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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

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@Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @Courageous Thunder Dash @Oni Equine @Starforce

Pencil frowned. That was exactly what she wasn’t hoping to here. What’s worse is Dynamo now has to fight against the pony who tormented him earlier. It sounded very risky not just to him but to his friends as well. Could the group handle him getting hurt again?

She looked to Sparkly, who shared a look of concern. She was glad somepony did. As neat as some of the fights were, Pencil couldn’t help but think about the real risks involved. She hoped Dynamo would understand this before he went out to fight again.

“I-I know there’s probably a set of rules you have to follow as far as how you participate and who you do it with, so I get that. Might not be easy to just up and leave. Still, I feel like this tournament is getting more dangerous. You keep getting seriously injured and the crowd has to keep defending themselves from other fighters’ attacks. Well, I know the crowd is supposed to be protected, but you never know when some spell is gonna fail…a-anyways, what I’m trying to say is…is it worth it to go back out there again? Not just out to the the ring, but up against your main bully? This tournament is supposed to be fun, and I have a feeling that the stallion out there has a twisted idea of fun.” she spoke with concern.

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Courageous Thunder Dash @Oni Equine @Starforce

As he listened to Pencil's reasoning, Dynamo had thought back to everything that had happened. While Gemsworth wasn't that bad of an opponent that hurt him, he still recalled the torment that Cosmic and the others had inflicted. Along with how he had gotten himself and Bluebell hurt from Lightning striking him. It even made sense on having to deal with Lightning's storm clouds and bolts hitting the area and almost the spectators. "I guess, in a way, I might be the one causing everyone trouble, right?" He sighed softly as it might not have been what Pencil was trying to say, but still. "I don't know if that's what you mean, but I don't blame you. I was told that Lightning was pretty reckless, but I didn't think she'd be that reckless. If Cosmic and the others weren't here and participating, then I can imagine it might not have escalated to this level of danger." He paused, momentarily thinking of what would be the right thing. "I-I know I signed up to see if I could practice more with the belt and see what I was capable of. I know I'd sign up for video game tournaments, but I guess I didn't think it'd go this far. Having to go up against Cosmic, I..." He hesitated, looking at his Gamer Driver with concern. "...I don't know I'll be able to beat him. To be honest, he's much stronger than he ever was before. He was always gifted with magic, but he was never this gifted. I just can't explain the exact reason as to why that is though. I know I've been trying to have fun, but this tournament has been anything but that." 

Looking from Pencil, to Bluebell, to Sparkly, to Chelsea and then back to Pencil. Dynamo wondered if what he was participating in was worth it. "To be honest, I was considering on forfeiting after this fight. When I felt Bluebell's pain from my pendant, I really felt guilty like I hurt her. Even though I didn't lay a hoof upon her and I never will, but it still felt like I placed harm upon her." He explained, a look of guilt was present upon his expression, before turning to Bluebell. "Bluebell? I know this is my decision, but I still want to ask you. Do you think it's worth continuing? I-I know that there might be a risk of getting hurt because of the pendants, but what do you think?" He knew that it was his decision and his decision alone was what decided everything. However, he still wanted to ask Bluebell as he felt that as a couple, they could work through it together. That, and he didn't want to cause her any more pain.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger @Dynamo Pad @Oni Equine

"Everything is a-okay Dynamo! I know where the music is coming from. Normally, music hasn't played when fighters entered the arena. This could be one of Thundy's hidden abilities...which means...Thundy's heart is changing for the better!" Chelsea cheered. 

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@Dynamo Pad @Oni Equine @Ragland Tiger @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce

“Oh, no, I didn’t mean to say it was your fault!” Pencil exclaimed, her heartbeat rising slightly due to worry. “It’s just this tournament as a whole, really. Personally, I saw it as dangerous from the beginning but I know some fighters did their absolute best to keep it clean, you included. I just think some things have gotten out of hoof, especially with Cosmic involved. He was brutal to you before and I doubt he’ll be any less brutal now that he’s permitted to fight you…”

“To expand upon what Pencil Pouch is saying…” Sparkly interjected. “The tournament is meant to establish peace between fighters but if anyone gets too caught up in it or uses more power than they mean to, it could result negatively. This is highly based on the perspectives of Pencil and I. We see fighting and conflict as a danger, not a sport. I do believe that you mean for it to be a sport, but Cosmic may see it as more than that.”

Pencil turned to Chelsea who mentioned hearing some strange music. She also mentioned that Thundy’s heart was changing, which was a surprise to say the least. Intrigued, Pencil asked,

“How’d Thundy develop that kind of ability?”

Edited by ExplosionMare
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@ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger @Dynamo Pad

”Thundy has a strong musical background. He can play piano, saxophone, guitar, drums and bass. He can also play pipe organ as well. He often thinks of songs for certain situations and now with this hidden ability, if he’s near a speaker, there’s a chance the song starts playing from the speaker.” Chelsea explained. 

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@Ragland Tiger @Oni Equine @ExplosionMare @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce

Upon learning that Pencil had meant something differently, Dynamo had let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Thank you for clearing that up, but it's like I was mentioning before. Whether you had meant it as what I thought, or what you meant now. I still don't blame you as this tournament does seem to be getting out of hoof now." He explains, nodding in understanding as his eyes glanced towards the ring. "I'm not much of a fighter, but I did like the idea of the tournament bringing peace and friendship between others. With how Lightning had fought, I can see where it got out of hoof. Even when I saw Calhoun lose one of his horns, I almost didn't want to believe it." Glancing back to the others, he shook his head at the mention of Cosmic. "The worst part is that he's always been like that. A sense of superiority, while thinking he can get away with anything he choses to lay harm upon. That's basically how it went when I knew him from years ago." He explained, knowing that the others might have questions on his relationship with the neon green unicorn, as well as the teammates. 

"I've seen some anime where fighting tournaments are treated as a sport. Sure, they go a bit far in regards to how a fight is handled, but it never goes to the extreme. Unless they anime wants to build some sort of dramatic effect or something along those lines. Although, Cosmic doesn't see it as a sport. He sees it as some way to get payback upon me, or to anyone that stands against him and the others." He says, nodding as he understood both Pencil's and Sparkly's combined reasoning. Turning towards the female griffon, Dynamo listened on as Chelsea explained what Thundy was going through. "Thundy has a hidden ability that plays music?" He asks, before being told of the ability. Needless to say, Dynamo whistled as he was impressed. "Now that's a collection of instruments. I have taken interest in a guitar, but I've never played before. I remember Bluebell and I won some guitars during our date yesterday. So, I think I might try and see if I'm able to learn how to play guitar. I can imagine it might be difficult, but I think it would be pretty fun." He smiled softly, while the explanation Chelsea said had kept Dynamo wondering. "I'm with Pencil on this one. How did he develop the ability? Does it help in regards to the abilities that he has now?"

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9 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

Looking from Pencil, to Bluebell, to Sparkly, to Chelsea and then back to Pencil. Dynamo wondered if what he was participating in was worth it. "To be honest, I was considering on forfeiting after this fight. When I felt Bluebell's pain from my pendant, I really felt guilty like I hurt her. Even though I didn't lay a hoof upon her and I never will, but it still felt like I placed harm upon her." He explained, a look of guilt was present upon his expression, before turning to Bluebell. "Bluebell? I know this is my decision, but I still want to ask you. Do you think it's worth continuing? I-I know that there might be a risk of getting hurt because of the pendants, but what do you think?" He knew that it was his decision and his decision alone was what decided everything. However, he still wanted to ask Bluebell as he felt that as a couple, they could work through it together. That, and he didn't want to cause her any more pain.

Bluebell felt the heat of a tear escaping her eye.  "I-I-I'll be honest,"she said, "I'm sc-scared for y-y-you.  I also th-think you-you need to face hi-him down, to let him n-n-know that, win or l-lose, he can't dom-dominate you anymore.   Give m-m-me your pendant.  That w-way, you won't have to worry abo-about me, and I'll k-keep it s-s-safe."




Edited by Ragland Tiger




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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Oni Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce

Hearing that something big was coming had Dynamo's curiosity piqued. However, he still couldn't help in worrying over his friend and brother. "I'll take your word for it, Chelsea. I just hope that whatever happens, I just hope that Thundy will make it through this." He says, taking notice of Bluebell, who had a tear escaping from her eye. Seeing her feel this way, as well as her thoughts had broke his heart. He knew that he didn't want to cause her pain, but he was surprised that she mentioned to him that he should face Cosmic. He knew that his bully needed to be stopped, but he wasn't sure it was worth the risk in putting Bluebell, or anyone else in danger. Wrapping his forelegs around her, the gaming unicorn held Bluebell close to provide comfort and to let her know that he was here for her. "Thank you for telling me, Bluebell. I'm scared for you, as well. I know you're strong, but I'm still worried that you might get hurt." He started, hearing the bespectacled mare mention about holding onto his pendant.

He wasn't sure if either one not wearing their pendant would stop the shared feeling of them receiving each other's pain. However, he felt that was a good idea to test out. "I know that Cosmic will stop at nothing if he wins or loses, but I guess, in a way, I-I want to still try. I want to show him that friendships can be made in different ways and that it can go a long way. It might be a bit of a stretch, but I want to stand up to him and finally put an end to this. His bullying has been going on since we were young colts and I only stood up to him after gaining my cutie mark and magic. I thought it was going to be the end of the bullying, but I guess it was just wishful thinking." He started, slowly taking off the pendant he had worn around his neck. Holding the necklace in a levitation spell, he soon ceased his magic as he placed the gem in his open front right hoof. Looking at it for a moment with delicate and care, before looking towards Bluebell. "If you think facing Cosmic is the right thing, then that's what I'm going to do. Win or lose, I want to tell him that he can't treat others the way he's been treating them anymore. Also, I promise you, Bell. I promise that I'll do my best and come back to you." He smiled softly, gently placing their foreheads together as he wiped the stray tear from her eye. Even though he wasn't wearing the pendant, he still looked at Bluebell with all the love and affection he had in his heart for her. Pulling back slightly, he leaned in to give her a kiss, before pulling her in to a tight, yet comforting hug.

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@Dynamo Pad, @Courageous Thunder Dash

"Oh! Your turn? Ganbatte, niisan!!" Samurai calls out to Thundy as he heads off to begin his match, complete with musical introduction music that he must have summoned up.

As Samurai watches, he sees Dynamo in the stands with other spectators, talking to Chelsea and many others. He waves, but they probably can't even see him from this distance. For now, it's Samurai's turn to watch the drinks. "I guess I missed otoutosan's big victory. I heard lightning sounds early. I wonder if he used some kind of electrical attack to win. Either way, I am proud of him." For now, Samurai waits.

In the gym,

Fold holds up an arm, and the shurikens un-wedge themselves from the door frame and fly back to him. "That's none of your concern." Fold replies to Frozen as he catches his own shurikens and hides them again. Alhimar mentally sighs relief, but continues making notes. Fold's not saying anything, but between Cosmic, Cheap, and Frozen, surely ONE of them would notice Alhimar spying on them? I doubt either of them would feel to happy about that, especially if Cosmic is still feeling angered.


@Dynamo Pad, @Courageous Thunder Dash

Elusive happily claps to the beat as Thundy makes his entrance.


And then nothing. "Uhh... Bingo? Are you still here? You're suppose to report to the arena! If you don't show up, that means you forfeit." Elusive announces once more. "Oh! That's me!! That's me!!" The faint sound of the opponent can be heard as he leaves the backstage area and runs onto the arena. It's Bingo the diamond dog. "Here I am! Is my turn to fight! Yes. I remember now." He says. "Oh! You're the other fighter? Just to make sure, who are you again?" Elusive asks, surprised to see a diamond dog of all things. The question makes him growl angrily. "You all ready SAID who I am! Bingo is my name! B - I - N - G - O! B - I - N - G - O! Bingo is my name!" He insists. "OH! And bingo was his name-oh! B - I - N - G - O! B - I - N - G - O! B - I - N - G - O! And bingo was his name-oh!" The crowd says immediately after him, getting a humorous kick out his name. It makes Bingo look around, first out of confusion, then out of joy. "They... They know me? They know me!! They know Bingo!! Bingo is loved~!" He begins hopping around, directing the crowd in song. "B - I - N - G - O! B - I - N - G - O! B - I - N - G - O! And Bingo is MY name, oh!" He sings along with the crowd as he directs them.

Elusive just looks away to have a quick giggle. "Well then, good luck fighters." Elusive says before taking her place with the other judges.



Mayor Black opens a new soda and looks at the crowd as the diamond dog breaks them all out into song. "...Am I going crazy? I thought this was a fight, not nursery rhyme hour."

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@Oni Equine @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare

Thundy chuckled. "Oh that song takes me back!" Thundy said with a smile as he got into a fighting pose. He gathered some electricity and made his Tae Kwon Do Uniform appear along with his 3rd degree black belt around his waist. "It's the bracket match, so let's take things up a little." Thundy said to Bingo. "Let's see what you got. I'll give you first strike." Thundy offered, wondering what Bingo's first attack would be. 

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@Oni Equine

In the gym,

As the shuriken become un-wedged from the doorframe, Cosmic and the trio watched as the weapons flew back towards the giant arachnid. "That's very impressive. I didn't know that you could call shuriken back to you. What's your secret? Do you have a hidden line of your webbing to act like an invisible string/wire? Gives the impression that you are using telekinesis, but it's more towards your characteristics." Cosmic commented, before raising an eyebrow at Fold's cold reply. He was still angered by Samurai's words, but he tried to keep a level head. "You should take a breather and relax, Fold. It may not be of our concern, but Frozen was only curious. As am I as it seems you and I have different enemies, but share the same kind of hatred. It seems that the freak did something to get you on your bad side? Would it be fine to ask? You said that you owe me a favor, correct? If so, then maybe I can help you, as well. Depends on what that could be, but we'll never know if you don't give us that info. So, care to share?" It was a bit of a long shot, but Cosmic felt it was worth a try. Based on what Fold had said, it seemed as if there was a mutual understanding towards each other.

As the group was having their discussion, Frozen's eyes had glanced towards the door frame. For some reason, he thought he had seen someone poking their head around the door frame. Using his forearm to nudge Cheap's shoulder, the pegasus had pointed towards the door frame. All the while, keeping the conversation between the pegasus and earth pony to a whisper. "Follow my lead and stay quiet. No, not just stay quiet. Stay a few feet apart, before I give the signal." Cheap saluted as he followed behind Frozen, but made sure to keep his distance. Making his way towards the door frame, Frozen was met with what appeared to be a zebra, who was writing things down. Making sure he was hidden, he noticed that it appeared to be notes of some sort. "Hey, there. What do you have there? Working on a secret project for this town or tournament?" Glancing back towards Cheap, he nodded as he gave the signal for the earth pony to strike. "Hey, boss! It looks like we have a spy amongst the group! He wants to take notes to Drool Pad, so his group can beat us!" The reason for the note taking was unknown, but it was okay for them to spin the reasoning up a bit. Hearing this, Cosmic's expression contorted into that of anger. Slowly turning his head towards the door, his lips formed into a devious smirk. "Oh? Well, if that spy doesn't come out in the next ten seconds, then I'm going to make sure that they regret doing what they are doing. Also, Fold? Would you care to lend a leg? I find it rude and wrong to spy on an opponent. Wouldn't you agree?" He asks, looking back to give the arachnid that same sinister smirk. Knowing that the group was about to have their fun.

@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Oni Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce

As he looked at Thundy entering the arena, Dynamo had thought he had seen Samurai, who was wishing Thundy luck on the fight. He thought he saw his friend and brother wave, before waving back to the asian pony. He wasn't entirely sure, but he wanted to wave just in case. Looking to see where the other fighter was, Dynamo tilted his head as it seemed that Bingo was nowhere to be seen. He felt bad for whoever Thundy was fighting as he knew it would be bad if one was to forfeit. However, it seemed that the fighter was to emerge as a diamond dog had exited the waiting room. "A diamond dog, huh? I heard that they are somewhere near Ponyville, but I think they live on the outskirts. At least, from what I learned in school, but this is my first time seeing one." Hearing Bingo call out his name in song reminded the gaming unicorn of the old Bingo song. It helped that everyone began to sing along with the diamond dog, while Dynamo chuckled with a smile. "I'm not sure if that was intentional or unintentional, but at least he knows how to entertain the crowd." He says, while wondering how this fight would turn out between Thundy and Bingo. 

Once the fight began, the gaming unicorn noticed Thundy was wearing a fighting uniform. "Did Thundy just allow Bingo to make the first move?" He asks, making sure if everyone else had heard what he had heard. "I wonder if he's testing out how strong Bingo is, or if he has a plan in store." He says, wondering what Thundy had in mind for his opponent.

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@Dynamo Pad

At first, Fold says nothing. He doesn't want to be guilted or blackmailed into fulfilling a favor like that. But when word of a spy spreads out, Fold steps backwards and finds some shadows to hide in.

At first, Alhimar doesn't know how to respond. He jumps a little at being discovered, but he doesn't want to step out. Then suddenly, Fold appears behind him and pushes him into the gym. "Ah! It... It's not as it seems." The arabian-looking zebra tries to defend himself, startled.


@Dynamo Pad, @Courageous Thunder Dash

"It seems Dingo has all ready won part of the crowd over, but I don't think he was intending this." Mayor Black commentates. "No, he most certainly was not. He was just explaining who he is; it's only coincidence that he shares a name with a popular nursery rhyme. And now Bingo things the audience loves him. It's precious." Straightaway adds, trying not to laugh at Bingo's misunderstanding.

"Hehe~! B - I - ...N?" Bingo's moment of sharing a song with the crowd is interrupted when he hears Thundy talking to him. He turns and faces Thundy, pointing himself. "Who, me? I fight first? Okay~! You not pony. You not Cosmic pony either. But I fight you, if that what you want." Whipping out his rather large and sharp claws, Bingo charges toward Thundy, and begins to furiously swipe at him once he gets close! Even a casual observer can tell these are not claws you want to be on the receiving end of.



Mayor Black sighs in relief when the audience stops singing. "...I feel like I should be at the office right now. I think I'll finish watching the first round of matches, then I'll go back to the office and see if there's anything important I need to do."

Edited by Oni Equine
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@Oni Equine @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare

Thundy moved left, then right, then left, dodging the swipes. At a certain point, Thundy saw an opening for a nasty turning side kick. He went for it and if it hit, it would deal quite the damage, plus have a chance at knocking the wind out of Bingo for a certain amount of time. 

Chelsea smiled at Thundy's moves. "That's gonna hurt if that lands..." Chelsea said. 

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@Oni Equine

Watching the giant arachnid hide within the shadows was all the answer that Cosmic needed. It didn't take long for Alhimar to be captures by Fold, who appeared out of nowhere and pushed the potential spy into the gym. Hearing the pony's pleas was music to the group's ears. "Oh, really? If it's not what it seems, then why are you hesitating?" Frozen took a few steps towards Alhimar, a cold, yet calculating look upon his face. "I can tell when someone is lying. The startled look in your eyes, the hesitation on what to say, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end. You're in no position to lie to us." Frozen commented, yet he felt somewhat guilty for doing what he had said. Even the cold, calculating expression on his face was beginning to dissolve. While it may have been true, would it have been right if Calhoun was in a similar situation? His moment to ponder was cut short by Cheap, who jumped in close towards the Zebra. "Yeah! It's not right to spy, unless you want to cut us a deal. We get information from you and you might get some information from us. Provided, this information is the juicy, gossip kind." He says, rubbing his front hooves together as he was ready to strike up a deal.

Cosmic's expression stayed the way it was, holding up a hoof to his teammates to settle down. "Now, why should we believe a word you say? If you weren't spying, then you shouldn't have been hiding behind the door frame. If that's not spying, then what was it? You better not lie to me, or you will end up regretting it." His eyes flashed red as he was giving Alhimar no room to be making demands.

@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Oni Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce

Upon hearing Cosmic's name from Bingo, Dynamo had raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Huh? H-How does Bingo know who Cosmic is?" He asks, trying to recall if Cosmic and Bingo had ever met up or even spoke to each other in the waiting area. He didn't have much time to think as the diamond dog had extended his large and sharp claws. "I hope Thundy knows what he's doing. Those claws look pretty sharp. If any of those hits connect, then he's going to be in trouble." He says, while watching the male griffon dodge each swipe being thrown at him. All before seeing Thundy going for a kick to Bingo's side. As he heard Chelsea's remark of the hit, Dynamo had stayed silent as he waited for what would happen between the two fighters.

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@Dynamo Pad

"No! No! The shifty red pony lies. I am not trying to help out anyone. These notes are for my eyes only, not for anyone else." Alhimar says, trying to defend himself, hiding his notes in his clothing. "He's gauging us, trying to find weaknesses he can use against us in the tournament. If not for anyone else, then for himself." Fold says. Alhimar stays quite after that, his nervousness speaking for itself. "Eh... I... It is a tournament? Know thy enemy to defeat thy enemy?" Alhimar peeps, keeping a hoof over where he keeps his book of notes.


@Courageous Thunder Dash

The kick does indeed connect. However, it doesn't do quite the same level of damage as Thundy hoped. For Bingo's hyde is as tough and thick as rock. Bingo barely even flinches over it. "You hit Bingo. BINGO HURT YOU!" In retaliation, he leaps and tries to get Thundy into a fearsome vice grip of a hold.



Mayor Black nods. "If I remember correctly, there should be three more first round matches after this. We'll head to the office when those are over." He takes a look at the time then at the match again. "This Bingo seems more like a flea-bitten mutt than a fighter."

Edited by Oni Equine
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@Oni Equine @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare

"Let's turn it up! Haaah!" Thundy yelled powering up to his SSJ2 form. An aura burst spread through the area as Thundy powered up.

He was still in his uniform, but his appearance changed into his Super Saiyan 2 state with the yellow aura and crackling electricity. He got out of the way...and grabbed Bingo by the tail. He lept up into the air and flung Bingo towards the ground, in hopes he would slam hard. 

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@Oni Equine

Hearing him being called out had caused Cheap's eyes to shrink in shock. "How dare you! You accuse me of being a liar! If you're so sure of yourself, then prove it! Prove that I'm lying!" He snarled as his nostrils flared. His eyes briefly flashing red, before Fold began to explain what Alhimar was all about. Cosmic gave Cheap a look to let him know to stand down. Taking a deep breath and sighing rather obnoxiously, the burgundy earth pony combed his mane back with his hoof. "Your nervousness pretty much shows how much trouble you are truly in." Frozen noted, seeing the look of fear in Alhimar's eyes. It didn't help that he could see the zebra was trembling. "Very good. So, you know that this is a tournament, yes? If so, then I do respect the idea of knowing your opponent in order to win. However, what you're doing is all outdated. Everyone can adapt in the middle of a match. If you aren't able to adapt and have to use notes in order to win, then either they or you don't deserve to win. Let's face it, smart guy. Anyone can simply take those notes and study. It's almost like writing a cheat sheet for a test. You're way out of your league." He clicked his tongue a few times to show his disappointment. All the while, walking around the zebra as if being a shark circling around its prey. "Now I say that it won't work, but why would I say that? Oh, it's quite simple really. No matter what you write about me, you'll never be able to hold a candle against me. Not even your notes can save you from what I have." 

@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Oni Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce

As Thundy's kick connected, Dynamo was surprised that the attack didn't send the diamond dog flying. "Uh oh! Now Bingo's mad." He would say as Thundy's opponent tried to retaliate. "I know Thundy is strong, but I didn't think that Bingo would be that durable. I guess diamond dogs have tough hyde's." He says, watching as Thundy had powered up into his SSJ2 form to avoid Bingo's vice grip. As he grabbed Bingo's tail, the gaming unicorn watched as the diamond dog was grabbed by the tail, before being flung towards the ground. "I hope Thundy has a way to deal with that tough hyde. It looks like Bingo had to have Thundy take it up a notch if he had to use that form." He noted, remembering how Lightning had forced Dynamo to transform due to the Gamer Driver.


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@Dynamo Pad

"It's not a bad strategy. Information reconnaissance has often helped many fighters gain an edge over their victims. ... If I had to guess, that's how you won your fights up until now, isn't it?" Fold asks Alhimar while Cosmic circles and intimidates him. Alhimar nearly falls on his knees. He looks down at the ground. "Perhaps you do have more surprises than I know of, but my eyes are as sharp as ever. I see even the smallest of details. I could tell those shurikens were not actually made of metal. I can tell that the red shifty pony slicks his hair back when he is frazzled, but he missed a few stands just to the right. And you Wrath... Or Cosmic... You're up to something. I'm not sure what, but I can tell. And just so you know, the audience and some of the fighters have begun analyzing you. Magical prodigies don't come around every day, like Elusive was saying. Ponies like that are usually well known." He looks at Cosmic directly. "When talk like this begins to spread, it can lead to rumors and investigations~ All eyes are on you now; not just mine. Let's hope that doesn't play out against you. As a fellow fighter, I felt it was only wise to give you a fair heads up." ...And as soon as Alhimar sees an opening, he makes a mad dash and leaves the room, not interesting in anything else Cosmic has to say.

Fold crosses his arms, and sits down. "The zebra's words are meaningless. This is a spectator's sport. All eyes are on everyone today." Fold comments.  


@Courageous Thunder Dash

"Oh my! Thundy seems to have engaged in a magical transformation of his own! Now I'm beginning to want one." Mayor White says. "I wonder how many fighters are capable of this?" Elusive asks.

Bingo is completely caught off guard when the hug doesn't hit and he is carried off by his tail. He makes some animal grunts before he is dropped. As he plummets, Bingo howls like a wolf and tucks into a spin. The spin gives him just enough forward momentum to fall back into the ring instead, but Bingo lands on his head and he collapses on the arena floor. "Oww... Bingo hurt self." He sits up and rubs his aching head. "Why Bingo doing this? I not hate Thundy bird. I want to hurt Cosmic pony~! But only cause voice in head told me to. ... I know what I can do!"

Hopping up, Bingo takes off his tee-shirt, wrapping it around the top of his head. His shirt is a dirty orange color. He begins to dance around. "Ooh, ooh, ooh! Now I am super, like you~!" He points at Thundy. Does this mean he's imitating Thundy's transformation? "Bingo not want to be bad to you, but Bingo MUST win! Must defeat you so Bingo can beat up Cosmic pony, then Bingo save town, and Bingo be hero to EVERYONE!" Finding his raw strength, Bingo begins to rips and tear sections of the arena into pieces! And as he does so, he begins tossing the jagged pieces at Thundy.



Mayor Black sees the staff stepping up to make magical shields again, just in case. "...On second thought, maybe my brother's tournament idea isn't such a good one after all. Not if something keeps falling from the sky like this."

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@Dynamo Pad @Oni Equine @ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger

"And I want to win too!" Thundy shouted as he saw the projectiles flying towards him. Thundy closed his eyes and pulled out a relatively new memory. He was now wearing a black jacket with a large blade tucked in it. His dreadlocks were now blonde. Thundy had taken on Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy. Because he still had the power of SSJ2 inside, the "Limit" was 95% full. Thundy pulled out the blade proclaiming: "Genkai wo Koeru! Haah!" with a blue aura bursting forth. Thundy charged and slashed through the projectiles creating some sort of symbol with his slashes. He then tossed the blade up into the air and went in for a limit-breaking punch right to the chest of Bingo, which if hit, would deal a lot of damage. 

Chelsea realized she didn't answer Dynamo's question. "Oh! So sorry! What I meant by liability was that whoever did the deed would be 100% responsible. If Lightning Dust hurt someone with that stunt of hers, she'd have to pay up." Chelsea explained as she heard Thundy shout something in Japanese. "Thundy always full of surprises." She commened. 


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@Dynamo Pad @Courageous Thunder Dash @Ragland Tiger @Oni Equine

“Yeah, there was quite a bit of damage, wasn’t there? I just hope no on was seriously injured. I also hope you don’t get seriously injured, especially all you went through today with those guys.” Pencil replied to Dynamo, referring to the bullies generically so she wouldn’t upset Dynamo with their names.

She had her doubts and fears about the tournament but it seemed that, regardless of the situation, Dynamo had control of his situation in the tournament. Fighting Cosmic would not be easy, but if he applied enough focus and skill to his techniques, he could win. Pencil wasn’t sure what winning would prove to Cosmic, but it would be much better than losing.

“Be careful out there, Dynamo Pad,” Sparkly warned. “Do your best if you must go out there and be aware of your surroundings. Do not let Cosmic or anyone else deceive you or make you weak.”

Pencil perked up when Chelsea told the group that Thundy was on his way to achieving a pure heart. She clapped excitedly in response. Sparkly was curious, since she had never heard of a pure heart before.

“What does having a pure heart mean? Is it a measure of character and morality or something else entirely?” she inquired.

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@ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @Oni Equine

“A pure heart unlocks so many things, a stronger emotional connection and no rage outbursts at all. What it requires is for someone to let go of anger held on due to past events and other hard struggles.” Chelsea explained. 

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@Oni Equine

"Be it as it may, it's not right to spy. The best way to gather intel is through watching. Spying can be a tactic that only gets you so far. Only for it to end up backfiring. Just as logical as how we found out, then someone else will find out." Frozen commented, Cheap huffing as he tried to fix some of his slicked mane that Alhimar had mentioned. "I slick my mane back to make sure I look as professional as possible. Unless you tend to get on my bad side and push the wrong button sequence. In that case, then my mane will really get frazzled." Cheap responded, unknowingly giving more information for the zebra to write down. "With how you takes notes as information, you do have a mind wise beyond your years. Even if others try to analyze me, they'll never be able to stop me. You're right that prodigies don't come around often, but you'll see that I'm the exception. Not well known? Oh, you poor, naive, simple fool. I may not be well known, but I'll be well known soon enough. By the end of this ridiculous tournament, I'll be known as one of the greatest prodigies Equestria has ever known." He smirked, raising an eyebrow as if a thought had occurred to the neon green unicorn. "Oh? Thanks for the tip, but it's unnecessary. I want all of their eyes upon me to see what they've all done. Everyone who has ever known or crossed my paths will regret the day they decided to stand against me." With a blink, he saw Alhimar had made a run for it. "HEY! Get back here, coward!" Cheap exclaimed as he was about to pursue the escaped fighter, but was stopped by Cosmic. "Let him go, Cheap. He's not a threat to us. So, he told us what he and the others are thinking. Let them think what they want. It's just like what Fold had said."

Looking to the giant arachnid, Cosmic could only nod in agreement. "It may be a spectator sport, but it's not a sport to us. Everyone will soon see what happens when you get on our bad side." He started, before his eyes trailed back up towards the giant creature. "Speaking of which, I don't believe you told us what your connection with the freak is all about. I don't know if you care to tell us, but I am rather curious. Besides, any friend of his is an enemy of mine. So, it only helps if I know what I'm dealing with. So, care to fill us in?"

@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Oni Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce

As Bingo tucked into a spin, Dynamo winced as the diamond dog had slammed head first onto the arena floor. "Oh, that had to hurt." Shuddering slightly, before taking notice of Bingo taking off his shirt to tie around his head. Tilting his head in confusion, the gaming unicorn tried to figure out what the diamond dog was up to. "Is he trying to imitate the same way that Thundy had transformed into? I guess the phrase imitation is the best form of flattery fits well in this situation." Upon hearing Bingo mention that he wanted to be a hero, Dynamo couldn't help himself in smiling. "I'm not entirely sure how or why Bingo is so fixated on Cosmic, but it's nice to know his heart is in the right place." Almost as if he was proven wrong, the gaming unicorn watched as Bingo began tearing sections of the ring into pieces. "Uh...is that okay for him to do that? I mean, I thought there was a rule about not destroying the ring or causing any sort of damage." He wondered as his jaw dropped in disbelief from witnessing what was going on. All the while, pieces of the ring were being hurled like projections towards the male griffon.

As Thundy transformed once again, Dynamo had wondered what his friend and brother had transformed into this time. He couldn't tell for sure based on the jacket or change in dreadlocks. Squinting his eyes slightly at the blade that was drawn, however, his eyes widened as he soon understood. "I recognize that blade! That's the Buster Sword. The same one that Cloud uses from Final Fantasy. The Buster Sword allows him to go into the signature Omni-slash, but it can becomes stronger with the use of fusion swords. At least, that's what I've heard as I'll have to admit. I never really played much of the Final Fantasy games. Except for ones like the Dissidia games." He blushed in embarrassment as he thought it might be embarrassing to not play a game that others might have had. As a blue aura burst forth, Dynamo's ears perked as he recognized the words being spoken. "I-I think that means...To go beyond the limits. It's something Cloud had always said before performing his limit move, or when he was powered up in Smash Brothers." He explained, watching as Thundy charged forward with each slash from his blade. As he was about to throw a punch, Dynamo's eyes glanced towards Chelsea, who had explained what she had meant in regards to the word 'liability'. "Oh, okay and no need to apologize, Chelsea. I always thought the word liability was what I was mentioning and didn't know it had a double meaning of sorts. Now I see what you were trying to say. I'm sorry for any confusion and thank you for clearing that up. You can also say that again." He says, nodding in agreement about Thundy being full of surprises.

Glancing over towards Pencil, Dynamo nodded as he understood who the purple mare was referring to. "Thank you and same here, Pencil. Those three have caused nothing, but trouble since they've come here. I just hope that they can be stopped so that nobody will have to suffer at the hooves of them. Also, thank you, Sparkly." He looked over towards mare sitting next to Pencil, who had spoken her thoughts of the potential battle ahead. "I have to admit that if it was back then, I probably would have believed those three. Now, however, I want to say that it's different. Hearing what each and every one of you had said really helped me to realize that I have something very special to me. Friends and loved ones that I know who are truly with me." He nodded, looking towards Chelsea, Pencil and Sparkly with a soft smile. Looking towards Bluebell, he smiled softly once more as he gently nuzzled her to reassure her that everything would be okay. Along with letting her know that he was here for her. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"You will understand when my match with Samurai Equine comes. If I had my way, it would be sooner rather than later..." For now, Fold returns to the shadows to meditate, and vanishes. He could be anywhere now.


@Courageous Thunder Dash

"Just as a reminder, this is the finals, which means we do allow room for greater amounts of damage to the arena." Mayor Black explains. "However, the catch is that if you are going to tear up the ring, you better be able to fly. Because once that arena is gone, it's just the raw ground underneath." Straightaway says. "And if you touch the ground once the arena is out of the picture, then you will be disqualified." Elusive adds.

In the middle of burrowing the arena to bits and throwing them, Bingo sees Thundy coming in for a punch. "ARF!!!" To Thundy's surprise, Bingo actually stops what he is doing, leans in, and bites Thundy's fist. ... But that doesn't stop the punch from dealing some damage anyways! The punch pushes Bingo back with a dog-like yelp and makes him land at the far opposite end of the arena square on his back. "Bingo hurting..." Feeling winded, Bingo does his best to get back up again, with a little bit of a limp. He tries to put his t-shirt back on, but it gets stuck and he blinds himself. "Bingo cannot see! Bingo cannot see!!"



"Well, it seemed entraining at first, but..." Mayor Black sees how this match is playing out. "...This mutt isn't very smart, is he? If Thundy wins, do you think that counts as animal cruelty?"

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Reality has been walking for a while, knowing that he has to look for a place to stay before it gets dark. Just as he was ready to turn back, he saw a sign that said 'Welcome to Friendshire' pointing towards a dirt path. Think that he has nowhere left to go and a bit tired from carrying his saddlebags for a while, Reality decided to walk down the path, hoping that he might find somewhere to stay.

As he walked, he was expecting to see a small village or community, but was internally surprised when he saw that Friendshire was almost as big as Canterlot. With his curiosity growing, he stopped in front of the town's entrance, even tipping his hat up to get a better view of the large town.

"So this is Friendshire, this place is bigger than I thought." Reality thought to himself.

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