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IF the writers do a shipping...which would be first?


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I only want Rarity to be shipped -- if it had to be anyone. I adore Sparity. Other than that it would just be me screaming "NOO GOD! NO. GOD. PLEASE. NO. NO!!!"


Yep. Don't touch Dashie, don't touch Fluttershy, don't touch AJ, don't touch Twily, or Pinkie. Just NO.


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I could possible accept shipping Rarity with some prince or Rainbow Dash with a wonderbolt, but other than that, nahh. Not a chance. Especially not within the mane 6 - if Derpy was offensive to some viewers, lesbian luv won't go well.


Oh, and like Breezie said, Rarity could possibly go with Spike. I still think any sort of romantic relationship between any main character is a bad idea, though.

Edited by Shaoni
  • Brohoof 1

I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something.


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How I think shipping with the Mane six (and spike) would turn out

1: The show would focus more on the shipping partners, which lean away from the purpose of the show

2: The shipping partners would spend less time with their friends, thus giving a theme of "romance is magic"

3: The mane six would start caring less about each other, as they have their shipping partners

4: They would feel a gap in their lives, and become depressed

5: They can't go back as their shipping partners wouldn't let them

6: They would get so depressed that they all eventually commit suicide

7: At hearing of her idol's death, Scootaloo would go into a deep depression, then kill herself, then the rest of the CMC would kill themselves due to depression

8: No more wielders of the elements of harmony

9: Discord comes back to take over Equestria; he wins

10: Everypony KEELS OVER AND DIES!!!



Or they just all live happily ever after with their shipping partners! :wub:

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Wow, I seriously have no idea. I mean, Rarity and spike seems like a legit couple, but only one problem.... beastiality. I mean, I'm not trying to be disgusting here, but I'm making a logical point. ( Example of this would be a person marrying a dog, some countries do allow this though :blink: ) Edited by DJ PINK-3

I'm a Y2K Survivor™ 


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Derpy Hooves and muffins = a match made in heaven.


As you can see here, it's been strongly hinted at. B)




Edited by VOODOO
  • Brohoof 1

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Yeah it's true (and you're also right with the other relationships, totally forget about it, but i guess that's what happens when shipping gets crossed in the midst (sigh) ). There's a reason why Mr. Thiessen is always making sure to say something along the ways of "We are NOT being influenced by the bronies", because they still have their own ideas, and most of our ideas, wouldn't go through with a show with the intention of MLP: FIM. I do however you are a bit too hard on shipping. It comes out of the "What if" situations that comes through our minds, whether it WOULD make sense, but enver possible, an actual "it could happen", or just a crack pairing. Shipping has been around FURTHER than 4chan, I assure you. Even in the weird state it might have been. The writers may read what we do, but so long as they follow their own ideas, it should be fine, even though Derpy somehow got through. Plus, like you said, it wouldn't be the best idea to do. Although, I think saying "masturbation fuel" is a bit too much, exaggerating or not.


Oh, trust me, I'm not hard enough on shipping. I view shipping as nothing beyond empty, vapid masturbation fuel. Very few shipping pairs are even normal by any stretch of the imagination. Almost all of them are either about interspecial relationships, incest (Yes, I've seen plenty of ApplejackxBig Mac ships that were SEXUAL), or slash.


Let me tell you how much I abhorr that last one... slash. If you write slash, you could write the best slashfic ever, and it'd still be a WORSE love story than Twilight. And if you tell someone they wrote a love story worse than Twilight, that's about as insulting as going to their house and taking a nice long piss on their face. THAT is how much I hate slash.


The shipping in this fandom is the only thing I hate about it. Shippers don't even bother to think about if the relationship makes sense at all, or is even legal (Again, I've seen AdultxChild in this fandom, as well as SiblingxSibling). They just make any and all stupid combinations that defy logic, ethics, and/or biology.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh, trust me, I'm not hard enough on shipping. I view shipping as nothing beyond empty, vapid masturbation fuel. Very few shipping pairs are even normal by any stretch of the imagination. Almost all of them are either about interspecial relationships, incest (Yes, I've seen plenty of ApplejackxBig Mac ships that were SEXUAL), or slash.


Let me tell you how much I abhorr that last one... slash. If you write slash, you could write the best slashfic ever, and it'd still be a WORSE love story than Twilight. And if you tell someone they wrote a love story worse than Twilight, that's about as insulting as going to their house and taking a nice long piss on their face. THAT is how much I hate slash.


The shipping in this fandom is the only thing I hate about it. Shippers don't even bother to think about if the relationship makes sense at all, or is even legal (Again, I've seen AdultxChild in this fandom, as well as SiblingxSibling). They just make any and all stupid combinations that defy logic, ethics, and/or biology.


Incest, and pedophillia, etc, all fall into crack shipping. A crack ship is basically something that makes no sense. While slash can make sense but is just blocked by the whole parents would get mad thing, cracked is just made for the interesting factor.


Shipping is just romance. That is all there is and while it CAN be clopping fuel, that doesn't mean all bronies clop to it, you just insulted a ton of bronies you know. The yuri couples you see are different then most yuri couples you expect. They are made because they are cute. Its cute seeing them together. There is nothing wrong with slash. And no, it would not be worse then Twilight seeing how you have a prejudice against it making it an entirely inaccurate criticism.

Edited by TwiPie RaccoonBL
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My thoughts on most shipping is generally "What? Why would you do that?". I'd state my reasons for not really being a fan of it, but others have said it better than I probably would. Also, the show is so great because it is what it is. If they started doing fandom-shipping things in the show, that would be the point where the show jumps the shark and just becomes a mess of fanservice-pandering. I'm 99.9% sure they'd never do that.


I think the closest the show should ever come to shipping is Hearts & Hooves Day and the Royal Wedding. Sensible, reasonable relationships between characters. (even though Big Mac and Cheerilee was under the influence of a love poison, even if it did actually become canon, it would be sensible, and far more reasonable than this out-there stuff the fandom loves to produce. If I were told I had to choose a relationship to canonize, that'd be it.) It's My Little Pony, not My Little Soap Opera.

  • Brohoof 1
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My thoughts on most shipping is generally "What? Why would you do that?". I'd state my reasons for not really being a fan of it, but others have said it better than I probably would. Also, the show is so great because it is what it is. If they started doing fandom-shipping things in the show, that would be the point where the show jumps the shark and just becomes a mess of fanservice-pandering. I'm 99.9% sure they'd never do that.


I think the closest the show should ever come to shipping is Hearts & Hooves Day and the Royal Wedding. Sensible, reasonable relationships between characters. (even though Big Mac and Cheerilee was under the influence of a love poison, even if it did actually become canon, it would be sensible, and far more reasonable than this out-there stuff the fandom loves to produce. If I were told I had to choose a relationship to canonize, that'd be it.) It's My Little Pony, not My Little Soap Opera.


I would also like to point out that "the closet thing to shipping" as you said, is still shipping. Theres no "closest" about it. Fanservice isn't the problem, its the fact that parents wouldn't approve of the femslash.

Edited by Devin McCourty
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This is something that just came up to me when talking about Spike and Rarity, my fave platonic couple so to speak (I WISH they could be together...cannot only because of age, FUDGE!). However, IF the writers where to create a couple, make a shipping canon, drives me to three questions. One, which would be first that they would use? What could be possible according to known circumstances? And what would you like to see that WOULDN'T break such circumstances?


Why can't Spike and Rarity work because of age? We don't know how old they are or how "one of them" grows. For all we know, dragons like Spike could evolve like pokemons.


Oh and its strange how easy it is for fans to see Rarity as a character looking for romance yet completely overlook Spike is the only other main character aside from Rarity also looking for romance. In fact he fantasizes about it a lot more than she does.

Edited by hironakamura
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My thoughts on most shipping is generally "What? Why would you do that?". I'd state my reasons for not really being a fan of it, but others have said it better than I probably would. Also, the show is so great because it is what it is. If they started doing fandom-shipping things in the show, that would be the point where the show jumps the shark and just becomes a mess of fanservice-pandering. I'm 99.9% sure they'd never do that.


I think the closest the show should ever come to shipping is Hearts & Hooves Day and the Royal Wedding. Sensible, reasonable relationships between characters. (even though Big Mac and Cheerilee was under the influence of a love poison, even if it did actually become canon, it would be sensible, and far more reasonable than this out-there stuff the fandom loves to produce. If I were told I had to choose a relationship to canonize, that'd be it.) It's My Little Pony, not My Little Soap Opera.


I tell you, this one line made my entire morning. It's both hilarious and completely true.


Technically, Shining ArmorxCadance IS a ship, so I guess you could say the writers have already done a shipping. WITHOUT turning it into an X-rated series.

  • Brohoof 1
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It would be cute to see Fluttershy or Twilight have a crush on a stallion. Pip and Applebloom would be cute together X3

"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant."

- The Doctor

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Why can't Spike and Rarity work because of age? We don't know how old they are or how "one of them" grows. For all we know, dragons like Spike could evolve like pokemons.


Oh and its strange how easy it is for fans to see Rarity as a character looking for romance yet completely overlook Spike is the only other main character aside from Rarity also looking for romance. In fact he fantasizes about it a lot more than she does.


I'm pretty damm sure dragons age WAY slower than ponies, or most of the magical creatures around. If not, there's still the "One hundred year sleep". That is one factor we cannot deny (as much as we may not like so. Because something like that seems like a dragon thing that can't be ignored for the body's sake).



I tell you, this one line made my entire morning. It's both hilarious and completely true.


Technically, Shining ArmorxCadance IS a ship, so I guess you could say the writers have already done a shipping. WITHOUT turning it into an X-rated series.


Do you really think that using a shipping would make it something like that? If it were like that, then the authentic relationships, which are still shipping, shouldn't even exist! Besides, trying to get so far into the shipping to just point out the bad would be completely unfair. After all, haven't you read a story, that wasn't canon, but still went and said "Dawwww" or something like that? I have read stories like that wouldn't even make sense, crack shipping or not, and I STILL thought it was good and didn't even make me think of anything that might get them out. Slash means pairing with someone of the same gender as far as I know, so to tell taht would be to pretty much cut in a BIG part the fanfictions around of the world, if you don't like them. Okay, so maybe Applejack and Big Mac are both siblings and SHOULDN'T be together, that I get easily, but on the stories, unless all they talk about s clop or the like, if it's a good story, then you shouldn't worry about anything else, right?
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well they didn't do anything in the hearts and hooves day episode so i dough they would do so in the future also i dought it would be an of the mane 6 it would probably be side characters like Spitfire x the worlds luckiest pony

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I'm pretty damm sure dragons age WAY slower than ponies, or most of the magical creatures around. If not, there's still the "One hundred year sleep". That is one factor we cannot deny (as much as we may not like so. Because something like that seems like a dragon thing that can't be ignored for the body's sake).




Do you really think that using a shipping would make it something like that? If it were like that, then the authentic relationships, which are still shipping, shouldn't even exist! Besides, trying to get so far into the shipping to just point out the bad would be completely unfair. After all, haven't you read a story, that wasn't canon, but still went and said "Dawwww" or something like that? I have read stories like that wouldn't even make sense, crack shipping or not, and I STILL thought it was good and didn't even make me think of anything that might get them out. Slash means pairing with someone of the same gender as far as I know, so to tell taht would be to pretty much cut in a BIG part the fanfictions around of the world, if you don't like them. Okay, so maybe Applejack and Big Mac are both siblings and SHOULDN'T be together, that I get easily, but on the stories, unless all they talk about s clop or the like, if it's a good story, then you shouldn't worry about anything else, right?


1. Shipping that is canon in one thing. In FANON, it goes through every stage of "Let's see what more we can mess up in this" first.

2. Nope. Because even the best writers in history have a hard time pulling off romance well. Yet every newfag online tries that exact genre as their first.

3. Slash is a little different than that. Imagine the Twilight series summed up in a fanfiction, only twist being that it is two people of the same gender. Slash, just like Twilight was, is an attempt by a frankly terrible writer to extensively portray emotions that they, almost invariably, have not felt themselves or had experience in writing. It is comparable in quality to the first painting by a mediocre artist: Subpar, poorly executed, and deserving nothing better than a run to the dump. I have never seen a good slashfic, because it is almost as if the genre is DESIGNED to see how badly you can write. Romance is the most difficult genre, yet is the first choice of virtually every amateur.

4. In the fanfic I saw, Big Mac and Applejack laid in a field, then Applejack kissed Big Mac, then Big Mac kissed Applejack, then they had sex in the field. Tell me how that can remotely be considered a good story.


well they didn't do anything in the hearts and hooves day episode so i dough they would do so in the future also i dought it would be an of the mane 6 it would probably be side characters like Spitfire x the worlds luckiest pony


Think about this... If they didn't even make a canon ship on a VALENTINE'S DAY episode, what is the likelihood they'd consider it any other time?

Edited by KakeiTheWolf
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If it's a non mane 6 shipping, I could see them addressing Discord and Celestia. Not in a modern day sense, but possibly maybe before Discord ruled he wasn't evil and him and Celestia were friends? Kind of like a star-crossed lovers scenario? I'd like to think Celestia could have broken his heart and that's why he became so twisted and evil.Come on, they totally sounded like a broken up couple when they were talking to each other in Return of Harmony Part 1.

Edited by Rarietty


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1. Shipping that is canon in one thing. In FANON, it goes through every stage of "Let's see what more we can mess up in this" first.

2. Nope. Because even the best writers in history have a hard time pulling off romance well. Yet every newfag online tries that exact genre as their first.

3. Slash is a little different than that. Imagine the Twilight series summed up in a fanfiction, only twist being that it is two people of the same gender. Slash, just like Twilight was, is an attempt by a frankly terrible writer to extensively portray emotions that they, almost invariably, have not felt themselves or had experience in writing. It is comparable in quality to the first painting by a mediocre artist: Subpar, poorly executed, and deserving nothing better than a run to the dump. I have never seen a good slashfic, because it is almost as if the genre is DESIGNED to see how badly you can write. Romance is the most difficult genre, yet is the first choice of virtually every amateur.

4. In the fanfic I saw, Big Mac and Applejack laid in a field, then Applejack kissed Big Mac, then Big Mac kissed Applejack, then they had sex in the field. Tell me how that can remotely be considered a good story.




Think about this... If they didn't even make a canon ship on a VALENTINE'S DAY episode, what is the likelihood they'd consider it any other time?


Shipping passes through a lot of stages of "Let's see how far we can mess this up", ACCORDING TO PEOPLE. I've seen (though haven't read), fics made with a shipping of Eiko and Amarant, characters of Final Fantasy IX, and if you know them, you know just how messed up that can sound. But I have seen more than one shipping story that was perfectly fine and good for me (Wolokai's "Leap of Faith" series comes to mind, for example). Some people like to take it to a deep level. Some others like to take it to the very shallow level of shipping, which is almost not even remotely romantic. I don't know if I have as much experience as you do in reading, but that's my opinion on it. And even then, some crack pairings just do that. Crack me up so badly I end up falling off my chair because of how many stuff happens because how different they obviously are!


Honestly, I don't know how far you could have looked into shipping stories, but I'm pretty sure there are good stories out there. And more than you give credit for. But since I don't think it's your favorite thing to see in a story, I'll say nothing else. After all, why look for something if you don't even like it? (Although you could do it, just for curiosity alone).


Have you even read the Twilight series or was given an accurate resume of the books by a non-fan, non-hater person? I haven't, my sister did, but even I know that the the prejudgement of people was taken WAY far off. I accompanied my sister in watching the two first movies (initially, it was so she wouldn't be alone, because I haven't read the books as well), and even I didn't think it was bad. Not absolutely to my taste, but not bad. If you consider what the target for book might have been, it seems more accurate than people give credit for. And also, don't go on dissing a writer just because of one book or series. My sister is reading another of her books, called "The Host" (didn't read it as well), and the idea doesn't sound bad at all (hell, it's somewhat the base for an idea I have for a future fic of mine). I honestly don't know how you can relate slash to something like a series itself. Saying it's designed to see how badly you can write seems a bit too much. Again something like the "Leap of Faith" series or "Pillow Thoughts" and Pillow Thoughts II" I remember to been stories I was quite intrigued, and both include slash at some point, or even being the base of it. Why do people choose romance? Because people are daydreamers? Because they are the frist thing they can think of to write in a story that is different from the actual show? There are MANY reasons why writers choose to write romance in the first place. I'm not one of them, I couldn't write a romantic thing even if I could. Maybe reference or make fun at in the story, but never actually being there. Either you seem picky, or you have bar that is too high. But that might probably just be me.


Okay, no. That's not a good story. When I say story you may like in shipping, it's one with a DEEP plot. Not something shallow. i mean something that makes you forget the fact that it MIGHT be wrong, depending on the situation. If you haven't seen something like that, then I'm sorry, but hey, you gotta look in the right places. Or maybe even filter. Many times is a long story one with a TRY for a good story (After all, I KNOW a long story can be bad. I intend my fic to be almost as long as Equestria: Fallout and I don't know if it's good or not).


By any chance, have you ever written something?

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Shipping passes through a lot of stages of "Let's see how far we can mess this up", ACCORDING TO PEOPLE. I've seen (though haven't read), fics made with a shipping of Eiko and Amarant, characters of Final Fantasy IX, and if you know them, you know just how messed up that can sound. But I have seen more than one shipping story that was perfectly fine and good for me (Wolokai's "Leap of Faith" series comes to mind, for example). Some people like to take it to a deep level. Some others like to take it to the very shallow level of shipping, which is almost not even remotely romantic. I don't know if I have as much experience as you do in reading, but that's my opinion on it. And even then, some crack pairings just do that. Crack me up so badly I end up falling off my chair because of how many stuff happens because how different they obviously are!


Honestly, I don't know how far you could have looked into shipping stories, but I'm pretty sure there are good stories out there. And more than you give credit for. But since I don't think it's your favorite thing to see in a story, I'll say nothing else. After all, why look for something if you don't even like it? (Although you could do it, just for curiosity alone).


Have you even read the Twilight series or was given an accurate resume of the books by a non-fan, non-hater person? I haven't, my sister did, but even I know that the the prejudgement of people was taken WAY far off. I accompanied my sister in watching the two first movies (initially, it was so she wouldn't be alone, because I haven't read the books as well), and even I didn't think it was bad. Not absolutely to my taste, but not bad. If you consider what the target for book might have been, it seems more accurate than people give credit for. And also, don't go on dissing a writer just because of one book or series. My sister is reading another of her books, called "The Host" (didn't read it as well), and the idea doesn't sound bad at all (hell, it's somewhat the base for an idea I have for a future fic of mine). I honestly don't know how you can relate slash to something like a series itself. Saying it's designed to see how badly you can write seems a bit too much. Again something like the "Leap of Faith" series or "Pillow Thoughts" and Pillow Thoughts II" I remember to been stories I was quite intrigued, and both include slash at some point, or even being the base of it. Why do people choose romance? Because people are daydreamers? Because they are the frist thing they can think of to write in a story that is different from the actual show? There are MANY reasons why writers choose to write romance in the first place. I'm not one of them, I couldn't write a romantic thing even if I could. Maybe reference or make fun at in the story, but never actually being there. Either you seem picky, or you have bar that is too high. But that might probably just be me.


Okay, no. That's not a good story. When I say story you may like in shipping, it's one with a DEEP plot. Not something shallow. i mean something that makes you forget the fact that it MIGHT be wrong, depending on the situation. If you haven't seen something like that, then I'm sorry, but hey, you gotta look in the right places. Or maybe even filter. Many times is a long story one with a TRY for a good story (After all, I KNOW a long story can be bad. I intend my fic to be almost as long as Equestria: Fallout and I don't know if it's good or not).


By any chance, have you ever written something?


1st block of text: Nothing of note to respond to.


2nd block of text: Every story I have read involving shipping has been completely RUINED by it, to the point where more effort was put into the shipping that the rest of the story put together.


3rd block of text: Okay, first off, if you are going to act unbiased, don't use a blood relative as the source for your information. Second, do NOT say a book series is good based off of a movie series. Many terrible books made good movies (Citizen Kane...), and many good books made terrible movies (Left Behind...). The dialogue in Twilight is wooden, the relationships are developed in an awkward fashion, the descriptions are cheesy and bawdy garbage, the plot centers around an incredibly overused concept (Vampires/Lycans), the characters are Mary Sues and Gary Stus (Note their actions and their incredibly formulaic appearances), the pacing is terrible, and the structure and grammar are beyond appalling. Twilight isn't just a terrible love story, it is a horrendously abyssal abomination of a book.


4th block of text: Long =/= good. AT all. No book beyond 1000 pages actually has a plot that merits that length, and most of the story at that point is filler, extremely drawn out dialogue, internal monologues, overly descriptive text, and plot modification to allow for further lengthening. Fallout: Equestria may be long, but that doesn't mean it is good. In fact, Fallout Equestria is boring, uncaptivating, needlessly long, and incredibly wooden.


5th block of text: Only 250 pages and counting of text... Around 100,000 words or so.

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The only shipping I would be ok with the writers doing is Mrs. Cake X... Wait for it


I don't think that shipping should be in the show since it is kinda a fandom thing.

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It is absolutely mind boggling how much of this is so unbelievably stupid that it is beyond the comprehension of mankind.


1st block of text: Nothing of note to respond to.


2nd block of text: Every story I have read involving shipping has been completely RUINED by it, to the point where more effort was put into the shipping that the rest of the story put together.


3rd block of text: Okay, first off, if you are going to act unbiased, don't use a blood relative as the source for your information. Second, do NOT say a book series is good based off of a movie series. Many terrible books made good movies (Citizen Kane...), and many good books made terrible movies (Left Behind...). The dialogue in Twilight is wooden, the relationships are developed in an awkward fashion, the descriptions are cheesy and bawdy garbage, the plot centers around an incredibly overused concept (Vampires/Lycans), the characters are Mary Sues and Gary Stus (Note their actions and their incredibly formulaic appearances), the pacing is terrible, and the structure and grammar are beyond appalling. Twilight isn't just a terrible love story, it is a horrendously abyssal abomination of a book.


4th block of text: Long =/= good. AT all. No book beyond 1000 pages actually has a plot that merits that length, and most of the story at that point is filler, extremely drawn out dialogue, internal monologues, overly descriptive text, and plot modification to allow for further lengthening. Fallout: Equestria may be long, but that doesn't mean it is good. In fact, Fallout Equestria is boring, uncaptivating, needlessly long, and incredibly wooden.


5th block of text: Only 250 pages and counting of text... Around 100,000 words or so.


Okay, dude, you don't need to say something like that. That's just mean. It may be stupid to you, but maybe not to others. Expressing opinion is one thing, just don't take it that far.


Yes, using a blood relative isn't the best way to make something sound better in this sense, but that doesn't mean she CAN'T make a good actual opinion. Also, dude, I wasn't saying that the series was book. I was just commenting that the movie wasn't bad to ME. I'm more than certain many people could either agree with me or disagree with me. Besides, are you really making an opinion that is not unbiased? I mean, horrendously abyssal of an abomination? Again, isn't that maybe a little biased? You probably don't like that type of books. And fanatism aside, there's probably a reason why it hasn't been called a bad series by actual proffessional writers. If it was, then maybe so. Otherwise, we have no reason to say otherwise. It could bad for us, but it might because we just don't like it.


Stephen King and other proffessional writers with great books of such length would disagree. "It" is a book by Stephen King, has more than 1100 pages, and as far as I know, it's a good horror book. Since writing is a form of art, I could easily compare this to music. Is something bad or good because it's long or short? No. Take "Scuttle Buttin'" by Stevie Ray Vaughan and it's one of the best guitar solos ever. Take your bigass album of "Lupus De Anima", which I'm hearing right now, I'm on part III, it's 4 hours long, and yet it's good (I'm a bit rusty with things of such great length, but I do have to say, you some nice organ playing skills my friend). Many have praised the Harry Potter books, all of them are of different length, and all have been called good worldwide. And before you say anything, am I comparing Meyer to Rowling? No, because they have different styles. Whether one is better than the other or not, I have no idea. And I'm pretty sure Equestria: Fallout has a reason why people has made in freaking HARDCOVER BOOKS. And I'm certain it isn't because it is bad.


I see...of which kind have you written stories? Or only story? Also, tell me if writing wall of texts is tiring you out. The last thing I want is for you to get annoyed (that happening in the discussion aside XD).

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