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I'm Katelyn




Ummmmmm, yeah. xD


I was making an intro for Good Mythical Morning, and my sister (Katelyn) was really quiet, so I had to put words on screen... I didn't post the video... :P


Deviantart: MatrixChicken | Youtube: ThunderFilmStudios Twitter: @JohnAlBerge

Twitch.tv: ThunderFilms Soundcloud: ScootriX


Scootaloo vector by robzombiefan2121

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  • 5 weeks later...



Cloggedone (a fellow Simtropolite)

Khasmir (another Simtropolite)




Berry Pie


Princess Molestia



Doctor XFizzle







Gayotic Pisscord-- I mean, uhh, Chaotic Discord


Apple Bloom

Lenin (Don't ask)



Nightfall (inb4 Runescape music track)


Crazy Clay

Coeus (see Berry Pie)


Pielover (there's a number I forgot)


Sugar Plum


Encolancer (I botched up the name, I think)



dragon (There's a number I also forgot)




Motion Spark

TSMB2 (That's not the right name, but it's close to that of another moderator who would have "/)" in their name)

Silver Arrow

Zombie (That's all I can remember)





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(Love and War)-BcP-cdr-ecI-aaE -gaE-gaD-gaD-ccD-acC-aav-gav-g av-gav-ccz-caE-gaE-gaD-gaD-ccD -acC-acN-ccO-ccO-ccO-ccS-ccS-c cS-ccS-ccS-ccS-ccS-ccS-acJ-aaE -gaE-gaD-gaD-ccD-acJ-ada-cda-c da-cda-cda-cda-cda-cdada-fds-Z -Z-Z-E,kh-cjS-cjo-cjS-ckh-cjS- cjo-cjS-akhjSjp-gjU-cjF-cjb-cj F-ajUjFjb-cix-chT-cix-ajUjFiM- ciM-cii-cii-clc-clc-cii-cii-bp mjU-cjF-cjb-cjF-ajUjFjb-cix-ch T-cix-ajUjFjc-ciy-chU-ciy-djb! !-bix!!-bhT!!-bix!!-bjb!!-bix! !-bhT!!-bix!!-ajU-cjF-cjb-cjF- ajUjFjb-cix-chT-cix-ajUjFkh-cj S-cjo-cjS-ckh-cjS-cjo-cjS-akhj S-djp-d!!-Z-Z-Z-z,-pbk-caK-cak -caK-kbc-caA-cac-caC-cbc-abdba aB-baEaa-caA-cdR-cdR-cdr-cdr-c cR-ccR-cdr-cdu-cbc-caA-cac-caC -cbc-abdbaaB-baEaa-caA-cba-abN bAaA-abaaBaa-caA-cba-abNbAaA-a baaBaa-caA-cba-abNbAaA-abaaBaa -caA-cbc-caA-cac-caC-cbc-abdba aB-baEaa-caA-sbk-caK-cak-caK-g bm-d!!-Z-Z-Z-z,bN-cbb-cap-cbb- bbbbN-cbb-cap-cbb-bbbbP-gby-ca M-caa-caM-baMbC-caQ-cae-caM-ab y-aof-cof-cof-gof-cof-cof-gby- caM-caa-caM-baMbC-caQ-cae-caM- aby-a!!by!!-baM!!-baa!!-baM!!- abz-caN-cab-caN-cbz-caN-cab-ca N-cby-caM-caa-caM-baMbC-caQ-ca e-caM-aby-abO-cbc-caq-cbc-bbbb N-cbb-gbb-bbb-dbP-Z-Z-Z-E

err.. Its for music game thing called punk o matic 2.. err.. this isnt mine.. this is from someone called johnthemackie.. I'm going to make a cover out of this to make it sound more real and stuff.. Its for an album I'm making.. err.. yeah..

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Where to buy Chloroform?
I really need this chemicle for medical puposes, where can I buy it online?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
I know as a fact that there are now close to no medical uses for chloroform. However, certain labs use it for topical things, but if you TRULY want to get some you can do so at chemical supply companies online.

Just a note (because you posted this in "alternative medicine") . . . 
Chloroform is now a cancer causing agent suspect and I'm sure you've heard about irresponsible huffing.. It's use is mainly discontinued 
don't ask


If you huff it, you deserve the damage. 

I better get a "best answer" for this.. lol
67% 2 Votes
  • 1 person rated this as good
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Other Answers (2)
  • Nobody needs chloroform unless they are a date rapist or a drug addict. Get help before you hurt someone.
    33% 1 Vote
    • 6 people rated this as good
  • if you need it for medical purposes a doctor will give it to you.
    • 5 years ago
Edited by lightning strike
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  • 1 month later...
[6:06:08 PM] Matthew "Marcato" Grice: This is what I live fork

[6:06:10 PM] Matthew "Marcato" Grice: Woops.

[6:06:14 PM] Matthew "Marcato" Grice: *for

[6:06:21 PM] Matthew "Marcato" Grice: Epic spelling error.

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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>in the city on business
>About to enter building when a women walks up behind me
>A grin spreads across my face as I step back and hold the door open for her
>SHe looks to the doorway and then to me
>>I see her tremble as tears begin to form in her eyes
>"Ladies fist"
>She is visibly shaken, tears running down her face, as she walks through the doorway
>The power I feel as I oppress a female courses through my veins
>My penis thrashes inside my trousers
>Nearby men all start apuading and grabbing their crotches in a sexual manner while biting their lips and drooling at the sight of  the oppressed woman
>As she walks by I whispe "it was a privilage"
it was a privelage


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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That's a vCode, part of an API key from Eve.  I'm the Director of Human Resources for my corporation, and we use API keys like that one to conduct background checks on prospective members.  I don't remember whose that was exactly, but it's useless without its corresponding 7-digit ID anyways.



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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[h1]Your team and You[/h1]


I actually made an extensive video a while ago (season 2) detailing why junglers are required and what your job is as a jungler, it can be found here:


If you don't want to watch that then here is a quick few points that are essential information:





[h2]Your Job[/h2]

Placing wards around the map.

Taking [[Dragon]] when possible.

Ganking when possible.

'Lane sitting' when desperately required.



[h2]Your Team's Job[/h2]

Still placing wards.

Helping you take [[Dragon]] when needed (early/mid game).

Not pushing when you come to gank.

Calling out when they need their lane sitting.









[h3]Video of jungle route and a gank. [/h3]




[[Fiora]] lacks any sort of CC herself which makes ganking rather tricky, unlike other Junglers who can roll up into lane and CC anything there, [[fiora]] will need special help from her team-mates, This doesn't make her bad at ganking though, her damage output more than makes up for her lack of a CC. My most commonly ganked lane is top and i always que pre-made with at-least one top lane champ (usually a [[mordekaiser]]).


When you wish to gank a lane, ask the players in lane if the brush is warded, if it isn't then all that needs to be done is to spot when the lane is over extended (my general rule here is just over half way) and have any CCs that the laners have used as you walk into lane, soft CCs such as [[exhaust]] can be useful but its better to get a quick stun off.


When playing [[Fiora]], just like any champ, practice makes perfect, i am quite happy to gank lanes rather early on without any CCs, it is just down to timing and making sure the person in lane gets into the fight and helps out with anything they can.



[h3]Champions she ganks well for:[/h3]

Please note that i have not played with all of these combos, comment if something is on here that is not viable, or something viable is not on here. Thanks.


Rather than writing down every champion with a stun, i will simply put down some tactics for champions with something more than a simple stun.


[[Alistar]] - Using [[Headbutt]] to knock the target towards YOUR tower the stunning with [[Pulverize]] should allow [[fiora]] to [[Lunge]] in and easily assist in a kill.



[[Anivia]] - Usually in mid, a well placed [[crystallize]] should wall off your target from getting to their tower. Ganking for an [[anivia]] can be tricky if they are new to the champ, i've had ganks failed before from new players blocking me from the target with the wall.



[[Cho'gath]] - A good [[Cho'Gath]] player is unlikely to need your help in a gank, but always be open to lending a hand to his feed. Have the target silenced by [[Cho'gath]] as you lunge to them, then have [[rupture]] placed in-front of the target as 9 times out of 10, they'll attempt to flash forward out of the way of [[fiora]]'s burst.



[[Vayne]] - Get your [[vayne]] to position either next to or behind your target, have her engage as you do for optimal burst, when they start to run have [[vayne]] use either [] or [[tumble]] (a combo of them both if needed) to get ahead of the target, then use [[condemn]] to knock them back to you (preferably back into a wall if one is nearby)








[h1]Jungle Route[/h1]


Use Pots when needed.

1. Take Wolves, you may need help from a team-mate.

2. Get help taking blue buff, make sure you use [[smite]].

3. Gank mid if possible, else move on.

4. Wraiths.

5. Golems.

6. Red buff if you have the HP and provided [[smite]] is available.

7. Recall if needed, check for ganking chances and rinse and repeat.


Make sure that you always keep an eye out for potential ganks, if you are intending on ganking a lane you should warn those in lane that you are, preferably by saying in chat AND pinging whoever you intend to focus.








Everything in this sub-section has been copied from Your Tryndamere Resource, by Apotheosis via Sir Spank Alot's Way of Spanking With Skarner Season 3 so all credits go to Them. Go check their guides out!








Order of priority; Use  [[sight Ward]] and  [[Vision Ward]] where necessary:

Baron/Dragon Wards:

However you decide to set these up with your team, whether it be orderly among the team or supports only buy wards, make sure these are always laid out! Baron and Dragon are what we're primarily keeping an eye on here. Early in the match it's not as important obviously, however, you still need to know whether top, mid, or bot will be set up for a gank when enemy laners/junglers are wandering about. These early kills can help the enemy sculpt the rest of the match and land a victory. We don't want to be allowing the enemy to kill either Baron or Dragon. That's a good chunk of gold that will distribute among their team, not to mention Baron's handy buff.


Note:I would recommend using  [[Vision Ward]] for these locations, especially for the Baron at mid-late game.  [[Oracle's Elixir]] is a great replacement for  [[Vision Ward]] in case you don't like wards.


Self Privacy Wards:

There's orange points at top, mid, and bot hiding locations. I would hope that your entire team would try to ward the areas entitled to them. These wards are not entirely important, however, they are lifesavers. Junglers and wandering laners will use these bushes to set up for early kills. If you're pushing your lane, then it would be a good idea to ward the bush(s) that is closet to you.


Team Privacy Wards:

These are crucial wards to put out if the match can go either way by eliminating possible ambushes when pushing minions or entering your own jungle.


Game Changing Wards:

Of course all of the wards posted on the map are capable of changing the outcome of a game, but these wards are placed in a location that both teams will always drift by. Reasons to go through the wards (for both teams): Getting to Baron and dragon, changing lanes, shifting from allied jungle to the enemy's jungle (either by self or team) to steal mobs/buffs, shifting as a team to gank the enemy team, etc. If you just have a ward on either Baron and/or dragon, you can still miss the enemy slipping by into your jungle never knowing it. This allows enemies to set up ganks. Therefore, these wards change the outcome of a game because you know whats coming.


Invading Wards:

I thought it was appropriate to name these wards in this manner because you can enter their bushes knowing whether they're there or not before you attempt to set up a gank. The enemy usually walks through these bushes hoping to freely enter their jungle for experience/gold and/or buffs.


Buff Wards:

Monitor your's and enemy's buffs with these wards. Good to set in your own jungle if they start playing dirty and snatching buffs early game from your jungle. These wards are primarily for the junglers of each team.

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




Check out my YouTube


Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide


Check out my Motovlogging Trailer

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Somepony called me "banner boy" again.


Nopony did, you lie... Banner boy :3

Clipboard now (can you tell im editing my guide? :P):



[icon=brute force size=50]
+ Awesome slow
+ Early Ganks
+ Mini flash from [[Arctic Assault]]
+ Ult is a great CC
+ Tanky
[icon=Sunder size=50]
- Blue Buff Dependent
- Moderately slow jungle
- Very slow without boots
- Relies on [[ghost]] for early ganks
- Skins are not the best
The main flaw in playing [[sejuani]] is her incredibly low movement speed, luckily that is countered with using [[ghost]] and [[boots of Swiftness]], she is rather reliant on blue buff throughout the game and can struggle without it. Her clearing speed is average at best until later in the game, as i build tanky jungle speed is only increased from the HP damage increase from [[Northern Winds]].
My other guide on MobaFire is for a Jungle [[Fiora]] who has rather poor ganking due to her lack of a CC, in contrast i would have to say that [[sejuani]] is the opposite to [[Fiora]], low damage but very nice ganking and CC ability.
Her passive [[Frost]] gives a micro slow, but when [[Permafrost]] is used it is usually a guaranteed kill.
Her ult, [[Glacial Prison]], is a great teamfight CC, timed correctly it will damage and stun the entire enemy team, then using [[Permafrost]] should secure the kills for your team.

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




Check out my YouTube


Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide


Check out my Motovlogging Trailer

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(I usually quote different parts of what people in my skype group say, and assemble freaky shit with them. We call it Skype-pooping)

  • Brohoof 1

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A few hours ago I went all fanboy and threw together something for one of my favorite fanfic writers. wub.png



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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