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open Dead Silent Ponyville.

Cherry Blossom

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Octavinyl bought another cup of coffee at Sugarcube Corner. same cream and sugar, but she didn't go back outside this time. Something was very wrong, they were sending a lot of soldiers to intervene on a so called terrorist attack. 'This is really starting to scare me? What's going on over there?' She thought to herself.


The soldiers were moving throught the Everfree forest setting up defenses. It seemed as if they were preparing for an attack or an invasion. They started to plant land mines everywhere in the Everfree forest to prevent entry. Soldiers were equipping riot shields and gas masks in what seemed like there was going to be a disaster.

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Fae hovered next to one of the guards unafraid of getting seen, to the regular pony in the Everfree she is just another of the creatures that live there. 'Starbolt, they are setting up all sorts of things. It looks like they are preparing for an attack or invasion of some sort.' Fae told her.

Starbolt heard the news and finished her tart. She went up outside and intercepted another patrol of guards. She approached the pony at the back of the formation and walked next to him. "I know you are setting up defenses in the Everfree, what is happening?" She asked the colt.

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(OOC: I had a airhead moment and forgot Twillight lives in the library, herpderp. I changed my previous post to that Ruby works at a bookstore. Just wanted to notify you guys)


Finishing her small breakfast, Ruby put the cup next to the sink, she could always clean it later. Carefully she put away the book she had been reading in one of the bookshelves just outside the kitchen, making sure to put it back in the same place. She had excellent memory, but she still wanted some kind of order with her books since they have grew so much in quantity. It wasn't a coincidence that she worked in a bookstore, after all she had always loved books as long as she could remember. Taking a deep breath, she made her self psychologically ready to go outside and opened the door. She loved books, that's for sure, but socializing was something she did not enjoy.

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As the brother arrive at Sugarcube. Sup Ms. Cakes. Can i get my regular. Same for me too. Razor saw Starbolt come in and take a seat. Hey Star. Long time no see. At the same time Diehard took his coffee and saw Octavinyl getting some sugar. Hey have some coffee with your sugar.

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Sugar Rush woke up in one of the clouds, taking a nap in one of the clouds on top of Ponyville instead of flying to her cloud home, she yawned as she stood up to stretch her wings, she sat down and her stomach grumbled slightly "heheh, better get myself somethin' to eat" she said flying towards Sugarcube Corner, on her way there she spotted the military ponies on the edge of the Everfree *....That's strange...* she thought as she landed on the ground, she shrugged it off and opened the door to Sugarcube Corner

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The soldier stared at Starbolt, "Excuse me miss, but we are here to intervene against a terrorist attack, but you'll be safe as long as you stay here in Ponyville." he replied as he tried to go back to his duties on patrol.


Octavinyl looked at Diehard and gave him a confused face, "Get some coffee with my sugar? What?" she replied in a soft tone.

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Drizzled woke up to find himself in the same place he was next to the window. He ended up dosing off and fell asleep.He looked around and said "Still the same." after getting a good nap he was calm and could think more straight. He felt a pain in his stomach then found out he didnt eat anything this morning and he slept so long it was almost noon so he went to his kitchen and started searching "Nothing" he said then he walked out of his house then just like before nopony in the marketplace nopony walking around and no shops open "Great" he said

Edited by Drew171o5
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Surge was in the Ever Free Forest making sure everypony was in the right place. Set up shock wire! Plant more mines ten yards out! Hey solider do you want to die? Then put your mask on and hold your shield! There is something big coming this way.


Diehard rolled his eyes. Its a joke. But never mind. Do you know whats going on out there? My dad Surge left without saying anything.

(OOC let me know if what i have Surge doing is ok with you. I dont want to mess up anything)

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Starbolt didn't buy what the guard said. A terrorist attack wouldn't need this much ponies to fight it off. She walked towards the forest.


Fae flew around the soldiers perimeter studying it.

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Penmark's stomach began to rumble.

Right... breakfast... He had completely forgotten about it in his rush. He was just about to get something from the fridge, when he had an odd thought.

Twilight did tell me to socialize more often, and I've hear the 'Sugarcube Corner' is pretty popular in the morning. The thought stuck, and he headed for the door.

Before he went though, he remembered to put up the 'Out to Lunch' sign, despite it only being 10:00 A.M. Maybe a nice coffee... He thought as he tightened his tie.


((OOC: Library is not open, and Penmark is wearing the fedora and red tie, not the whole suit.))

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(OOC : Surge is doing doing fine, but don't tell anypony that there is an infection going on.)


"Well I have no idea what's going on around here either." She replied to him as she mixed some more sugar into her coffee. "It seems that there is some terrorist attack or something, but I don't really know." Octavinyl added as she took a sip from her coffee.


"Hey! Stop right there!" A guard yelled at Starbolt. "I'm sorry ma'am but you are not allowed to be in this area." He added.

Edited by Octavinyl
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When Ruby had arrived at the book store, the owner had told her that she could get a day off since there were hardly any customers. "You need to go out more, I know you're always buried in books but you need to socialize too!" was her exact words when Ruby left the building, flinching at her remark. Still, without really knowing why, Ruby aimed her steps towards Sugarcube Corner. Some more tea would be nice, went through her head when she opened the door. The sight of all the other ponies there made her hide her face in her mane and regretting her decision to go there, maybe she should just head home instead.

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Starbolt neared the Everfree she saw multiply military ponies entering with all sorts of combat gear with them. Starbolt was wondering what in Equestria was going on when one of the ponies saw her. The pony started to approach her.
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Sugar Rush ordered a small coffee, she didn't usually drink coffee, but a day of flying ahead, might as well get some energy for it, she left 2 bits on the counter as she sipped her coffee carefully. *Sugarcube Corner's coffee must be the best in all of Equestria* she thought as she opened the door out "I wonder what those ponies are doing" she thought as she looked at the Everfree

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"Now i gotta go all the way to ponyville just to get somthing to eat" Drizzled said in a annoyed voice. So he set off to ponyville but he only seen things that made him think twice about going "What are they doing here?" he said while watching some soldiers from a distance. He took small steps thinking it over "should i go or should i go back to my house?" but once again he was so deep in thought he didnt notice he was still walking to ponyville. He was alarmed to hear otherponies voices "Atleast theres otherponies here" he said . Then he found some where to sit and rest from walking and to think of what else to do.

Edited by Drew171o5
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Penmark was so distracted with thoughts about his coffee, that he didn't notice the mare in the doorway of Sugarcube Corner.

Maybe some nice, da-

His day dream was interrupted when he bumped into the previously mentioned mare, causing her to fall forward a little. Penmark, embarrassed by his own oafishness, hid his face under his hat and quickly made his way to the counter, hoping nobody saw was just happened.

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After Razor finished his meal he went to his brother. Octav whats up? Yo Diehard im going to go see if i find out whats going on. Dont wait up for me. Flies out the door. What am i going to do with him?


Surge was doing his check again. Mines! Tosses a rock. BOOM!!! Check. Shock fence! Check. Magic traps!? The troops looked around and kicked their hooves. Well dont just stand there! Start putting down some magic traps! Yes Sir!

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The guard and Starbolt exchanged a few words, but eventually the guard got Starbolt to leave the area.


Starbolt knew there was something big going to happen in the Everfree, but she would have to rely on Fae to update her. She went back towards Sugar Cube Corner.

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Octavinyl sighed and took another sip from her coffee. Today was very weird with all the military personnel running around, it was like a movie she saw a few months back. 'What was that movie that I saw again? 20... 28 something...' She thought to herself as she looked around the cafe in Sugarcube Corner.

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"Oh yhea hunger" Drizzled said as he got up but he was in no mood to make his own food right now and the only place in town is SugerCube Corner he didnt like being in a public place but this was no time to be picky so he headed off to there.He slowly opened the door to the building and saw some ponies in there so he made his way to the back and found a nice quiet table to sit at. He sat down for a while and was wondering what he sould get. He checked a seen that he didnt have any bits then reality hit him like a brick he left all of his bits at home and he was not going to walk all the way back so he just sat and enjoyed the peace and quiet.

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Ruby felt something, or well, somepony bump into her, but she managed to quickly regained her balance. To shy to see who it was, and the fact that she could barely see behind her mane, she walked towards the counter to get some tea before she went home to... lock her in her house or something, Ruby thought to herself and mentally sighed.


When she had finally made her order heard to the one standing by the counter and paid for it, Ruby grabbed the cup of tea and headed for an empty table at the side of the room.

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Starbolt arrived at Sugar Cube Corner. She looked for a place to sit but all the seats were taken. She sighed. She decided to just conjure up an ethereal chair and table to sit on. Her horn glowed and a translucent chair and table appeared. Starbolt took a seat on the chair.


Fae saw the magical traps the ponies were setting. Fae hovered slightly above Surge. From what she heard it sounded like he was in charge, maybe she could get some information from him.

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Razor was flying to the Everfree to see what was going on. What the frick is going on here? Just then he saw Fae. Fae?! What are you doing up here?


Surge then called for his best flyers. Go and secure the clouds up top. I want a full scan of the area.

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Penmark ordered his coffee, payed for it, and sat down by the window.

He sighed, such a beautiful day out and Twilight was off doing something amazing...

Absentmindedly, he begins to pour spoon-full after spoon-full into his cream-less coffee.


((OOC: I am seated between Starbolt and Octavinyl))

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(OOC Fae can't speak, she is also IN the forest not above it. ^_^)


Fae was surprised to hear somepony call her name. She turned and saw Razor flying next to her. She wondered if he knew that she couldn't speak to anypony except Starbolt.

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