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I've been drawing drawing for a long time now and I should have made my very own topic here to dump my drawings. Oh well, Never late than never. 

A short introduction from me. Heya! I am Nihi The Brony. You can call me Nihi or Naiya, I have been drawing for a long time now and never had the Idea to create one of these Topics here. So yeah, You'll be seeing a few of my drawings here from now on. Let us start of posting my OC, Her name is Summer Solair.  She's been my OC since I've joned the fandom.


Summer Solair, Fairly old drawing of mine. Also, Here is DA, NihiTheBrony Give me a little watch if you want to se more.


Edited by Naiya The Brony
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9 hours ago, StarrySkyDash said:

Hello Naiya! I'm pleased to meet you and your art looks very nice :P


Heya, Thanks for dropping by and Nice to meet you too :D.

6 hours ago, Eniac said:

That is a great piece of art:pinkie:


Thank you :)

6 hours ago, Super Splashee said:

What a nice shiny mane! Really awesome drawing there! :sassy:

Haha, I always get comments on her mane being shiny. Thank you :ButtercupLaugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I tried redrawing and redesigning my old OC, Lime Peridot, which is Solair's best friend. I haven't actually drawn her that much and It feels refreshing seeing her drawing in my recent style of drawing. Also, I tried a different method of drawing her eyes which is kind of different with how I currently draw my eyes with most of my drawings.

Here is my last drawing of her way back in 2015.



Here is her recent drawing.




Edited by Naiya The Brony
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  • 4 months later...

Hey Hey, it's me again. Been a while since I posted here. Heh, probably because I haven't done any drawing on my characters since I have been focusing too much on my commission but I promised myself to draw some personal art for myself as a break from doing my commissions. Sooo... I have drawin my main OC, The mascot on about the majority of my online art account. Summer Solair . She has been my main OC since I have joined the fandom, tis a crime that I have not drawn her quite often so I redrew her, probably gave her a redesign a bit. So here is her latest drawing.



Also this kind of serves as a redraw since her old design and my arts style change over the past few years. So yeah here is the evolution of Summer Solair's design.

First Design, Made by Seeker Of Destiny



Second design, Made by me Using Inkscape



Third design is her previous lastest drawing, made by me



Fourth design is her recent and probably the final one, made by me



Anyway, Thank you for coming by.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 2020-05-03 at 12:38 PM, Naiya The Brony said:

I've been drawing drawing for a long time now and I should have made my very own topic here to dump my drawings. Oh well, Never late than never. 

A short introduction from me. Heya! I am Nihi The Brony. You can call me Nihi or Naiya, I have been drawing for a long time now and never had the Idea to create one of these Topics here. So yeah, You'll be seeing a few of my drawings here from now on. Let us start of posting my OC, Her name is Summer Solair.  She's been my OC since I've joned the fandom.


Summer Solair, Fairly old drawing of mine. Also, Here is DA, NihiTheBrony Give me a little watch if you want to se more.


Your OC’s mane is so pretty! 

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  • 1 month later...

Got this stupid Idea of the new Mane 5 alternate Ego, as to what I first Interpreted them when they were first leaked

Pipp looked like a goddes of beauty, So I gave her like the  infamous toxic Twitch/Tiktok girl streamer
Sunny is a brony
Izzy hab a bol
Hitch is like Chad, (Originally I joke about him having a harem because he is the only male)
and Zipp is like RD V2


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