosts, so I chose 'Hawk'

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I choose my name because it's the one I use for almost all my online activity. I chose this particular name because I thought it sounded cool and adding the y in there made it look cool.

  • Brohoof 1

In space, no one can hear you squee!

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