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My little pwny

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Oh Mal, I would choose your response carefully after part 1. And put as much detail in it as possible, because I don't think your infrencing skills are high enough to pick up on that warning. It's either going to end really good, or really bad.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(OOC: I've got no worries. I can wait... *attempts poker-face* I am so bad at this...)


XD hey, it's ok, i was worried when i tried to help out on my fanfic too, but it turned out fine! actually, better than fine, it was amazing!
  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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(I'm going to fail the Twi will hate me. :( I can just see it happening.)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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(I'm going to fail the Twi will hate me. :( I can just see it happening.)


(OOC: *becomes the short red monster from Monsters Inc.* Keep it together, man!


But seriously though, I'm not worried about how it will be shown at first; I'm worried about how I even respond to Twi. I've got a history of being friend zoned. -_- )

  • Brohoof 1

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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@@My little pwny


(I honestly don't know how to mention people. Figured it out.) Good look on your two years, hopefully I'll still be here when you get back. Known you for what, a month? With this being the only thread. Let me say, you made an impression; this is my favorite thread xP


As for my story, well, I'd like to start an official relationship with AJ, and hopefully propose. I never did lock her in completely though, so I know this might not be possible. I'd love to see you try to be me in this, I don't know if I put enough of my OC into it. Other than that, well, good luck.


Working on your fan fic next. Just so everyone knows, I'm doing this on a first come first serve basis. Staticarc is next, then Mal

  • Brohoof 1
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O.O I didn't expect mine so soon! My poetry is unfinished. (What are you talking about, you haven't even started!) Exactly! (You know you're practically screaming yay inside, right?) Gah, get out of my head, inner voice! (I can't. I am you, thinking, to yourself. You're weird dude.) Shut up me. (When has that ever worked?) Good point. (Oh, he's very very nervous. You can tell by how much I ramble) ... *Worried happy face*

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Working on your fan fic next. Just so everyone knows, I'm doing this on a first come first serve basis. Staticarc is next, then Mal

I seriously can't wait for mine, even though I'm not sure where it would go considering I never got far with Cheerilee, but I'm sure you'll think of something awesome for me! :lol:

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Trixie will obviously fall for my affable demeanor, charming good looks and equally biting egotistic personality that mutually blunts us both into being mushy loveponies.


That or at least I hope she would.

The question then arises if she's the kind that does it on the third date, because I'm the kind of guy that only does it after the last date and on the first night of the rest of our lives.

Edited by Blue
  • Brohoof 1
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(OOC: I'm curious how it would go because I never got anywhere with Twi really. Me thinks it might be a start from scratch or something similar. I'm not sure how to place a ticket for next available spot for the love fic, so... I'll place a ticket. :) )

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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(Pwny,you are a great writer.That fic with ponydox and octavia was absolutely amazing.Plenty of Dawww moments in there.Can't wait for mine.No pressure of course.


it was awesome, huh?


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Yay. Yayayayayayayayayayay. Yaaaaaay. "Okay, take your time!" ^^)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(OOC: This is part 1 of 2. Please read the bottom note after reading it before you give your response.)


Dawnpath X Applejack

It was a clear day at Sweet Apple acres, perfect for harvesting apples. Applejack started working at 5:30 that morning in order to get a jump on her chores for that day. There were many trees to tend to and a lot of other work to be done around the farm before AJ could retire. Unfortunately for Dawnpath, he didn’t know this when he offered to help that day. Dawn and AJ worked from 5:30 to 12 o’ clock noon just kicking trees in order to pick off the apples.


Dawnpath never worked harder in his life, but to him, it was all worth it. He had a crush on Applejack and was willing to do almost anything to get her attention. As they worked, the two of them didn’t talk very much because of the intensity of the job. Finally when lunch arrived, Applejack mercifully let Dawnpath stop because he was incredibly tired.


“This is pretty hard work, ain’t it? This is why we don’t hire many ponies to help us do our work, because there aren’t many ponies out there in shape like the Apple family is. Don’t get me wrong though, I really appreciate your work.”


Dawnpath, who collapsed on the ground, saw the number of trees Applejack bucked compared to how many he had bucked. The number wasn’t even comparable, however, Dawnpath knew AJ wouldn’t say she appreciated him if it wasn’t true.


"Honestly, I've never done something this hard in my life. But it gets me away from the writer's bench, which could be good or bad," said Dawnpath, pointing to his quill-and-paper cutie mark on his hip, “It could be what I need to get out of the writer's block I've had for a week. With my deadline coming up, well... let’s just say that very little bit counts. Funny story; after I met with you yesterday, I actually did manage to write something, but it blew out of the window.”


At this point, Dawnpath had stood up to talk with AJ eye to eye, but when he mentioned the paper he wrote for her blew away, he looked down at the ground and kicked some dirt to show his frustration. What Dawnpath couldn’t see though, was Applejack’s smile.


Dawnpath continued, “Which reminds me, I got you a cake yesterday to say thank you for talking with the silly pony who randomly walked up to you.” When Dawn opened up his saddlebag to reveal the cake, he realized that he had forgotten to take it off before working. He blushed and said, “Well, it WAS fresh, but I kinda forgot to take it out before bucking… it’s okay if you don’t want to eat it.”


Applejack smiled again because of the obvious attempts at trying to get her to like him. She didn’t know what was cuter, the cake he wanted to give to her or how red Dawn’s face was from blushing.


AJ said, “Heh. That's awful nice of you! Thank you very much. We should eat this together for lunch along with some of the apples we’ve harvested.”


Dawnpath accepted her offer, and the two of them laid down underneath the shade of a big apple tree. Dawn pulled out the cake again while AJ bucked the tree lightly so two apples would fall off. As Applejack and Dawnpath began to eat their lunch AJ also began to spark a conversation.


“About that ‘funny story’ you mentioned earlier, you know, the one about the thing you wrote for me that blew out the window? Well, what if some random Mare happened to read it?”


Dawnpath replied, “Um, let’s just say it would be embarrassing because I signed my name on it, and I addressed it to you… I hope it landed in the river and dissolved for no pony to see.”


“Embarrassing, you say? What did you write in it that you don’t want anypony to see?”


“It was just a poem I wrote for you. Nothing that serious I guess.”


Applejack stared with a smile at Dawnpath for a moment before speaking again. “Now, what if that random Mare that happened to find your poem was me?”


Dawnpath eyes perked up, as if to say, ‘Did you?’


AJ then proceeded to read the note she found on accident. “If this doesn’t sound too serious, stop me. *ahem*,




There's a mare that lives near Ponyville,

She has a lovely smile,

And here I've seem to fallen for

Her simple country style.


We haven't really talked much,

Just a couple silly lines,

But in that exchange I noticed that

She's honest, trusting, and kind.


I wish I was a unicorn

So I could paint her face,

Anything less than magic

Won't portray her poise or grace.


I'm not sure she'll see much in me,

Or anything at all,

But if she'll have me,

I'll make sure she never falls.


Signed, Dawnpath’”


Dawn just sat there, covering his head waiting for a swift kick to the head. Of all ponies, Applejack was the one to read it? Thought Dawnpath. This is just my luck I guess… If I would have given it to her on purpose, she wouldn’t think it was creepy! I have to own up to my mistake and apologize… wait… why hasn’t Applejack hit me yet?


AJ said, “Um, are ya done duckin’ for cover? The sky ain’t fallin.’”


Embarrassed, Dawn stood up and quickly replied, “Yeah yeah, I knew that, I was just thinking about if somepony else would have read it, this would have been even more awkward… yeah.”


“Only if you say so!” said Applejack, biting into another piece of the cake.


“So you don’t think it’s creepy AJ?”


“Creepy? Why in the world would I think this was creepy? I haven't heard of a single pony that could be so up front with what they thought about another pony. I always wished somepony could write a paragraph about what they honestly thought about me, and here it is! I know this isn’t a hoax because that paper got here on accident. Whether it be fate or dumb luck, I don't care. This means a lot, Dawnpath.”


She liked my poem. I've known her for less than a day and she likes my poem. I'm not getting bucked in the face. What do I say to this? She’s not saying that she likes me back, but she’s also not saying that she doesn’t, either. What to do, what to do!


“You’re welcome, Applejack. I really did mean every word of it, but to tell you the truth, I don’t think you’d want anything to do with me…”


“Why is that?”


“Isn’t it obvious? I’m like the complete opposite of you. You labor hard for a living, I write stories all day. You are fit and in shape, all I do is scribble with my quill. You are outgoing and friendly, I am shy and quiet. I think the only thing I have in common with you is being honest, which I’m sure you are better at. You deserve much, much better…”


It's true, she deserves better. somepony who really can treat her like a princess, a pony who can protect her from anything. A pony that could get her what she wanted, be able to spend time with her, and make her smile every day. A nice, broad, beautiful smile.


“Hey. Now what just a hairy minute!” said Applejack while using her hoof to lift Dawn’s chin up. “Just 'cause I like the truth don't mean you should put yurself down! And let me give you a hint at dating mares, don’t be actin’ all down on your luck, because who knows,” Applejack paused for a second to make eye contact with Dawnpath, “you may be more lucky than you think!”


He didn’t know what to think Applejack’s words just then. Was she honestly just giving him advice, or was she inferring something? As a writer, Dawnpath could usually pick up on hints like this very well. He figured he would take a chance on that notion by asking her on a real date.


“So maybe I’m lucky right now? I mean, I know I’m lucky because you got my poem by pure chance, but maybe I can capitalize on that luck by taking you out to a nice restaurant? And maybe we can walk along the river and watch the moon and stars?”


“If you put it that way, perhaps you do have a little luck!” said Applejack in a sensitive tone. “Where should we go?”


“Heh. I’m still kinda thinking on the spot here. Um, what about tomorrow at 5 we meet by the Town hall and we search for a nice place to eat here in Ponyville?”


“I think I’d like that. I’ll meet you tomorrow at 5, and in the meantime, I’ll let you off the hook from work for the day. Don’t worry about payin’ for my meal either, it’ll still be a date just the same. See you then, okay?”


Dawnpath couldn’t contain his excitement. She’s giving me a real shot? Oh boy… I really have to pull out all the stops on this one. In response to Applejack, he said with a huge smile, “I-I can’t wait! See you tomorrow AJ!” Dawn wanted to give AJ a hug before he left, but Applejack was already turning around.


Dawnpath watched as Applejack walked away. Everything about Applejack was beautiful to him everything from her mane to the way she walked. Her flank moved from side to side slightly as she moved her hind legs forward. The apples for her cutie mark perfectly complemented the size and shape of her plot. As her mane and tail swayed back and forth in the light wind, he couldn’t stop himself from literally drooling because she was so beautiful. Good thing she didn’t see that. I’ve got a big day ahead of me, I better prepare!




For the next 28 hours, Dawnpath planned and prepared in every way he thought could help his chances with Applejack. He wrote draft after draft of many different poems. He bought the best suit for the date he could buy. He rehearsed all the possible compliments he could give her for the date. He even researched clever trivia about Apples he could share with her, just in case.


The night before the date, he could hardly get any sleep. Dawn was so worried that he’d screw up somehow, that he tried to play out the entire date in his mind. Should I be outgoing, or play it safe and be quiet? Which poem should I share with her? What cologne should I spray on, if any? Should I plan out a restaurant or just see where we go?


It finally came time to meet Applejack by town hall. He had never done this much planning for one event in his life. The time was 4:45, and it takes about 15 minutes for him to fly from his Cloudsdale home to Ponyville. He grabbed his poem, the flowers he picked, and his suit to wear on the date. On the way to Ponyville, Dawnpath started to worry again. What have I gotten myself into? If this date doesn’t go well, I don’t want to think about what AJ will say at the end… No, I can’t worry about it now, I need to focus!


Dawn finally made it to the town hall at exactly 4:58. There was still no sign of Applejack yet, but he wouldn’t be concerned until it was well past 5. Just like clockwork, Dawnpath saw her in the distance. As she got closer and closer to town hall, he noticed more things about appearance. She was wearing a very lovely orange checkered shirt that was tucked into itself to give a very cowgirlish look on Applejack. Her hat was made out of a special type of leather only used for special occasions. The boots she wore was also made of the same slick leather, along with spurs to make it even more cowgirlish. Her mane and tail was washed, brushed, and braided very carefully and professionally. Lastly, she wore a skirt made of an apple pattern with red and white plaid. Overall, Applejack looked absolutely stunning.


Posted Image

Not only was Dawnpath speechless, but everypony that was around at the time was also gawking at her. She was ‘dressed to kill’, as Dawnpath once read in a book long ago. Whether it was her intention or not, Applejack was the center of attention that evening in Ponyville. Everypony is staring at AJ right now, and she’s all mine tonight… Now I REALLY can’t screw up!


“Howdy!” greeted AJ.


Dawnpath tried to compliment her, “You look… amazing Applejack. It must have taken you forever to get ready!”


AJ smiled, “Naw, I just have these clothes in my closet for things like this, plus my little sister Applebloom is very good at doing my hair. Thanks for noticing though!”


How do I tell her how I feel without seeming pushy? My emotions are running wild just looking at her!

“Applejack, I feel like the luckiest pegasus in the world right now. Th-thank you for joining me tonight!”


“Don’t mention it!” exclaimed AJ, “So where should we eat?”


“Let’s take a walk and decide together, there’s at least a dozen places to eat here in Ponyville.”


The two of them started to wander through the town and looking at the menus each place displayed out front.


“The Garden Eatery looks good,” said Applejack, “but the wait for a table is very long! Let’s look elsewhere.”


“How about here?” asked Dawnpath, “there’s no wait at all on the restaurant across the street.”


Applejack looked at the menu and shook her head. “Do you really want to eat their sea weed based food though?”


Dawn took one look at the menu and threw up in his mouth. He hated sea weed with a passion, but he also didn’t want to seem too opinionated either. “They do sea weed here? *cough cough… ahem* yeah, we can do better than that.”


Both of them kept searching throughout Ponyville. Restaurant after restaurant they couldn’t find a place to eat. Either the wait was too long, or the menu was horrible. There was no middle ground.


Applejack was disappointed. “Geesh, I had no idea Ponyville had a nightlife like this.”


“I didn’t know either,” Dawnpath said sadly, “half of these places have disgusting dinner menus. It’s as if they’re trying to copy Canterlot’s ‘fancy’ foods.”


“Welp, what should we do now?”


“I do have a backup plan,” said Dawnpath reluctantly, “but I think we’re going to be over dressed a bit.”


“What did you have in mind?”


“It’s not really a ‘restaurant’ but I think you’ve been there plenty of times. How does Sugarcube corner sound? Maybe they have some normal food if we ask them nicely?”


After Applejack said it was okay to go there, Dawn started to get worried. So far, not so good. We’ve already spent half an hour just looking at places to eat! And now the best I can do is Sugarcube corner…


Dawnpath opened the door for Applejack as they entered the store. Mrs. Cake was standing behind the counter. She said, “Why hello there Applejack! You two look nice! What’s the occasion?”


“Howdy Mrs. Cake! We’ve ran into a bit of trouble on our date. You see, all the good places to eat are full, and we’re real hungry. Can you whip us up some dinner?”asked Applejack.


Mrs. Cake wondered for a moment. “Hmm. I’ll have to see what’s in the kitchen but maybe I can cook a non-desert meal for the two of you with some ingredients I have. Hold on a moment.”


The couple stood there in silence, waiting for Mrs. Cake to come back and tell them if she can cook anything. Applejack swung her front right leg back and forth while Dawnpath was trying to say anything to break the awkward moment. “Um, did you know that most apples can be grown farther north than most other fruits, because they blossom late in spring, minimizing frost damage?”


“Oh… that’s pretty neat… I guess” said Applejack, obviously bored.


Ah! How can I be so dumb to say something like that? This is getting bad.


To Dawn’s fortune, Mrs. Cake came out of the kitchen saying that she can cook up a special fruit casserole if they’d like. Dawn was so relieved to hear this.


“That would be perfect Mrs. Cake! We’ll sit here and wait.” said Applejack.


The two of them sat down and waited for their meal to come. I have to revive this conversation again. But how? Dawnpath said the first thing that came to his head. “You know AJ, I really meant it when I said you look amazing tonight. This look fits you perfectly!”


“Oh, thanks.” Applejack said, very briefly.


Inside Dawn’s mind, sirens and red alerts were going off. I’m losing her! She’s not making contact and she’s not making conversation! I need to get to the bottom of this before it’s too late.


“Is there something wrong Applejack? Why are you distant all of the sudden?”


“Oh, it’s nothing you wanna hear.”


“No, it’s totally fine. Please tell me!”


“Are you sure? I don’t wanna worry you with anything.”


“You can tell me anything. I’m here to listen.”


“Okay… if you insist.” AJ straightened up in her chair and started to explain what was bugging her. “This morning, I got a visit from a banker up in Canterlot. It’s the same bank we financed our farm with. I’m not good with numbers or anything, but the banker said that our revenue isn’t good enough to keep up with the costs we got. I don’t know if anypony has told you this, but apples don’t sell the way they used to. Everything is about vegetables now or something, I’m not sure.


“So the banker said that if we don’t gain more profits by the end of the year, we’re gunna get kicked off the farm! I can’t let that happen to my family. I’ve worked my heart out to provide for them, but now it looks like we ain’t got much time left…”


Applejack tried her hardest not to cry in front of Dawnpath. Her pride was the only thing stopping her from doing so. A single tear escaped from AJ’s eye, and it slid down her face. This caused Dawnpath’s heart to break. He had no idea going into this date that such horrible news would be shared with him. Instantly, Dawnpath began to think of solutions in his head instead of being worried about the outcome of the date.


“Maybe me and a few of your other friends can help buck more apples? You’ll earn more money if you harvest more apples, right?”


AJ shook her head. “The banker said it’s not a matter of how many apples, but of how many people will buy them! Our sales have been suffering for a while now…”


“Who’s ready for fruit casserole!” said Mrs. Cake who barged in the room. She quickly realized what was going on and said, “Oh…. I’ll just leave the plates on your table. You can leave the check on the table…”


Applejack took a bite and continued talking. “I only have two buyers right now, Mrs. Cake and Mr. Filthy Rich, and he’s only a seasonal buyer.”


“Don’t random ponies come to buy apples from you?” asked Dawn.


“Yeah, here and there, but it’s not nearly enough to pay the bills. Apple cider season has already passed, so the revenue from those sales are gone already.”


There has to be something I can do for AJ in order to help. But what?! If I can figure something out, I’ll not only be helping her, but also her family! Then it dawned on Dawnpath. He had the connections and the skills to help her after all. Maybe, just maybe he could help just enough to push the Apple family business into the green.


“I’ve got an idea Applejack. And it won’t cost you a dime.”


AJ looked at Dawnpath skeptically and asked, “What did you have in mind?”


“I have a friend who works at the newspaper, ‘Equestria Daily’ which delivers papers to most cities in Equestria. He owes me a big favor, and I think with my unique writing skills, I can create a very good ad for him to put in the paper for everypony to see! I was going to use this favor to promote a book I was working on, but you need it more than I do.”

Applejack’s jaw dropped. “Are you being absolutely honest with me? Even if you are, I can’t intrude on your book promotion!”


“I know what you’re thinking Applejack. You almost never accept this kind of help from others, but trust me when I say you aren’t intruding. I can get this ad in the paper by next week, and in no time, everypony is going to want your amazing apples!”


“But, I… I…”


“Please AJ. Don’t do it for me, don’t even do it for yourself. Do it for your family and everypony who enjoys your apples!”


Silence. By this time, the casserole was mostly eaten out of anxiety of the conversation. Normally it would take some heavy convincing for Applejack to receive charity like this, but she was desperate.


Applejack finally said, “Alright. I’ll let you draw up the ad on one condition.”


“What’s that?” asked Dawnpath.


“Let me pay for the whole meal!”


So AJ and Dawn left Sugarcube corner after paying, and they walked to the river to finish their date, as planned. AJ said, “I don’t know how to thank you Dawn… You’re very kind to be doing something like this for a Mare on her first date with you…”


“You can thank me later if this ad works. Besides Applejack, you already know why I want to help you.”


“I do? What do you mean?”


“Don’t you remember the poem I wrote for you that you accidently found?”


“I remember it, but I thought you were just being nice ‘n all.”


Wait, she doesn’t know I like her? Is she that dense or is she just that innocent? I think this is a perfect time to share with her my poem, and maybe then she’ll understand how I feel.


“Applejack, I wrote something another poem for you. It… might explain a lot. Here it goes.”


While on top of a bridge over the river, Dawnpath pulled out his piece of paper, firmly grasped, and began reading it.


(OOC: Here's your homework: and pay attention! You need to write the best poem you've ever written that describes your feelings for AJ in a romantic way. that's the first thing you need to do.


The second piece of homework involves you creating an Ad for a newspaper that advertises Sweet Apple Acres and the amazing apples they have for sale. Good luck!)



  • Brohoof 1
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Oh, if it's first come first serve I should probably take my spot :P



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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(Yes ma'am. *Goes to find m writing journal, and my sketch book* This could take a while; I wanna do a good job, so if you want to start another fanfic...)

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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It goes


Static Arc





Lord Cooler

Prince Morningstar


I really want to get to all of you before I leave. I have made it a priority and will try to make it. If I am very short on time towards the end, I may have to speed write and resort to a clop tease fic.


Edited by My little pwny
  • Brohoof 2
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(Brace yourselves, this is long)



"Dear Applejack


My name is Dawnpath,

The little white pegasus writer

Who seems to think the world of you

Even though he's not a fighter.


I can garuntee that you

Make more bits than me,

If money was most important

Would writing be for me?


No, what's most important

Is the way your hips sing,

The way your prid sings,

The way your heart rings.


What's important is that your eyes shine,

Because that means your heart's fine,

That's what you mean to me;

It's why my heart's fine.


You say you want me honest,

Your the first to want this want.

By the end of this poem,

My honest light, you'll have got.


I'm not (Change voice to sophisticated) a sophisticated gentleman,

Who's muscles match his tongue,

The idiocy of the highlight

Burns his brain into nubs.


I'm not (Fancy warmonger southern accent) a returnin' soldier,

Though I am a loyal colt

And have the honor to match him,

I walk a different road.


I know I'm not an athlete,

Round one of apples can say

It's my brain that is my pride,

It's with words that I must play.


I do not fit my little mold,

I have no 'pegasus edge.'

I won't ever have the strength with which

I'll buck to meet your ledge. (He means level of which you apple buck. Someponies get confused with my terminology)


But let me tell the difference

Between me and other colts;

I'll try, and try, and try, (Here he puts emphasis, and the text is darker)

And hope that maybe someday

I can work right at your side.


Because I need the sunshin

That plaits your main with gold.

And I need that smile,

I swear it won't get old.


Because I need the green-eyed-mare,

Who sparkles with her pride,

Because Ineed the apples that

Reside along your thighs...


Can you start to see it?

Can you truely see?

I gave my heart to you.

Will you give your heart to me?"


He looked at the ground as he finished, blushing. You could've pulled that off better. Maybe you should've stuck with something less strong... But she asked for the truth! Anything less strong was not true to myself, and not fair to her. Besides, that other one was bad and you know it. That silly island poetry is way to short to encompass my emotions, and to broad to be clear. This was the best option. I only hope... Well, at least she knows how I feel about her. At least I know, I couldn't have tried harder.


(Here's the add, I couldn't add a background, but it would have brown, fancy bordering, with the curly lines. https://docs.google....Vym9M7GCw/edit# Gah, I touched something, brb. Okay, the background would be the same color as the highlighting on the text. The border would be the same color as the text.)

Edited by Dawnpath
  • Brohoof 4


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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