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certain fans...


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they're ALOT of fans, some like the show, some really like the show, some really REALLY like the show, some get obsessed with the show....


so... what kinda people are you not fond of in this fandom? me? cosplayers.... excpecially bad cosplayers...

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I don't like the Bronies that make the rest of us look bad. These certain individuals include the pony spammers and the cloppers. I find the pony spam (be it trolling memes, or obsessed fans) particularly annoying, just as the rest of the internet does, and the cloppers are just fitting right into the stereotype that people associate Bronies with.


  • Brohoof 9
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I don't like people who cosplay like this: http://www.google.com/search?q=bad+mlp+cosplay&hl=en&client=safari&tbo=d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=a_dDUPnfD9PyqAG5noDICA&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1024&bih=672#biv=i|12;d|zRWiprobeqyuBM:


P.S. I am so sorry for subjecting your minds to this horrible of cosplay. CLICK ON LINK AT YOU OWN RISK.

  • Brohoof 3
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I don't dislike any part of the fan-base... The only thing I have to say that I sorta don't like, but tolerate are the fans that throw and flaunt it in peoples faces.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't like people who cosplay like this: http://www.google.co...zRWiprobeqyuBM:


P.S. I am so sorry for subjecting your minds to this horrible of cosplay. CLICK ON LINK AT YOU OWN RISK.


AAARRGGGHHH I CLICKED THE LINK BEFORE READING YOUR LAST SENTENCE! My feeble minds has been broken. You owe me one fully functional mind
  • Brohoof 2
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I'd say the butthurt bronies get on my nerves. When ever someone just simply trolls them, they bitch and moan and complain how "MLP FIM iz teh best sho in teh wrld and EVRY1 HZ 2 LKE ITZ". This is usually the bronies that the haters meet and say that we're ALL like this. This just makes us look bad.

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  • Brohoof 1
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Those who creates horrible fanarts/fanfics/OCs just because they can, and freaking proud of it.


Seriously, we got enough bad reps as it is, and you guys only helping those haters with your stuff

  • Brohoof 1
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Those who create horrible fanarts/fanfics/OCs just because they can, and freaking proud of it.


How is that any different from other fan bases? I've seen fan fics written for Kingdom Hearts, Xenosaga, Star Ocean, etc, that nearly made me bleed from the eyes and ears. Same with the fan art. People will R34 the hell out of just about everything. We as a fan base are not unique in that regard.


Anywho, I generally don't have any problem with certain fans be they cloppers, cupcakes fanatics, yada yada yada. I sure as hell don't understand some of them, but that doesn't mean I won't tolerate them. They have as much right to be a member of the Herd as I or any other Brony.

Edited by Hawk
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People will R34 the hell out of just about everything. We as a fan base are not unique in that regard.

The problem is, these kind of bronies just love to show their weird creation to the world, paying no heed to non-bronies out there. Many times I tried to take my friend to the fandom, but before they could see the pony goodness, they got freaked out by the aforementioned shitty fans first.


And there's a bloody lot of them.

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I don't like when people throw MLP all over the place, I actually like the show and I get annoyed by this. It's really quite irritating and I can understand why someone wouldn't like MLP or it's fanbase simply because of this. Even worse is when people mention ponies where they have nothing to do with what's happening and then they get mad when they get some negative responses. I also don't like when fans act like if someone doesn't like the show something is wrong with them. If they don't like the show then they don't like it, it's that simple.

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Well, I dislike it when Bronies think that their special or better than any other fandom just because the show they watch is for little girls. It's in my opinion, just another fandom and just another show. Not that I don't like MLP, but I really get annoyed with the Bronies that think we are unique for watching a little girls show. I'm fine with people thinking that their awesome for watching being a Brony, but people that think they are better than any other fandom is really annoying the hell outta me.


Another thing I dislike about the fandom is the Bronies that nonstop want everyone in the world to know how special and unique you are just cause the show you watch is for little girls, and they think they deserve all the attention for it. Ugh, the ego meter in some has increased a lot.

  • Brohoof 1
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Those who flaunt it and those who spread it absolutely everywhere. I'm also not particularly fond of the mindset shown above... something about disliking people who watch porn? Did I read that correctly? :huh:

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I don't like people who cosplay like this: http://www.google.co...zRWiprobeqyuBM:


P.S. I am so sorry for subjecting your minds to this horrible of cosplay. CLICK ON LINK AT YOU OWN RISK.


A word of advice, try to put the AT YOUR OWN RISK before the link....the first picture of that pinkie pie.....thing was quite...*shivers*...disturbing..


I don't really have a problem with the fanbase, execpt the cloppers and the one's who spam pony stuff everywhere.

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The ones who hate on cloppers bug the hell out of me. They aren't hurting you...get over it


Also, the ones who have to go after haters and trolls...seriously? Is your grip on the fandom that loose and pathetic that you have to viciously attack someone who doesn't like the show? It's almost like they have to prove to others that they are bronies...get over it

  • Brohoof 3
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I'm usually pretty cool with most members, what they do is their business, but the cos-players always give me the heeby-jeebies.

It's just kind of freaky, you know? I mean, no offense to the cos-players here.

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I get annoyed by the Bronies who are obnoxious to those outside the fandom. The one who message "Needs more ponies" to artists and the like who have no interest, or go on other fan pages and piss off everyone by going on and on about My Little Pony. Folks like that create the haters.


I really don't have a problem with the Cloppers and the grim/dark stuff, as long as they keep their "art" age restricted (I quite like the funny stuff myself).


I really think those Bronies who act like we're some kind of grand movement that will change the world need a major reality check.

Edited by Midnight Seeker
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Personally I don't dislike any part of the fanbase to be honest.

However I do think that the cloppers that are WAY too open to what they clop too and the fans that rage when people say they dislike the show give us all a bad name.

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More and more it's beginning to bother me when fans act like it's something more than just a well written cartoon aimed at children. People talk about how it somehow made their lives better and spout "Love and Tolerate" while flaming anyone who dares to disagree with them. It's a very good show, but it's only a 22 minute long cartoon! People go on and on ad nauseum about "Why did this pony do that" "What motivates that character to say what she does? The answer is exactly the same each and every time. The writers thought it up, and told the animators to draw it that way! Edited by cuteycindyhoney
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Ummm, I don't really have a problem with any of the fans of the show. I guess I do find some of the cosplaying that goes on in this fandom a bit strange, if only because it's very surprising how intricate some of the costumes for this show actually get, but I don't really dislike cosplayers. I guess the only fans that I might dislike are ones who are either too obsessed with the show, or who try to shove the show down other ponies throats, even if others don't want to watch MLP or aren't interested, but that's just annoying in general, know matter what fandom we're discussing, and let's be honest, every fandom has those fans! ;)

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The problem is, these kind of bronies just love to show their weird creation to the world, paying no heed to non-bronies out there. Many times I tried to take my friend to the fandom, but before they could see the pony goodness, they got freaked out by the aforementioned shitty fans first.


And there's a bloody lot of them.


I hate when people say that they masturbate to ponies in public and are so proud of it.



Edited by Thereisnospoon303
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Every person has the potential to be a great friend or a very annoying friend. (Or a bitter enemy, but I elect to prevent that if at all possible.)


Every brony from layman user on here, to die-hard shippers, fan-fic writers, people who obsess over OCs, Ask-blog followers, artists, bad artists, cloppers, outspoken cloppers, trolls, moderators, etc.

Every person does what is right in their own mind. The challenge is either suffering through opinions which you don't agree with (Tolerance) or asking them politely to be annoying in such a way that it doesn't hinder you (Tolerance) or peaceably discussing how both of you feel on the matter so that you can come to an agreement regarding gripes (Love).


Or you can be a total wad and just complain at them.

  • Brohoof 1
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