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private The Æther Project

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle


Aimless and frustrated was not a good combination for Serene, who is now left alone by Shadow. Lost in the confusion, he decided to head back to the agricultural sect, hoping to find Wildebeest there and see if he can give him a helping hoof.

(Thanks, Illiad. It's nice to be back here)

  • Brohoof 1



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@Illiad Easle @Thunder Light

On 2021-11-08 at 11:34 AM, Thunder Light said:

“She spells trouble to me” unfortunately, Shadow's reply was too gloomy and cold, pushing him away from her emotionally. He frowned.

“You should warm up sometimes, Shadow. Getting stuck inside the freezer too long may freeze you internally” he sarcastically told her, eyes bored Into her, “I mean, seriously, get yourself a coffee or something. There's no need to act sleepy”

“Blitz is obviously not well-mannered” she shot at him a reply, “being free-spirited is a strength but overusing it too much may turn into a flaw. It's obvious her and parents either gave her too much independence, died early, or too busy to prioritize her; same goes for her brother, Molotov”

“She came in the Æther 'alone'.Of course she'll run around the place” he tried to defend Blitz, but only added another flame to Shadow.

“And the security in Æther is bad then? Allowing a foal to run around. What if she turns out to be a loyalist” deciding to end the conversation with no conclusion, Shadow turns around and strolls out of the cafeteria, leaving a frustrated Serene to ponder to himself, wondering what's wrong with Shadow lately.

"If I may interject?

...Ah, it sounds as if I missed my chance to speak to him. I can say it to you then, and you can take it for what it is then.

He have a point, in that the security might not be completely perfect, if she can simply take off that often, without being watched. However, take into consideration that far as I am aware at least, none of us are actively being tracked, and can wander freely where we will, long as we also make sure to do our part of the heavy lifting. Sometimes more literal than others.

The filly seems to be having a guard on her, and are being tracked, so she have more security around her than any of us. And if she have been here for several years, they likely know her to not be here to sabotage things.

As for her behavior, I wouldn't be surprised if it ia coping mechanism. At least to some extend. The only live family she had before the crisis, by the sound of things, were her elder brother. He likely took a difficult choice in sending her alone up here, as he felt the duty to the survivors down there, superseded his own desire for safety, yet he wanted her to have a life away from it all. Personally I think he should have gone here too, but his apparent reasons were made with good intends. Yet she's still alone now, and likely will be into her adulthood. That can't be easy to deal with for a foal. And if she's working on their projects all the time, where is her chance to act like a foal, if not when she sneaks off to have fun?"

4 hours ago, Thunder Light said:

Aimless and frustrated was not a good combination for Serene, who is now left alone by Shadow. Lost in the confusion, he decided to head back to the agricultural sect, hoping to find Wildebeest there and see if he can give him a helping hoof.

"You're leaving again? Perhaps to find your friend? If so, might I offer to help? I have some rather good senses to track others down with, if need be."

If Serene declined, that were reasonable, and Briar would simply stay for a little longer, before wandering off. Maybe he could take Brittle on a walk around where he knew other changelings were, and see if she felt better of them today?

Though if his help were accepted, he'd get up, with Brittle following right after, and he'd start to track down Shadow. Silly ponies did not know how notable their smells were sometimes, honestly. Were he a predator of the pony-eating kind, he could have fed well on a regular basis, after his exile. Yet as he wasn't a monster, he just found this amusing. And at times gross, depending on the aroma.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Her closer inspection was fruitful, discovering a certain valve just to one side of the passage, one that had been recently turned, judging by the corrosion on and around it, or rather how the corrosion didn't quite line up.

If she turned the valve she'd notice it diverted the steam flowing through the pipes to power a mechanism which rotated the platform she was on along with the wall, the steam flow restoring once the rotation was complete, leaving her on the opposite side of the wall.



The voice sounded taken aback, "Heist? Stole? I have as much right to it as Apollo, and given I have more noble goals than he, it would be a crime not to take them. So it is not theft, but a reallocation of resources to a more promising prospect. Still, you talk about this world as if it isn't yours as well, which I suppose is true. It isn't ours either. I'm sure you've deduced that this whole project is traveling between dimensions? Every parallel world the same, such is the issue with parallelism, As to what's up with it... That's a subject to be discussed more personally. Take a left the next time you pass that one pipe. Then go in the first door on the left. Careful what you say though, you could attract some undue attention from beings even higher than I."

If he followed the voice's directions he'd be met by a pair of doors, the one on the left labeled 'boring secrets' and the one on the right labeled 'exciting secrets'.


@Blitz Boom

The three gathered looked over, nodding in greeting to Silver and Blitz after the latter had announced their arrival.

In response to her question, Silver drew Blitz's attention, "You remember Euclid right? He's the one who invented those magical gem butterflies and such that are always fluttering about in the research area. Well, I don't know if you remember that he and Dinky had a foal recently." She looked unsure how exactly to proceed, but continued, "Well, their foal was born sick, and has been stuck in intensive care for a few months now without getting any better. So, what they want to do is make a gem body for him, but to do that they need help forming the runes just right, which is where you come in."

Dell came over with the kind smile he'd almost always had around her, "Your work with explosives has trained you to have some of the steadiest hooves on this project, even steadier than most unicorns' magic."

Silver nodded, "So, do you think you'll be able to help with this?"


@Thunder Light

Plein rolled her eyes at the platitude, "Had I known she'd take so long, I'd have gotten food first." She sighed, "Well, I should go eat before they close up. If... When you see Shadow, could you tell her I was looking for her, and that I need to get my stuff out of her room? I'll come back once I'm done eating. Thanks anyway, and thank you for waiting with me, it was fun talking to you."

With that, and unless Windy stopped her, she'd trot off in the direction of the cafeteria.


@Blitz Boom @Thunder Light

In looking for Wildebeast, they wouldn't find him in the lower levels where they had been working earlier, but if they kept looking they'd eventually find him up with the fruit trees relaxing in a makeshift hammock, he'd raise an eyebrow as he was approached, "Oh? Not tired of me yet are you? What can I do for you?"



@Thunder Light

(Just missing a direction for Shadow)


@Jack Baker

The harsh light suddenly came on in his cell, it wasn't the most uncomfortable of places, given the walls were padded with cloud, but the pure whiteness of it did serve to amplify the light shining down on him.

"So, you ready to talk yet? Or do you need more time to think about it?"

The voice was somewhat harsh, like he could care less what the answer was, or that he wasn't expecting an answer, given Raze had sat silently since he had been caught and brought in.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Maud was most certainly pleased that she managed to find the secret entrance onto the other side. The way it was constructed was quite clever for those who simply walked by but for those that put more effort into investigating, clearly it wasn't enough to hide those secrets from Maud's prying hooves. 

Upon being on the other side Maud would ascertain the location she was in and proceed forward carefully. She may be ending up into hostile or suspicious territory and was more than prepared to defend herself. Of course, she expected the possibility of Apollo knowing about her true intentions and was quite weary as to what her next actions would be.

  • Brohoof 1

Maud Pie signature

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@Illiad Easle

Oh, great. This guy again. Just as I was about to get some shuteye, too...

I slightly opened one of my eyes, irritated by the bright light flooding the cell. I didn't really appreciate the tone of his voice, but I quickly brushed it off. Right now, I've had enough of this padded cell and would very much appreciate getting out of it.

"...Sure," I said, getting up and stretching. "Let's get this over with."

  • Brohoof 2

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Illiad Easle


Windy took a few seconds staring at Plein's fading form, smiling before finally going back to her room.

However, as Plein goes to the cafeteria, she surprisingly bumped into Shadow, the mare too deep in thought to notice a filly walking towards her “Sorry, Plein. I didn't see you there!”

@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom


Finding Wildebeest took them long than Serene expected as he was not in the area they had been working together an hour ago, but they would eventually find them. He felt an overwhelming rise of emotion when he and his peer found him resting on a comfy-looking hammock.

On 2021-11-24 at 4:43 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Oh? Not tired of me yet are you? What can I do for you?"

“I'm just trying to get rid of my frustrations by getting myself busy” Serene told him.

  • Brohoof 1



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@Illiad Easle @Thunder Light

"Oh, you know me my friend. I simply could not wait to see you again."

There hadn't been anyone objecting to them following, so Briar had joined in with Brittle, to find Wilderbeast again. And it seemed he were in quite a relaxed state. A fair thing too. He had worked hard today. He deserved some relaxation.

As for this comment - which he were chuckling about after the fact - it were simply a bit of blind humor. That, along with plant based puns, delighted Briar to go with at times. Some thought he would perhaps take offense if they talked about him being blind, or made a comment that could be seen as talking about it, but that were hardly the case. He were okay with being whom he were, and took no offense to something like that. Did he wish he had eyes? Certainly, but his plan to try and achieve them, had involved Discord, and that ship had sailed. So unless he suddenly heard of a method, he would accept his limitations, and enjoy life regardless.

"It seems you have found yourself a comfortable hideout here. Are you often doing this, when we are not working?"



@Illiad Easle

Blitz gasped, hooves in front of her muzzle, as she heard what the reason were for this metal. As well as what it is that they wanted her to do with it.

"The poor foal! Of course, I'll do anything I can to help."

Blitz were a chaotic being, so to speak, but she had her heart in the right place. At the end of the day, more than anything, she wanted to help others. And right now, there were a foal who needed that, or he wouldn't make it. That simply wouldn't do! Poor little thing hadn't had a chance to enjoy life yet. It was way too early for him to be put in a grave.

"Show me what to do, and I'll do it exact. Pinkie Promise."

They wouldn't have to worry about her wandering off, or losing focus on this. If there were something really important, she could direct her full focus on to something, and this were not just important, but time sensitive too. She'd be on this, and they wouldn't get her out of it. And Silver were right. Her expertise with explosions had a lot of trials and error to it, but one thing it required, were a steady hoof, as well as a stable magic force to get it done, without all of it blowing up in your face. And since some of the stuff she could make, would pulverize anything within a few meters - which would then include herself - she knew when to stay laser focused, and when it were okay to be a bit more scattered.

It'd be like the time she had been making grenades. They hadn't been able to get through to her while she were working on that, even when they were bashing a pan with a pipe, right next to her ear. She completely tuned it out. She'd listen to words this time. She had to, as she didn't know what runes to put on to this, or how. She needed details! And quickly! For the poor foal's sake.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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So far as she could tell, there wasn't any magic involved in the door, so she was likely safe in assuming that she was just past where she used to be.

She was still in the pipeworks, which meant winding labyrinths of pipes and catwalks in every direction. There was no telling if the section she was in connected back to where she was, or to another exit from the pipeworks, or if it was a fully self-contained section. The sparse signage was clearly written for the engineers' eyes only. Still, after a bit of wandering she could hear the faintest sounds of speaking from further on, though a voice suddenly spoke from behind her, "You're different from the other one. Why are you here?"

If she turned to look, she'd find no one there.



As Light split he would hear a tutting sound. "A pity. I had such high hopes for you."

Behind the door he had been told to open he found an earth pony sitting at a desk doing paperwork. The room itself looked like it had been pulled straight out of a documentary on early Canterlot.

Behind the other door was a cosmic horror so unimaginably indescribable, the copy of Light that had unwittingly attempted to view it was instantly obliterated, leaving no trace.

The pony at the desk looked up, "Such a shame, doesn't it make you furious when that happens?" The pony's smile grew into a cruel grin as he extended a hoof, it morphing into a griffon's talon as it extended towards Light, stopping just close enough that Light could shake it, "Fury. What answer can I give you?"


@Jack Baker

The interrogator looked genuinely surprised that Raze responded, but quickly composed himself, standing on the opposite side of the table from Raze. "So, what convinced you to join up with Discord? Did he give you that ghost thing? The magical abilities? What did you hope to gain by attacking the head engineer?"


@Thunder Light

Plein looked surprised, and a little annoyed, but mostly happy to see Shadow, "I was looking for you, nearly gave up on finding you. I need to get my stuff out of your room. They're moving my mother and I to another part of the project so your room is going to be too far away for me to visit so often."

She looked thoughtful, "I just need to go eat first, I'll come by your room in a few minutes alright? Don't keep me waiting again." With that she'd head off to the cafeteria with renewed purpose.


Provided Shadow did wait, Plein would be back in front of her room about twenty minutes later with a bag to carry her stuff in.


@Blitz Boom @Thunder Light

On 2021-11-28 at 1:27 AM, Thunder Light said:

“I'm just trying to get rid of my frustrations by getting myself busy” Serene told him.

Wildebeast raised an eyebrow at that, "Oh? What sort of frustrations? Is it love troubles? Because I unfortunately can't help you there. Otherwise, I'd recommend you follow my example and take a moment to relax. Believe me, problems don't get easier if you're tired."

On 2021-11-29 at 3:15 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"It seems you have found yourself a comfortable hideout here. Are you often doing this, when we are not working?"

He nodded, "Gotta have a good balance between work and pleasure, or you start to question why you even go on living. It's especially important when you live by yourself in the wilderness. If you spend all day working, you'll have no energy to enjoy the fruits of your labors. It's quiet enough up here at night, hardly anyone comes through the orchard when they don't have too, and this is the only place that really smells like home here. Never could get used to those beds and things they give everyone. Civilized accoutrements just aren't for me."

He rose to a sitting position in the hammock, "Still, how can I help you all tonight?"


@Blitz Boom

Those gathered looked relieved to see her focus and skill at the task at hoof. They had her practice with a few simple runes, giving her a proper feel for how the metal poured and could be shaped, before bringing her over to the actual project. It centered on a large emerald, absolutely flawless and nearly spherical. Next to it there were several diagrams that showed what would need to be engraved onto and into it in order for it to function. Far more complicated than any of the gem creatures that Euclid had made previously, at least that Blitz had seen.

They started with Euclid and Dinky doing what they did best, using their triple laser technique to carve the interior of the gem without cutting through the gem itself, hollowing out a space inside that they teleported a flawless cloud diamond to fill the space within. Then the carved the rest of the interior runes, this time with entrance holes that would allow Blitz to pour the minostralium in to complete the runes. Then the pour hole would be closed back up, necessitating that Blitz poured only exactly what was needed.

It took several hours to get all the interior runes just right, then they could move to the external runes. These would be cast in minostralium and then attached to the gem, these would produce the actual aura that would allow the foal to interact with the world, these were external so that they could be replaced as the foal grew to keep the projected size the same as his natural size would have been.

Finally, a good amount of time later, it was finally done. It was ready for the next step.

Euclid could hardly take his eyes off of it, a faint smile on his face. "It's... flawless. Thank you Blitz." He sighed, "Let's go, no sense wait-"

Dell held out a hoof, shaking his head. "We should all rest first. If we try to do this tired mistakes could happen, and it would all be for naught." He turned to nod at Blitz, "You've been a very big help today. I hope you'll be able to help us again tomorrow?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Maud would instantly turn around to check to see if anyone else was there. It was clear that she wasn't meant to be here. The voice was not something Maud could trust with information under any circumstances. Her presence in being here was hers and hers alone to know as she proceeded forward and checked out the area some more. The writing on the walls gave her an indication there might be others here that she would have to deal with given the proper circumstances. 

However an idea of what to say struck across her mind. "I'll tell you why I am here if you tell me what this place is and who you are. Then we'll talk." Maud remarked in an absent minded manner as she proceeded forward. "By the other one I assume you mean the Griffon." she added in a knowing manner. That griffon, she had to hunt down that Griffon eventually. Perhaps turning him into Apollo would get some results and deal with someone who annoyed her.

After all, it was just Maud and Red. Nobody else. That was how it was meant to be. 

  • Brohoof 1

Maud Pie signature

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@Illiad Easle

"which one?" 

the light said from the back of the grinning pony.

"my other me dying?"

the one at his front replied.

"interesting  place yeah got here."

the Light from the back said while heading towards him.

Light tried to observe the area as both of him tried to approach the weird pony.

"are you the writer of this world by any chance?" both asked?

"or  just one of the residents of this project, that wants Apollo gone?" 

" this place is sure falling apart..."



Edited by Kujamih
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@Illiad Easle

On 2021-12-01 at 7:42 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Those gathered looked relieved to see her focus and skill at the task at hoof. They had her practice with a few simple runes, giving her a proper feel for how the metal poured and could be shaped, before bringing her over to the actual project. It centered on a large emerald, absolutely flawless and nearly spherical. Next to it there were several diagrams that showed what would need to be engraved onto and into it in order for it to function. Far more complicated than any of the gem creatures that Euclid had made previously, at least that Blitz had seen.

They started with Euclid and Dinky doing what they did best, using their triple laser technique to carve the interior of the gem without cutting through the gem itself, hollowing out a space inside that they teleported a flawless cloud diamond to fill the space within. Then the carved the rest of the interior runes, this time with entrance holes that would allow Blitz to pour the minostralium in to complete the runes. Then the pour hole would be closed back up, necessitating that Blitz poured only exactly what was needed.

She tended to go by the idea, that if she saw something, she'd get an idea about how it might explode. But even without the life on the line, she wouldn't get that feeling when she saw the gem. It looked far too pretty to just blow up. This were the sort of thing you'd use as a power conductor in some fashion, and place in the midst of a large robot. Or something similar like that. You didn't explode it at least, that was for sure. The less pretty ones could be used for that. Y'know, when there weren't a life or dead situation at hoof.

At that point, she had been prepped on other runes, to see how she'd do. As per usual, she learned fast, though thankfully she skipped the point where she then went off the rails, and tried to make something unorthodox, with said skills. Though this were just training, and not as crucial. What would be, would be something involving this gem, and the odd, magic metal. Maybe she were using that to prep this crystal, and the foal were gonna be a crystal pony?

She'd see eventually. For now, she'd follow instructions silently, and with a steady hoof. Normally she hummed when being focused, but right now, she were like, four times super focused. Had to spend all her effort on this, and make sure it got right. And provided she were not given false instructions, she would complete it too.

It were pretty tense. Why, she didn't even comment on how jealous she were of their cool laser this time. Something she'd really want herself, and which every smart pony should know, she should not be let near enough to examine. If she did in details, she might end up making one herself somehow. It continued to amaze even her sometimes, what she could make out of some trash and a bit of inventiveness. As well as things that laid around unattended, which might be usable as parts. She were a lot more in control of herself about this than when she got here originally, but she still had her moments of being overexcited and impatient.

On 2021-12-01 at 7:42 AM, Illiad Easle said:

It took several hours to get all the interior runes just right, then they could move to the external runes. These would be cast in minostralium and then attached to the gem, these would produce the actual aura that would allow the foal to interact with the world, these were external so that they could be replaced as the foal grew to keep the projected size the same as his natural size would have been.

Finally, a good amount of time later, it was finally done. It was ready for the next step.

Euclid could hardly take his eyes off of it, a faint smile on his face. "It's... flawless. Thank you Blitz." He sighed, "Let's go, no sense wait-"

Dell held out a hoof, shaking his head. "We should all rest first. If we try to do this tired mistakes could happen, and it would all be for naught." He turned to nod at Blitz, "You've been a very big help today. I hope you'll be able to help us again tomorrow?"

She didn't notice time at all as she were doing this. It felt like she had just been going at this for mere minutes, when she were suddenly done.  But boy howdy, when she were made to halt, and told it were done, she really had a chance to just let out a small gasp of relief, and put on a big grin. Then wobble backwards for a few steps, until she found her hoofing. Not in the direction of the gem thankfully. She made sure to put her weight in the opposite direction once she felt she might fall. But she kept her hoofing. Heh, must've been at this longer than she thought. Probably why her tummy was rumbly too. Wasn't a meal she even had earlier. Just some jello. That was more a snack than anything.

"Hehe, itzy bitsy dizzy."

Much as she might be a little drained there, she still had a fair amount of energy, and would face Dell with a big, pleased grin, and try to go in for a hug. If the hug seemed rejected, she'd just jump in place instead.

"Of course I'll help. Anything to help the poor little foal. You just get lots of rest, and call me when the next part comes in, okay? I promise I'll follow directions to the itty bitty details there too. And then we can celebrate with little hats, and fireworks."

She could neither confirm, nor deny, that she had several pieces of fireworks hidden around her usual work area, for just such an occasion.

"Bright and early, yeah? I'll remember to sleep tonight then."

She had slept the night before, so usually that meant she's attempt to keep working for a few more days, but this was really important, so she'd try her best to sleep. And if that didn't work, she'd take something from her snack box. She always felt drowsy after taking some of that. She still wasn't sure why though. Maybe the sugar just gave her a bit of an overload.

For someone who technically had a rather good brain in her head, it were a surprise that through her brother before this, and now up here, she still hadn't noticed when there had been put sedatives in her snacks, to ensure she got some sleep, rather than work until she collapsed for a few days. Nothing dangerous, and it wasn't needed at much anymore, but she still often felt that there were just too much to do and see, to waste any time on silly things like sleep.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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On 2021-12-01 at 12:25 AM, Maud Pie said:

"I'll tell you why I am here if you tell me what this place is and who you are. Then we'll talk."

The voice sounded surprised, "My, you're far more straightforward than the other one, which is not the griffon, no. I was referring to the wannabe detective who refused to follow directions."

"But to answer your questions, this place is the Pipeworks, and I, well, I have had many names over the centuries but you can call me Fury."

The voice seemed to be following her, always just behind her, almost like it was coming from the pipes themselves.



The pony looked a bit irked, perhaps more at being snubbed a handshake than Light duplicating again, he snapped the fingers on his talon, reverting it to a hoof and staring into the space exactly between the two Light's. "Again you reference what you shouldn't, Unfortunately the Author appears to have taken notice of you. I'd be especially careful about what you say and do over the next few spans."

He then unfocused his eyes such that he could look directly at both Light's at the same time, "Wrong on all accounts. First I am not simply a resident here, I helped build this place. I put all the creatures into place, gave them the resources they needed to become great, all to make my... I suppose technically brother, simply furious. You probably don't know this, but he targets this project far more than any of the other bastions in the world simply because I told him he couldn't bring it down. Second, I don't want Apollo gone, I want to prevent him from destroying the project from the inside. Extended exposure to the wisdom gem has made him... unstable, mixing the effects with minostralium was a terrible mistake. Third, despite appearances, this place is hardly falling apart, neither physically nor socially. If anything it's coming together stronger than ever, or at least it will once the faulty pieces are removed."

@Blitz Boom

Dell was happy enough to hug the young mare, nodding, "You do that, Silver will get you when we're ready for you."


With that, Silver led, or carried if need be, Blitz back to where her minders expected her to be, reactivating the tracker once she was in the room, "Hopefully you weren't missed while you were helping us. Remember, you don't tell anyone what you were working on, okay? If they ask you what you were doing, you tell them you were helping me with a secret project, and nothing more. Can you do that for me?"


She'd wait for an affirmative response before nodding and leaving, "I'll see you in the morning, try and get some sleep, you'll need all your strength if your going to be able to help tomorrow."

(Unless Blitz is going to do something tonight, she'll have to wait until the rest of the characters reach Tomorrow)

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Maud stayed silent for a few moments as she processed the answer she recieved mentally. "As I expected. This world is dying and bleak and all you centuries lived come out of the wood work to play? If all you united, you could cut off the head of that abysmal dictator named Discord. Just so happens this vessel is host to infighting and deadly plots, so I can't say we'll make it." Maud remarked in an emotionless manner. For her words to remain so devoid of feeling - it was likely quite strange for Fury to hear. 

"That is why I am here, actually. I have vital mission that could very well turn things around so maybe we'll end up surviving this. Feel free to take a guess. If you ask me, we are better off abandoning this realm and finding somewhere else to go. Maybe another dimension." Maud mused out loud as she proceeded throughout the pipe works as she looked for any clues as to the whereabouts of the griffon and the minostraulium. 

"If you know history well, you will also know who I am. Take a guess." Maud also added. The ball was in Fury's court now. Two guesses - what will she say? 

Edited by Starforce
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@Illiad Easle

"thank you for the warning, I suppose. but I know what I'm doing." Light replied about the author.

" you say it isn't falling apart? and yet your words contradict. Apollo is falling into peaces and a rebellion is afoot. I can feel Chaos within you halls, and your brother... you say that he couldn't bring it down? it seems he isn't far from that goal. you sure your project will still stand? are you sure your "BROTHER" isn't within your walls? do you not think that it isn't falling apart? or do you avoid the truth? you know.... I can help you if you want?" Light Looked at fury.

" I ain't saying that you are weak or anything. I can tell you're stronger than me in this dimension. but maybe you have something for me that you can't do?" then Light raised his hoof towards fury to attempt a shake.

" the name is White Light, fury. and I believe helping you would move the plot." 

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@Illiad Easle

On 2021-12-08 at 7:37 AM, Illiad Easle said:

With that, Silver led, or carried if need be, Blitz back to where her minders expected her to be, reactivating the tracker once she was in the room, "Hopefully you weren't missed while you were helping us. Remember, you don't tell anyone what you were working on, okay? If they ask you what you were doing, you tell them you were helping me with a secret project, and nothing more. Can you do that for me?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye."

No one broke a Pinkie Promise. Might be she were gone, but Blitz still admired the memory of the chaotic mare, and considered this a sacred promise. There'd be no spilling the beans from her, on this subject.

"I'll just tell 'em that I was making something explodey. A lot still don't wanna ask more, because they think I'll show them examples, hehe. But no worries. Not a soul will hear about any of the shush shush things we did. Tomorrow's gonna be fun."

She'd wave as Silver went off (a shame she had gotten tagged again), and let out a little yawn. She could probably stay up and work on something special for the next seven hours, but if she had to be all fresh and ready... Hmm... No, bad idea. Best that she got some sleep. After food, and brushing her teeth, obviously.

So she'd take a trip to the cafeteria, for something light and yummy before bed. She hadn't really eaten today, so was a good idea. A little salad. Though in case there was closed for some reason, she'd go back, and rummage around. She'd probably be able to find a candy bar in her stash she could use for an emergency, or something like that.

As for Grump... Eh, why bother letting her know? They had her tagged. They could find her.

(if nothing happens, she'll go to sleep once she returns from the cafeteria)



@Illiad Easle @Windy Snow

On 2021-12-01 at 7:42 AM, Illiad Easle said:

He nodded, "Gotta have a good balance between work and pleasure, or you start to question why you even go on living. It's especially important when you live by yourself in the wilderness. If you spend all day working, you'll have no energy to enjoy the fruits of your labors. It's quiet enough up here at night, hardly anyone comes through the orchard when they don't have too, and this is the only place that really smells like home here. Never could get used to those beds and things they give everyone. Civilized accoutrements just aren't for me."

He rose to a sitting position in the hammock, "Still, how can I help you all tonight?"

"A sensible work ethic, my friend. Mine is somewhat different, but ah, I suppose I have regaled you with enough tales of my youth, and how my kind functions, to make it understandable.

And I must admit, you are correct in this being a peaceful, delightful place to rest. In olden times, before I had Brittle to care for, I found rest in various forested areas, and swamps. There is something calming about laying halfway submerged in a swamp, and feel nature in its last stages, engulf you. Though I suppose, that hiker I terrified, would disagree. In my defense however, he had accidentally stood upon my back."

Were things different, he could imagine resting in the orchard like this too. But when time came to rest, Brittle did best with a little isolation, away from prying eyes, somewhere in utter darkness. And he would not leave her behind like that. So he made due. One of many sacrifices he had to make, to accommodate Brittle more in his life, and yet he regret not a single thing.

"As for how you might help, we went looking for a companion of Serene's. One whom appeared irate, after encountering a certain, explosive filly. Serene might be able to fill you in on more details on things such as looks though. I am less valuable in that aspect of the talk, to put it kindly."

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

I leaned on the table, trying to make myself as comfortable as possible. I found it somewhat amusing that they would automatically assume I was a loyalist, though it made sense considering what had happened before. I took a minute to choose my words...

"I'm not a loyalist. Far from it actually; I was Royal Guard way before any of this went down. As for the engineer..." I paused. "...if there's one thing I hate, it's arrogant leaders like her. They garner no respect from me, cuz they don't act like they deserve it." I then leaned back on my chair. "Now, Celestia, she was a leader. One that treated her subordinates and Royal Guardsman with fairness and respect. That mare that showed up and started mocking us and the work we were doing? Don't make me laugh..."

I paused for another minute. "As for Than, Discord didn't give him to me. He just showed and saved me just when I thought I was about to kick the bucket..." I then looked directly at the interrogator. "...You can ask him if you like."

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Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"If there's one thing centuries old creatures don't like, it's cooperation. Believe me, I've tried."

"Who you were is hardly important here, but if you want to leave, go to another dimension... we've been trying that for years now, every one the same or similar. Every time the project moves, it is traveling to a new dimension. Maybe we'll get lucky one of these times."

"But if you think Red has your best interests in mind... well, there's nothing I can say to talk you out of that delusion."



("No you don't, but I enjoy watching you flail about as if you did" ~Author)

Fury steepled his hooves, his expression a bit irked, "A little revolution goes a long way towards progress, more often than not towards the greater good. What I want to ensure is that anarchy does not replace Apollo when he falls. And that he falls before he can do too much more damage. As to my brother's whereabouts, he is anything but subtle, especially to one who knows where and how to look. I have several plans in motion to ensure as seamless a transition as possible, but perhaps there is something you can do. Tell you what, why don't you come up with a plan, specifically how you would take Apollo down discretely, what resources would you need? How soon could you do it? How would you prevent Anarchy in the days that follow?"


@Blitz Boom

Wildebeast looked intrigued, "Is this a case of someone gone missing? Or simply looked to get the whole story? In either case, I don't recall anyone with poor temper coming through here. Would be a challenge to I reckon, given all the pleasant smells and sounds, but if you'd like another pair of eyes to aid in the search, I suppose I've got time. What did they look like? You know where they're staying?"


@Jack Baker

On 2021-12-14 at 6:04 AM, Jack Baker said:

I was Royal Guard way before any of this went down.

The detective didn't look impressed, "Plenty of guards joined Discord after Celestia fell."

On 2021-12-14 at 6:04 AM, Jack Baker said:

That mare that showed up and started mocking us and the work we were doing? Don't make me laugh...

The detective was less impressed, "According to Chief Engineer Easle's report, she confronted you after you attempted to damage the pipeworks, and in the process you cut off power to the hospital for an extended period. Further," He looked up from the paper, "I'd say a leader who keeps their subordinates safe is more important than a kind one."

On 2021-12-14 at 6:04 AM, Jack Baker said:

"...You can ask him if you like."

The detective shook his head, "Wouldn't do much good for me to ask, I'm not qualified to evaluate such things. Another is coming by later to evaluate that, but your cooperation is noted."


He turned back to the paperwork, "What then did you hope to gain by damaging the pipeworks and threatening the Chief Engineer, if not to advance a loyalist plot?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Maud wasn't impressed by Fury's knowledge of Red. "I can't trust anyone with the way things have been going. I like Red. She is helping me. Although the fact you somehow know that is not surprising. So, you say that I shouldn't trust her then? How come?" Maud asked as she continued along. Her hooves marched forward almost robotically onward. For a while, Maud was silent as she processed her thoughts further.

"If you knew of that than you would also know that I am telling the truth. My goal here is the safety of those aboard this ship and the removal of Apollo from his position. Whoever takes power after him isn't really of my concern, so long as they care about the integrity of leadership and the safety of those on board. So tell me, where you stand in all of this? If you are not opposed to telling." Maud asked further, her eyes seeming to look deeper into her surroundings as if emitting how she truly felt.

Of course, Maud wasn't lying.

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Maud Pie signature

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@Illiad Easle

"hmmm" Light retracted his hoof and gave deep thought to fury's questions.

"there are many ways you can avoid it(ANARCHY), as long as you control it. so you just don't need to lose your control." Light shrugged.

" just make sure you control the next leader to avoid "ANARCHY". " Light quoted with his hooves.

" I mean what is anarchy for you Fury? I mean to you, you might think it's the law... but maybe to others it's anarchy already, hence creatures planning to rebel against Apollo." Light ponders.

" I also think letting this run it's course would fix itself... then again your brother might be behind this and is a part of his plan."

" so that's what I think about this whole situation. so what's the plan? watch from the side and make sure everything runs smoothly? or control the next leader?" 

" we can try fixing Apollo if you want? " Light shrugged again.

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@Illiad Easle

Scratching her head, Shadow would return to her room. Looking around, she began looking for anything she assumed belongs to Plein, setting them down on her mattress. She took a magazine out and waited.

When Plein returns, Shadow opens the door for her “I gathered everything on the bed, see if all of them is yours I might have mixed some of Windy's stuff” she step aside, allowing Plein to go in her room.

@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom

“It's Shadow, she's a bit cold today” Serene told them, “I don't want to tell you guys more of what happened between me and her, I just want to forget it”

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  • 2 weeks later...


On 2021-12-15 at 7:38 PM, Maud Pie said:

So, you say that I shouldn't trust her then? How come?

"Because you aren't the first one she's tried this plot with. Further, her goals don't stop with Apollo's death, she isn't even much concerned with Apollo, she wants the whole Project destroyed because she blames Troy and Queen Permu for her late mother's madness and demise. You should ask her about her coloration and history when you have a chance, I think you'll find her responses enlightening."

On 2021-12-15 at 7:38 PM, Maud Pie said:

So tell me, where you stand in all of this? If you are not opposed to telling.

"I may, perhaps, be to blame for Apollo's instability, and I seek to make reparations for the damages he's caused and ensure that no future damages occur. I don't consider myself fit to take his place, so I'm looking for someone fit to lead the project following Apollo, one who has the inhabitants best interests in mind. Hopefully one who can unite the factions aboard, but that may be impossible."

"By what you've said, I think you are in fact concerned for the future of the project, you just haven't thought about it yet. Why don't you go back to your room, catch up with your roommates, as they have interesting developments to share with you, and come back once you know what you want to find. The door will still be there when you come back."



The pony at the desk closed his eyes and sighed, "Anarchy, by it's definition, is the lack of government, which I want to avoid. This project is too delicate, too important, to risk failure. However, as I may be partially responsible for our current predicament I don't consider myself a worthy leader, nor would it be effective for me to puppet the leader. My position here is simply to advise and make the decisions that are too big for the leader to make. What I need is someone who can unite, rather than divide, the factions present on the project."

He looked at one of the Light's in particular, "I'm not suggesting you of course, but perhaps you could find someone on the Project who would fit the bill?"

He sighed, "As to fixing Apollo, I'm afraid the cost was spelled out quite clearly: Wisdom to match your strength, supposing you were same enough to bear it. As Apollo augmented his strength so too was his wisdom increased, until he could not bear it. If he could be weakened... perhaps the wisdom would leave him in a state he could bear?"


@Windy Snow

Plein nodded, gathering most of the things that Shadow had set out into her bag, "Looks like that's all of it, thanks again." She paused in the doorway before coming back to hug Shadow, "You should come visit me some time in the other half of the Project. Maybe the two of you could get assigned over there? I could try and get my mother to pull some strings if you want?"


@Windy Snow @Blitz Boom

Wildebeast raised an eyebrow at Serene's desire to forget the past, "Far be it from me to pry, but it typically doesn't help to forget the past, especially when it is apparently negative experience. Better to learn from it. Still, I won't pry into it if you don't want to share. Have the three of you checked her quarters? That's where I typically find ponies when it's evening."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

" someone to lead this project?.... I can only think of her majesty, queen Permu knowing her she would reject this offer, and only take it in desperate times....very desperate times..." Light wondered.

"so I just take his strength away then? I can easily do that." Light said as he shows off chrysalis thrown to fury.

" not even a draconicous is safe when this thing's active."

anything magic related would warp around Light as the Chrysalis Thrown is Active.

"but the thing is... so what if I weaken him? that won't erase the sins he caused from the creatures he wronged. he'd be a sitting duck for his enemies. which was a good call from me, stepping down a fight with Apollo. I'm sure you'd be mad at me if that was the course the plot has taken."Light looked at Fury.

" so tell me... what's the plan?" Light smiled at fury.

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@Illiad Easle @Windy Breeze

"If it is not something you wish to pursue currently, perhaps it is best to leave her alone for now, and follow up another time? I will not pry, and wished only to help. If this is a situation, where perhaps it is better, if she is given time to cool off, I will not force anything through, and find something else to do. I am not yet ready to rest, I'm afraid. As our dear friend up there knows, I tend to not rest as much as some others, as I genetically have a need to spend a lot of energy, and a desire to work, specifically. So if you have need of me for something else, or wish to pursue this further, I am more than happy to be of service.

But it does depends on you, of course. Your decision on what to do here will be respected, Serene."

He'd give the pony a warm, razor-sharp teeth-filled smile, and await hearing what he'd decide on this matter. He hoped he hadn't pushed things thus far, against his will, but alas, he couldn't tell so far. So now, he'd wait for further confirmation, before taking this further. And if they were stopping here, he'd find something else to do. Perhaps go and inquire more about the changelings, who had been questioning about Brittle? It would be something that would be best to do eventually, even if he didn't think he were in much of a hurry. Far as he knew, it weren't a big thing from their side, with just a few curious voices filtering through at times. Though their kind were hard to understand fully sometimes.

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

Maud listens to Fury intently and for a few moments she didn't seem to react. A curt smile appears across her face. "If in fact, you are to blame for some of the current state of affairs then I am not sure why I should believe. Everyone talks good things - but seldomly actually means them. I seek someone who does. Whether that be you or someone else entirely, it does not matter to me. I will find out for myself." she spoke in an honest and open fashion. Maud had nothing to hide and with that she would proceed out of the area and return to her room.

As she walks to her room she had multiple thoughts on her mind. She couldn't trust Red, but could still use Red to get more knowledge about her and her past. Maud should have done that already and even so she didn't entirely trust Red. Definitely not, but at the very least Maud had the card in her hand. If she could find someone who was trustworthy enough, perhaps she could relinquish the card to them and allow them to do whatever they pleased on the vessel. Provided they had the right intentions of course.

Upon returning to the room (if nobody had stopped her on the way there) she would find that Spiral and Trixie were there talking about the various things they had encountered throughout the day. They went silent upon seeing the two of them. While she knew what Trixie looked like, she hadn't actually seen her before. The other one was a butter yellow mare with a grey mane who also had Spiral's cutie mark. Maud stood there in clear confusion at the two ponies. 

"Tell me, what has happened?" Maud asked the two of them, her stare staring deep into their souls.

Spiral steps forward, her face with an almost leering grin. "This is going to take a while to explain but I can say this - We are working for a..." she moves forward to whisper into Maud's ear. "A rebel group that is. The current leadership of this vessel must fall. I found someone who can help us. That someone also gave me a new body. He found one of the spawn and it's soul was gone. I...removed myself from Trixie here, and went into this body as you see now." she began.

Trixie looked to Maud nervously. "S-spiral tells the truth. Trixie was possessed by her for all that time and now Trixie is working with Spiral to make up for all the time she has lost. Trixie now knows about a lot of the state of affairs on this ship, and it isn't so great. We are ruled by an unjust leader. Apollo, and those others." she speaks.

Maud sits down on the bed, looking to them. "Explain this to me. Leave nothing out. I have done my own expeditions." she spoke, pulling out the card and showing it to them. "Apollo gave me this. This is a card that will allow me to access everything on this vessel to most extents, at least that is what I was told. He threatened me with death, should I let this card fall into the 'wrong' hands, when it already is in the wrong hands. I also have had other encounters, but you explain first." she spoke emotionlessly, the two of the others would comply.

Spiral would then reveal the situations that had happened with her and Trixie prior and answer various questions Maud had about what happened with them. It seemed that Tower was another being much like Fury was, although Maud didn't reveal what happened with Fury at that point yet. Tower could be more trustworthy, but she would have to meet with him first to determine that herself.

Then Maud would explain the situations she had encountered with Fury and Red. Spiral and Trixie were quite surprised with this information and would work it in with their plans. After an hour or so of lengthy discussions it was planned that in the next day Maud would be introduced to Tower Shield as well as the others. That way, Maud could function as a triple agent so to speak. Get information on both Apollo and Red and turn it over to Tower Shield. Maud didn't quite know what to think of this suggestion but went along with it, but was quite skeptical of it but was willing to work with it. However, she was more than happy to tell the other 'factions' about Apollo in general. Expose him more. Perhaps Tower Shield could replicate the card with his magic or study it more. However, Red could take upon any form which was troublesome.

With all that out of the way, the three ponies would shower and get cleaned up. After their showers, they would all head off to sleep. In the morning, it was up to fate to decide what would happen.


Maud Pie signature

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