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What is it that makes you wonder?


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I cannot fathom my own non-existance, and I'm pretty sure you all can't either.


I don't mean just imagining the world if you were never born. No, I mean percieving the complete, and proper absense of your own self. The very fact that you exist stops you from ever reaching this. You can perhaps argue that sleep or unconciousness is the answer here, but considering that your brain is quite active while you are asleep, and the existance of dreams makes me argue against that.


I find that very very...wonder-inducing.


I imagine it feels something like what it did before we existed on this planet. Nothing at all, and we never noticed. ;)


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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Seriously, I took an Anatomy and Physiology class last semester. Shit gets complex. The way the molecules all work together in just the right way to form tissues and organs and eventually us is almost jaw-dropping.

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I'm not sure how to say it but... Not much, really. I mean, yeah their are things where I say "I wonder how this works", such as what existed before the big bang (there are theories, but I haven't studied many in depth.)


I've never had a problem accepting things, as long as they have substantial evidence, and conversely, I've never had a problem discarding things when there is little evidence, or when there is substantial evidence to the contrary.

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The unknown. Which is a lot. Quantum Entanglement being an excellent example. Just the idea that moving one particle at point A and a particle at point B reacts in the same manner as A is mind boggling.

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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Schrodinger's cat, Mobius strips, and hats also inspire me to think.


Yeah, Mobius strips, how do they work?


Mobius strip: Strip of paper, rotate, tape back together, and you have something where the inside is the outside, and the top is the bottom, etc, kind of like the impossible triangle and infinite staircase, only it exists irl.

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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Mobius strip: Strip of paper, rotate, tape back together, and you have something where the inside is the outside, and the top is the bottom, etc, kind of like the impossible triangle and infinite staircase, only it exists irl.

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The magic of a one-sided, three dimensional object!


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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I always wonder we dream and live. Like dreams have so many signs..future, past, what we fear, what we want, something weird..and I dont understand why humans have to be so advanced and why we have to do this and that, like we lived in the wild before and i dont understand why we have to do in order to have a home, get what we want, make money, i dunno its weird what the meaning of life is

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There's a couple of things that confuse me, such as us, our conciousness and also whether or not the universe had a beginning and if so, what was before that.


Other things like magnets and black holes I understand however, but magnets are quite baffling.

  • Brohoof 1

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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Yes, actually.

Usually in my own free time, I grow deep into philosophy.

For example, dreams, as stated before. Dreams could mean many different things. They could be something that you were just thinking about before you slept, or a vision. You know that "Deja vu" feeling? Sometimes, people mistake a dream that they saw the night before as a "Deja vu " moment. You're just seeing your dream playing out in front of you, and you get a sense of familiarity, because you saw the exact same thing the night before. I guess these could be called visions in a way. Thing is, you don't expect it to happen.

Visions could be either very clear ir wry vague in a dream, and most likely, that dream won't be important. For example, say, that in your dream, you're sitting down in the park with a few friends. Then you eat a sandwich. All of a sudden, the friend in front of you starts laughing.

Let's say that you actually planned a trip to said park, and had forgotten your dream by then. Your friends go there, and have a picnic. Someone is telling a joke, but you don't hear, because you are eating a sandwich, as your friend in front of you laughs. By then, you'd remember that that same moment was in your dream.

Of course, I could be completely wrong, which is most likely.

Edited by Engie (Croaks)
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  • 2 months later...

This video amazes me. How are we getting so advance so quickly? Why is China the number one English speaking nation? Questions etc.

If this seems off topic i will change it, but i didn't think it was :huh:


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fucking magnets! how do they work?!

no but seriously i always thought it's amazing how people have managed to make all this fucking machines when i don't even know how to make a wooden spoon.


edit: soooo close...

Edited by anonymstol
  • Brohoof 1


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I have always wondered why there are so many religions out there and why must go kill each other over such things :(...


There are a lot of things I wonder about. If I tried to state them all it would just bog my mind down



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Everything... and nothing at the same time.


I analyze, observe and think about everything I see. Everything around me needs to be explained, to be analyzed, to be "known". Unfortunnately, that leads to a lot of... disapointment when you arrive at the point where most of the mysteries in your life are easily explained by your logic.


But still, even if I founded an answer to every question I ever asked myself in my life, I sometimes looks at the sky, and stay there, watching the stars...

Edited by Unexard

I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

Shall you be human, monster or god himself.

If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you.

I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land.

My name has no meaning but you'll remember it...

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There are many things that get me to thinking. Like the universe, the meaning of life, who are we, space, black holes, what happens when u die, aliens, and other stuff people probably mentioned.


But there is one thing that truly makes me wonder...


And that is... PINKIE PIE.

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I usally ponder on the thought of why do we have morals? It amazes me that man kind made law and order instead of killing each straight away.

  • Brohoof 1

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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The universe, what exists outside of it, how it came to be, what was before it, etc.


Also how consciousness was formed is perplexing, but perhaps I just haven't looked enough into it.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Oh gosh... there is far much to even list. Anything to do with philosophy haha. But the main thing I have been focusing on is Magick (actual magick. Life force, energy etc). But thats just one of many things.

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of are looking at the stars" ~ Oscar Wilide


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I still don't have the reason, and you don't have the time. And it really makes me wonder if I ever gave a f*ck you.


Sorry, that just popped in my head at the title.


On topic, thinking about the universe and just life. What is out there? What is there tp learn. What is life. Why do we live? How do I know that this isn't some super detailed dream? How do I know that you guys even exist? Stuff like that.

Edited by Twilie'Zorah



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Auto. I always wonder how stuff makes other stuff works to make a car or motorized vehicle run. My dad was an engine builder so I guess I just inherited that.


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I usally ponder on the thought of why do we have morals? It amazes me that man kind made law and order instead of killing each straight away.


I think that was tried in the early days of humanity's existence, but we're just too good at reproducing.


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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