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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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Well in the beginning I was TheCaucasianNinja, I got it from a funny short video i made a long time ago with some friends that made fun of all those nerdy kids who think that they're ninjas. Then I got interested in steampunk music and styles and just edited up the name a little, as you can probably tell. This was all before I was a brony mind you, easily over two years ago.


Actually I have recently been considering changing my name to TheSteampunkLyre to match my profile picture, and also because Lyra is best pony (duh)

Edited by thesteampunkninja


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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I was playing tf2 with a couple of friends, then one of them randomly said, "hey look it's Lil' Tokyo!" I thought it not only funny but pretty cool, so I stuck with it. It has no relevance to any of my interests.

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I've been called Freya for a long time ^^;

My friends always compared me to the character Freya from chobits and the name stuck...

Can't really think of a pony name for myself though ):

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It's my real name. And I'm a girl...

I often wonder what the hell my parents were smoking when they came up with that one. Thanks mom and dad.

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Roughly 8 years ago i had no real name to call myself in games, enter CS:S, i joined a clan lead by a guy by the name "NoOne", i liked the idea and changed my name to "Ihavenoname", as i played on the clan server more and more, there became a recurring game in-which people would try and guess my name, and others would ask me where it went until i eventually decided that i lost it, my name from that day became "ilostmyname". I continued to use ilostmyname ever since, but as its a bit of a mouth full when it comes to talking in-game everyone refers to me as "Lost", which i prefer, so i take Lost when its available, else i just use ilostmyname.

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




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I wanted my username to be raptor but sadly that was taken. So i put a p instead of r and got pactor. Also somehow p became a c. Don't really know how that happened.


Come on everypony Smile Smile Smile

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Originally my username was Cosmic_Dashie i changed it because i wanted it to be consistent with my avatar which at the time was of Fluttershy then i remembered Cluttzershy was a nickname she had as a filly so i changed my name and avatar with that to go along with each other which i will probably keep for quite a while.

Edited by Cluttzershy
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I chose my username because it's my nickname IRL........due to my hair color....................

Not much else behind it other than that.............yeah............I know I'm boring...............

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I originally chose this name in a video game from early 2011 (anyone remember TDU2?), since I like airplanes, and cars (as in P-51 Mustang, a WWII fighter plane, and Ford Mustang, an American muscle car). It's short, simple, and has given me the nickname "Pee" in some games.


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My username currently was created to be something that was very simple yet catchy. I myself found it rather catchy and decided to be known on the internet as Book hence forth. I just find it interesting that a simple word such as Book was overlooked in the mass pool of usernames. So really this username hasn't had much history but I plan to change that.

  • Brohoof 2

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Comics :)

Odin Force= Thor's magic

Friendship is magic


I am Friendship.. See what I'm gettin' at here? *Finger guns*



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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People keep asking me why I chose my username so I'll explain here for the world to see.


There are TWO reasons why I chose thiz name:

  • I like tacos.
  • I am Mexican.
Nah. Those aren't really the reasons why I picked it. I picked the username because I was trying different combinations of random words and names. Apparently, this was the result. And I'm proud of my creation. :3
  • Brohoof 1


Life is an adventure. An adventure of mistakes, accidents, and misunderstandings.

That's what makes life life.

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I misspelled Shinobimaster when I was in Jr High, but it's a unique name that's never taken so I keep using it.



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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It was originally the name of my gaming channel on YouTube, which became my main channel after an incident happened with my first channel, LEGOMations0091. This incident forced me to delete that account. After HylianMadness became my main channel, I just began using the name everywhere. I chose the name because I was obsessed with Zelda games at the time when I created the channel, hence the "Hylian" part of it. The "Madness" part? Partly because I get very angry when I play games, and partly because I'm insane.


P.S. The rocketship endeavors to clock a horse.

how even is otter and how can it be if

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Pre and first year of internet:The_Clay

Second internet year, joining a site that wouldn't let me have _ :TheClay

Third internet year: I join Youtube so I can subcribe to things, TheClay and The_clay were taken at the time. Some people on first site called me Crazy. Made Youtube name CrazyClayofthe.

Christmas of third internet year: Got an Xbox. Didn't want my username to have of and the in it. CrazyClay was taken, CrazyClay1128 was born(11-28 is my B-Day)

5th internet year: I joined here and was too lazy to put the 1128 at the end.


That is how my Internet username has changed over the years. Also I thought of the Clay concept cause my first name is...




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One day my family decided to give code names to every family member. I can't remember why, and the names didn't stick long, but it still crosses my mind from time to time. My code name was easy to pick, since I've enjoyed reading from an early age. I haven't been called Book Worm by anyone in a long time, but it's a fitting code name. That's why it's my username, and also the name of my OC.

Half of what I say is meaningless, but I say it so that the other half may reach you.

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Well I had to put Derpy in it because derpy is best pony, and I thought with the avatar/username match up would of sounded good. I used Retro because old derpy is best derpy.

Edited by Retro✮Derpy


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I was faced with choosing a username for Minecraft some time ago. I just thought that "Doctor" is a cool-sounding title. I first tried Dr_Copper, but it was taken. I then thought to utilise my real name somehow: my last name means "wave" in English, so... there you go.

I'm bad with coming up with names, so I just started using it everywhere.

  • Brohoof 1



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