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What is something that you dislike, but everyone else loves?


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-Pickles, they are evil.

-I know it's totally looked down upon anyways, but I absolutely hate the fact that millions of people still smoke cigarettes. It's just a horrible thing that makes me sad. :(

-The band Queen. I have nothing against Freddy Mercury or anything, but I just don't like their music. I can't help but roll my eyes whenever I hear We Will Rock You and Bohemian Rhapsody and stuff like that, way too cheesy imo. I've tried to like them, but I just can't get into 'em.

-2D Mario in general, SMB1, 2 and World are great, but I didn't like 3(go ahead, burn me at the stake) or any of the New series games so far(U looks surprisingly promising, however).


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I know I'm a teenage girl and I should be all over this shit but I can't help it. I hate. NEON. Neon colors, nailpolish, paint, clothes,shoes, bags. I just can't stand it. On 97% of the population it looks stupid so as a fashioista It has never made sense to me as a fad trend. Seriously.

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YOLO- gosh it is annoying

Crazy Sports fanatics- I truly don't like sports at all

Slenderman- I just find it stupid...

Gangnam Style- I find it really really annoying

Reality TV- No reason for it to exist

Adventure time- Just... no...


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YOLO- gosh it is annoying

Crazy Sports fanatics- I truly don't like sports at all

Slenderman- I just find it stupid...

Gangnam Style- I find it really really annoying

Reality TV- No reason for it to exist

Adventure time- Just... no...


Dude, don't say something like that to slenderman, he'll be pissed. And do you know what happens when he's pissed? He kills people.

Yup. (I don't believe in slenderman, but I like him as a character. He's so original.)

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Gangnam style. Everyone in school just loves it and me? I HATE IT LITTERALLY HATE IT. (Sorry to all gangnam style lovers out there). Well, i think hate is a strong word. But Gangnam style is something i HATE.

  • Brohoof 3

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I don't like:




taylor swift (even though I look like her! :P)

my generation.





I'm a weird 16 year old. xD

  • Brohoof 1

Love and tolerate, and live by it.

No, this is not a Hallmark card. I'm just incredibly sappy. ^o^


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I really hate Spongebob. The 'humor' just falls flat and it's repetitive nature makes it even more annoying to watch.


I hate pretty much any shooter games, so Call of Duty, Gears of War, etc.

I just don't see why people get so over excited to play a sequel, because they nearly always play the exact same way.


I've played Minecraft to the point where I'm tired of anyone even suggesting that I play it.

It's a decent game, but it's just boring to me now.


Human feet. I dunno why, but ever since I was young I've had this strange hatred for the way they look. Other people seem to like them for some reason, and I just wanna chop them up with an axe. If I could I would have me own replaced with something that's not so grotesque and ugly like some dog paws or something. Yesh, I know I am weird, and I enjoy being that way. ;)


I actually started hating my feet a few years ago. I think it started when I was into furries, but I'm not too sure.

It got to the point where I'd be constantly walking around on the balls of my feet to replicate paws in some kind of way...

I'm actually more balanced walking like that than I am walking flat-footed, which some people find really weird.

Edited by JayBee
  • Brohoof 1

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I don't like:




taylor swift (even though I look like her! :P)

my generation.





I'm a weird 16 year old. xD


Taylor Swift is freakin' hot to me. That makes you hot, then.


*ackward silence*


Let's see......


Playing basketball, football, and some other sports

Just doing sports in general unless it's bowling or I'm in P.E. class.

Most foods the other students like

Socializing, as wierd as it sounds

  • Brohoof 3



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Let's see... what else is there that I dislike.


Modern Dubstep. 98% of peoples I know in real life enjoy it, and I think it sounds like... I haven't even got a clue. At least it's tolerable though, but I can tolerate pretty much any music. =D


God. Not trying to offend anyone here, in fact I'm going to be open minded on this one. I'm an Athiest, so the thought of a god to me is something I dislike. However, if I am wrong and there really is a god, he really hates me, and does whatever he can to make my life miserable. (And a damn good job he does, as well) So basically, I dislike that people think this guy exists, cause it just doesn't make sense to me. I also dislike him if he DOES exist, because he's an asshole to me. :(


And last, but not least; Wal-Mart. Sure they have some fairly cheap prices, and make things convenient for their customers, but they treat their employees like shit (Of which, I am one) and most are under payed for the work that they do. In about one month, the store that I work at makes enough money to pay for the entire paychecks of the entire store, including the salaried managers, for the entire year. The rest goes straight into the companies profits and expenses. They are just flat-out assholes, really, and deserve a good chunk more hatred than I give them. :3



I actually started hating my feet a few years ago. I think it started when I was into furries, but I'm not too sure. It got to the point where I'd be constantly walking around on the balls of my feet to replicate paws in some kind of way... I'm actually more balanced walking like that than I am walking flat-footed, which some people find really weird.

For me it's been my whole life, but this is pretty much exactly the same as me here. The only time I don't walk like that is when I am wearing my work boots... and that's only because it hurts like hell. Sometimes I do it anyways, cause it's just been a natural thing I've done for something like 10 years now. (And according to my sister I walk like a girl, lulz) And then, of course, I stumbled upon furries and that didn't make the situation any better, and I just started disliking them even more. It's a dreadful thing, and I cannot even stand to look at them, and it's the most annoying thing ever. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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I do not like Brony music at all. Sorry, but listening to random samples from the show, terrible vocals, and practically the same beat over and over again is not my style.

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First thing that comes to mind is spoilered for adult themes.



Cocaine. First time was admittedly pretty great, every other time I didn't really feel any different or better. Not for me.



Light beer. Ick. I'll take an amber ale or a good double stout, thank you. While we're on the subject, I also hate cheap liquor. It's all my friends buy because they want to get wasted on the cheap, which I can appreciate but it just sucks so much it's hard to justify. A nice aged single malt scotch, now that's another story. But listen, kids. You don't have to get drunk to enjoy alcoholic drinks. The best way to drink (in my opinion) is to have one finger of quality scotch once in a while, neat or on the rocks, and sip it slow. If you're not fully grown, obviously you should not drink unless you're in a safe place and no one is driving anywhere, and wait at least until your late teens before you partake. Kids should NOT be drinking because they don't understand moderation or how to handle themselves, not to mention it could disrupt brain development. If you're worried about legal issues then definitely wait until you're legal to drink wherever you live. This really turned into a ramble, eh?


"If we have the courage to decide ourselves for peace, we will have peace." - Albert Einstein

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The legend of zelda,I just can't get into those games,as a adventure game they don't have intresing areas(Atleast IMO) as a action game its boring and as a puzzle game its bland the art style is generic fantasy,the stories are basicly the same in each game

the only one i kinda like is wind waker due to the really awesome art style

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Gangnam style. Everyone in school just loves it and me? I HATE IT LITTERALLY HATE IT. (Sorry to all gangnam style lovers out there). Well, i think hate is a strong word. But Gangnam style is something i HATE.


I know that feel man. From someone that originates from the country that the song came from I can say that even watching the video makes me ashamed that something so weird like this could come from my country. I mean it looks more like it was meant for japan than korea.

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9gag, clubs, milk, tea, most anime (especially stuff like Naruto, though there is some good ones), also, most popular music today doesn't appeal to me at all, though there's a few exceptions.

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> The 70's, 80's and 90's as a whole.


> Facebook and most social networks.


> Most TV series, like Dr House, Lost and The Big Bang Theory.


> Most popular songs and singers of today.


> Alcohol.


> People.


And also, I seem to hate everything that other brazilians like me love: Carnival, beaches, soccer and "samba"... :|

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I've got a twist on this, something i like but everypony else hates.

DR.pepper soda.

Everypony i know and i mean everypony! Literally HATES it!

I just don't know why, it tastes and smells soooo gooood!


Signature by Cloud Chaser

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I've got a twist on this, something i like but everypony else hates.

DR.pepper soda.

Everypony i know and i mean everypony! Literally HATES it!

I just don't know why, it tastes and smells soooo gooood!

The reason why people don't like Dr. Pepper is because it tastes like liquorice.


Don't even deny it. Try drinking some next time and not think it doesn't taste like liquorice.

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Call of Duty. 0_0


Why you may ask? well there's nothing else that really grinds my gears when a game can't thoroughly change and the developers still expect the masses to shell out $60.

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One Erection Infection Direction

Everyone seems to be obsessed with them for stupid reasons. I can't stand it. Whenever someone listens to them, I pull out my iPod and play heavy metal loud enough to make anyone within ten feet of me deaf. WITH HEADPHONES!

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Oh man, I don't know if I can even think of all of them. To start off, I can't stand YOLO, popular mainstream music (especially Call Me Maybe), Hondas, Toyotas, reality shows, hybrids, campers in FPS's, Kim Kardashian, long beards (except ZZ Top), rap dances, dubstep, Slender (I think slenderman is a creative character, but seeing all the videos of Slender on YouTube is getting annoying), Twilight, Hunger Games, New Spongebob (I like seasons 1 up until after the movie), Family Guy, and Facebook.


Signature credit to Gone Airbourne
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Steam - Sir_Trollestia

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Music: Just about any modern song. Lady gaga really annoys me most, though.


People: Obama, Justin Beaver (who cares if I spelled it wrong), Lady Gaga, and other modern day terrible noise makers.


TV Shows: Spongebob, reality shows, and most animae shows

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