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The Running of the Leaves (2024) Race Event!

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Titanium is stopped in her tracks as a fallen tree narrowly misses hitting her, slamming down directly in front of her face "O-oh... Alright then" She mutters in shock. trembling from the sudden rush of adrenaline and fear for her own life, she turns to see a yellow pegasus calling out to her and the other racers. "Oh... Another animal stampede... Alright then." Titanium murmurs. She walks wobbly up to the yellow pegasus. If anypony is in need of calming, it's probably the one yelling at everyone for help.


Titanium stumbles towards @Fluttershy and reaches a hoof out, placing it onto her shoulder.


"Hey. Stay calm." Titanium stammers, before slumping backwards and falling flat on her back. Little birds circling her head as she succumbs to her daze.

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*Anarchylight sees animals running away.
-What happened here?
-Okay, it doesn't matter, we need to calm the animals down.
*Anarchylight tried to calm down a few animals she met along the way. She calmed down the wolves, giraffes and raccoons




My total tree rolls 43

Edited by ComanderZhabikKlavik
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Moonlight tries to calm down bats, rats and cats, but for some reason only bats listen to him. After getting scratched by a cat and bitten by a rat, he gives up on animals and tries to push the tree out of the way.

(steps: still 330)

Animal rolls:


Tree rolls: 28


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3 hours ago, Anarchylight said:

Steps +11  +12   +20

(Total steps completed: 417)
(Total leaves knocked down: 31)

(Psst, @ComanderZhabikKlavik rolls aren't added to your total, it's to see how good your next rolls will be afterwards)

Titanium slowly rises as her daze subsumes, she looks around and tries to gather her bearings. She looks over and see's @Nitobit struggling with the bats, rats and cats. She shakes the wooziness from her head and waddles on over. "Having some trouble with your own kind?" She attempts to joke. "I can try to help..."


Titanium is able to help soothe the little bats, coaxing them back towards fluttershy. "Guess it makes sense, I seem to have a thing with bats" She states, winking at @Nitobit "Now, for the others..."


Titanium is bitten by the rats "Ow!... Ok so it is just bats then" she giggles, rubbing the bite mark. "Alright, I'm not doing very well here, let's see if I can help with the tree."



Titanium gets a running start and slams into the fallen tree, trying her best to dislodge it.

(Total Tree rolls: 38)

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*After calming Harry the bear and two sloths, Shiny Silvermoon noticed that some participants were trying to move the tree that was blocking the path. She immediately went to help them, since she knew they would need all the help available to move such a massive tree. The mare rolled up her imaginary sleeves, before she began to use her unicorn magic in an attempt to move it out of the way.*

1st roll to move the tree : 4


*Misfortunately, the tree was way too heavy for a unicorn like Shiny. She was about to give up, when suddenly Harry the bear arrived from behind her and started to lift the trunk with his huge clawed paws and impressive strength.*

"Harry! You've come to help me! That's so sweet!" *Shiny happily said to the bear who just came out from the sleep induced by her.*


2nd roll to move the tree : 20

3rd roll to move the tree : 18

Total of the rolls to move the tree : 42

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With a tremendous effort (greatly reduced thanks to the strength of the bear), Moonlight helps push the tree out of the way. The bat pony resumes the run, but his hooves hurt after the unsuccessful animal handling attempt.

(steps: 336)


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On 2024-12-12 at 9:52 PM, TheJollyofPones said:

(OOC: I'm back in the race,) Saturn hopped along after receiving and drinking the poison joke cure from @Ice Princess Silky <3 she sang "Eevee, it's Eevee, the bunny, fox, cat, dog, everyone loves it because its fur is nice and snug, it likes to battle with its fox-y tail, it's even cuter, than a Ninetales!" 

When she happened upon Fluttershy, "Hey there Fluttershy, I noticed your critters got spooked, any way I can bring them back here?" Saturn asked. 

Upon hearing her name, Fluttershy quickly turned her attention over towards the source of the voice. Leading her towards Saturn, who had asked if there was a way that they could help. "Oh, yes! Angel and I are going to try and help calm some of the animals down, but we can't do this alone. If everyone works together, then maybe we and the animals can help push the tree out of the way." Fluttershy responded, watching as everyone went to work with calming the animals around the animal sanctuary.

The yellow pegasus jumped slightly at the touch of her shoulder, before looking to see @WizardTitanium. Hearing the reassurance had allowed any and all worry from within to be quickly dispelled. "Oh, my goodness. Are you okay? I know that you're helping out, but is there anything that I can do to help you?" Fluttershy asked, worried about Titanium's wellbeing upon seeing her slumping backwards.

As more and more of the racer's were helping, Fluttershy couldn't help in smiling, as well as tearing up with pride. Seeing everyone working together and helping each of the animals reminded of her and her friends whenever there was a problem. Just as the animals had begun to calm down, everyone, even some of the animals made their way over towards the tree. "That's it, everypony! Push! Push with all that you've got! I-If that's okay, of course." With the combined effort of every racer and animal, the tree had begun to budge. However, it was still not enough as they needed more strength. Just as Fluttershy was about to grab her friends to help, a sudden roar had erupted from behind the group. Turning towards the source, she smiled as Harry had made his way over to the group. With a strong push, the group had managed to get the tree out of the way. The path finally clear once more, Fluttershy gave the racer's a thankful smile. "It looks like everything is finally under control. Thank you for all of your hard work, everypony. If you hurry, you'll still have time to finish the race. The finish line is not too far away now." Fluttershy explained, taking notice of the log, which was right near a hill that lead to a beaver dam. "if you'll excuse us, Angel, Harry, every creature and I will bring this tree trunk over to the dam. I think the beavers will love some extra wood for their beaver dam in case of an emergency." Fluttershy smiled, waving at the retreating racers. "Good luck and do your best, everypony!"

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Steps +16

(Total steps completed: 390)
(Total leaves knocked down: 31)



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Saturn took her front hooves and put them under the tree as far as they could reach and lifted with all her might, however, despite her tries, it still didn't work. 

Saturn thought about it, and with her magic, she brought forth multiple versions of herself






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For the first day I missed:



Samurai was in the midst of making every step count and making a leaf fall for every step, all the while humming a random Japonies song to himself. "Kyou-retsu Mou-retsu Dynamic! Let’s Go! Go! Dai panic! Makeru to tsuyo--" However, Samurai is interrupted from his little fun when he hears something up ahead. "Oh... I better speed up!"

For the second day I missed:



Samurai speeds up and gets to the scene as fast as he can, but notices all the other racers have all ready gotten a head start on fixing the danger. "Oh no... I hope I'm not too late! I knew I should have been doing a better job of racing.

ANIMAL ROLLS: 16, 10, 3.

Samurai is able to grab a snake and hold it up to a stampeding elephant. Somehow by sheer intuition, Samurai knew they would scare each other, and they did! With a hiss and a trumpet, they scared each other enough to nearly faint, but Samurai is there to catch the elephant and keep it from falling. He tends to them with pets and comforting words. "There, there. Neither of you are bad. You just needed to clam down, is all. Everything is going to be all right now." This took a lot of work to ease them. When he looks up, he sees a random eagle in a branch, and it's all ready calm. Thankfully, Samurai doesn't need much energy to pet him.

TROLL ROLLS: 15, 19, 20.

Samurai may have come a little late to the tree-moving party, but he definitely gives the tree a final push out of the way. He doesn't even settle for serviceable; he makes sure the race track is 100% clear of the tree! In fact, since he is all hyped up, he offers to move the tree to any spot @Fluttershy wants. He is even willing to replant it, if she prefers.

And we're caught up!

STEPS: 20 (+50% bonus) = 30!

(Seriously, since when do I suddenly get all the good rolls? :sealed:)

Since he is still feeling hyped from rescuing animals and moving a tree, Samurai speeds down the track as fast as he can. "Holy Celestia, I must be really hyped!! I'm moving so fast, you'd swear I was using fire magic to give me a boost."

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*As the racers were running on the path once again, heavy footsteps could be heard behind them... or rather pawsteps. Something big was clearly approaching and it was gaining speed very quickly. All of a sudden, the participants witnessed Shiny Silvermoon riding Harry the bear, as if she was an amazon.*

"Yeeeee haw! Harry wanted to participate to the race too!" *The unicorn yelled with a huge smile.*

"Hey, @Nitobit! You seem like somepony who needs a break! Hop onto the bear and let's ride together toward the setting sun!" *Shiny offered to the batpony, as she noticed that he seemed to be suffering from his hooves.*


Yesterday's steps : 18 + 75% (permanent bonus from calming Harry the bear who was the secret animal) = 32

Today's steps : 15 + 75% = 26

Total steps : 275

Total leaves : 128

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Steps +12

(Total steps completed: 402)
(Total leaves knocked down: 31)



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1 hour ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

*As the racers were running on the path once again, heavy footsteps could be heard behind them... or rather pawsteps. Something big was clearly approaching and it was gaining speed very quickly. All of a sudden, the participants witnessed Shiny Silvermoon riding Harry the bear, as if she was an amazon.*

"Yeeeee haw! Harry wanted to participate to the race too!" *The unicorn yelled with a huge smile.*

"Hey, @Nitobit! You seem like somepony who needs a break! Hop onto the bear and let's ride together toward the setting sun!" *Shiny offered to the batpony, as she noticed that he seemed to be suffering from his hooves.*

"What the... Did you really take Fluttershy's bear as a taxi?! Sweet Luna..." *He clumsily hops onto the bear, but accidentally starts with the wrong hoof and ends up sitting backwards.*

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Titanium immediately tries to regain her lead the moment the tree is out of the way. She looks back to see Harry the bear tearing towards her "B-b-bear!?" She cries out, sprinting away from the huge animal.



(First roll: 10)

(Second roll: 27)

(Total: 453)

Edited by Wizard
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As the race continued to heat up, Starlight couldn't take her eyes away from the competition. "Anarchylight is catching up with the leaders and is trying to take the lead! However, it looks like Titanium has a thing or two to say about that! Moonlight is not too far behind and is trying to make his way towards the front of the pack! Just when you thought some of our racers were far behind, they just make a turnaround!" Starlight exclaimed, grinning in glee at the turn of events. "It looks like even Shiny is humming a fun tune as she leaps back into the race!" Placing a hoof to her chin, Starlight took the unicorn's words to both heart and consideration. "Hmmm...this does make a fair point. Even so, it's sort of difficult unless you see wings flapping. There's always a technicality on what's considered flying and gliding. Be that as it may, I still can let it slide, but still wanted to give it as a warning. As we wouldn't want anypony else to try any ideas like that, of course." Starlight winked as she understood that the race was kicked up a notch with everything that had happened. She still wondered why and how these obstacles, such as the roadblock of apples and the sinkhole had came to be, but she still couldn't put her hoof on it. As Chatterbox and Kramathia were catching up, Starlight smiled fondly at Kramathia, who looked to have found a friend in Shiny.

"It looks like Felis is having trouble keeping up, but I know there will be an opportunity to bounce back! Our racers are honestly staying strong throughout this race and I know they'll all keep up the great work!" Starlight commentated, trying to encourage the racers to stay strong. "Samurai is finding his footing and is making a good pace in knocking down some leaves. Even keeping a good pace to catch up to the others!" Starlight blinked as she saw what looked like magic coming from Samurai. She was about to call out for the use of magic, but stopped as she saw what looked to be cotton candy. What was one cotton candy was made into many and even in colors of the rainbow. "How do you like that everyone? Samurai is giving out treats for the other racers to keep up their strength! While I would say magic isn't allowed, I can overlook this as I know a certain party planning mare that would approve of some cotton candy." Starlight smiled, taking notice of Silverspark, who had jumped out of the pile of leaves. "I hope that Silverspark had a safe landing as it looks like she and Brightspark are back in this! Roswell is making his way down Sweet Apple Acres and is taking the hurdle route! Meanwhile, it looks like Silver Slate is sprinting down the course to both catch up and keep up with the competition!" Just as Starlight was going to continue, she blinked from the sudden flash of light, before taking notice of the tree that fell upon the course. "Sweet Celestia! What in Equestria is going on!?" Starlight started, before trying to get back on course. "I mean, uh...oh no! Our racers have been stopped by a fallen tree and what's this? It looks like Fluttershy and her animals in the animal sanctuary are turning into a frenzy! It looks like a helping hoof is required in order to move onto the next leg of the race!"

Starlight had to admit that this was one the most perplexing. A fallen tree was not what was to happen with the next obstacle. The group was to make their way towards Fluttershy's cottage to help the animals in the animal sanctuary, but this, along with the flash of light that scared the animals was unexpected. As the racers headed into the animals sanctuary, some had tended to the animals from all different kinds. Meanwhile, some had tended to Fluttershy in making sure that she was okay. "It looks like Shiny is trying to calm Harry the bear and it looks like her soothing voice is working!" Starlight was amazed at how she was able to calm down the giant bear. She remember being pulled into a hug by Harry when she was shown friendship by Twilight. She wouldn't lie that he felt scary at first, but she found Harry was such a lovable and kind bear. So, to see Shiny calming him down so easily like that was truly a sight to behold. "Hold on for just a minute, fillies and gentlecolts! It looks like Saturn is back in this race and caught up with everyone!" Starlight announced, eager to see someone else that was still in the race. As more and more of the racer's stepped in to assist, more and more of the animals were able to calm down. With the combined help of both the racers and the animals, the tree was able to be moved out of the way. Effectively allowing the racer's to proceed. "They did it, everyone! Our racers and the animals from the animal sanctuary have done it! The tree has been moved out of the way and the race is back in full swing! It won't be long now. There's just a small leg of the race left as we head into the home stretch! There's still plenty of race left and anything can happen now! Who will win! Only one way to find out!" 

As she mad the announcement, Starlight was surprised as Shiny was riding atop Harry as he charged down the race course. "It looks like we have ourselves a new racer joining us. However, I don't think that anyone can catch a ride with Harry the bear. If you would like to run alongside him, then I think that would be okay." Starlight called out to Shiny and the others that were potentially riding atop the giant bear. 

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8 hours ago, Starlight Glimmer said:

I don't think that anyone can catch a ride with Harry the bear. If you would like to run alongside him, then I think that would be okay.

"Dang it, Starlight! Why won't you go take care of raging beasts, while we observe from the balloon?"

Moonlight begrudgingly jumps off the bear and continues on hoof.

(steps: 330)


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Steps +16

(Total steps completed: 418)

(Total leaves knocked down: 31)





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Samurai barrels down the track as quick as he can. "I can feel it now... Not much longer until the end of the race. Hang in there, everypony! We're so close to winning, I can feel it!" Samurai might not be able to catch up to racers like Titanium (@Wizard) or Anarchylight (@ComanderZhabikKlavik) or...

Samurai soon notices @Shiny Silvermoon on a bear. "Eh?! Is that allowed?! Aww man... I wanted to do that with the elephant I rescued earlier. Curse my desire to follow the rules at all times."

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Titanium knows the finish line cannot be far off now, she keeps pushing herself to stay ahead of the bear, but moving the tree took a lot of stamina.


(roll with dissadvantage: 9)

(Total: 462)

Edited by Wizard
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'Equulus advenit' :yeahno:
@Wizard My arch-enemy, I'm going to catch up with you! :manic-laughter:
And then, Felis lets out a maniacal laugh that is usually reserved for villainous characters in film and television...
However, she was too far away for Wizard to hear her...:derp:



Total Steps: 194 + [5 - (5 * 25 / 100)] + 7 + [7 - (7 * 25 / 100)] =  194 + 3.75 + 7 + 5.25 = 210
Total Leaves: 81 + [9 - (9 * 25 / 100)] + 4 + [4 - (4 * 25 / 100)] = 81 + 6.75 + 4 + 3 = 94.75 ≈ 94

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1 hour ago, Felis Amafeles Catus said:

'Equulus advenit' :yeahno:
@Wizard My arch-enemy, I'm going to catch up with you! :manic-laughter:
And then, Felis lets out a maniacal laugh that is usually reserved for villainous characters in film and television...
However, she was too far away for Wizard to hear her...:derp:


Titanium feels a shiver run down her spine "Whoa... I think somepony just swore vengeance on me." :sealed:

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Samurai decides to be silly. While he has a bit of a speed boost, he jumps and does a flip. As he lands a perfect hoofstand (handstand), he runs only on his upper hooves instead of all four. It lessens the number of leaves he can knock down, but fun is fun! "Beginnings are always sudden~!"


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