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Lord Theoretical

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Are you including Octavia in those "popular background ponies" that have appeared more than her? Because I'm pretty sure Octavia has only shown up twice, and Vinyl Scratch has appeared at least twice.

I find Octavia to be slightly overrated too I just find Vynl even more since I see way more fan stuff off of her.

Edited by ChikoritaBrony
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Here's one, I don't like Les Miserables. I found it boring and long with no break in between songs for dialogue so i had trouble even following the plot. I'll admit some of the songs are okay but I'm too busy nearly falling asleep to really care for them.



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Music today isn't worse today than it was in the 2000s. People in 2005 were saying that 2000s music was worse than '90s music, the 90's said the same thing about the '80s etc.


Call of Duty isn't dying. There isn't any real competition for it.


I don't care about realism in most games. I'm not talking about Borderlands 2 unrealistic, but I don't mind not having a 1 shot kill in CoD on every weapon.


One Direction is awful.


Led Zeppelin isn't good.


I can't stand PewDiePie.


I don't care if ideas, especially in video games, are copied from another game (See: Battlefield 4 Domination). I care if it is good.


I think the Wii U is a failure.


I can't stand fanboys. If you like something, then that doesn't make you have to defend every thing about it. This goes for especially Nintendo fanboys, who can't take a single fact about their god-console. Same goes for other companies and services.


Sonic is way better than Mario.


Mario games are repetitive, and just rehashed every year with some exceptions.


I like Knuckles' Sonic Boom design.


DLC is actually good for games.


Weed is bad.


iPhones are overrated.









That's about all I can think of right now.

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The "N word" should not be considered as an insult to African Americans.


FIM is gradually going off-topic after Lauren Faust moved on.


Flappy bird is overrated and not addictive.

Edited by Solid Scorpion
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Saints row:The third was bad. Saints row 4 was even worth. SR 1&2 are the best.

Equestria girls 2 it's big mistake.

P.S. Twily F. Sniper. Bad company 2 was awesome because it wasn't a regular Battlefield.

AK family of weapons are the best, because only AK can shoot even after falling in dirt, water, or sand. M4 would break after falling in dirt. Fact.

Edited by zev_zev
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Some new ones:


"Pinkie Pride" could have lost half or more of its songs and it would have been a considerably better episode.


The French language is still relevant in today's world.


It's not a steadfast law that all humans want to maximize their self interest in all circumstances.  If anything I find it to be culturally driven.


I hate the idea of a designated college, city, or national team for any sport.  It's a remnant of less "civilized" days and creates unnecessary artificial rivalry between people.


I grew up in Columbus, Ohio and was more than familiar with the OSU-Michigan rivalry. Even though Michigan has ranked above OSU in several academic standings, the football rivalry discouraged more than a few people not to even consider going there.



And an old one I want to word differently:


Property "rights" are a joke.  "Privileges" better reflects the relationship between property owners and the government, and would allow for more clarity and save more grief in the law. 

Edited by JustFairness
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Hablo español--Je parle français--日本語を話す--我说中文--...and sarcasm (yeah right!)

I compose music.  Six Pony Rags

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I thought of another one:

I don't really understand the hype about background ponies, especially Derpy. They're either just recurring characters stuck in the background so that the scene isn't unrealistically empty or characters to show that the Mane 6 actually talk to other people that aren't in their little friendship circle. Sure, you can like them, but there is a point where you need to calm down.

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I think the Brony community has a problem handling criticisms directed at the show.

That pretty much can be said for any fandom.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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That pretty much can be said for any fandom.

Certainly true, but the scale is different. Bronies; they're admittedly sensitive because of their subject of enjoyment. GAMERS; hooh boy, don't ever try to accuse gamers of having any faults, or making unfair criticisms.

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I think the feminism movement has had it spotlight time, and that woman are either equal in all external ways or close enough. I feel that the NAACP are the most racist people in the media mainstream by far. I also dont really understand the opinion that gay persons should be entitled to the right of church/religion sanctioned marriage. I dont understand why Honda has put fuel injection systems into their line of atvs, its a disgrace.feel free to disagree and explain, preferably off of this thread.

Edited by Redneck
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I must resist. 

Must... not... turn this tread into a debate pit.

So many disagreeable opinions...



Opinions are like assholes... everybody's got one. 

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I dislike how I live in a world were suffering is just kind of pushed off, like we see it and we do nothing about it. 


Someone getting picked on and everyone just walks by. 


Someone is crying and yet not one soul stops to see if they are okay.  


or you know your hurting someone but yet you don't stop... its even worse when its by someone you love with all your heart and soul. 

  • Brohoof 2


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Troy in PR Megaforce/Super Megaforce needs to have his mouth ducttapped shut...he's annoying.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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As a Chicagoan as well as somebody who enjoys thincrust Pizza, I am allowed to say: DO NOT buy Pizza Hut! It is the crappiest, doughiest, more air-filled pizza you can buy. It will rip you off and make you sick! IT. IS. NASTY. So, again, do not buy Pizza Hut. Thank you.


Love is a most potent magic

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LittleBIGPlanet is a bad game.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is too.

Android is overrated.

iOS is severely overrated.

As much as I like him, Gabe Newell is being stubborn about Windows 8 and refusing to properly support the OS while supporting the much-more-locked-down iOS is, to me, hypocrisy.

Sports are overrated.

Gun ownership is overrated.

Samsung is just as overrated as, if not more overrated than, Apple.

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What the fox says? is a crappy song. The song is basically going into full retard mode.

You realize the spng was made by Norwegian comedy duo with other ibteresting songs like 'Stonehedge'?


Also, despite how strange, wierd, silly, stupid the calls may sound... many are actually sounds fox make. At least,they are as accurate as the human voice mimic.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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You realize the spng was made by Norwegian comedy duo with other ibteresting songs like 'Stonehedge'?


Also, despite how strange, wierd, silly, stupid the calls may sound... many are actually sounds fox make. At least,they are as accurate as the human voice mimic.

All I have to say is this. In the words of Derpy...


Edited by Hakureimiko
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Ponies and the pony fandom are the most overrated thing I've ever been a part of.

No season of this show was good.

Equestria Girls might as well have been a parody of the show; that's how shitty it was.

Background ponies are awful.

Main Six have lack of depth in its characters.

The Living Tombstone isn't that good.

Pony music makes me cringe.

Hopefully the word "opinion" is understood in this thread.

Edited by SolarFox
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