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What is MLP to you?


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Every so often I come across a long meaningful post on how much or how little MLP means to some people and now I'm curious What does MLP mean to you? Is it just a hobby or has it done something significant for you?


I can't write you guys a page on how much MLP mean to me because it doesn't affect me on that way.It has brought me happiness,It has inspired some of my art and it is something I can say I love and enjoy,And for that reason it is more than a show to me.


Sorry if this has been done before.

Edited by OdinForced



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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Honestly, MLP has improved my life. I'ts not just a good show, it has also brought me a sense of community. You guys are seriously awesome, probably the most accepting community on the internet.


I have met a lot of friends, and I have found a new creative outlet. I create fan art, write stories and make animations all about MLP.


So it is much more than just a good show to me.

  • Brohoof 6



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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MLP means quite a bit to me, it has helped me make a ton of friends, and it indroduced me to this wonderful fandom, and that was probably the best thing thats ever happened to me, with out MLP i would still be some stuck up homophobic jerk who hated music and several other things, i honestly love everything MLP helped create especially in the fandom, it makes me feel good knowing im apart of a large community that produces good music, good art, and has charity organizations, and because of the fandoms motto "love and tolerance" i have become a much nicer person

  • Brohoof 5

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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to me, its just a show that i love to talk to people about and discuss nothing more nothing less.


i dont rely show a cult like devotion to it and i know some people do because the show help save them from there depression, but not me i've been though some horrible s :( t that i have gotten though because of my friend and family and myself not because of a show anyone who souly thanks a show rather then the people who truly help... bleh im rabbling again i blame the "its just a show" thread for having a point

  • Brohoof 2

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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To me, MLP is a tv show that gained a relatively large fanbase of mostly men, even though it was originall intended for little girls.

The fans call themselves 'bronies.'

kind of like


one directioners





Personally, I think bronies calling themselves bronies just further alienates them from society. It contributes to their 'cult' image, and why brnoies get so much hate.


But hey, at least were not as hated as beliebers or one directioners!


many bronies tell stories about how MLP has changed their life or made their life better. I sure wish it had made my life better. I feel kinda left out. I know its gonna sound like whining, but my life is a pile of crap. Sometimes I wish that MLP had changed that, and I cant see why it has with so many others but me.

But another question is how? How could a simple tv show change peoples lives? Sure, Tv has changed peoples lives before, like oprah, americas most wanted, and a crapton of soap operas. (And also start trek.) But hose shows were about important things. Oprah is just a show about life, so of course that would help people, but how MY LITTLE FREAKING PONY change ones life? Ive been looking for something to hold on to for a long time, and I think I found that with my little pony, But I dont think ive really found my place, yet. Probably because bronies are shrouded in mystery. I know a lot about the show, but not much about the fans.


I feel like the show could change me forever, but im not letting it. I just dont know enough to say for sure. I guess I just dont get bronies OR MLP.

Edited by Fanayvea
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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

  • Brohoof 1
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It's a TV show I like, it's a community I'm proud to be a part of, and it's something that will stay with me for as long as I live.


I latched on to MLP when I was feeling a bit down and out, and took it on a wild ride all the way to these forums. At first, it started with just liking the show, and discussing it. I've been around these forums for (a somewhat short, but not really considering the youth of the site, time of) 6 months, but it wasn't until about 2 months ago I decided to be a more integral, contributing part of the community. It's to a point where this is now the forums site I spend the most time on, and a good amount of time behind the scenes with the revival of the TF2 server and my bi-weekly Fanfic community contests (the first of which so far, is the 500-word fanfic challenge). I've been around the internet multiple times, searching for MLP-related communities; this site is one of the few MLP community sites that's both large, yet also welcoming and (mostly) suitable for all ages. MLP has driven me to do that willingly, and it'll drive me to help out even more in the future, I'm sure.


MLP also sparked me to realize what I wanted to do in life, at least as a hobby. I had wanted to be an artist many times earlier in my life, but I never had any drive. The wonderful fan art produced by the community drove me to finally take up art so I could produce my own fan art -- and here I am, a few months later, starting to improve and already having a decent set of fans to call my own.


It's helped me meet great friends here, and better my relationships with my friends in real life. Who would've known something in common as trivial as an interest in ponies would create chains of friendship?


I can't simply go on and on with what MLP means to me -- and I wouldn't make everyone here have to go through 5 screens of text to find it out. If nothing else, MLP is something that's both directly and indirectly changed my outlook on life, and I'm glad I ended up where I am today: a Brony.


It's something we all should be proud of.

Edited by Ashbad
  • Brohoof 3



What has fanfiction has Ashbad written lately?

We should totally find out by clicking this link.

(Protip, turn on "Show Mature" to see more)

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To me it's a great show and someting to go with my other mane hobby, gamming, since most of the friends I play with seem to also be Bronies. I also like the creativity from the fans.

My over all happiness is also up. I mean how could you not smile during a show, that is well written, about technicolor ponies.

  • Brohoof 1
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To me... MLP is a show, that spawned a very interesting cult fandom. That being said, I have since joined this cult, (ALL HAIL CELESTIA!) and am unashamed to show it. While my life hasn't been turned 'round and made amazing by the show, it's certainly done some good for me. It's shown me who my real friends are, and who the jerks are that were just using me. It's given me access to a huge fandom, who all love the show for varying reasons, but to me, that's what makes it fun. My reasons for liking the show might be completely different from someone elses, but it doesn't matter cause at the end of the day, we still enjoy the same thing.

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I would say it has changed me. if you would have told me a year ago that i would be watching a show with My little pony in it a year ago i would have called you insane and laghed. now i have seen all of FIM twice, waiting in constant want of the new season, and joined a forum about it so it has changed me a little.





Sige Hail! Edited by irobern2857
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What has it done for me, let's see here, first off it got me out of deppresion a few months ago when I first discoverd it when my dad left. I love it, helped me find my love of writing, taught me how epic music can be. It made me rethink about how I live my life. It also if anything helped me find one of the best communitys in the world, at least in my opinon. So in all I love it a little bit more than a TV show. It is pretty much the one good thing still left in my life. Um, yeah so that is all I think.

  • Brohoof 1
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It made me smile. Although it seems trivial and redundant it meant a lot to me during a stressful and dark time. I am a trauma specialist in psychology and listening to this horrible stories gets to you eventually. So to come home to my wife, flip on Pinkie Keen and smile means a lot to me

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I don't rate MLPFIM as a quasi religious experience or anything, but it is my favorite animated program at this time. It's delightfully entertaining, with a fan base that's a lot of fun to be part of.
  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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To me, MLP is just a show that I enjoy, not as much as some, but that is also because those shows are already finished(specifically Star Trek). The only way MLP has affected me is on my level of cautiousness and secretiveness.

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I don't rate MLPFIM as a quasi religious experience or anything, but it is my favorite animated program at this time. It's delightfully entertaining, with a fan base that's a lot of fun to be part of.


This sums up my opinion quite aptly. (Although I would have to say that it's not really my favorite animated show. The honor goes to Avatar: The Last Airbender or something else I'm not remembering.)


It is a show I really enjoy, but it isn't some quasi-religious experience or something that has changed my life significantly. I could say that being on this forum and meeting certain people has changed my life, but I do not attribute that to MLP. I attribute that to the people who did so. MLP was merely a means for me to meet such people. And whilst it is true that without MLP, I would've never met such people, this does not equate to the show or its values changing me. The community as a whole and the show have done very little to change me from the way I've always been. It is only specific people from it, and it isn't because they like ponies.


If I'm honest, people like that weird me out a bit. I'm not certain how a show about ponies could really affect one in such a way, but hey, I have more strange things I do, so it's not really my place to judge. They may feel as they wish.


The only way they've changed my life is my art. I will admit that drawing the ponies has streamlined my art significantly. By attempting to imitate the show's smooth vector lines, my skill with a tablet has become very precise and less shakey. And my style has evolved a bit more to include more dynamic poses, smoother lines, and simpler designs. Compare this and this. See the difference?


As well, I will have to admit that moderating these forums has made me realize certain things about skillsets I did not know I possessed. I'll admit I did not think I was responsible enough to create and moderate an entire section... that could essentially function as its own site. I didn't think I had the ability to maintain an entire site of RPing. But now I know that. So it has helped with my confidence. (And my stress. :P)


In short, MLP means to me: A good show about ponies that entertains me on occasion, and is fun to have minor fan and artgasms about. It has changed some aspects about me, but nothing really major. It's not much more than that.

  • Brohoof 1

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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It's a tv show. It does mean quite a bit to me since I happen to like it a lot, but it's by no means anything life changing to me like some here consider it

  • Brohoof 1

I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something.


Reading the blog below kills more brain cells per minute than smoking:

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For me it's just a show that I enjoy. I'm not as into it as other people are, and I can't say that it has changed my life in any way. Still, it's a pretty decent show and a good way to curb boredom.

top lel

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MLP is a tv show to me, nothing more. One thing it did though was get me to use photoshop more often and improve my skills - in fact, thanks to MLP getting me to work on my Photoshop work, it managed to save my mark for some classes (creating advertisements in one class, and signature making in another - hey, signature making is essentially remixed art).


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To me, and I'm sure a lot of other people, this is more than just a show. It's a creative outlet. This show brings out the creativity with people whether it's art, writing, music, or fan made animations. It honestly has made me a better person too, it just makes me happy and that's why I love it.

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Edited by Hollowshield
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I'm not a devout fangirl, but I do love the show. A lot. Mostly, I just love the writing. MLP is honestly the only show that I actually laugh out loud to. I like how I can come home after a stressful day, slump on the couch in front of MLP, and forget about being an adult for a little while. I guess I'm still a big kid on the inside. And come on, who doesn't love cute colourful ponies?!

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To me, MLP is like an anti-depressant. Whenever I'm sad, or I'm just bored, I watch the show. No matter how sad I am, it always manages to cheer me up at least a bit.


The show made me realize how important friends are too. Nowadays, people nearly always take their friends for granted (not everyone, but you know what I mean). It also even helped me see who I really am, and to avoid all the haters. And cupcakes. Oh...the cupcakes.

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It's mostly Rule 34 and the Clop-Fics.


I've spent a lot of time creating signatures for everypony and it has made me improve as the time went past, if it weren't the ponies I would never had made so many signatures.


MLP means a lot to me, though the haters are really getting on my nerves.

  • Brohoof 1


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


Avatar & Signature by me.

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MLP, it really hasn't changed my life that much. I unfortunately get into this habit with movies, looking upon them like Hollywood special effects and not really caring about the death of a certain character. I also do this with shows, and MLP is one of them. Not that I don't care, but I end up viewing it as "all will get better" It's how I am.


But this show... I watch it because it's a GOOD show, in my opinion. With the severe lack of violence in cartoons, this cartoon sure seems like a 90's one. Lots of funny bits, and it just for some reason has a resonance around it like Ren & Stimpy did. Which is a good thing (Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy...). That and the spin off series, like PONY.MOV.

Edited by p51


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