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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

private Equestrian School of Gifted Children


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''Can I apologize for how rude I've been? My real Name Is Splinter and I enjoy Sports and Music.'' Said Splinter as rolling his eyes.

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"Thats good, splinter, its good to have a positive attitude towards things. Now, it seems to have befallen me to assign you dorms. Does anypony have Anypony else in particular they'd like to bunk with?"

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''Anybody Have Ear buds?'' Said Splinter as cocking an eyebrow. ''If I had a choice I would Probably Chose Clayre.'' Said Splinter as rolling his eyes.

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Gear looked around the class. "I'll let all of you sort it amongst yourselves. If your sure of your roomate, tell me." He put his pencil down for now, and began sorting through some schematics on his desk.

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Musical turned to look at Quillusion, smiling. "Yeah." Musical said, pretending she had never smiled, but she had and she knew it.I wonder what it'll be like. Musical thought.


"Yay." Quillusion said aloud. I hope this will be fun. Quillusion got up and walked to the teacher.

"Me and Musical over there will be roomates." She told him.

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(dam the wifi went down in my hotel lets just say sky has been following you guys all day)


Sky just sat nervously in the corner. "Wow it seems like no one is noticing me. Not even the teacher" Sky mumbled to himself.

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