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open Ask any pony on a date!

My little pwny

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Here we are! If you didn't edit/replaced your post before I started responding, then I'll be going with your latest post. If you see a quote that has a strikethrough through it, that means I'm not responding to that post. Also, come tomorrow, I've got a big announcement for the thread! So stay tuned...





*Princess Luna stays in her throne, staring at you. The highly disciplined royal guards are trying very hard to contain their laugh, although, they make sure no one notices. After literally 10 minutes of standing in awkwardness, Luna finally speaks up.*


We have many requests from single nobels attempt to court us, and none have taken us on more than two dates. We think it was because of our traditional canterlot voice, or perhaps their vain envy of our crown. Princess Luna sees your meekness as... refreshing. We accept your terms for having a late night picnic. Shall we rendezvous with you tomorrow evening near the entrance of the forest?


*Luna waits for your reply to see if the meet up plans are alright. Remember, its your date, so you can make 100% of the plans...*





We are busy tonight. Apologies. The clouds and stars we are already acquainted with.



Do I know you? I mean, you just appeared out of no where. Ummmm, the sunset you say... well, I think we'll have to do that another time. Fashion and glamour is my bread and butter, but let's take a rain check.



*You approach octavia while she comes out of a concert of hers. She is bombarded with questions from other fans and photographers*


Oh you know me? I'm delighted to see a fan of mine. Here, have an autograph of mine.


(OOC: Instead of going the 'shotgun approach' try focusing all your energy on one pony. I promise you'll have more success that way.)




*You start making breakfast for the two of you. While your waffles are cooking, you can hear Pinkie Pie starting to sleep talk.*


*mubble*... love you... *mubble* Turner

*mubble mubble* ...love of my life... *mubble* ...party together *mubble*..... forever


*Pinkie goes on and on like this; sub-consciencously pouring her heart out to you. Finally she says in her sleep.*


*mubble*... I do. I do. I do!





*Twilight looks at you in the eyes for a moment. Slowly but surely she starts to give you a big smile in classic Twilight fashion.*


You... you really mean it don't you?


*once she realizes you are 100% serious, she talks again*


I-I love you too Mal. With all my heart. I can't believe that I'm saying it, but I believe you when you say nothing is able to change that. Before I talk too much again, let me give you back a present...


*Twilight slowly leans over to your face, giving you the hint. The two of you share a magificient kiss like two ponies in love should have. You can tell that her kissing technique is very mechanical and rehearsed, and you suspect it's because she was practicing from a book she read. It doesn't matter though. Your feelings for each other are so strong, that the power of love encapselates the two of you in a magical sphere.*


Wow... that was incredible! I think I read somewhere that this magical bubble is called the Magic of Love, as opposed to the Magic of Friendship. Oh, and did you know that there's no such thing as a friendship bubble? And there's also....


*Once again, Twilight starts to rant after the best kiss of your life.*





*Applejack opens the door and gives you a bright smile once she recognizes you.*


Well howdy Lu! Nice to see ya'll! What brings you here!?


*You explain your recent situation with your grandpa and how you wanted to get to know her better despite not having the time. You then invite her to a second date to sugarcube corner.*


Hmm. I'll tell ya what. Help me deliver these apples to Mr. and Mrs. Cake and we'll stop by for some good 'ol talk 'n tea. How's that?






*Applejack uses her hoof to lift your chin up.*


Just 'cause I like the truth don't mean you should put yurself down! I'm sure yur a great writter, heck, you should send some of your works over to Twilight, I'm sure she'll give you some useful tips to make them a hit!


Anyways, I actually am hungry. But I've got a better idea. Instead of those sit down restaurants, let's just eat some apples straight up! Not Applepie or apple strudel, just plain ol' apples. I find it relaxin' and that way we'll have more time to talk! Whadda say?




I love bowling! We have some lanes here in the castle, but I think I'd rather go to a public place so we can celebrate with others.


*The two of you make your way to "Canterlot Lanes" where it's pretty busy that afternoon. The whole building goes slightly quite once everypony realizes the Princess is there. Everypony starts to bow, but Celestia stops them.*


Oh, there's no need for that everypony, I'm just here with my friend Morningstar for some bowling! Let's just have fun, shall we?


*The crowd cheers and then continues to bowl. Once you, Celestia and a group of four lucky random ponies for a group in a bowling lane, Celestia says that you are first. You get up and begin to swing your arm for the toss. About half way down the lane, your bowling ball is en route for what appears to be a guarrenteed strike! Right before your bowling ball hits the pins, Celestia uses her magic to deflect the ball away into the gutter.*


Opps, did I do that?


*The group laughs along with Celestia. When you sit down, Celestia gives you a wink and a smile as she goes up for her turn for bowling.*





That's... exactly what I needed to hear Ponydox. You are really understanding... Now! Let's go do something neither of us have ever done! Let's break the mold!


*Octavia thinks for a moment, and mentions a list of things she's always wanted to do.*


I have a bucket list of things I've always wanted to do but never had the chance. Should we do sky diving, Dragon surfing, castle snooping, party crashing, or some pranking? Or maybe you have another idea? What should we do?




*Discord shakes his head unimpressed.*


I'm sorry m'dear. That's not what I had in mind. It's... just too elementary. I was thinking of creating a chickenpox outbreak in canterlot, or releasing Cerb :blink: :blink: erus the Dog into a busy street. Oh well. It was a nice chaotic day we had today, but I think I'll go back to my statue for now. Bye.


*Because I know you really like Discord, I'll let you turn the clock back and go back in time to try again. Discord was looking for a large scale choas event. Try again...*



Good... Good! We're finally alone. I have you ALL to myself :lol:

*Pinkiamena pins you to the ground and starts giving you deep, tounge kisses. Her kissing is so sloppy, that her saliva is dripping off the sides of your mouth. The kisses are so passionate, that it seems like she's almost give you CPR. Something is wrong*


Kiss me deeper Morganator! You're better than that!


*You try to kiss back as much as you can as Pinkie does the same. You decide to open your eyes for a moment to see Pinkie. Off the corner of your eye, you notice that she starts to lift up a large knife. What do you do?!*




*You meet Big Mac and ask him what Cheerilee likes, after telling him your predicament. At first gives you a blank stare, so then you ask, "will you help me?"*




*Silence. Big Mac get's the hint that you'll need more than just a simple yes.*


Welp, its simple really. All ya gotta do is do something nice for the young lady. She's not much for gifts, but she really likes acts of service. I usually lift heavy things for her school building.


Plus there's one more thing...


*Big Mac pauses to catch his breath. He usually doesn't talk that much, but he wants to help you.*


Do you know who the "Cutie Mark Crusaders" are? Well, one of them is my youngest sister and she has two friends her age that want to *ahem* hook me and Cheerilee up together. If you can stop that somehow, she'll be really happy. So would I as well.


*Big Mac then excuses himself and walks away, thinking he helped enough. What will you do now?*




*Lyra thanks you for the beautiful flowers and continues to talk.*


I've been here for about 5 years now. But me and Bon Bon go way back as childhood friends though. Don't tell Twilight I said anything, but just a heads up, Bon Bon is one of your next blind dates! Anyways, I used to be in Canterlot, and I visit there from time to time, but now I'm here for good. I like magic, music, and flowers, especially the petunias you have me! And there's one thing you should know about me... I really hope you aren't weirded out about it... Do you want to know what it is?


*Lyra looks at you slightly concerned and worried you won't accept her if you found out, but at the same time, she wants to be upfront and honest.*



*Trixie first looks at you to make sure you are serious. Then she responds*


Trixie is amused at your plain attempt at asking her on a date. Trixie is also interested at your offer. The Festival of Lights fireworks competition is just the thing Trixie can display her talent! Afterward the award ceremony that she will get the blue ribbon in, Trixie assumes you'll want to have dinner afterwards. There's no need to respond, Trixie already knows you want to. Think of it as a sign of benevolence!


"Sounds like a plan, AJ!" I shouted.

As Applejack loaded up the apples into the cart, I hooked myself up with Applejack's help and began to trot down to Sugarcube Corner.

"Quite a long haul," I thought to myself.

As I reached Sugarcube Corner, Applejack helped unhook me from the cart, and then proceeded to unload the apples, bringing them in to Mr. and Mrs. Cake. After we carried the last boxes of apples into the bakery, Applejack and I sat down at a small table. I ordered a lemon pound cake and green tea while Applejack, of course, ordered an apple pie and some apple juice to go along with it. After we took a few bites of our food, I began to talk.

"You know, Applejack, it's been a stressful time as of recently. I'm one bad pitch away from being fired, my grandpa died, and, in all honesty, I feel quite lonely. I never really had anyone to talk to about my troubles here in Ponyville; all of my closest friends moved out after college, and my parents seem like they're from a different planet. I'm really glad that I met you in the first place, because you really seem to understand me, my feelings, and you're willing to listen to my problems. Even if our first date was just out of the blue, I'm really glad that I was as direct as I was when I asked you on a date to Los Pegasus. I really mean it, your support really means a lot to me."


(OOC: Tried experimenting with 1st person. I can't decide between 1st person and 3rd person! >_<)

Edited by La Li Lu Le Lo
  • Brohoof 1

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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*Twilight looks at you in the eyes for a moment. Slowly but surely she starts to give you a big smile in classic Twilight fashion.* You... you really mean it don't you? *once she realizes you are 100% serious, she talks again* I-I love you too Mal. With all my heart. I can't believe that I'm saying it, but I believe you when you say nothing is able to change that. Before I talk too much again, let me give you back a present... *Twilight slowly leans over to your face, giving you the hint. The two of you share a magificient kiss like two ponies in love should have. You can tell that her kissing technique is very mechanical and rehearsed, and you suspect it's because she was practicing from a book she read. It doesn't matter though. Your feelings for each other are so strong, that the power of love encapselates the two of you in a magical sphere.* Wow... that was incredible! I think I read somewhere that this magical bubble is called the Magic of Love, as opposed to the Magic of Friendship. Oh, and did you know that there's no such thing as a friendship bubble? And there's also.... *Once again, Twilight starts to rant after the best kiss of your life.*

I try to listen to Twilight's rant as much as possible. I what she is talking about quite interesting. I wait for her to finish, her voice sounds amazing, her face, beautiful, the color's of her coat mesmerizing. She is so beautiful when she talks.

"So Twi, what do you want to do now?" I ask her after she finishes.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Good... Good! We're finally alone. I have you ALL to myself :lol:

*Pinkiamena pins you to the ground and starts giving you deep, tounge kisses. Her kissing is so sloppy, that her saliva is dripping off the sides of your mouth. The kisses are so passionate, that it seems like she's almost give you CPR. Something is wrong*


Kiss me deeper Morganator! You're better than that!


*You try to kiss back as much as you can as Pinkie does the same. You decide to open your eyes for a moment to see Pinkie. Off the corner of your eye, you notice that she starts to lift up a large knife. What do you do?!*



*nervously laughing* Heh... uh... Pinkie? isn't this a little... EARLY? Shouldn't we save this for later?

Turned on Air Conditioning in 10 seconds flat.

Now I'm 20% Cooler.


Your friendly neighborhood madman, musician and pastry chef.


Midnight Stars; Butcher, Baker, Candy Cane Maker.


Also, visit my FiMFiction account at http://www.fimfiction.net/user/TehMorganator

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*Trixie first looks at you to make sure you are serious. Then she responds*

Trixie is amused at your plain attempt at asking her on a date. Trixie is also interested at your offer. The Festival of Lights fireworks competition is just the thing Trixie can display her talent! Afterward the award ceremony that she will get the blue ribbon in, Trixie assumes you'll want to have dinner afterwards. There's no need to respond, Trixie already knows you want to. Think of it as a sign of benevolence!


"And I am amused that you thought you could belittle my feelings by calling my request (humble or proud as it may be) 'plain'." says Blue boldly,punctuating the statement with a cheerful nod. "The day after next, then. I sincerely look forward to your presentation, Trixie. Indubitably it will be incomperable. Further, dinner sounds wonderful and I was hoping you would say that. Would you care to take these flowers? Or do they fall short or do they fall short of benevolence I should bestow?"


(Trixie accepts the flowers.)

Blue bowed courteously with an ineffable brightness and a slight mischevious grin, and backed up, turned and walked away.

At a distance, assumeing he was out of Trixie's sight, he joyfully hopped and clicked his hooves together.


(Trixie rejects the flowers.)

Blue clutched the flowers, bowing low and backing away from the unicorn's presence, until at a distance he turned and walked, returning his hat to his head with rolling flip, taking a deep whiff of the bouque with a smile.

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Good... Good! We're finally alone. I have you ALL to myself *Pinkiamena pins you to the ground and starts giving you deep, tounge kisses. Her kissing is so sloppy, that her saliva is dripping off the sides of your mouth. The kisses are so passionate, that it seems like she's almost give you CPR. Something is wrong* Kiss me deeper Morganator! You're better than that! *You try to kiss back as much as you can as Pinkie does the same. You decide to open your eyes for a moment to see Pinkie. Off the corner of your eye, you notice that she starts to lift up a large knife. What do you do?!*

(OOC: Oh god, memories of that video are coming back! Stop, make it STTOOOOP! :( Also, the whole thing with Princess Celestia is just so darn precious. You just got Trollestia'd! Celestia is my favorite princess. :) I'm not so sure about Trixie though; should be interesting. Anyways, response time!)


I've been here for about 5 years now. But me and Bon Bon go way back as childhood friends though. Don't tell Twilight I said anything, but just a heads up, Bon Bon is one of your next blind dates! Anyways, I used to be in Canterlot, and I visit there from time to time, but now I'm here for good. I like magic, music, and flowers, especially the petunias you have me! And there's one thing you should know about me... I really hope you aren't weirded out about it... Do you want to know what it is?

Alex listened on to Lyra as she spoke a bit about her life in Ponyville. The name Bon Bon crossed his mind as he remembered hearing about it when he worked during last Winter Wrap-Up. When he heard that she was one of his next "Blind Dates", Alex made sure to remember that and to keep his mouth shut around Twilight about it. Alex took note of her likes as to keep her good attention for the next time. Alex's interest piqued when she said there was something else that he should know about her, but she seemed reluctant to say without my approval. Alex flashed a small smile back at her before replying. "Come on, Lyra. What could you possibly tell me that would weird me out?" Alex said, voicing his approval to Lyra.

Edited by Alex_Night

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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I love bowling! We have some lanes here in the castle, but I think I'd rather go to a public place so we can celebrate with others.


*The two of you make your way to "Canterlot Lanes" where it's pretty busy that afternoon. The whole building goes slightly quite once everypony realizes the Princess is there. Everypony starts to bow, but Celestia stops them.*


Oh, there's no need for that everypony, I'm just here with my friend Morningstar for some bowling! Let's just have fun, shall we?


*The crowd cheers and then continues to bowl. Once you, Celestia and a group of four lucky random ponies for a group in a bowling lane, Celestia says that you are first. You get up and begin to swing your arm for the toss. About half way down the lane, your bowling ball is en route for what appears to be a guarrenteed strike! Right before your bowling ball hits the pins, Celestia uses her magic to deflect the ball away into the gutter.*


Opps, did I do that?


*The group laughs along with Celestia. When you sit down, Celestia gives you a wink and a smile as she goes up for her turn for bowling.*





Morning star smiles back, he was pretty sure that princess Celestia was having a good time but she did use magic to deflect his ball. He could do the same thing but that will ruin a very good evening that he and Princess celestia were having, he waited for princess Celestia to finish with her turn. Also Morning star notice that she blinked at him, could it be possible that she kinda liked him, he will think about this matter some other time right now he was enjoying himself with the Princess in a friendly round of bowling.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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(Haven't been on the forums in a couple of days, should probably respond to this lol)


Rainbow Dash grabs the book and runs inside, Jordo just laughs. He's just glad she enjoyed her gift. He started to walk away when Dash came back out, apologized and gave him a big kiss. Not expecting this, Jordo started to blush.


"Se..see ya later Dash" He stuttered.


Jordo began to smile; that was just like her. She would probably want to finish the book in one go, so he decided to write her a note.




Had a lot of fun with you today, I'm glad you enjoyed your gift! I know you are going to want to be alone for a bit to finish your book, but come and meet me when you're free. I would love to see you again, I have some Ideas of some fun stuff we could do.




(Since you didn't post last time, I'll respond to this right now.)


*A day passes without a single sign of Rainbow Dash anywhere. You assume she is just reading her book still, but it's been over 24 hours since you last saw her. Later, you hear a knock on your door. When you open it to see who it was, no one's there. However, you do notice a piece of paper taped to your door which reads;*


"Meet me at Froggy Bottom Bog ASAP.



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(OOC: Ok, so I'm a bit confused. Is my story taking place right around Hearts and Hooves Day, during the whole "love poison" affair, and I have to REWRITE HISTORY and convince the Cutie Mark Crusaders not to pair up Cheerilee and Big Mac? If so, this is going to be a challenge, but I'll pull through somehow. I'm not ready to post yet, but I need a confirmation on what to do before I plan out what I'm supposed to write. But I have to say, this is starting to get really exciting! :lol: I'm loving this thread right now!)

Edited by StaticArc
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(OOC: Ok, so I'm a bit confused. Is my story taking place right around Hearts and Hooves Day, during the whole "love poison" affair, and I have to REWRITE HISTORY and convince the Cutie Mark Crusaders not to pair up Cheerilee and Big Mac? If so, this is going to be a challenge, but I'll pull through somehow. I'm not ready to post yet, but I need a confirmation on what to do before I plan out what I'm supposed to write. But I have to say, this is starting to get really exciting! :lol: I'm loving this thread right now!)


(OOC: Just assume that the CMC still want their teacher Ms. Cheerilee and Big Mac to go out. But don't worry, the two of them are only friends and don't seek a romantic relationship. Your scenario takes place some time after Hearts and Hooves.)

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That's... exactly what I needed to hear Ponydox. You are really understanding... Now! Let's go do something neither of us have ever done! Let's break the mold!


*Octavia thinks for a moment, and mentions a list of things she's always wanted to do.*


I have a bucket list of things I've always wanted to do but never had the chance. Should we do sky diving, Dragon surfing, castle snooping, party crashing, or some pranking? Or maybe you have another idea? What should we do?


*I smile at Octavia* Well, a few of the things that you suggested caught my attention. I've always wanted to go into the castle and look around a bit, so castle snooping doesn't sound too bad. oh, and perhaps while we're there, the Princesses could be throwing a party, so if that happens, we could knock two of those things on your list out at once and crash that party! And as for pranking... *gives a sly smile* There's a certain blue pegasus in Ponyville that needs a taste of her own medicine, I think. Well, which do you think we should do first, Octavia?


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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(Since you didn't post last time, I'll respond to this right now.)


*A day passes without a single sign of Rainbow Dash anywhere. You assume she is just reading her book still, but it's been over 24 hours since you last saw her. Later, you hear a knock on your door. When you open it to see who it was, no one's there. However, you do notice a piece of paper taped to your door which reads;*


"Meet me at Froggy Bottom Bog ASAP.




Eljordo was about to head out to sugarcube corner when he noticed a note on his door;


"Meet me at Froggy Bottom Bog ASAP.




Jordo got curious. He had not heard from Dash in a full day; though he just assumed she was just really into her book. He was glad she wanted to see him, but why Froggy Bottom Bog? Jordo made his way towards the Bog immediately.


Jordo arrived at the bog,


"Dash? You wanted to meet me here?" He called out.



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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(OOC: Alright sounds good. Let's see how I do with this...)


After getting the nice bit of information from Big Macintosh, StaticArc had a lot to think about, like the topic of the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders". He had heard of these three fillies from the talent show that they had a while back in Ponyville, and it wasn't pretty from what he heard. Even though he didnt know these fillies personally, he knew that they went to the Ponyville Schoolhouse, and what they looked like, because even if it is a little embarrasing to say, he did like to watch Cheerilee from afar when she was outside with the children when it was recess out. It was a little creepy, and he was ashamed to admit it.


In order to gain some points with that beautiful and caring teacher, he needed to convince the three fillies that Big Mac and Cheerilee didn't want to be paired together anymore. He had to get Big Mac out of their minds, and the only way to do that was to tell them up front about his infatuation with Cheerilee, and mabye they could help him in his mission.


StaticArc then decided to wait on over by the school house, because it was still early in the morning and their school day wasn't over yet.


StaticArc waited for a few hours on a nearby bench, watching for three certain fillies to come out of the door, until the school bell rang, and fillies and colts poured outside, laughing with their friends and happy to be outside.


And then, StaticArc finally saw his targets. An earth pony with a red bow, an orange coated pegasus and a unicorn with a white coat came out in a group, chatting away with one another.


Alright, this is my chance. I can't screw this up.


StaticArc started to walk up to the three preparing himself. Once he got to them, he would say these words:


"Hello there, I'm really sorry to bother you three, but I really need your help with something important. You don't know me, but it involves your teacher, and I have good intentions. Could you come over and sit on this bench with me so we can talk?"


If they decided to sit with StaticArc, he will say:


"Now, I have heard from a certain somepony that you are trying to play matchmaker for your teacher because you all care about her. Now, I'm not here to scold you, I'm here for... well... I'm hoping that you guys could help me out. You see, I like Cheerilee, a lot. I think she is an amazing teacher and I'm sure all of you care about her as much as I do, and that's why you don't want to see he so lonely, but what I want you to instead forget about trying to match Cheerilee and Big Macintosh up, and instead, help me try and win Cheerilee's heart. Could you three... try and hook up some sort of date for me and Cheerilee? I will understand if you think I'm not a good match for your teacher, but just understand that I want to be there for her, and treat her right, like you guys wanted to do all along. Now, will you help me?"

Edited by StaticArc
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I'm making an announcement tonight. It involves everyone interested in another pony in this thread. Don't worry, it's not bad. You'll understand everything once its explained.


@, @, @@Blue, @, @, @, @@AnonyPoni, @@ConfettiBoom, @,


@@StaticArc, @, @,

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*Discord shakes his head unimpressed.* I'm sorry m'dear. That's not what I had in mind. It's... just too elementary. I was thinking of creating a chickenpox outbreak in canterlot, or releasing Cerb erus the Dog into a busy street. Oh well. It was a nice chaotic day we had today, but I think I'll go back to my statue for now. Bye. *Because I know you really like Discord, I'll let you turn the clock back and go back in time to try again. Discord was looking for a large scale choas event. Try again...*

((OOC: I'm out of ideas :( ))

Edited by Mandy


Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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(OOC: Well, that's why it helps to take a bit of time with your posts. Not everyone can come up with something on the spot. Imagine being in Pwny's shoes writing all these...)


Yeah, the disadvantage of having all these players is I have to spend a lot of time on them. I wished I had a bigger supply of creativity to share with everyone

  • Brohoof 1
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(Normally, this would be the part where I say something like, 'I have plenty of creativity to go around.' The problem is that I'm afraid I'd f it up. So, I'll write up a few if you'd like, but otherwise, I think you're doing good.)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Yeah, the disadvantage of having all these players is I have to spend a lot of time on them. I wished I had a bigger supply of creativity to share with everyone


(hey, pwny, is it time fer the big announcement yet???)
  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Hi all. I'm going to make this as clear as possible so there's no confusion.


If you don't already know, I am leaving the forums November 7th. Why? The link below will answer that question for you, because that's not what this announcement is about..., well, not exactly anyways.




Since I am leaving in a few days and I won't be able to reply to this thread anymore, I am looking for an heir to continue answering and roleplaying for you guys and your dates. I know, this thread is relatively new and short lived for me, but I don't want the fun to stop for you guys! I've seen several 'Ask' threads die out because either the OP lost interest or left the forums without transferring ownership. My goal is for this to not happen here.


So I'm asking any of you to step up and ask me if you'd like the job of roleplaying for others like I have. I'm thinking either Mal or Dawnpath would be best for ownership, but at this point the job is open to anyone who can convince me they will keep this thread alive and fun. If you are interested, please PM me, don't ask in this thread.


So, what does that mean for you and your marefriends? Before I leave, I have a present for everyone. I'll write a personal shortfan fic for each of your stories in order to wrap them up. In other words, "happily ever after" with a realistic twist. This is how it will work.


First you post my name @@My little pwny, second, say you want your fan fic to be written, then you tell me what you'd like to happen with your relationship in general terms. In other words, write down what outcome you want in the end. For instance (fell free to use them), tell me you'd like to see yourself propose to your pony, get married and have children. Or maybe you'd write that you want to see yourself swoon your marefriend over in heroic and epic fashion. These two examples are easy to work with and I can write a satisfying end to your story, just don't get too specific, otherwise your fan fic will be boring to read, trust me. For those of you who already have an established story, I'll continue where you last left off and proceed to tie up your story the way you'd like it.


Now, if you allow me to create a mini fan fic for you and your LI, that doesn't mean your story is over with that mare. It all depends on who the new owner of this thread wants to do. He/she can either continue the stories which we have created over the weeks, or he/she can start over with a clean slate where no one has a relationship and everypony is fair game.


If you have any questions, keep them brief because I would like to get back to the thread! :D Thanks for participating everypony!


Edit: Dawnpath asked if fan fics will interfere with each other if two players like the same mare. Because I want everyone to be happy and because I can, just assume your Applejack is in your own universe, and the other Applejack is in another's own universe.


Also, you don't have to do the fan fic right away, you can continue the normal, small responses until November 3rd. I expect to transfer ownership by then.


@@My little pwny,

Edited by My little pwny
  • Brohoof 6
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@My little pwny... you will be missed greatly... i don't think it'll be the same here without you... but i would like a fanfic of me and tavi together, having fun, then getting married and having two kids... and again, i, for one, will really miss you... T^T

  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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@@My little pwny


(I honestly don't know how to mention people. Figured it out.) Good look on your two years, hopefully I'll still be here when you get back. Known you for what, a month? With this being the only thread. Let me say, you made an impression; this is my favorite thread xP


As for my story, well, I'd like to start an official relationship with AJ, and hopefully propose. I never did lock her in completely though, so I know this might not be possible. I'd love to see you try to be me in this, I don't know if I put enough of my OC into it. Other than that, well, good luck.

Edited by Dawnpath
  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@My little pwny


W-what? But you said it wasn't bad news! :(


It's a shame that you're leaving just as I'm getting into this thread, but I'm sure your successor will be just as great at writing as you are!


Good luck with whatever you're doing!


As for the short fanfic, I would like to get a short conclusion to what my relationship would look like, even though I just got started!


I dont know, make it so me and Cheerilee are dating for a awhile, and I propose to her at a fancy restaurant. Make it so she knows how much her kindness and postitiveness means to me.


I really appreciate this good-bye present to all of us, and once again, good luck!

Edited by StaticArc
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@My little pwny


I'll miss you bro, you're an awesome member of the forums, it won't be quite the same without you.

For my story I would like to uhh.... Maybe propose and such, I wouldn't be to specific I trust you could make it really epic. So, surprise me. ^_^

I don't think I can manage something like this so I suggest we give it to .

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)
  • Brohoof 2

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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@My little pwny, um, I have a few questions about the fanfic thing... I hope it doesn't bother you too much if I ask them...


#1. Are you going to start from the beginning, like, when us and our mares first met (or even a little before that to give them some background), or are you going to continue from where you left off, i.e., the last comment that was posted to you?


#2. Do you need a good description of the OC so that you can actually write the fanfic? Cause if so, here's mine:

hey, i was kinda needin an avatar done... i would really appreciate it...

PONY: My OC, Ponydox. I don't have a pic of him, but I can describe him pretty well. If you are facing him head-on, he's half black (the right half) and half white(the left half). On the black half, his mane and tail are white, and on the white half, that half of his mane and tail are black. He's a unicorn, so his horn would look like this:

Posted Image

with the inner stripe being black and the two outer ones being white. his irises in his eyes are red (kinda like vinyl's) and his cutie mark is this:

Posted Image


(I know, not that good of a description, but hey, I tried).


#3. Can I elaborate on my fanfic idea? I mean, I had something good to start with...

I would like a fanfic of me and tavi together, having fun, then getting married and having two kids...


But to me, I think I could have added a little more to give you more ideas... You know how you mentioned that hero thing, where we save our mare or somthing? Well, I was kinda thinking, seeing as Tavi was suprisingly, urm, rambunctious, I suppose, she could get into some trouble and I would have to save her. THEN we could settle down and have two kids... It doesn't matter what they are, or what their names are, you can come up with them...





And again, I don't think the forums will be the same without you here... This was one of my favorite threads... I don't know how good it'll be after you've gone, but I bet your heir will try their damndest to do a great job just like you did... But it won't be the same without you... You were the one who made me be more creative, trying to impress Tavi and stuff, and I'll miss your funny stories (like the Cupcakes Pinkie one that you just started). But, whatever it is that you have to leave to do, I wish you success in your endeavors.


Your Pal,

  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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