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Where do you work, and just what hours and how does it leave you feeling?


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Hey everypony.


I thought i'd pose the question juust where do you work and how does it leave you feeling afterwards?


Well I myself am a baker so most of the time I am quite Jaded. (hense my name) Being a baker is not all smiles and sweets like Pinkie Pie makes it seem (she's a pastry chef anyway). sometimes I'm up at 2am, 6am, 9am and it changes from day to day, week to week. I'm bucked when I have a 2am then a 9am and then a 2am following it, it gives me very little time to do anything let alone sleep. The are a few perks though like more time to do things after a 2am shift (I finnish at 9:30 when everypony is waking up) when I don't have work til 2am the next day. I don't have to go to bed until at least 4:30pm. thats heaps of time to myself.


The downside is there is no time to find a mare that gets me :( I recently just loft my mare and it still hurts but now, things will get harder as there is no time to search for one. I'm too tired to go out but lonly so I stay on my computer talking on the forums.


by the end of it all i just feel likePosted Image


so tell me what's your job like and has your namesake anything to do with it?

Edited by Jaded Charger
  • Brohoof 4

Anypony would be hard pressed to get me to hate them even if they were to attack me I would most likley considder their reasoning behind it and try my best to disuede them and help them. I have a disposition to want to eleviate the suffering of other beings, suffering myself just for having seen another in pain. I guess you could say I represent the very aspect of humanity. I always put others before myself. I will always choose right from wrong. Good from evil. I show Compassion and willingness to help others. I epitomize morality. We can go either way. White, black, or gray. That being said I would be considered the purest of whites (my ponysona just chose to be gray) siggy.jpg

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Right now I have two jobs. The first one is at a local Pretzelmaker at the mall.


So far the hours are good. They vary on the week, and aren't too hard. Mostly spend my time making the Pretzel bits or at the cashier as I just started. I work with some of the strangest people though. My manager has one of those "fabulous" personalities, but he is an expert in reading people, and a bitter philosophizer. And another coworker always talks in a poetic sense, has an obsession with pirates, and has a necklace, a ring, and several coins made of pure silver on hand at all times.


It's slightly tiring, standing for hours and rushing between the ovens and register, and making and cutting the dough, but it's not overexerting.


I also work at a family business owned by my Grandfather that sells an old family recipe called "Irish Tacos" and they are some of the most delicious things I've ever eaten. We don't have a permanent location yet, but we cater the home games for the local college football team, BYU. Probably the best part of that job is that I know and love the food that we sell, all my coworkers are cousins, and we all get our own tacos and fruit salad when we get lunch/dinner breaks.


Longer work hours, and a bit less pay, but we get to watch the games for free, and the food is so worth it.

  • Brohoof 1

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I work at Walmart as an Unloader from 4 PM to 1 AM. Its really rough work, considering the size of our team, which is 9 people. 1 Person is always sorting through boxes called breakpacks, which used to be me, but now its my mom (She works there too!) We also help 3rd shift stock the freight, they only have 10 people working overnight right now, too many people are either quitting, or getting fired!


I'm trying to get a paper route in the area, but they're all motor routes, so at the very least, I need a bicycle (A car is required to get the route, but a bike is more than capable of doing it).


By the time I get home, I'm dead tired, my feet hurt, and I just plop down and relax.

"No, I am not going to run, I am not going to hide, I am going to take a stand and fight!"

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weekend dish washer, event steward, freelance writer and I amateur VA for pocket change (If I ever get paid).


Quite selective of girls since I have a low tolerance for dumb. The kind of girls I like are gems of the crop, so I seldom go out looking since they wont be the kind you pick up on the street.


Plus at most times being in a relationship is quite inconvenient. Hence the once in awhile romantic tryst suits me.


I guess you can say I'm a romantic like that. A hedonistic pseudo-bohemian romantic.

Edited by ceresbane

On 9/21/2012 at 3:39 AM, ceresbane said:
It's not a saying to go by in the first place. It was a name to a method of flame warring that was used in the early brony 4chan wars.To love and tolerate is to be non-conflicting and act passive-aggressive so that the hater cannot latch on to anything to retaliate with.

The love is the sword. you attack with talks of hugs and friendship. As if they were hurtful.

The tolerance is the shield. you ignore whatever the hater says.

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Well when I turned 16 around 2 1/2 years ago... I worked at McDonald's which was my first job and I stayed there for about 2 1/2 years. My overall experience with McDonald's was okay I suppose. I have mixed feelings about that place. While working there I have built up a good work ethic and I learned how to cope with others. The thing I hated the most about working there is that there was never any consistency with the management. They would have me working on register and when a rush happened, I was the only person open with a register. Almost always they never had enough people staffed to fulfill certain tasks. So I found myself always doing 2 postions or more simply because we were always short staffed.


I am now working a Chick- Fil- A and I simply love it there and I have been at CFA for about 3 months now. When I got hired during the Summer. I got 40 hours a week and now I am averaging around 18-25 hours due to college etc. But I really love it here, simply because of how excellent the management is. The people are kind and we get free meals... something I did not get at my previous job.


All in all I really am enjoying it here at chick fil a



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I would love to reply to each and everyone of you but work has left me with a migraine... fun times. I will see ya'll later ya hear. Take care everypony. and keep those stories a coming. can't wait to get to know everypony

  • Brohoof 2

Anypony would be hard pressed to get me to hate them even if they were to attack me I would most likley considder their reasoning behind it and try my best to disuede them and help them. I have a disposition to want to eleviate the suffering of other beings, suffering myself just for having seen another in pain. I guess you could say I represent the very aspect of humanity. I always put others before myself. I will always choose right from wrong. Good from evil. I show Compassion and willingness to help others. I epitomize morality. We can go either way. White, black, or gray. That being said I would be considered the purest of whites (my ponysona just chose to be gray) siggy.jpg

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When I finished school about 1 1/4 years ago, I didn't really have much to look forward to. I just tried to make the most of the summer by going out / playing video games all day or just being a personal taxi for my mum when she used to go out shopping.


About 3 months after finishing, I realised how boring it was with how much free time I had, so I got a warehouse job with flexible hours on a night shift. I work Sunday - Thursday (which is awesome because I get Friday and Saturday off) and work somewhere in between 25-40 hours a week depending how busy it is or how short-staffed we are for the night. The shift itself starts at 9pm and runs through usually until 2am-5am.


The work can sometimes be pretty physically demanding and after an 8-hour shift, it can leave you feeling drained. But the staff there are all friendly and I get on really well with all the supervisors.


Although I do sometimes feel kinda lonely and would like to settle down with a special someone, I find it really hard to develop feelings for girls. I've realised that any girls in the past I've had feelings for, are ones that I've been friends with for a really long time so I've actually gotten comfortable around them and gotten to know a lot about them. I guess I'm kinda 50:50 on that matter. I wouldn't mind being with someone, but I'm perfectly fine at the moment on my own.

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I work for a university in Virginia, but I'd rather not drop the name right now because I loath the place and it would be easy for them to find out about me disparaging them.


I'm the systems administrator for one of their campuses, so all computer/networking problems are in my purvue, and I'm responsible for all user accounts and delegating access to stuff, scripts, security cameras, and all your typical administrative stuff you might expect. Three days a week I work from 7:45 in the morning until about 5:30 in the afternoon, the other two I work from about 10:15 in the morning to somewhere around 7:30 or 8:00 at night.


This place makes me feel terrible. It's a crooked company that's screwed many students and employees in many ways, the president of the company is a dufus, and just working here feels lousy regardless of however you may have been wronged personally. I sit in the NOC most of the day. Considering that I have nobody to talk and it's dead quiet except for the hum of the servers, it's kind of like being in solitary confinement for approximately 9 hours a day. In fact, it's a bit worse, because I have one coworker, and this guy is impossible. He's a smart guy, does a lot of work, and gets along well with most people who come by needing help, but I always feel tense when he's around and coaxing one sentence out of him is almost impossible. Most days we sit next to each other the entire time and don't speak a word, as I've given up on trying to converse with the guy. It's all quite maddening. Hopefully I hear something about a new job next week.

  • Brohoof 1


Kyoshi made this ^^



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Currently employed as a safety watch/confined space entry monitor at gasplants. Being employeed by the safety company itself, and not a specific contractor is cool, cause I don't have a set worksite, I go where they need me, which is all over Alberta. Pretty sweet gig IMO, I make $18 an hour.


The hard part is that its 12 hour shifts of me literally sitting either in the lunch room, or on a bucket outside an entrance hatch. Literally, all I have to do at my job is monitor the levels of oxygen and other gases inside confined spaces every half hour and mark down the people going in and out. It can get tedious and mind numbing at times, but I get loads of time to read nowadays which is nice.

Eh? Nandatte?

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I work at a dog grooming salon as a bather. I love my job and I love my clients and their dogs. It is definently a job field where you get to know people and little things about their life. I just recently said goodbye to a client that was moving out of state. It was sad. Somedays i hate my job, you can only take being peed on so many times, and I go home frustated and in tears and stressed out to the max but most days I love my job and it is very satisfying

I may have been born yesterday sir, but I stayed up all night - El-P

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I work in an office, doing financial stuff. I like the work, but management and a lot of my co-workers leave a lot to be desired. There are a lot of two-faced people, who'll kiss up to management, then bitch about them behind their backs (as well as insulting and sabotaging co-workers).


I show up every day, never "call in sick" and work hard all day (rather than internet shopping or booking holidays like the boss's pets) but I still pretty much get screwed over at every turn.


So in short, it leaves me feeling pretty depressed and worthless. But I get paid, so I have to deal with it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I currently work at a local game place that sells really retro games and systems (like Atari, Colecovision, NES, etc.) and is not associated with any major chain. It's independently owned.


It's actually pretty cool, however my schedule can be a hassle since my classes are at various times of the day. The owner is way chillax though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So what do you do when you're not spending time with Ponies?


I'm finishing up Uni soon and plan do start doing freelance graphic design for a couple of years until I save enough bits to study overseas as a Visual Effect Artist.


I have a small Youtube Channel i upload some work to, nothing to amazing just small stuff for the mean time.

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Currently an IT student, in some 10 years best case scenarion: an indie game developer. Realistic scenario: just another boring programmer.


Though honestly i would enjoy any job that has anything to do with computers, and offcourse pays well.



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My dream would be to be a cartoon animator and storyteller, or design and write stories for video games. Partly because I love cartoons and video games, but mostly because I think they are great ways to get powerful messages across. But what I actually will end up doing is more than likely going to be very different.

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well, right now, i work as a gas attendant at a station, but shortly in the near future, i want to work at hot topic, and farther in the future, i wanna write books.


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Currently still in high school, but my dream job would either be a mechanical or chemical engineer, or to be a pilot. My parents are really depending on me to have a good job when I grow up so I can't let them down xP

  • Brohoof 1


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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Currently I am employed as a custodian at a bank in my home town and still attending my senior year at high school. Once I get out of high school, I'll be attending a four year college with possible transfers depending on what the optimal place to go about earning my degrees ends up being (mainly going to this first school for generals).


Hopefully I'll be getting a degree in some form of psychology, perhaps Jungian Analytical psychology if I'm lucky, then I hope to do research and teach classes at a university, possibly helping patients on the side in my own clinic.


It'll be a bit hard to snag a job in the market, since most universities are downsizing, but if I apply myself I think I can do it.

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I work as a Dietary Aide at a nursing home, but I used to work as the evening cook at another nursing home under the same boss. Due to certain problems arrising there, my boss transferred me to the current facility I work at now, and I'm much happier. Working as a Dietary Aide, I prepare drinks and desserts for the next day as well as most of the dishes pretty much like a bus boy at a restaraunt..


I really want to finish a four year degree in chemistry or work on a smaller two year degree. I'll probably start working on this within the next year, so that I can stop BEING ABUSED WITH SUCH MENIAL LABOR. I'll show them how much they've been squandering my talent!

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I would very much like to either cut hair or work as a chef. See these are two things I enjoy doing. The cutting hair seems to be the most likely option of the two

Anon -buckets buckets buckets buckets buckets

Gamzee- SuRe BrO lEtS gO fIlL sOmE bUcKeTs!


Gamzee - KaRkAt Is ThAt YoU?



WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs?

WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs?

WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs?

EaRlY iN tHe MoRnInG?

TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS

TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS

TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS


EaRlY iN tHe MoRnInG

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Currently I’m in school majoring in Computer Science, though my goal is to own a business. A friend and myself have this grand idea to own a store that caters to anything remotely “nerdy.” Sort of like a Wal Mart for “nerds” I suppose.


Signature Courtesy of

Like A Boss

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Currently, I work as an unloader at Walmart, I unload trucks and do things other people don't want to do.


Eventually, I want to get back into school and get into acting courses, since I want to be a Voice Over Actor, put simply, a voice actor. I've always been strange when it comes to microphones, I record commentary or do a skit for a game that doesn't even deserve it, just to have a chance to play with my voice and sound like someone else.

"No, I am not going to run, I am not going to hide, I am going to take a stand and fight!"

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