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planning OOC: The Frozen North (1x1 with Blitz Boom)


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@Blitz Boom

Oh I am perfectly fine with Spectra losing her quarry with this one. It all being for nought, with Spectra and Operata managing to escape the collapsing Temple, then with the added blow of Spectra losing a good fraction of her power, that will make for something quite interesting. It is also interesting to see that Fae Glider is not a unicorn like Spectra had hoped, so either way Spectra wasn't going to be getting her body - as she needs that unicorn horn to connect with her "Batteries" and isn't so willing to do anything involving grafting unicorn horns on Earth pony bodies, which probably wouldn't work anyway. 

It's likely Spectra will pursue taking another body, after this. I imagine that she would end up pursuing someone else, who is a unicorn, and who doesn't have so many obstacles on their path - yet someone who is strong in magic.

Spectra is simply too obsessed with the idea of having another body, so even if she loses this round, by losing her quarry, and her target - she'll set her goals on achieving a body transfer, even if it's not the one she thought she was going to be doing. 

I also won't have the Huntsmaster/Huntsman show up at this current time. Maybe in the future! But for now we'll just play things out. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Props Valroa

There we go. It finally reached this point. :3

Oh wait, forgot the castle! I will make a quick edit, and THEN it is done.

(edit) Done. And a side thought came: Who is to say that Magloria's way of getting free, will work for everyone, if any at all? Not saying you have to, but technically there's no rule saying they're free, just because they're not in the cave anymore. :P

Edited by Blitz Boom
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@Blitz Boom

I had always planned her lair to go out with a bang. Even though Shade was there, we'll see he survived the instance. Either by shadow-warping, teleporting, or just surviving in general. I'm not going to kill someone off without your consent. The towns of Sugarville, Ponderosa, and Sweet Acorn Orchard are about to experience some volcanic effects - ash, dust, and some burning fireballs. They will survive, but...it won't be pretty. The smoke from these fires, of the forest around the Green Mountains will eventually be visible from Canterlot. The towns around this region here, will be required to evacuate due this.


There won't be any lava pouring across the land beyond the Green Mountains themselves. There will be forest fires, this an ecological disaster that Spectral Fade will have to her name, and forever.

The Green Mountains are no more. After the smoke, fire, etc is cleared - they will be charred black with a crater where the mountain once stood.

The orbs that are now in the possession of Canterlot will need to be broken open individually, and likely over the course of a long time. But the bases they sit upon, had been vaporized - so the magic that was stolen from these individuals has been return to them.


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@Props Valroa

Sorry for not responding before now. Been some long days. December, yeah?

As for your post- Holy Celestia! I did not see this one coming. O_o You just blew up a mountain! Heck, several of them!

I'll have things handled in the background best as can, but the guards are going to be swamped with work for a while due to this, so time to go after Magloria will definitely be slim for a while now. She's getting on top of their most wanted list though, with word and a description being sent out around the country, as soon as they can. Her time being unknown in Equestria, have come to an end.

Just to reiterate though, do try and have her lie to Operata, or he will try to kill her.

Also, a minor retcon here: I originally seemed to have had him take the cats along with him, to Klugetown, but I seem to have forgotten about them basically instantly. SO.. Just imagine that instead of talking to his cats, he were talking about them. They'd be at the mountain.

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@Blitz Boom

You mean Spectra there, not Magloria. :izzy-shine:

Only one of the mountains blew up (the one with Spectra's lair), but that whole area of the Green Mountains will be uninhabitable for many years due to the explosion. The shock of the explosion probably caused a mass avalanche, and even collapse of the smaller hills around itself. There is going to be a massive crater in the center of it that will be extremely dangerous for anyone to reach to. I imagine there will be occasional magical anomalies and weird stuff that occurs there as a result. There will be a good amount of a death toll stemming from the explosion of the mountain.

It will take a long time to repair the damage in those towns, the one mayor of Sugarville will know for sure, that Magloria weren't lying about there being a dangerous villain in that mountain lair of hers. 

Spectra here, is responsible for this - not even Lord Tirek or Chrysalis were all that enthusiastic about just killing outright like this. So yes, Spectra's time in secrecy is over here. The real trouble will be tracking her down, as nobody will really know what to look for due to the fallout of this whole situation. Plus, even so, she'd eventually end up getting another body anyway. 

And yes, she will lie to Operata here. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Blitz Boom

I had a bit in my post - I figured it would be a neat touch to say that the whole fire thing was caused on Spectra's wishes, her having bribed others to do it for her so she could get Operata's wife, as described. Hope that was alright with you. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@Blitz Boom

Few things worthy of mention. I had the idea of Spectra taking an Earth Pony from Appleoosa as her new body, but it happens in a way to where the pony keeps their mind and soul intact, and can interact with Spectra in her mind. I like the idea of this being an unintended / unintentional consequence (or something that Thriceborn doesn't speak of) being the consequence of putting Spectra's soul into another body and working on it. Perhaps Spectra's soul merges or becomes inseparable from the Earth Pony's body because of the way Thriceborne does it, so there is no undoing it.

Just thought it would be cool to have you playing a voice in Spectra's mind as Spectra is in another body. An innocent Earth pony, who usually just stuck to their own life - then being abducted by an ancient pony so that their body could be used as her own, with their full mind being able to speak to Spectra at any moment, annoy her, pester her, or try to prevent her from doing what she is doing. Though, Spectra would have full control of the body, she could never shut them out of her mind, and they wouldn't be able to speak outloud. 

I have a few ponies here for you to look at and choose from for this idea, if this would be interesting to you. I looked up Appleoosa ponies and found a few potential targets. They are blank slates with nothing other than their appearance and names, so you can run wild with it. It would also allow Spectra to basically "take over" as a mare in Appleoosa as her base, allowing her to settle down...somewhat, if you could call it that.

Will also say that the way we could proceed with the characters in the orbs is that we could play every one that gets released as minor characters, and Stern Steel can be a side character on the side of the guards throughout the process. 

Here are some ponies you can choose from. Perhaps the one Spectra chooses is the first one they meet on the way to Appleoosa. If you like this idea, make it a surprise! Surprise me with the Earth pony you choose. :coco: I didn't have much to add to the Construct part of the RP, though it will be interesting if Spectra and the Construct meet again.

Bonnie Rose.


May Fair.


Candy Apples.


Apple Bumpkin


Yuma Spurs.



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@Blitz Boom

Just wanna make sure you see this before the next time we post in the IC of the RP. I really like the idea I came up with and it would be interesting to see what we can do with it! 

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@Props Valroa

I'm working on it currently. Just spend most of the weekend at work or visiting family. Have to do that again from Thursday, but I have enough time before that to make sure to respond here. :) And I will take things into consideration.

On 2024-01-24 at 8:02 PM, Props Valroa said:

Few things worthy of mention. I had the idea of Spectra taking an Earth Pony from Appleoosa as her new body, but it happens in a way to where the pony keeps their mind and soul intact, and can interact with Spectra in her mind. I like the idea of this being an unintended / unintentional consequence (or something that Thriceborn doesn't speak of) being the consequence of putting Spectra's soul into another body and working on it. Perhaps Spectra's soul merges or becomes inseparable from the Earth Pony's body because of the way Thriceborne does it, so there is no undoing it.

Thriceborne's method is to tear out the soul and place it in another vessel for other uses, before putting the primary one in. But we could say that there have been an error, due to Spectra's condition regarding magic. She'd ask into if there were something she had to know, but if Spectra decides to keep that for herself, issues could occur.

On 2024-01-24 at 8:02 PM, Props Valroa said:

I have a few ponies here for you to look at and choose from for this idea, if this would be interesting to you. I looked up Appleoosa ponies and found a few potential targets. They are blank slates with nothing other than their appearance and names, so you can run wild with it. It would also allow Spectra to basically "take over" as a mare in Appleoosa as her base, allowing her to settle down...somewhat, if you could call it that.

Will also say that the way we could proceed with the characters in the orbs is that we could play every one that gets released as minor characters, and Stern Steel can be a side character on the side of the guards throughout the process. 

I could try. Can't say how well it'll go, but only one way to find out, yeah? :) I'll check the selection and pick one from there, that will be the first face they run into.

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@Blitz Boom

Yeah I understand that you are busy and I hope that things in your life are going good. Real life always comes first.


Thriceborne's method is to tear out the soul and place it in another vessel for other uses, before putting the primary one in. But we could say that there have been an error, due to Spectra's condition regarding magic. She'd ask into if there were something she had to know, but if Spectra decides to keep that for herself, issues could occur.

Pretty much what I was thinking with this. Spectra won't tell about her condition regarding magic and it will result in the mare's soul being binded to hers to a degree where it'd be impossible to separate the two of them safely and Spectra would basically be locked to this mare's body as a result. Spectra will also ask if it is possible to transfer, mix, or combine her Arcadian Blood with the Earth Pony mare. I imagine it would be possible, but after this process is complete - Spectra's original body will just be left as a zombiefied husk that Spectra will be able to use it as a battery, just that it wouldn't have a soul or anything conscious in it.




I could try. Can't say how well it'll go, but only one way to find out, yeah? :) I'll check the selection and pick one from there, that will be the first face they run into.

Yup, you got 5 Earth ponies to choose from there. Figured this would be more interesting than having a long trek up to Baltimare when Spectra would be able to just nab someone from the area and be done with it. Will be interesting to see which one you choose, and what type of personality they have. :coco:

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@Props Valroa

I picked the last of your options, because I like her hat and face. :) And it'd be noticed likely, if an Apple member vanished out of nowhere.

As for the other part... Well, you wanted me to pick what the griffon was like. Have fun, you're dealing with a witch burner. Best not try and use any forbidden magic 'round here. :P

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Good job making Magloria so evil, that my character is being saddled with guilt, and questioning his own moral. That were not how I thought things would go, but there we have it. xD

And sorry for the long delay. Needed to help with my father's birthday, so that took some time away from the PC. Should be back and on a schedule now.

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@Blitz Boom

Yeah you mean Spectra, she is indeed, a genuinely horrible person all around. My name is temporary, it's for an event, so if you see Cheerilee stick around for a bit you'll know why. 

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@Props Valroa

I'm having fun making up new and random beings around the castle. All from the top of my head, but I enjoy the variety. Even from one off chars that's probably never gonna be used again.

Enjoy another who remembers Stern, and who he probably, and rightfully so, would have likely assumed were dead since last he saw him. :) Some folks just seem to go on forever.

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@Blitz Boom

Stern Steel was originally a one off character from 2016. He'll be a minor character going forward, however, we can have our segment with him getting acquainted with things before he joins Magloria and the other guards. I like your ideas!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@Blitz Boom

What we can do in the next post is finish off Stern's arc, so to speak, and have be one of the minor guards in the Crystal Room. Didn't have much else planned for him, so it was a good little arc to do with him. We can do a segment with them finding out more about Spectra from the cash of treasures and stuff that was retrieved. Wouldn't be much for me to do in that regard for interaction sake, but providing information based on what they find would be interesting. 

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@Blitz Boom

We are now at the point where Stern joins in the background with the other minor characters, so there is not much he will say or do - at least that's part of he main plot. So now, we are free to focus on other avenues. :coco:

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@Props Valroa

Will address the treasure in next post, with it being brought to the castle. Will be a bit though. Been some busy days, and sadly, not gonna slow down, with work and such. Might not be able to write until early next week. :/

Sorry for the delays.

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