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Lord Theoretical

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Sampling as a practice in music is lazy and should be moved away from.


Daft Punk is alright, but Around The World is a terrible song (But a great video)


Flying Lotus is highly overrated, and I find him repetitive


Nintendo is doing just fine as they are, even if their console is not selling well

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New music is great. There are so many new and talented bands and artists making great and original tracks, just because songs you hear in the top 40 charts lack creativity doesn't mean all recent music is like that. I don't think people claiming that all new music sucks even take the time to search for any, they just hear a song on the radio and moan about how music used to be much better to sound cool and to fit in.


"Overrated" should never be used to describe anything.


Multiculturalism is not a good thing.


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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This is an unpopular opinion? o.O


I feel the very opposite, like I'm completely alone for actually liking winter and snow. Online it may not seem as rare, but IRL I feel like I'm alone. Any time we have the slightest bit of a cold spell everybody starts whining "I hate winter!" "It's so cold!" "When is Spring coming?" It starts flurrying outside: "When is the snow going to end? Is it ever going to end?" (even though we've had like five inches TOTAL the entire season)


It's actually nauseating to me, because everybody says it all of the time. The weather forecasters say it. The newspeople say it after the forecasts. Random people walking by me talk to themselves about it. Coworkers talk about it. My friends talk about it.


It's like everybody is programmed to say those same generic lines, and I'm like "Ohhh please. Once Spring comes it'll be hot and you'll be whining about that, too" Which is exactly what happens where I live. We have a little cold spell and they run around acting like it's the end of the world, when the day before it was 70 degrees, and one week from then it will be 70 degrees again.




Good grief. It really does make me feel like Twilight in the picture above. >.>

My area I live in is one of those areas that gets snowed on hard, even though the last few winters have been quite dry, this winter, my area got like, a few feet of snow (3 feet one day).


It's just getting tiring, and I am believed to have Seasonal Affective Disorder.

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My area I live in is one of those areas that gets snowed on hard, even though the last few winters have been quite dry, this winter, my area got like, a few feet of snow (3 feet one day).


It's just getting tiring, and I am believed to have Seasonal Affective Disorder.


Considering how many people hate winter and snow where I live, where we have mild (nice) winters with a couple of cold spells and a little bit of snow, I can not imagine how many people hate the cold and snow where you live.


That's all I'm saying, it's the popular opinion to hate them, unless you're a school-age kid and snow means playing and getting out of school. lol

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Couple more things from me form gaming side of things

  • I hate console exclusive titles because there is no freedom and screams $$ grab to me
  • I take game trailers with a light grain of salt
  • I hate console because they are limited to what they can do and I do see the reason for them,but lately the consoles  are coming more and more $$ hungry
  • I hate that Destiny isn't coming to PC and I feel betrayed by my former love with Bungie
  • I wait until the said game's  developers are truly done with the said game    because that means are experience the fully finished  done game
Edited by COBLoneWolf
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I find the whole "Pinkie with straight hair (Pinkemena-although all that is is her first name) is a murderer" thing to be stupid.

Edited by Orangejack
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Look upon my awesome signature, ye users, and despair!

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Well, these would not fly in the United States at all:

  • Summer vacation is way too long. 2.5 months?! Come on, it should be 3-4 weeks maximum.
  • Mandatory urban growth boundaries. Living in a sunbelt metro area, I've seen the craziness of sprawl firsthand.
  • We should have some form of utility bill surcharge or license fee to fund PBS/NPR; the mechanism would be similar to some public broadcasters in Europe, like the BBC.
  • Taxes should be raised nationwide to fund infrastructure improvements across the country. You know, the works: high speed rail, a national fiber optic network, funds for PBS/NPR (if #2 above doesn't fly,) and....wait for it....a full switch of all road signs and weather forecasts to the metric system!

This is for the community:

  • Recursive fanfiction. Sure, some fanfics you read can be so good and of such high quality that you want to write a fanfic set in that universe. Now multiply that thought by 800-1,000. It gets very repetitive after a while.
  • Shipping can be unbearable at times. Honestly, the only ships I approve of are those that are canon, not implied ships or fan pairings.
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Well, these would not fly in the United States at all:

  • Summer vacation is way too long. 2.5 months?! Come on, it should be 3-4 weeks maximum


Yes! Thank you :D Finally someone, who thinks just like me! Even though I really know how to organize my time I'm still always extremely bored and tired in the end of summer! That's why I love winter break so much - it's shorter and I really can enjoy all this time.

Edited by Anilewe

Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! :D



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I dislike modern "depressed" folks. Oh, so you're going to act all sad and threaten suicide because of some first world problems? Ok, but why is suicide an option when you have no milk for your cereal?

"I have no experience on psychology but I can still tell people how they're allowed to feel."


Opinions like yours are why so many people turn to suicide; they feel bad about whatever, and the shame for their feelings makes them worse

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I dislike modern "depressed" folks. Oh, so you're going to act all sad and threaten suicide because of some first world problems? Ok, but why is suicide an option when you have no milk for your cereal?

I'd like to point out that depression is a chemical imbalance.  Mental illness is an illness like any other.  Would you tell someone with cancer that they need to just walk it off?  I highly doubt it.  Clearly you have not experienced depression, and you should be very thankful.

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I'd like to point out that depression is a chemical imbalance.  Mental illness is an illness like any other.  Would you tell someone with cancer that they need to just walk it off?  I highly doubt it.  Clearly you have not experienced depression, and you should be very thankful.


"I have no experience on psychology but I can still tell people how they're allowed to feel."


Opinions like yours are why so many people turn to suicide; they feel bad about whatever, and the shame for their feelings makes them worse


Really? Both of you? In case you didn't read my post, I was talking about "Modern depressed people threatening suicide over first world problems", not depressed people in general. Jesus...

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I get the feeling a good portion of RD fans aren't bronies for the show or the community, just so they could have the title "Brony", and that her actual number of legit fans is 4th or 5th amongst the mane 6.


I've got a crush on a cartoon horse :blush:

Firefox sucks.


I don't care about Twilicorn one way or the other.


Oh, and fans of background ponies don't make a whole lot of sense to me, but whatever.

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
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He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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It's been a while since I've posted here (See page 108), so here's some new UO's


-I think kissing is stupid

-Conspiracy theories are absolutely retarded

-I really hate when songs fade out

-I don't believe in "selling out"

-The word "overrated" is overrated... LOL

-I like the Blaze Bayley era of Iron Maiden

-I hate Valentines Day

-I hate award shows


I don't really have much... -_-

Edited by Woohoo
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Sig by Sparklefan1234

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  • Simple ways was a damn funny and great episode, and my opinion on rarity remains much greater.

Flappy bird was never meant to be a success, yet many played it constantly.

Pop is the most cheesiest and repetitive genre in music history.

Memes are always funny, overdone or not.

PS1 is best classic console.

Suited for success, sisterhooves social, sweet and elite, and rarity takes manehattan are the best episodes in the series.

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"I have no experience on psychology but I can still tell people how they're allowed to feel."


Opinions like yours are why so many people turn to suicide; they feel bad about whatever, and the shame for their feelings makes them worse


You're misunderstanding what he's saying. Notice how "depressed" in in quotations? He's talking about the people who self diagnose themselves with depression over minor things.

-I don't believe in "selling out"


What do you mean by that? You're saying Metallica didn't "sell out" over the whole Napster thing for example?

I get the feeling a good portion of RD fans aren't bronies for the show or the community, just so they could have the title "Brony", and that her actual number of legit fans is 4th or 5th amongst the mane 6.


??? is there any proof of this?

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You're misunderstanding what he's saying. Notice how "depressed" in in quotations? He's talking about the people who self diagnose themselves with depression over minor things.


What do you mean by that? You're saying Metallica didn't "sell out" over the whole Napster thing for example?


??? is there any proof of this?

First off, I'm going by what I see around me, and I won't call anyone out because I'm not a dick like that.


Second off, I never claimed it to be fact, I just said what I saw. Some of my best friends are RD fans.


Thirdly, stop trying to argue just to argue. I posted that a few days ago, bro, and you've admitted to me yourself you say things "for the sake of discussion" or whatever.


This is a thread where controversial opinions people might not like will be posted, it's in the title of the topic. Don't go around trying to argue with every one of them you don't agree with, because the opinions are relegated to here for a reason.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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MLP: Fim was never that amazing to begin with, rather it was mediocre amongst terrible tripe, and that is why it stood out

I do not find any of the mane 6's characters that interesting, as they all seem to follow at least one trope. 

I wish we could get more world building episodes than slice of life, as Seinfeld did slice of life better than MLP ever has.

I wish we could get more episodes following characters other than the trope 6, but of course gotta sell does toays mayn.

I think tumblr should be shut down, as the internet does not need a super hugbox. 

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??? is there any proof of this?


Yes because studies have been done as to the validity and sincerity of Brony Culture, as if people would actually admit to being "fake" fans to begin with. lol.




My list can get quite extensive so I'll just post 5 at a time every now and then to maintain shock factor. lol. This one will focus on modern entertainment.


1) Dr. Who is overrated. Weeping angels are not scary.


2) Game of Thrones is overrated. Everybody dies. The end. Moving on.


3) Anything Joss Whedon has ever done concerning a female lead is garbage. Yes,even Buffy. "Break the cutie" is the stupidest effing trope there is.


4) I blame book snobs who DEMAND 100% true translations from the books to their prospective movies for this rise of "Two Parter" series endings where you go into a theater and paid your ticket KNOWING you're not gonna get a complete show. And the worst part is, now that we've got 4 movies out of 3 books for film adaptions we've moved onto frothing at the mouth for "bad" casting choices. Like how in Catching Fire the one arrogant dude didn't have "perfectly bronzed skin and bronze hair". As if anyone even exists in Hollywood who looks like that. Or that Rue was "gasp" black! It never ceases to amaze me how often racism climbs up from it's dirty depths all over making sure that every comic and book character has to stay perfectly white or we riot.


5) Breaking Bad, Dexter, House M.D. and any other show with a douchebag protagonist who breaks laws but it's OK because "they have their own, superior moral code" or in Houses case "Because they are too smart and talented to follow the rules" are effing moronic. It just continues to feed into this whole rising culture of "We are our own God's" that's broken in because we've raised an entitled generation who believe they are infallible and untouchable.


Commence the lynching!

Edited by Kraken B. Trippin
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