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Could Princess Celestia Defeat Superman? Could Other Alicorns/Unicorns?


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There really isnt enough info on Celestia to call this with certainty. Celestia's powers are pretty ambiguous. When locked in the magic duel with Chrysalis how much force were they throwing around? For all we know it could be the condensed force of 10 hydrogen bombs. What would have been the full effects of the blast had it contacted? How fast is Celestia? How physically strong is Celestia? What are the full extent of her powers? Can she control the sun in all aspects? What are her specific weaknesses?


Heres a quick list of her known abilities/traits.

1. flight

2. teleportation

3. telekinesis ( can be used on very heavy and large objects)

4. ability to project illussions (at least with crystals)

5. Ability to weild dark and light magic.

6. The ability to move celestial bodies.

7. It would stand to reason that Celestia can cast all of the spells Twilight can with better control and perhaps effectiveness. so this would add...

Tranmogrifaction, gravity control, summoning creatures, possible(limited) time control, The ability to cast affection spells(supes really likes her mane),  possibly locating spells, and sheild/defensive magic.

8. etreme long life/ imortality

9. Extreme intelligence/ statigest with plans that seem to span over 1000 years

10. Highest level unicorn spells possibly, aging spells ect.(if Celestia doesn't count as highest level then who would.)




With the above I think we can say Supes defiantly has quite the adversary in Celestia. However with the unknowns it seems hard to call. As even her known abilities have thier unknown traits, limitation ect.

Edited by Anadu Kune
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This is an easy one.


OBVIOUSLY, Goku, the mighty Super Saiyan, would appear out of nowhere and blast the two entities into oblivion since his power level, as we all know, is over 9000.

Goku can't breath in space. One good uppercut or a banishment nd he's done for.




Post-Crisis is gonna have to be smart

Well that seals it. She'll just suckerpunch the genius in a dinerduring his stupid walk across America. :lol:

But seriously, Celestia controls the very source of Sup's power, she could probably rip the stored solar energy right out of his cells (wouldn't that be messy?) or shut off the part of the sunlight that powers him. And wasn't it established that extreme radiation still messes him up? Just blast him, get some clouds to block out the sun and bam, supergeezer.



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If I were to compare the two... Let's just think for a second.


Superman. (Even though my knowledge is limited.) He...

+Has the ability to fly

+Relies on his strength and superpowers.

+Is super strong

+Is pretty much a tank in terms of defense.

-Has a weakness to kryptonite.


Celestia. She...

+Is an alicorn

+Has tons of magic on her side

+Can also fly

+Has been living for thousands of years, and therefore is probably very intelligent.

+Is a princess, so she has got an army if that counts.

+Is essentially a sun goddess.

-She really isn't built for battle being a ruler.

-Can be fragile in battle herself.


I think I'll place my bets on Celestia. She's more likable than Superman anyway. Who agrees?

These are fair reason to say that she may have the upperhand on Superman in some capacity but you forgot some things about the Man of Tommorow


+Has an army of massively powerful robots

+Is a Super Genius in some respects outclassing even Lex Luthor and Batman

+Is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant with various degrees of martial arts and boxing

+Has defeated Gods on the level of Celestia in age, experience, and magic before and won

+Has Super Sonic speeds beyond anything Rainbow Dash could ever pull off

+Defeated his own version of Discord, Mxyzptlk, multiple times with no aid.


-Can lose his power under a Red Sun, though it takes time

-Has very few ways of defending against Magic, unless he concentrates on his Bioelectric field to defend against it.

-Vows to never kill any sentient creature no matter what they've done.


Take that as you will.

Taking that into consideration

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These are fair reason to say that she may have the upperhand on Superman in some capacity but you forgot some things about the Man of Tommorow



Take that as you will.

Taking that into consideration

Well, like I said, my knowledge of Superman is limited, but those all sound like Superman. With all those, he and Celestia can be neck and neck, but I'm still thinking of Celestia.

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Well, like I said, my knowledge of Superman is limited, but those all sound like Superman. With all those, he and Celestia can be neck and neck, but I'm still thinking of Celestia.

Again he does have several things that can hold him back in a confrontation, if Celestia had all of that information and was at her absolute best in terms of physical condition. She may have have what it takes to take Superman down


Again though Celestia is not in her prime and doesnt have many feats to her besides assuming that she can do whatever Twilight Sparkle can do 1000 fold. Superman is at his prime and does have a lot of battle experience, plus the knowledge of thousands of years of Kryptonian history. Supes go it where it counts.


It really matters how seriously Superman starts off, and whether or not Celestia has access to the Elements of Harmony, in which Supes may lose horribly.

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Superman, obviously, unless Celestia has the EOH or kryptonite. Celestia is ageless, but not invincible. Superman is invincible. 

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Doesn't really seem there'd be much of a fight. If Celestia knew he was coming, she'd just change the sun to whatever color would make him helpless (possibly teleporting somewhere secure if this process took a while) and then kick him to death. If she couldn't do that (or didn't know he was coming) he'd win because he's Superman.


And I'll grant that magic could come into play if there was enough time to use it. Twilight could probably gin up a Kryptonite ray spell (apply that to the sun!) or actual Kryptonite if she had the opportunity to do the research and if that's allowed in a strict Celestia vs. Superman scenario. But really, the actual battle would be pretty one-sided when it came down to the fighting itself.

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I think that Superman wouldn't fight Princess Celestia and there wouldn't be a battle. They would maybe chat and there would be no ultimate "victor".



I like the idea I proposed.

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Most of Celestia's magic is related to the sun. Her magical attack against Queen Chrysalis amounts to a Solar Beam. Superman is powered by yellow sunlight. Blasting him with it will do absolutely nothing. I'd say Nightmare Moon would be a better match up. She could make the night last forever, then take out Superman while he's weak from lack of yellow sunlight. Soup-n-jam wins.

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Celestia lost. If you think about she's worthless without others, probably just to keep in line with the show's morals.


Superman is almost invincible to the elements (Scientific elements and The Elements Of Harmony!) due to 2 things:


1. Krypton is a gas even when it's very cold and it makes up a notable amount of Earth's atmosphere. Also it's radioactive and breathing it is not a good idea...


2. The Elements Of Harmony can only be used against evil. Superman helps people so he's safe unless he starts killing random people! Hippies don't count.

Edited by butter scotch

Did you know: 20Kv's of electricity can kill you from up to 5ft away?

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I have some theories and hope not to offend any pony



Superman is weak against magic, but that alone doesnt mean he won't put up a good fight. In the DC universe superman ha fought beings like shazam, captin marvel, black adam, the specter, all beings with god-like magical powers (the specter being gods spirit of vengeance has way to much power). Second superman gains his power from the yellow sun. And we all know that princess Celestia's magic is derived from the sun (to my knowledge correct me if I'm wrong). Knowing these factors superman may stand a chance against princess Celestia. Whether he wins or not I don't know


Now as a leader superman hasn't shown the best leadership skills out there.

Leadership wise princess Celestia will win hands down


As for morals superman may have better morals. Hes more humble and willing to help out other. Based on the fan fics I read princess Celestia doesn't regard hymens very well (based on some fan fics may not be accurate) superman with all his godlike powers still believes in humanity dispite there mistakes and ways.


This is my opinion and should not be taken as an act of offense.

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Based on the fan fics I read princess Celestia doesn't regard hymens very well (

You might be thinking of the wrong princess here :lol: .

Also Celestia and Luna don't seem to be limited to their "jobs" in terms of magic: Dark Magic, controlling the weather, animating objects...



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I'm more of a Marvel guy when I bother to read comics at all so I'm not going to bother to try to enter the debate. Just one point though: if Superman is as fast as I think he is, might he be able to knock out Celestia before she can cast anything?


I'd love to post this topic on a Comics Forum just to see the responses :)

  • Brohoof 1
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You might be thinking of the wrong princess here :lol: .

Also Celestia and Luna don't seem to be limited to their "jobs" in terms of magic: Dark Magic, controlling the weather, animating objects...

Ya saw the spelling error after finishing the post my bad


Anyway your right I don't know all of princess Celestia's powers and this can't say who will win


All I'm saying is that superman will put up a good fight

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most of Celestia's magic is related to the sun. Her magical attack against Queen Chrysalis amounts to a Solar Beam. Superman is powered by yellow sunlight. Blasting him with it will do absolutely nothing. I'd say Nightmare Moon would be a better match up. She could make the night last forever, then take out Superman while he's weak from lack of yellow sunlight. Soup-n-jam wins.

Maybe I should put up a Nightmare Moon vs Superman thread.... though that would seem redundant.


Even then, it takes a while for Superman to lose his powers out of sunlight, like at leas 2 weeks, so if she can stop him for that long than she definitely has a chance, still Celestia has the ability to turn the Sun into whatever she does want, say Red, and though it would still take possibly days before he even really slows down, its a better strategy. Plus Celestia has far more battle experience and it smarter and stronger than Luna


 I guess Luna could go into Supermans dream and mess with him,  but I doubt it would hold him long.

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Maybe I should put up a Nightmare Moon vs Superman thread.... though that would seem redundant.


Even then, it takes a while for Superman to lose his powers out of sunlight, like at leas 2 weeks, so if she can stop him for that long than she definitely has a chance, still Celestia has the ability to turn the Sun into whatever she does want, say Red, and though it would still take possibly days before he even really slows down, its a better strategy. Plus Celestia has far more battle experience and it smarter and stronger than Luna


 I guess Luna could go into Supermans dream and mess with him,  but I doubt it would hold him long.

Please no, I think this thread will do nicely on the Superman vs. Equestria thing, seeing how this thread no appears to be going on several forums now... I think you just created a new Goku vs. Superman to the ranks... which isn't always a good thing


Still I find this thread enjoyable, so why not continue it?


I still think Celestia would definitely have what it takes to take Underwear man down, purely on the fact of what you said Luna controlling dreams. Since that episode its easy to see that Luna or Celestia could just knock Superman out with a concussion blast, then just screw around in his head until he's just a pile of mush.


That or since Celestia is supposed to be as powerful as the Alicorn Amulet, she could just BFR Supes to death by removing his mouth, or turning his cape to Kryptonite. Yes Superman could always Speed Blitz her to death, but I doubt hed do that at a first resort. Celestia would've killed Chrysalis if she wasn't knocked back, so she'll strike for blood more than Supes will.


Sorry, Superdork is gonna find his loss to a bunch of ponies... awesomely powerful ponies, but still.

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Please no, I think this thread will do nicely on the Superman vs. Equestria thing, seeing how this thread no appears to be going on several forums now... I think you just created a new Goku vs. Superman to the ranks... which isn't always a good thing


Still I find this thread enjoyable, so why not continue it?


I still think Celestia would definitely have what it takes to take Underwear man down, purely on the fact of what you said Luna controlling dreams. Since that episode its easy to see that Luna or Celestia could just knock Superman out with a concussion blast, then just screw around in his head until he's just a pile of mush.


That or since Celestia is supposed to be as powerful as the Alicorn Amulet, she could just BFR Supes to death by removing his mouth, or turning his cape to Kryptonite. Yes Superman could always Speed Blitz her to death, but I doubt hed do that at a first resort. Celestia would've killed Chrysalis if she wasn't knocked back, so she'll strike for blood more than Supes will.


Sorry, Superdork is gonna find his loss to a bunch of ponies... awesomely powerful ponies, but still.

Yeah some of those posts on other forums are by me because I wanted to see what other people thought, those most are from other people. So I think its cool that other people think its an interesting debate.


I thought you said you liked Superman? Whats with the Underwear man and Superdork jokes?


Superman wouldn't speed blitz her to death though I doubt she would remove his mouth, besides Pinkie Pie survived (though she is Pinkie Pie) having her mouth removed. And if she is as powerful as the Alicorn Amulet, than yeah she could be a major annoyance. I still say that Superman is gonna come out on top


And Superman got his ass kicked by Skeletor and Muhammad Ali in Non-Canon comics, doubt this will be his greatest defeat.

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Well since mostpony reads DC comics. Superman's weaknesses in this fight would be, Kryptonite and Magic. Celestia has a good advantage I think.

Again, the magic thing I get.. though again Magic is not a weakness to Superman, he is mearly as vulnerable to it as any other being. But still she is a master of it and could wield it in a way that would fuck up Superman


Kryptonite, how would she even know of its against him since she doesn't even know what it is or how to get it, because it isn't exactly on store shelves, most people in the DC-verse nowadays don't even know about it. I guess she could read his mind and such, bugt besides that I don't see how.

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All the people that are bringing up things like

"Celestia could just turn the sun red" or "She could just teleport him to a place full of kryptonite":


There's something very flawed within that argument...


How the buck is Celestia supposed to know what Superman's weaknesses are? :P


Last time I checked, Celestia wasn't omniscient :P


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Using my little Superman knowledge, basically if the Man of Steel fights anybody with Kryponite, he's screwed. So if Celestia has some of that good stuff, Superman will fail faster than Starscream at a Rainbow Dash convention. Alternatively, doesn't Superman's powers come from solar power? So Celestia just turns off the sun and Superman loses power too. Unless Celestia is powered by the sun. Which means...uh....


Anyway, regarding moral character, they are both upstanding models of goodness. Though Celestia is more relaxed and trolly, she probably has done more for Equestria than Superman has done for Earth.


Basically, I declare Celestia the winner, on the grounds that I do not like Superman.


Luna vs. Batman however...


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Using my little Superman knowledge, basically if the Man of Steel fights anybody with Kryponite, he's screwed. So if Celestia has some of that good stuff, Superman will fail faster than Starscream at a Rainbow Dash convention. Alternatively, doesn't Superman's powers come from solar power? So Celestia just turns off the sun and Superman loses power too. Unless Celestia is powered by the sun. Which means...uh....


Anyway, regarding moral character, they are both upstanding models of goodness. Though Celestia is more relaxed and trolly, she probably has done more for Equestria than Superman has done for Earth.


Basically, I declare Celestia the winner, on the grounds that I do not like Superman.


Luna vs. Batman however...

I guess if she did get Kryptonite he would be screwed, but how would she be able to? And turning off the Sun wouldn't remove his powers immediately, in fact if this battlefield takes place in Equestria shed basically be killing all of her family and friends and possibly herself because of this and Superman would just fly away to find another sun and return home.


And that's fine, you don't have to like Superman. But Superman is anything but uptight, the whole Clark Kent goofball persona and the overall mellow tone of Superman is really shows that he doesn't take the role as seriously.


And on protecting Equestria more than Supes does Earth. I guess to the whole 1000 years of protection, I can agree that she does keep it relatively stable. Though Superman deals with much nastier and more powerful threats more regularly


Luna vs Batman... Batman, because he never loses. Though that would be a fun topic..

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All the people that are bringing up things like

"Celestia could just turn the sun red" or "She could just teleport him to a place full of kryptonite":


There's something very flawed within that argument...


How the buck is Celestia supposed to know what Superman's weaknesses are? :P


Last time I checked, Celestia wasn't omniscient :P

Just because she isn't omniscient doesn't mean she cant learn about these abilities. If Sleepless in Ponyville is anything to show, Luna and Celestia can enter peoples dreams, and their thoughts. This implies that she could read Supermans mind and find out many of his secrets and weaknesses.


Plus the powerful magic at her disposal, despite the fact Superman isn't weak to it, is still enough to bring him down.

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