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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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- I don't like when people write that way. It's like your caps was broke and still ticking on and off. And I assume that is pretty time consuming so I really don't see the point

- I don't mind religious people or atheist as long as they don't fight each other or argue. It's really pointless.

- I think that today teens don't really have a clue what they want to do with themselves and with their lives.

- Doing things for people unselfishly can give you most of the time more, than income would give you.

I spent my past week  working at a safari club convention putting up booths and pushing coffee carts  

so dont be directing your selfish comments to me       Hell after i finished i spent 200 dollars there    Yeah  they never payd me a dime  As for the way i was writing     Its Gamzee script    read homestuck  youll understand it

Anon -buckets buckets buckets buckets buckets

Gamzee- SuRe BrO lEtS gO fIlL sOmE bUcKeTs!


Gamzee - KaRkAt Is ThAt YoU?



WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs?

WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs?

WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs?

EaRlY iN tHe MoRnInG?

TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS

TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS

TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS


EaRlY iN tHe MoRnInG

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I really can't like Rainbow Dash.

Gravy and beans DO go together.

CoD isn't as enjoyable (for me) than people seem to think D:


I like Fluttershy.


Dubstep is, mostly, an awful din.

A lot of classical music = brilliant.


Haven't got the hang of posting vid directly to post yet, sorry :)

Edited by Darke Pony
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1. The world is slowly falling to pieces.

2. PKMN Gen. 3 was godlike.

3. Indie 3D Sonic games are better than anything since SADX.

4. Graphical advances in technology are stupid, and we should concentrate our technical prowess on something more worthwhile. (It's good enough, we've reached the point where the human eye can see no better definition.)

5. Night is better than day.

6. I don't see why everyone is so lovin' for 'shy

7. Zebrahead Were, are, and always will be Uber-COOL!

8. The Cakes' babies are scary and annoying...

9. Twilight Sparkle is best pony!

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Speaking of that word, I've already made some fusses about it, but I'm gonna restate myself.   I hate the word "overrated" (A word many ding-a-lings in this thread use, Actually, most people in the world use it, so everyone is a ding-a-ling at some point ). Either you fucking like or don't like something. Simple as that. There are only a VERY few times where I MIGHT consider the word "overrated" to be a tad bit appropriate (I also don't mind it as much in jokes, of course). No one can tell me otherwise.   When you use the word "overrated" in your opinion (I'm speaking for EVERYONE in the world who uses that word) and I will completely ignore your opinion and say "fuck that". I ain't listening to anyone when they call something overrated. I'll just say "It ain't for you, doesn't mean it's overrated, numbnuts".


I have to say I disagree. Again, Spazzy, there's a little something called "freedom of speech," and I can use the word "overrated" all I want and you bashing on other people's opinions just because they used the word is going a little too far IMO.


For example. I (sort-of) like Gangnam Style, but I also think it's overrated. I don't like some background ponies that much, but I never called them overrated (with the exception of Derpy, and she IS overrated, and no, I'm not afraid to use the word in front of you.)

  • Brohoof 2
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*breath in*

I think god is a concept, not a being

Spike's S3 episode was annoying, except for a few gags (I'll wear this mustache)

FPS are overrated and uncreative and only LANs are slightly enjoyable.

I havn't even bothered checking what Dubstep is.

The Lorax was the best animated movie I saw since Toy story 3.

Movie commentaries are awesome and provide you with a deeper understanding of that film.

Sarcasm is almost always annoying and condescending.

I am grateful for grammar nazis, as spelling properly is important.

Alright, I'm glad I got that off my chest ^^

thanks "person who started this"

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I wasn't just talking to you, I was talking about everybody in general who uses that word (I found it humerous when you said "Anyone who calls sex overrated is doing it wrong"). The only two people I know who don't use it and don't like it were Raccoon and I think Scootacool (May be wrong), so they definately win in that department.

I'm a third person you could mention. I don't really like people using the word "overrated" either, and pretty much for the same reasons.. it implies that their opinion is right and everyone else's is a deviation away from some objective mark that only they can see. Very annoying, although I think most people just use it as shorthand for "I don't like this as much as it appears others do." But while I am annoyed by it, and will argue with someone who does use the word, I wouldn't go insulting them for it. That's just not cool, man. You can't just go insulting someone because they happen to do something you don't like them to do. (Well, you can, but you shouldn't, is what I meant.)


My unpopular opinion - he/she who throws the first insult has already lost my respect, even if he/she wins the argument.

Edited by Full Spectrum
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Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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Let's see...


-I thought Justin Bieber was cool a few years back (when he peaked in his fame, and everyone hated on him).

-I HATE Disney channel's sitcoms.

-I never liked anything from McDonald's.

-I enjoy the Twilight Saga movies (excited to watch Breaking Dawn PII with my mom).

-Karate is USELESS and Kung Fu is AWESOME.

-I am a top notch conservative, I always listen to Rush and Hannity, and Fox News is my favorite channel.

-I don't believe in gay marriage (BIG one there, sheesh). <_<

-Global warming is FAKE.

-Michael Jackson was my roll model.

-I am a Mormon.

-I hate rage face that goes; "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-".

-I hate basketball, football, soccer, and almost any sports that only involve one ball (Parkour is awesome because it takes two). :unsure:







Oh, and I also watch My Little Pony. :)

I'd rather not contribute to keeping this thread alive, but now I've gotta say this:

Fox News is liberal.

Also, it should have more news about foxes.


I wonder if conservatives inherently like Princess Celestia. They seem to inherently like Rarity.

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I'd rather not contribute to keeping this thread alive, but now I've gotta say this: Fox News is liberal. Also, it should have more news about foxes. I wonder if conservatives inherently like Princess Celestia. They seem to inherently like Rarity.


I see what you mean and if it were any other forum, I wouldn't post in a similar thread yet fellow bronies and pegasistas have the unique ability of tolerance. allow this thread to not turn into a hate zone of a flame war of ideas.


I think we can cultivate civilized disgreement. Mares? Gentelcolts?

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- Master Yi doesn't always have to jungle

- Tom Cruise is not hot (He's just like a not hot version of John Barrowman)

- I'm not a Naruto fanboy, but I don't get all the hate on it, and I enjoy it, well Shippuuden anyway (I watch loads of anime though)

- I despise Dragon Ball

- If you watch dubbed anime, I really, really don't like you

"The oldest and Strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"

-H.P. Lovecraft

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- If you watch dubbed anime I will strongly dislike you for all eternity.  

-Derpy Hooves is best pony  

-I don't like  hot weather (anything above 80 degrees Fahrenheit  is too hot for me)




- If you watch dubbed anime, I really, really don't like you

extra stars to you for saying this!  Oh my god  can't believe i've finally met another person who thinks this way.  

  • Brohoof 1


Pixel Art made by the talented Bruno! 


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- If you watch dubbed anime I will strongly dislike you for all eternity.  

-Derpy Hooves is best pony  

-I don't like  hot weather (anything above 80 degrees Fahrenheit  is too hot for me)




extra stars to you for saying this!  Oh my god  can't believe i've finally met another person who thinks this way.  

You're  not alone! :D although I dislike dubbed anime, I wouldn't go quite as far as saying I hate its viewers XD

I am also not a fan of heat, makes me feel ill.


Decided to add more things while I'm here:

-I dislike  it when people assume your country of residence is your country of origin, and treat you as such

-Although I didn't like the films, the Twilight Saga were some pretty decent books

-Am I the only one here who is perfectly OK with gay marriage? I know a lot of people are against it but come on :|

-Back in the old days, Generation 2 was the best when it comes to Pokemon.

-Chocolate is only really nice in moderation (this is not an excuse for the staff to start nomming down on Mars Bars XD)


Bit of a heavy one, I don't mean to upset nor offend -

-I support euthanasia.

Edited by Darke Pony
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Green Jolly Ranchers (green apple) taste like vomit. EVERYONE I know likes them and pink (watermelon). The best flavours are purple and blue (grape and blue raspberry, respectively).


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Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game. (And not just because it shares its name with a certain pony...)


Nutella is gross.


Skullcandy products are garbage.


Off-brand Coke tastes better than the real thing.

Edited by HylianTwilian

how even is otter and how can it be if

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Speaking of that word, I've already made some fusses about it, but I'm gonna restate myself.


I hate the word "overrated" (A word many ding-a-lings in this thread use, Actually, most people in the world use it, so everyone is a ding-a-ling at some point :P). Either you fucking like or don't like something. Simple as that. There are only a VERY few times where I MIGHT consider the word "overrated" to be a tad bit appropriate (I also don't mind it as much in jokes, of course). No one can tell me otherwise.


When you use the word "overrated" in your opinion (I'm speaking for EVERYONE in the world who uses that word) and I will completely ignore your opinion and say "fuck that". I ain't listening to anyone when they call something overrated. I'll just say "It ain't for you, doesn't mean it's overrated, numbnuts".


You have absolutely no right to tell people they can't use the word "overrated". You don't own that word, people can use it if they want to. They are merely expressing their opinion that they believe something is more highly rated than it should be. If you want people to respect your opinion, you need to respect others' opinions as well.


I understand where you're coming from, but if you disagree with someone, just kindly say "I disagree with your opinion." There's no need to get all upset over a silly word.

  • Brohoof 2



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You have absolutely no right to tell people they can't use the word "overrated". You don't own that word, people can use it if they want to. They are merely expressing their opinion that they believe something is more highly rated than it should be. If you want people to respect your opinion, you need to respect others' opinions as well.


I understand where you're coming from, but if you disagree with someone, just kindly say "I disagree with your opinion." There's no need to get all upset over a silly word.

What's the phrase I'm looking for?


I don't give a damn.


That's gonna be mah new catchphrase from now on. Right up there with "dammit" and "AJ is sexy".

Edited by spas-ticShotty
  • Brohoof 3



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What's the phrase I'm looking for?


I don't give a damn.


That's gonna be mah new catchphrase from now on. Right up there with "dammit" and "AJ is sexy".


Wow dude, really? That's your response? "I don't give a damn"?


I seriously thought you were more mature than that. Whatever, no sense in arguing about this. 



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Wow dude, really? That's your response? "I don't give a damn"?


I seriously thought you were more mature than that. Whatever, no sense in arguing about this. 

I've already made mah point many times. No matter how many times people will tell me to get over the word "overrated", I won't listen at all. As Typhoid Libby said, I'm too thick-skinned to be persuaded like that.


Besides, I'm only 15. What do you expect me to be like, 46?

Edited by spas-ticShotty



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I'd rather not contribute to keeping this thread alive, but now I've gotta say this:

Fox News is liberal.

Also, it should have more news about foxes.


I wonder if conservatives inherently like Princess Celestia. They seem to inherently like Rarity.

Nah, Fox news isn't liberal. It has liberals on it sometimes, but it's mostly a biased-right leaned channel. Bill O' Reilly and Sean Hannity are HUGE Conservatives, and they have their own shows on Fox. If any news channels are liberal, it's MSNBC, CNN, and ABC...


And about more foxes... the show 'Red Eye' from Fox has random-cute videos of different animals doing funny things. I have seen quite a few foxes in those videos. My favorite is the one when the foxes are jumping on the trampoline! :wub:


Rarity is best pony for me, and my older bro thinks Celestia is best pony. Maybe you are right about that! :lol:

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- If you watch dubbed anime I will strongly dislike you for all eternity.  

Since when the balls has this ever been consider and unpopular opinion? Every anime fan I've meet goes apeshit on dubbed anime claiming as foul as the...whatever is the worst thing out there....Speaking of which


I like dubs more than subs



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Besides, I'm only 15. What do you expect me to be like, 46?


Yes, you're fifteen, so that completely excuses you for being an asshat. No offense, Spazzy, but seriously--"I don't give a damn?" That's really sort of mean. Why don't I just requote my post for you to see, the one you've so nicely ignored and probably said "fuck that" when you saw it.



I have to say I disagree. Again, Spazzy, there's a little something called "freedom of speech," and I can use the word "overrated" all I want and you bashing on other people's opinions just because they used the word is going a little too far IMO.   For example. I (sort-of) like Gangnam Style, but I also think it's overrated. I don't like some background ponies that much, but I never called them overrated (with the exception of Derpy, and she IS overrated, and no, I'm not afraid to use the word in front of you.)

Edited by Clarity
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Yes, you're fifteen, so that completely excuses you for being an asshat. No offense, Spazzy, but seriously--"I don't give a damn?" That's really sort of mean. Why don't I just requote my post for you to see, the one you've so nicely ignored and probably said "fuck that" when you saw it.

I saw it, and I wanted to quote it, but I dunno, I didn't want to sound dickish. Apparently, I forgot and quoted RD instead. I still really don't care if it's childish to hate that word, I still do, and probably always will. No one can tell me otherwise, I MAY have exceptions, but it's highly unlikely.


The reason why I said "I don't give a damn" is because I really don't give a damn. Simple as that. I'm sorry if I'm being an asshat, but that's how it is when it comes to that word, and some other opinions. Tell me to deal with it, I'll say "fuck that".


Again, I hate being an asshole to you like this, but when you're telling stuff like that, I'm just gonna ignore it. You won't change mah opinion ('Cause I'm stubborn like that).

Edited by spas-ticShotty



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I'm sorry if I'm being an asshat




Sorry, I just had to. (I always found the word "asshat" incredibly hilarious, for some reason. It just sounds really goofy. Probably because it IS really goofy.)

  • Brohoof 2

how even is otter and how can it be if

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You have absolutely no right to tell people they can't use the word "overrated". You don't own that word, people can use it if they want to. They are merely expressing their opinion that they believe something is more highly rated than it should be. If you want people to respect your opinion, you need to respect others' opinions as well.


I understand where you're coming from, but if you disagree with someone, just kindly say "I disagree with your opinion." There's no need to get all upset over a silly word.


I have to say I disagree. Again, Spazzy, there's a little something called "freedom of speech," and I can use the word "overrated" all I want and you bashing on other people's opinions just because they used the word is going a little too far IMO.


For example. I (sort-of) like Gangnam Style, but I also think it's overrated. I don't like some background ponies that much, but I never called them overrated (with the exception of Derpy, and she IS overrated, and no, I'm not afraid to use the word in front of you.)


The "freedom of speech" part of your post is irrelevant; spas-ticShotty isn't saying "you can't use that word" or anything like that. Though on his profile he says to never use it around him, it's more for exaggeration rather than an imperative statement.


It's his "unpopular opinion" in the end to maybe dislike and ignore posts that use the word overrated. Unless I completely missed a post where he's commanding you not to use the word (if I did, I will look like a fool). Otherwise, I don't find you two's arguments valid.


Also, @RD92, in essence you're being a bit hypocritical. You're disrespecting shotty when he ignores posts that use "overrated." It's shotty's choice to do so, and I don't think we should be the ones to try to reprimand him for that. (besides, he's stubborn as hell and he knows it xD)

Edited by Scootabloom
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I don't like the band Queen - I'm a classic rock snob myself, but I don't like Queen. Doesn't help that I have an online DJ friend that thinks Freddy Mercury was the second coming of Christ.


I could care less about multi player - I only care about single player campaigns and it makes me pull my hair that so much emphasis is put on multi player in the gaming industry.


Americans should be allowed to own military style rifles if they so chose - I'll just leave that one at that.


I hate Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social networking sites - I don't know, maybe its my misanthropic nature.


I hate cell phones and texting in public - Again maybe its just my misanthropic nature.


Adam Sandler is a douche - So why am I suppose to like a guy that plays himself in all of his movies, behaves like a dumbass buffoon the whole movie, and somehow ends up with the hot girl at the end every time?

  • Brohoof 4

Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax. -Mystery Science Theater 3000


You're dead if you aim only for kids, adults are just kids grown up anyway. -Walt Disney

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