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open Ask any pony on a date!

My little pwny

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(It's no problem, the post was 3 pages back xP)


Dawnpath watched her go, distracted. Applejack said something, and he smiled obliviously, then realized it was a question, and facehoove'd, "Sorry Applejack, I'm a little bit love-deaf from that kiss... Oh, I'm so stupid, we were, umm... well, I was kissing you, and then Pinkie showed up, and umm..." He flushed, embarrassed. Oh, nice selfconfidence bro. How did you even ask her out in the first place. Yo dog, you think maybe next time, you could, like, PAY ATTENTION? It's not like, you know, this isn't important to you. Look, she's doing that cute thing with her face again. Wait a inute, that means she's laughing inwardly. At you. Nice one. Wait, am I supposed to try to resume kissing her? Umm, how about this, I'll go 60 percent of the way there, and if she wants to kiss me, she will. Ya, sounds good. He took a step closer toher, and closes his eyes. He missgages 60 percent for 100 percent, and kisses her, which is clumsy at first because it was basically him accidently bonking heads with her. If Applebloom saw this, I'll never live this down...


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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...And, Here, We, Go.


Applejack looks a bit stunned by all that you just dropped on her.

"Well shoot sugarcube, I'm sorry to hear that, I a'int much for advice givin' but I do know what It’s like to lose somepony close to ya.” Her gaze seems to settle somwhere far away. “My Ma and Pa both left us around the same time, Me an’ Mac Ain’t been the same since, Big mac Hardly Talks anymore, an’...” She trails off. “But ya’ll don’t want to hear about that, ya’ll’s got enough on yer plate as it is. What I’m tryin’ ta say is, Ah’m Here fer ya. when I lost my Ma and Pa, my family was all I had to keep me going, I cain’t imagine what it must be like to be so alone. She places her hoof on top of yours, and the two of you share a moment of comfort in each other.


After your dinner, before you part ways. says this, “Ah hope things work out for the best for ya’ll, Feel free to come by the farm any time ya’ll need somepony to talk to.”


Celestia raises an eyebrow “You wish to ‘hang out’ with me? When was the last time somepony asked me that? Oh yes, it has never happened. I suppose the kingdom will not collapse if i forego the rest of my royal duties for the day. what would you like to do?”

Chrysalis stares at you like you are a particularly nasty bit of slugge that the dog dragged in. “You Foalish Pony! You think you can just waltz in here and ask the Queen of the Changelings to Hang out with you? What sort of Insanity would drive you to commit such a stupid-” She stops suddenly, as she notices your love flowing freely into her, making her stronger. “Oh, I see. On second thought, you may actually be useful to me. All of Equestria is on high alert for my kind after our failed attack on Canterlot, Perhaps you, who are not a changeling, could get inside and be my spy. If you do this for me I may decide not to have you executed.”

Lyra takes a deep breath. “I’m a Humare. I’m really into Humans. It’s not a sex thing! Really! I just really like stories about humans! I’m not a fapper!” She continues to attempt to justify herself for nearly a whole minute, you should probably step in and say something.


Spitfire takes a moment to consider your offer.

“Hmm, I don’t see why not, If you think you can keep up with me.” She winks, “I happen to know a place that has really good Applepai.”

“Sure! That sounds super fun! I’ll definitely be there! And maybe afterwards we can go to Sugarcube Corner and have some cupcakes!”

“What?” Vinyl leans in closer to hear you over the loud music. You repeat your question louder, and she nods. “As long as you’re buying, I never turn down a free drink with a fan, unless I’ve already got plans, but lucky for you I don’t tonight!”

“After all that’s happened, I Think I would like you to stick around, afterwards we can go on a real date. Hopefully one that doesn’t involve random picnics in the middle of nowhere.”

“So I heard.” Rainbow said Coolly, brandishing the letter. “It would have been nice to know ahead of time though, I could have helped you out, But instead you go to Cluod Chaser?” she sighs. “Well I guess it could be worse, you could have ended up with Cloud Kicker...” She gives you a sad look. “Do you not think you can come to me when you’re in trouble? No It’s not okay with me! how could you living with another Mare be okay with me? I love you.”


(OOC: I shall type up a decent response later on today)

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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(Whoever got Scratch; avoid any pills)




“What?” Vinyl leans in closer to hear you over the loud music. You repeat your question louder, and she nods. “As long as you’re buying, I never turn down a free drink with a fan, unless I’ve already got plans, but lucky for you I don’t tonight!”


*i grin, then shout over the music* Sweet! And yea, I'll pay!
  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Spitfire takes a moment to consider your offer. “Hmm, I don’t see why not, If you think you can keep up with me.” She winks, “I happen to know a place that has really good Applepai.”


I'll do my best hehe, is meeting at 1 ok for you?



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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“After all that’s happened, I Think I would like you to stick around, afterwards we can go on a real date. Hopefully one that doesn’t involve random picnics in the middle of nowhere.”

(OOC: Not too bad Page, for being your first post to accommodate us all for our love interests. You'll get better with a bit more practice, don't worry :) )


Static Arc nuzzled Cheerilee for a bit, smiling as she told him that. He didn't want to part with his new love so soon, as Cheerilee also thought. In a way, Static was glad for that picnic trap, or else he might never have won Cheerilee over with his dedication for her.


"Yeah, I agree. I don't want to part with you so soon. Mabye we could out for dinner later, but we can think up something when we have a little more time."


Static then laughed a bit when Cheerilee mentioned picnics, which truthfully didn't sound too great right about now.


"Yeah I hope so too. I think we had enough of those for quite a while! Anyway, since I'm going to be sticking around for a bit, I'm going to help you out a bit in the class."


Static turned around and looked at the fillies and colts in the schoolyard. Many of them have stopped paying attention to Static and Cheerilee and went back to whatever they were doing before, while a few were still hovering around the couple.


"Recess has been going on for a while. Do you need me to round up the children to come back into class, or do you need me for anything else? I can do whatever you ask me to do, I want to help you out as much as I can."

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(OOC: Not too bad Page, for being your first post to accommodate us all for our love interests. You'll get better with a bit more practice, don't worry :) )



< Implying that I didn't do good. :(

Edited by PageTurner(Pwny'sHeir)

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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< Implying that I didn't do good. :(


You're doing great :) I loved mine, though I feel like a jerk



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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< Implying that I didn't do good.

No, I wasn't implying that at all. All I'm saying is that you ARE good, it's just you need a bit of time before you can really get into the role that Pwny gave you. It was your first post, after all.


Sorry if I gave you the notion though, I didn't mean for it to come out like that.

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(OOC Me and Pageturner have decided to roleplay the continuation of my fanfic. I will post in a few minutes.)



A tall black changeling flew from the ceiling to the ground, making the floor shake. She spoke, “I’m Princess Chrysalis. I’m disappointed that my minions failed to trick you into thinking you saved Twilight. Unfortunately for you though, I have a backup plan.” “What?! I don’t even know what this is all about!” “A simpleton like you should be able to understand this. When you and Twilight confessed your love for each other, I felt a shockwave flow throughout Equestria. The shockwave of love led me to you. I plan to use the both of you in order to feed my subjects!” “How do you plan on doing that now? You just told me your plan! Do you think you can force us to love each other and harvest it?” “I don’t care if you understand any of this or not, but all you need to know is I’m harvesting your passion for Twilight right now.” Mal was furious. He couldn’t believe how evil Queen Chrysalis was, and how his precious feelings were being stolen by her, even if it was to feed her subjects. All his life he was looking for a mare like Twilight. His dreams came true, only for a thief to take it away. I am not going to let this happen! I...can’t! I love Twilight too much! I have to do something…



Mal looked to the unconscious mares then back at the changeling queen. "I will stop you, changeling!" He said the word 'changeling' with contempt and disgust in his tone.

'What do I do, I haven't encountered anything like this before, if only Twilight were here. She would know what to do.'

Mal had no clue on how to handle the situation, he decided to try to buy himself some time so he could try to wake Twilight up. He fired a magical bolt towards Chrysalis and then put up an opaque magical barrier in between himself and Chrysalis.

'Please, let this work. Twilight I need you.'

Mal neared Twilight he felt the energy of the spell keeping them in an unconscious state. He held Twilight and concentrated, focusing on the spells negative energy and releasing the opposite kind of energy in the hopes of a counter spell. "Twilight, please, wake up." He mumbled to her as he continued to dispel the malediction affecting the purple mare.

'Focus Mal, you only have a few seconds before Chrysalis would regain her composure, your shield will not hold her back for long.'

  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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“Sure! That sounds super fun! I’ll definitely be there! And maybe afterwards we can go to Sugarcube Corner and have some cupcakes!”

Well then, it sounds like a plan! You can also bring any pony with you, I won't really mind! The more, the merrier! See you there at the carnival!


(OOC: Page you can just do the carnival scene anytime you want :) )

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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“So I heard.” Rainbow said Coolly, brandishing the letter. “It would have been nice to know ahead of time though, I could have helped you out, But instead you go to Cluod Chaser?” she sighs. “Well I guess it could be worse, you could have ended up with Cloud Kicker...” She gives you a sad look. “Do you not think you can come to me when you’re in trouble? No It’s not okay with me! how could you living with another Mare be okay with me? I love you.”


(OOC: alright, time to try and fix this mess)


'I love you'. Those words hit Jordo like a brick. She barley spoke the words over a whisper, but she might as well have yelled it into his ear. Rainbow Dash was not the most sentimental mare in the world, it must have taken a lot from her to say those words. She really did mean it. He always knew deep down she cared for him, and he cared for her; but hearing her say those words for the very first time just made it all the more real. He felt like a jerk, It was never his right to toy with her emotions like that. He had to make this right, he cared about her too much.


"I...." Jordo stuttered. He took her by the hoof and looked her in the eyes.


"I love you too Rainbow Dash, more than anything. Please don't forget that..." He did mean it, with all his heart.


"Look, I'm sorry I didn't come to you first. You are totally right, I shouldn't hesitate to come to you when I have a problem. I don't want my living situation to make you uncomfortable in any way; I'll talk with Cloud Chaser and ask her to find another place."



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Morning star knew that Princess Celestia wanted him not to be to formal around her."How about we go bowling"? Morning star wanted to show ponyville that just because Celestia is royalty that didn't mean she could have some fun.

(OOC : I think you meant Couldn’t there)

“Bowling? I suppose that would be fun, I haven’t bowled since before Luna... Turned. Ever since then everypony intentionally did worse than me because they were afraid of insulting me.” Celestia Smiled, “And I may have done little to discourage that notion since it meant I always won...” She shook her head “No matter, Would you like to use the lanes here in the castle of go somewhere more public? It might be fun to go down to Ponyville and see how my faithful student reacts to me acting likes a regular pony...” She gives a little chuckle at the thought.


Bob smiled a devilish smile at Princess Chrysalis he knew she feed off of other ponys love so he decided to play a game of wits with the queen."On the contrary my queen i know your kind feeds off love , so how about this instead we go out some where were you and only you can fest on me, but if off course if i prove unsatisfactory I'll be a slave to your hive were your changelings can feed of my love". Bob smiled he know he gave the queen a win win situation.

Chrysalis Chewed on the idea for a moment, This Pony was smart, She Didn’t like that, It made Him Dangerous. “So you would rather be my love slave and never again see the light of day than be a spy and have some freedom? So be it Foal! You!” She points a hoof at a changeling who’s carapace appears to form some sort of armor. “Take this Pony to my personal chamber and make sure he can’t escape. I will join him there shortly.”


The Changeling guard drags you away and locks you in a very comfortable looking bedroom, (aside from all the green slime everywhere at least,) to await your fate.


(OOC: This story is taking an odd turn in a direction i’m not sure I’m comfortable with, I hope you know what you’re doing)


*starts blushing slightly*

Well...I am not the most experienced dancer to be honest, but today I have no doubt that we will look great, thanks to our pretty outfit and thanks to my beautiful partner

Are there any other things you really enjoy besides fashion, Miss?


Hehe, you flatter me Wildcard! I must say that I really enjoy coming to formal occasions such as these. The glamor is sooo wonderful! Other than that, I really enjoy the simple things in life like walking down beaches, curling up with a good book, and also going on dates


*Just a fast as it begun, the carriage stops at the event. You assist Rarity off the cart and make your way into the prom. Semi-loud music plays at the dance floor with DJ-pon3, pictures are taken at the gazebo, and orderves are served by the wall. Not long after you enter, a slow song starts to play.*


Oh we simply MUST dance! Please do me the honor, will you?


*Rarity give you her trademark eyebatter, and natually, the two of you start dancing slowly with the music. This is, once again, the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation with your date.*

"First of all you are a wonderful dancer Miss. You mentioned you like going on dates. Tell me...which traits are you looking for in a colt. *smiles and blushes slightly*

Rarity Considers the Question for a moment. “A pony With a positive attitude towards life and outgoing personality for starters, also someone with good manners and who appreciates fine fashion... Being Royal Doesn’t Hurt either.” She gives you a wink. “But of course If everypony were a prince I suppose the market would become saturated.”


(It's no problem, the post was 3 pages back xP)


Dawnpath watched her go, distracted. Applejack said something, and he smiled obliviously, then realized it was a question, and facehoove'd, "Sorry Applejack, I'm a little bit love-deaf from that kiss... Oh, I'm so stupid, we were, umm... well, I was kissing you, and then Pinkie showed up, and umm..." He flushed, embarrassed. Oh, nice selfconfidence bro. How did you even ask her out in the first place. Yo dog, you think maybe next time, you could, like, PAY ATTENTION? It's not like, you know, this isn't important to you. Look, she's doing that cute thing with her face again. Wait a inute, that means she's laughing inwardly. At you. Nice one. Wait, am I supposed to try to resume kissing her? Umm, how about this, I'll go 60 percent of the way there, and if she wants to kiss me, she will. Ya, sounds good. He took a step closer toher, and closes his eyes. He missgages 60 percent for 100 percent, and kisses her, which is clumsy at first because it was basically him accidently bonking heads with her. If Applebloom saw this, I'll never live this down...

Applejack pulls away from the kiss and puts a hoof over your mouth, “Now, now, there’ll be plenty of time fer that, let’s not overdo it right at the start. What say we head up to the House and tell the family?”

Just then Applebloom comes running up with the first aid kit. “Here it is Sis! I- Hey! I thought he was hurt!”

“So did I, but it turned out he was just fakin’, Lets Head Back to the house, Dawn an’ me have somethin’ important it tell ya’ll.”


(OOC: Sorry about the Yellow text, but what color was i supposed to make Apple Bloom? T_T)


*i grin, then shout over the music* Sweet! And yea, I'll pay!

After the Party, you meet Vinyl as she’s packing up her gear. you offer to help but she refuses, saying, “You’re already buying me a drink.” after she’s done packing up she turns to you. “Alright Handsome, I’m all yours, Where are we going?”


I'll do my best hehe, is meeting at 1 ok for you?

You Meed up With Spitfire at 1:00, and you go to ‘The Pie Place’

“Not a very original name.” Spitfire Notes. “But It is Accurate.” The two of you take a table and get A large Apple pie To share. “So, Tell me a little bit about yourself.”


(OOC: This will work better if you give me more to work with, just sayin’)


(OOC: Not too bad Page, for being your first post to accommodate us all for our love interests. You'll get better with a bit more practice, don't worry : ) )


Static Arc nuzzled Cheerilee for a bit, smiling as she told him that. He didn't want to part with his new love so soon, as Cheerilee also thought. In a way, Static was glad for that picnic trap, or else he might never have won Cheerilee over with his dedication for her.


"Yeah, I agree. I don't want to part with you so soon. Mabye we could out for dinner later, but we can think up something when we have a little more time."


Static then laughed a bit when Cheerilee mentioned picnics, which truthfully didn't sound too great right about now.


"Yeah I hope so too. I think we had enough of those for quite a while! Anyway, since I'm going to be sticking around for a bit, I'm going to help you out a bit in the class."


Static turned around and looked at the fillies and colts in the schoolyard. Many of them have stopped paying attention to Static and Cheerilee and went back to whatever they were doing before, while a few were still hovering around the couple.


"Recess has been going on for a while. Do you need me to round up the children to come back into class, or do you need me for anything else? I can do whatever you ask me to do, I want to help you out as much as I can."

You and Cheerilee spend the rest of the school day together, you mostly stay out of the way and help out with anything she asks. by the time school lets out and all the kids have gone, you are completely Exhausted.

“Thank you for your help today Static.” Says Cheerilee, who for her part seems just as energetic as ever. “It really means alot to me. I still have some work to do here, so you should probably head on back home and get some rest, you look ready to collapse.”


(OOC: alright, time to try and fix this mess)


'I love you'. Those words hit Jordo like a brick. She barley spoke the words over a whisper, but she might as well have yelled it into his ear. Rainbow Dash was not the most sentimental mare in the world, it must have taken a lot from her to say those words. She really did mean it. He always knew deep down she cared for him, and he cared for her; but hearing her say those words for the very first time just made it all the more real. He felt like a jerk, It was never his right to toy with her emotions like that. He had to make this right, he cared about her too much.


"I...." Jordo stuttered. He took her by the hoof and looked her in the eyes.


"I love you too Rainbow Dash, more than anything. Please don't forget that..." He did mean it, with all his heart.


"Look, I'm sorry I didn't come to you first. You are totally right, I shouldn't hesitate to come to you when I have a problem. I don't want my living situation to make you uncomfortable in any way; I'll talk with Cloud Chaser and ask her to find another place."

Rainbow Dash averts her gaze, “I, I can’t ask you to do that! you need the extra money or you’ll get kicked out, I can’t begrudge you a place to live just because I’m a little bit jealous...” She Finally looks at you again. “If only there was an easy way to fix this!”


(OOC: Penguin and Mal: Sorry I couldn’t get to your stories today, They will be first on the list Tomorrow.)

Edited by PageTurner(Pwny'sHeir)
  • Brohoof 2

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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(OOC : I think you meant Couldn’t there)

“Bowling? I suppose that would be fun, I haven’t bowled since before Luna... Turned. Ever since then everypony intentionally did worse than me because they were afraid of insulting me.” Celestia Smiled, “And I may have done little to discourage that notion since it meant I always won...” She shook her head “No matter, Would you like to use the lanes here in the castle of go somewhere more public? It might be fun to go down to Ponyville and see how my faithful student reacts to me acting likes a regular pony...” She gives a little chuckle at the thought.



Chrysalis Chewed on the idea for a moment, This Pony was smart, She Didn’t like that, It made Him Dangerous. “So you would rather be my love slave and never again see the light of day than be a spy and have some freedom? So be it Foal! You!” She points a hoof at a changeling who’s carapace appears to form some sort of armor. “Take this Pony to my personal chamber and make sure he can’t escape. I will join him there shortly.”


The Changeling guard drags you away and locks you in a very comfortable looking bedroom, (aside from all the green slime everywhere at least,) to await your fate.


(OOC: This story is taking an odd turn in a direction i’m not sure I’m comfortable with, I hope you know what you’re doing)



Morning star replied."It would be a tad boring to bowl in the private lanes in canterlot , how about we go bowl in public". Morning star wanted the princess to see that he saw her as just normal carefree , fun loving Celestia.


Bob began to wait for Queen Chrysalis, he could just as easily escape but that wasn't his intent. He wanted to show the queen he wasn't like every pony who though the changelings were just evil creatures but in fact he saw them as creatures trying to survive. Bob will have to be careful because the Queen sounded a bit annoyed when he provided her a witty answer so in the mean time he'll have to play it off luck from now on but at the same time keeping his wits about him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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You Meed up With Spitfire at 1:00, and you go to ‘The Pie Place’ “Not a very original name.” Spitfire Notes. “But It is Accurate.” The two of you take a table and get A large Apple pie To share. “So, Tell me a little bit about yourself.” (OOC: This will work better if you give me more to work with, just sayin’)


(OOC: I'll do my best)


"Well I was born in cloudsdale, I was the shy type of guy who nopony wanted to be around let alone talk to. But I shot through flight school earned myself some respect and blah blah whatever, Thing is I'm not a very interesting person unlike yourself." Jack pauses for a glance at spitfire and then takes a bite of the pie, "I'm sure you've had hundred's more interesting things happen in your life haven't you?" Jack says in a slightly suggetive and quizzical tone.



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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Dawnpath blushed, and smiled, "Sorry..." Stupid stupid stupid stupid! Keep your eyes open until you make contact. Think with a bot more than your lips. Ohh, you love-sick fool, time to tell the family. He nods his agreement to his her statement, and grins stupidly, thinking, I'm gunna be married! Wait, I'm gunna be married! I need to have a priest, and a cake, and she needs to talk to her brides maids. I need to find somepony to be my best man... probably Mal. I wonder how he's been, I haven't seen or heard from him in a long time. Did I send him a copy of my book? Iheard he moved to Ponyville. And Big Mac, of course. My dad, too... That should do it.

Edited by Dawnpath


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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After the Party, you meet Vinyl as she’s packing up her gear. you offer to help but she refuses, saying, “You’re already buying me a drink.” after she’s done packing up she turns to you. “Alright Handsome, I’m all yours, Where are we going?”


* blush a little as she calls me handsom, but I smile* Well, not that far up the road is a little bar me and my friends like hanging out in, but it's a little hard to spot if you don't know what you're looking for. Sound like a good place?


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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...And, Here, We, Go.


Applejack looks a bit stunned by all that you just dropped on her.

"Well shoot sugarcube, I'm sorry to hear that, I a'int much for advice givin' but I do know what It’s like to lose somepony close to ya.” Her gaze seems to settle somwhere far away. “My Ma and Pa both left us around the same time, Me an’ Mac Ain’t been the same since, Big mac Hardly Talks anymore, an’...” She trails off. “But ya’ll don’t want to hear about that, ya’ll’s got enough on yer plate as it is. What I’m tryin’ ta say is, Ah’m Here fer ya. when I lost my Ma and Pa, my family was all I had to keep me going, I cain’t imagine what it must be like to be so alone. She places her hoof on top of yours, and the two of you share a moment of comfort in each other.


After your dinner, before you part ways. says this, “Ah hope things work out for the best for ya’ll, Feel free to come by the farm any time ya’ll need somepony to talk to.”


Celestia raises an eyebrow “You wish to ‘hang out’ with me? When was the last time somepony asked me that? Oh yes, it has never happened. I suppose the kingdom will not collapse if i forego the rest of my royal duties for the day. what would you like to do?”

Chrysalis stares at you like you are a particularly nasty bit of slugge that the dog dragged in. “You Foalish Pony! You think you can just waltz in here and ask the Queen of the Changelings to Hang out with you? What sort of Insanity would drive you to commit such a stupid-” She stops suddenly, as she notices your love flowing freely into her, making her stronger. “Oh, I see. On second thought, you may actually be useful to me. All of Equestria is on high alert for my kind after our failed attack on Canterlot, Perhaps you, who are not a changeling, could get inside and be my spy. If you do this for me I may decide not to have you executed.”

Lyra takes a deep breath. “I’m a Humare. I’m really into Humans. It’s not a sex thing! Really! I just really like stories about humans! I’m not a fapper!” She continues to attempt to justify herself for nearly a whole minute, you should probably step in and say something.


Spitfire takes a moment to consider your offer.

“Hmm, I don’t see why not, If you think you can keep up with me.” She winks, “I happen to know a place that has really good Applepai.”

“Sure! That sounds super fun! I’ll definitely be there! And maybe afterwards we can go to Sugarcube Corner and have some cupcakes!”

“What?” Vinyl leans in closer to hear you over the loud music. You repeat your question louder, and she nods. “As long as you’re buying, I never turn down a free drink with a fan, unless I’ve already got plans, but lucky for you I don’t tonight!”

“After all that’s happened, I Think I would like you to stick around, afterwards we can go on a real date. Hopefully one that doesn’t involve random picnics in the middle of nowhere.”

“So I heard.” Rainbow said Coolly, brandishing the letter. “It would have been nice to know ahead of time though, I could have helped you out, But instead you go to Cluod Chaser?” she sighs. “Well I guess it could be worse, you could have ended up with Cloud Kicker...” She gives you a sad look. “Do you not think you can come to me when you’re in trouble? No It’s not okay with me! how could you living with another Mare be okay with me? I love you.”


The next day, Red Talon got the news he has been dreading, yet expecting for some time. Horseshoe Solutions had to lay off many employees, including Red Talon. With nowhere else to work at, Talon knew if he didn't catch a lucky break with a racing team, he'd be screwed. Not that would be too much a problem for him, he's just been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Your time will come, Red Talon," he thought to himself.

But even with that, he was still upset and stressed over losing his job. Once again, he felt alone and hopeless. Sure, he's got racing prowess, but what good is talent when you've got no one to support you? All these thoughts were going through his head when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in," Red Talon said to the visitor.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Well then, any chance we can go for a picnic on Nov. 10th?


(OOC: I think you are a bit confused about how this works, It doesn't go in real time, You ask her on a date and then I post a reply as her whenever I can, the day and time don't matter, as far as the timeline of this thread is concerned, there is no reason for you to have missed your first date.)

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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You and Cheerilee spend the rest of the school day together, you mostly stay out of the way and help out with anything she asks. by the time school lets out and all the kids have gone, you are completely Exhausted. “Thank you for your help today Static.” Says Cheerilee, who for her part seems just as energetic as ever. “It really means alot to me. I still have some work to do here, so you should probably head on back home and get some rest, you look ready to collapse.”

Static truly was exhausted! After working as a slave for the Diamond Dogs without many breaks for a week and then having to dig his way out with a shovel really takes it out of you. But when having to take care of a bunch of hyperactive fillies and colts in a classroom afterwards really does you in! Static never felt more tired in all his life. But it was totally worth it to help out Static's new love. He would do it everyday just to see Cheerilee smile and appreciate his hard work like she did. Static smiled at the teacher and stumbled a bit, feeling his energy zap out of him while he stood.


"I seriously don't know how you do this everyday, Cheerilee, and still have so much energy. But that's why you stand out to me so much. Your passion for what you do truly inspires me."


Cheerilee then told Static to go home and rest, obviously noticing his fatigue. Static knew that she was right. He also needed a bath too, as he now just noticed that he was still covered in dirt and smelt really bad. Mabye that was why he was getting a lot of weird looks from the children...


"I'm glad to be of help to you Cheerilee. It makes me happy to help you out and see you smile. And yeah, you're right. I can hardly stand up right now, to be honest. And I need a shower. Bad. As for our real date, I think it would be best if we had it tommorrow. I need a good rest. Where do you want to meet up and at what time? From there we can decided where to go for our date."


Static Arc then stumbled again, almost tipping over onto the ground. He need a bed, and fast before he passed out.

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Rainbow Dash averts her gaze, “I, I can’t ask you to do that! you need the extra money or you’ll get kicked out, I can’t begrudge you a place to live just because I’m a little bit jealous...” She Finally looks at you again. “If only there was an easy way to fix this!”


She was right, there was an easy way to fix this, but Jordo wasn't too sure how she would react.


"Well... Maybe there is a way to fix this..." Jordo said nervously. He usually didn't sound too nervous, but it was clear in his voice right now.


"Listen, I love you Rainbow Dash. I would not live with another mare if it made you even a tiny bit uncomfortable, regardless of my money situation. You are too important to me. So, maybe.... We could live together? As roommates? Don't get me wrong, we would have separate rooms and everything."


Jordo eagerly awaited her reaction



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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(OOC: I think you are a bit confused about how this works, It doesn't go in real time, You ask her on a date and then I post a reply as her whenever I can, the day and time don't matter, as far as the timeline of this thread is concerned, there is no reason for you to have missed your first date.)


Oh! Okay, then.

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The Next wave of replies is here! Protect PonnyCo.! (You owe me Celestia)





(OOC Me and Pageturner have decided to roleplay the continuation of my fanfic. I will post in a few minutes.)




Mal looked to the unconscious mares then back at the changeling queen. "I will stop you, changeling!" He said the word 'changeling' with contempt and disgust in his tone.

'What do I do, I haven't encountered anything like this before, if only Twilight were here. She would know what to do.'

Mal had no clue on how to handle the situation, he decided to try to buy himself some time so he could try to wake Twilight up. He fired a magical bolt towards Chrysalis and then put up an opaque magical barrier in between himself and Chrysalis.

'Please, let this work. Twilight I need you.'

Mal neared Twilight he felt the energy of the spell keeping them in an unconscious state. He held Twilight and concentrated, focusing on the spells negative energy and releasing the opposite kind of energy in the hopes of a counter spell. "Twilight, please, wake up." He mumbled to her as he continued to dispel the malediction affecting the purple mare.

'Focus Mal, you only have a few seconds before Chrysalis would regain her composure, your shield will not hold her back for long.'

Kiss her!

You try your hardest to Wake up Twilight, but it’s all in vain, The spell is just too strong! You wrack your brain for something else you can try, but just come up blank. Before you can Make another move, A Green spire of magic pierces your shield and knocks you flat on top of the prone form of Twilight, Even in this most dire of situations you can’t help but notice how beautiful she is.

Kiss her!

Chrysalis laughs, charging up her horn for a final attack. “And now you die!” you close your eyes and hold twilight’s face in your Hooves, “I’m Sorry I couldn’t save you.” you say.

Kiss her!

(OOC: you have one chance, if you don’t get this right... well, make sure you don’t get it wrong, I will give you one hint: Snow White. Good luck)

Kiss her you fool!

Well then, it sounds like a plan! You can also bring any pony with you, I won't really mind! The more, the merrier! See you there at the carnival!


(OOC: Page you can just do the carnival scene anytime you want : ) )

You arrive at the carnival to see that Pinkie Is already there waiting for you, along with a pair of donkeys.

“Yay! You’re here! Now It’s a party! Pengy, this is Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda!”

“Hello young man!” Says Matilda.

“Why am I here again?” asks Cranky.

“So What do you think we should do first?” Pinkie asks you.


Morning star replied."It would be a tad boring to bowl in the private lanes in canterlot , how about we go bowl in public". Morning star wanted the princess to see that he saw her as just normal carefree , fun loving Celestia.

Celestia nods. “Very Well. Shining Armor!”

The Guard Captain approaches The throne. “Yes Majesty?”

“I’m going to go Hang out. You’re in charge until luna wakes up.”

Shining Armor Sputters. “Wha- but- Majesty...”

Celestia Raises an eyebrow “Are you questioning my decision?”

If shining armor were not already white, he would have gone pale. “O-of course not Majesty!”

“Good.” Celestia stands up from her throne and walks to you. “Shall we?”


Bob began to wait for Queen Chrysalis, he could just as easily escape but that wasn't his intent. He wanted to show the queen he wasn't like every pony who though the changelings were just evil creatures but in fact he saw them as creatures trying to survive. Bob will have to be careful because the Queen sounded a bit annoyed when he provided her a witty answer so in the mean time he'll have to play it off luck from now on but at the same time keeping his wits about him.

After about an hour, Chrysalis Enters The room, she lays down across the bed and motions for you to sit on the edge of the bed next to her.

“You are a Puzzle.” She admits. “Most stallions who find themselves in your position are lured here through my magic, However, you Come here of Your own Accord, and offer me your love freely. most of the time a changeling must take a form in order to feast, but you’re love seems to actually directed at me.” She shakes her head. “I Cannot understand this.”


(OOC: I'll do my best)


"Well I was born in cloudsdale, I was the shy type of guy who nopony wanted to be around let alone talk to. But I shot through flight school earned myself some respect and blah blah whatever, Thing is I'm not a very interesting person unlike yourself." Jack pauses for a glance at spitfire and then takes a bite of the pie, "I'm sure you've had hundred's more interesting things happen in your life haven't you?" Jack says in a slightly suggetive and quizzical tone.

Spitfire Laughs. “Well, Being a wonderbolt Isn’t easy, and it’s a lot less exciting than most ponies probably think, But I cannot deny that I love every moment of it.”

you are just about to respond to this, when the door bursts open and a very excited pegusus stallion enters. “It’s Time For Pie! PiePiePiePiePie! Ohai, Who are you?”

“Soarin, This is Jack, He’s been kind enough to pay for my meal today.”

“Oh?” Soarin gives you an odd look.

“Would you care to join us?”

“Don’t mind if I do.”

The three of you converse for a while, before Spitfire excuses herself to use the little filly’s room. After she leaves, Soarin leans over and whispers “Back off buddy, I saw her first.”


(OOC: A new Challenger has appeared! What will you do?)


Dawnpath blushed, and smiled, "Sorry..." Stupid stupid stupid stupid! Keep your eyes open until you make contact. Think with a bot more than your lips. Ohh, you love-sick fool, time to tell the family. He nods his agreement to his her statement, and grins stupidly, thinking, I'm gunna be married! Wait, I'm gunna be married! I need to have a priest, and a cake, and she needs to talk to her brides maids. I need to find somepony to be my best man... probably Mal. I wonder how he's been, I haven't seen or heard from him in a long time. Did I send him a copy of my book? Iheard he moved to Ponyville. And Big Mac, of course. My dad, too... That should do it.

The three of you enter the house and Applejack Wastes no time in Calling the Family together.

“Alright We’re all Here now What Did you want to tell us?” Apple Bloom asks.

“Eh? Applejack want’s ter sell us somethin’?” Granny Smith shouts.

Big Mac whispers a correction in her ear.

“Well why Di’n’cha Say so?”

“C’mon Big Sis! Tell us!”


“Alright.” Applejack takes a deep breath and places a foreleg across your shoulders. “Granny, Brother, Sis. Me an’ Dawn are gettin Hitched.” The announcement is greeted with silence from the rest of the apple family.

“What?” Granny Smith finally breaks the silence. Big Mac Whispers in her Ear again. “Oh! Well Congratulations you two!”

“Thank ya granny.”

Big Macintosh walks up to you and gives you the once over, before nodding. “Eeyup.”

“Aww! That’s so Sweet! Wait’ll I tell Sweetie Belle!”

Well, that went well.


* blush a little as she calls me handsom, but I smile* Well, not that far up the road is a little bar me and my friends like hanging out in, but it's a little hard to spot if you don't know what you're looking for. Sound like a good place?

“Sounds like a party! Let’s go!”

You lead her to the bar where she tells you what to order, you take a table near the back where you strike up a conversation. You talk about a number of meaningless things for a while, and the two of you seem to hit it off, that is, Until someone else shows up...

“Hey, Hey! What’s Goin’ on over here! Why It’s my old pal Scratch! Who’s the sap tonight eh?”

“Oh no, not you!” Vinyl Moans.

“What’s the matter? You ain’t happy to see yer ol’ pal Neon?”

Vinyl Sighs. “Ponydox, This Drunk idiot Is Neon Lights, We dated for like, an hour a couple of years back.”

“I remember it being mo’ like a couple o’ months.” Neon Corrects. “An you loved it every time I-”

Vinyl stands up, “Ponydox, Let’s go somewhere else.”

you agree and the two of you head for the door.

“Heeeey! Where ya goin?” Neon Reaches out to grab Vinyl, who punches him in the face.

“Sorry about all this.” Vinyl Apologises. “He’s not usually like this, It’s just when he gets Drunk.”

The two of you leave to find somewhere else to get your drinks.


Static truly was exhausted! After working as a slave for the Diamond Dogs without many breaks for a week and then having to dig his way out with a shovel really takes it out of you. But when having to take care of a bunch of hyperactive fillies and colts in a classroom afterwards really does you in! Static never felt more tired in all his life. But it was totally worth it to help out Static's new love. He would do it everyday just to see Cheerilee smile and appreciate his hard work like she did. Static smiled at the teacher and stumbled a bit, feeling his energy zap out of him while he stood.


"I seriously don't know how you do this everyday, Cheerilee, and still have so much energy. But that's why you stand out to me so much. Your passion for what you do truly inspires me."


Cheerilee then told Static to go home and rest, obviously noticing his fatigue. Static knew that she was right. He also needed a bath too, as he now just noticed that he was still covered in dirt and smelt really bad. Mabye that was why he was getting a lot of weird looks from the children...


"I'm glad to be of help to you Cheerilee. It makes me happy to help you out and see you smile. And yeah, you're right. I can hardly stand up right now, to be honest. And I need a shower. Bad. As for our real date, I think it would be best if we had it tommorrow. I need a good rest. Where do you want to meet up and at what time? From there we can decided where to go for our date."


Static Arc then stumbled again, almost tipping over onto the ground. He need a bed, and fast before he passed out.

You wake up in your bed To see Cheerilee and Doctor Stable Standing over you. “Are you sure he’s alright?” Cheerilee asks worridly.

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with him that a day’s rest won’t fix.”

“Oh good, Thank you Doctor.”

“It’s no trouble. let me know if anything serious happens.”

the doctor leaves, and cheerilee notices you are awake. “Oh thank goodness you’re alright! you collapsed in the middle of the street and I Couldn’t get you to wake up, so I caled the doctor, And he said you were just exhausted and helped me bring you home.”

Edited by PageTurner(Pwny'sHeir)

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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