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Yesterday i finally got a chance to play Slender, my reaction.. was priceless. so this topic is pretty straight forward, what is the Scariest horror game you have played, also tell about your reaction the first time you played it. Im Brohoof117, Stay 20% Cooler!


Also in the Thumb Nail try and find Slender Man.


Edited by Brohoof117
  • Brohoof 1


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I have to agree that slender is one of the scariest games i have played. Scary games aren't really my "thing" because they never really get me. When i started playing slender, i wasn't able to sleep for a few days.




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I haven't tried Slender yet, but should. Anyways, I've played all three Penumbra games (Overture, Black Plague, and Requiem) and Amnesia. Favorite probably is Black Plague. Amnesia wasn't that scary, to be honest.

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Dude Slender is weird another weird game or games are two games called Cry of Fear and Amnesia. Those are both games that i dont think i will play anytime soon. :blink:


i did hear Amnesia was just a bunch of jump scare and that Fluttershy was in it or something. Anyway the stuff i herd about fluttershy were not good


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Slender, not scary, but I have not played anything scarier then it as I don't play scary games. There are some moments in game that scare me which I will list.


1. I was over at a friends house and we were playing Fallout 3 at like 3 in the morning for the first time. Level one, go into a metro station not knowing what to expect, here growling, then Oh my god what is that charging at us, run for your freaking life! It was a ghoul...


That may actually be the only one, I don't really get scared to much.

  • Brohoof 1
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Dude Slender is weird another weird game or games are two games called Cry of Fear and Amnesia. Those are both games that i dont think i will play anytime soon. :blink:


i did hear Amnesia was just a bunch of jump scare and that Fluttershy was in it or something. Anyway the stuff i herd about fluttershy were not good


Nah, there were only a few jump scares. Those were some of the games few high points.

If you want jump scares it'd probably be best to try a custom story. Lord knows what could happen in one of those.

  • Brohoof 1
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Best horror games ever.


Silent Hill 1-2-3 and it starts to go dramatically down hill from there on although there are some exceptions.


Resident evil 2 was ok. Not as scary as silent hill but it had moments when you did not want the monster to come near you at all and some intense fear trying to kill them before they got to you.


Amnesia seems like its got potential but I don't like the lack of variety in its monsters from an outside view.


Penumbra basically Amnesia with combat abilities mostly.


A good third person, action horror is Suffering. Unlike FEAR which is probably everything i hate about "horror" today that utilize some zombies, a few jumps scares with cliche ghost girls and then leaving the rest to be filled in by ultra strong, gary stu-ish heroes to kill everything.


The suffering puts you in the hands of a prisoner who has been convicted of murdering his family. He claims he blackout and is now on death row when that defense didn't hold.


He is plagued with horrible images, vision and hallucinations yet is a strong and silent fellow. He struggles with an un-controllable RAGE like no other, to such an extent that he turns into a monster when he is out of control-builds metre and drains your health when out of it-you are given the choice to kill those you meet, help them or simply leave them. Your choices do matter in this game. The further you get, the more monster you encounter. All of them deadly.


A fun game and while not scary on its own. It carries a strong sense of disturbed stimulation to it and expose you to a lot of gore, violence, weird sounds and conflicting thoughts and I would suggest that no one play it for a long period of time in a single go. You will most likely feel some sort of side effect to long time play throughs due to images and various obscene and morbid details.

Edited by MiStErUnMeRry
  • Brohoof 2

A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds.

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The kids at mah school think Slender is stupid. Well, that's what happens when you play in the middle of the day with low volume and many other people around you :P.


Anyways, the only horror game I ever played was Amnesia, and it's still one of mah most favorite games of all time. The story, the atmoshpere, the monsters, the design, the gameplay, and last but not least, the custom stories :D. Oh man, the custom stories make up a huge chunk on why I like the game so much.

  • Brohoof 1



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Seriously i dont know why everyone thinks its so scary, i mean yeah the first time i played it i was scared, but after that it was just so boring, most of the time just looking at a black screen.


But There are some Amazing Scary Games Like The Silent Hill and Resident Evil Franchise as well as Amnesia those still scare me to this point lol

  • Brohoof 4


"For long you live and high you fly,And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry, And all you touch and all you see, Is all your life will ever be"~Pink Floyd-Breathe

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Seriously i dont know why everyone thinks its so scary, i mean yeah the first time i played it i was scared, but after that it was just so boring, most of the time just looking at a black screen.


But There are some Amazing Scary Games Like The Silent Hill and Resident Evil Franchise as well as Amnesia those still scare me to this point lol


Slender generally has a hive mind effect, a strong community and is more of a creepy pasta legend .The slenderman is sort of like the boogyman in all respects and that what makes him scary. His general idea and the stories of his mythos really big him up, if your exposed to works prior to the game I think it would be very scary but only because they have instilled fear about slenderman before hand. It is not the game own merit that makes it scary, it merely acts a vehicle for the legend to spread more. I approve of this idea. It will get more creepy pasta fans and I personally love the hell out of anything creepy or scary and to be fair The slender man as a character is far more frightening than any physical attacking monster...but as a game...no. I agree with you on that front.


Silent Hill is so toxic now. Everyone hates everyone. The fans do nothing but spew constant abuse at each other-for good reasons-and the developers themselves hate the fans for good reasons-personally I would like to see silent hill die and have the team start up their own project which would make everyone happy-both the reformist who enjoy the team and both the traditionalist who want the series to stop being maligned into something hardly even relatable to the classical series-


Oh. Yeah. Just a heads up. If you get into Silent Hill, don't touch anything community wise. I am not joking when I say its toxic. Just enjoy whatever game-reformist or traditional-and keep off the forums/videos.


Personally-and almost everyone else who would love silent hill-I would suggest number 2 and 3 for ps2/xbox. Don't get the HD collection. Its riddled with bugs....insanely riddled with bugs and graphic flaws.

  • Brohoof 2

A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds.

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I remember playing Silent Hill 4, my first one of the series, and I was on the edge of my seat for the entire game. It was probably for the best that I played it first, though.


Later I would play Silent Hill 2, and then shortly after 3, and I thought they were amazing! You don't even have to care about the story to get (frightful) enjoyment out of them, because the atmosphere alone will pull you in. I really appreciated how they didn't rely on jump-scares, but instead relied on fear of the unknown and of what you haven't seen yet. The expectation that something was always right around the corner, waiting to catch you, and then... nothing would be there. Silent Hill 2 and 3 drew on my paranoia, for fear that something unknown was waiting for me, or was lurking around on its on accord (pyramid head staring at you from behind the metal bars? Yeah..).



Like the hallway in Silent Hill 3 where you hear the wheelchair? That seriously freaked me out; I was scared that something was actually down that hallway when I heard the creaking. It was to my extreme relief when I discovered it was only the chair, but then I began to think, "why was the wheel spinning in the first place? I must be right behind something else!"


  • Brohoof 1
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I played one horror game, and that's Slender Man. Really scary and didn't bothered playing it again. So far, it's the only game I have played on the PC, though I'll see if I can try and play Amnesia demo next year and hopefully I would sleep soundly. .-.'


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Currently, this is really the only horror game I've ever played, and that's because I thought the gameplay was really quite intriguing. It's basically like the Luigi's Mansion feature where you scan stuff with your Game Boy Horror SP, but now it's actually really heart throbbing lol.

  • Brohoof 1
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@, @, @@Wolveon, @, @@Leon, @@MiStErUnMeRry, @, @,


Slender was pretty fun to play the first time. I hadn't watched any videos of it when I played it for the first time and I heard everyone said it was so scary. I played it and was a bit scared of what would happen, but when I saw Slenderman and I lost I was like "wtf how can people think THAT is scary? -__-" The other times playing Slender her been really boring. The game sucks.

Slender is waaaaay overrated.


Amnesia is a really fun game. It has it's scary moments too. Though I'm used to "scary things" since I am a big horror fan and watch horror movies way too often so I didn't get as scared as I'd want to. Downsides of this game is that it is pretty lame at the beginning with nothing scary happening at all. But again, the game is awesome. The same with the Penumbra games, they're pretty awesome too.


Silent Hill is also one awesome game. It isn't that scary though, imo.


Doom 3 How I love this game. It's awesome and has quite alot of sudden scares.


And I can't believe how nopony have mentioned F.E.A.R those games are also really funny.


Dead Space is also a funny horror game. Though it's more of an action game than horror. It isn't that scary at all imo and nothing happens at the beginning. You have to come pretty far before any aliens come.


BUT the cake goes to...


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Condemned 1: Criminal Origins


The game is awesome! Really. It's creepy and an awesome game with a good story.

There is a 2nd one called "Blood Shoot" but that one isn't as good. Play the 1st one.

Edited by Mr. Nibblers
  • Brohoof 1


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I have seen more scary games then Slender.Slender is just creepy.

Example:Cry of Fear,Amnesia:The Dark Descent,Silent Hill,Ju-On The Grudge(yeah i use Wii)

Also:Slender man is in the top right in the thumbnail.

Edited by Moon of Day
  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to ~Chaotic Discord~ for the cool avatar and signature.

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I tend to be immune to "horror" games. Mostly because most horror games rely on gimmicks and jump fears to make the game scary. I especially dislike jump fears because they're misleading. They're often nothing dangerous, and you can get the same reaction with a game leading you down a bright, cheery path through a park when suddenly, *pop* there appears an adorable Fluttershy in the middle of the road. It's an "Ahh! There's suddenly something when there was previously nothing" thing. Amnesia, Fatal Frame II, the Silent Hills, the Resident Evils, the Dead Spaces, stuff like that doesn't scare me. You can't gimmick me into fear, and by gimmick I mean things like resource starvation or the lack of weaponry.


I will admit Cry of Fear did have a few moments, but it's still mostly jump scares. Three games that did scare me, from least to most, however, are The Thing, Dino Crisis and Aliens vs. Predator (the original PC one, called Classic 2000 on Steam). The Thing was mostly because I was relatively young, but the part where you first really come across large things was where three of them are circling outside a building. I looked outside a window and saw one do a combination run/slither past it, and I backed up and was something like, "Yeahno. I am not going out there with those bastards." So I stayed inside looking for supplies and trying to get my courage up to go out and fight them when there was a loud bang and suddenly the three things were in the room with me. I emptied my gun into them a few times, wondering why their health wouldn't go below red, until I remembered they need to be finished off with fire, so I whipped out my flamethrower and roasted them, about to wet myself the entire time.


Then there's Dino Crisis, which is scary because it's Resident Evil without the slow, stupid zombies, but fast, usually intelligent raptors instead (they had trouble with laser fences). The enemies were actually very dangerous, which is where the fear came from. Then there's the T-Rex. Your first encounter is a jump scare, but it's a proper jump scare. It's not some weak enemy you now have to unequip your powerful weapon to not waste ammo on, but one of the largest predators known on this planet, and the way it's introduced is you solve a puzzle, and it immediately bursts through the window and eats someone. There is no windup to it, it's solve puzzle, receive T-Rex face. First time I saw it my controller went flying as I literally jumped in fear, then had to try and grab the controller on the ground while the T-Rex was trying to eat me, which he succeeded in doing right as I grabbed the controller.


And the scariest game for me is Aliens vs. Predator, and not for resource starvation or because the enemies look scary.


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Oh no, not because they look scary at all. It's scary because your primary enemy, the kainde amedha (xenomorph, alien), is nature's perfect killing machine that even in its death can be a lethal weapon (and the amount of time you'll screw yourself over or kill yourself simply by killing one is quite high when learning what to do and what not to do in the game). Their speed, is enough to give Dashie a run for her money. They can climb on any surface in the game (which works nicely with their speed, in their favour). They are quite durable as well, able to lose their tail, both legs, and an arm and keep coming after you, or both arms and their tail and keep coming after you. Their colour blends in well to the surroundings, making them difficult to detect at times. They are also almost entirely unscripted in their spawns, so there's no "clear room, rest, find supplies, go to next room, repeat" part to the game. It's more "clear room, turn around, more kainde amedha coming after you" thing. They do not stop spawning, and if you enter a room they can't go in (as they can't open doors usually), they will take an airvent and flank you. The game is scary not because of lack of supplies and what not, it's scary because while you have plenty of ammunition and often enough health/armour pickups, you will die because they will kill you. A lot. It requires you to be good to survive, and to be able to move fast and shoot faster. And this is just talking about the normal drones, we ain't even talking about the Predaliens or Praetorians, who are both much more dangerous. Also, facehuggers are instant death, and very hard to see/shoot.

  • Brohoof 2

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

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@, @, @@Wolveon, @, @@Leon, @@MiStErUnMeRry, @, @,


Slender was pretty fun to play the first time. I hadn't watched any videos of it when I played it for the first time and I heard everyone said it was so scary. I played it and was a bit scared of what would happen, but when I saw Slenderman and I lost I was like "wtf how can people think THAT is scary? -__-" The other times playing Slender her been really boring. The game sucks.

Slender is waaaaay overrated.


Amnesia is a really fun game. It has it's scary moments too. Though I'm used to "scary things" since I am a big horror fan and watch horror movies way too often so I didn't get as scared as I'd want to. Downsides of this game is that it is pretty lame at the beginning with nothing scary happening at all. But again, the game is awesome. The same with the Penumbra games, they're pretty awesome too.


Silent Hill is also one awesome game. It isn't that scary though, imo.


Doom 3 How I love this game. It's awesome and has quite alot of sudden scares.


And I can't believe how nopony have mentioned F.E.A.R those games are also really funny.


Dead Space is also a funny horror game. Though it's more of an action game than horror. It isn't that scary at all imo and nothing happens at the beginning. You have to come pretty far before any aliens come.


BUT the cake goes to...


Posted Image


Condemned 1: Criminal Origins


The game is awesome! Really. It's creepy and an awesome game with a good story.

There is a 2nd one called "Blood Shoot" but that one isn't as good. Play the 1st one.



Criminal origins was ok. I was never scared in that game but it definitely made me feel vulnerable it down to the fact I was a normal guy under threat-despite being a police officer- and presented that even an every day person can be just as life threatening as any horrors we can encounter in our dreams. It did have a good story, that true although it was ruined by the massive reveal in the first chapter of number two, displacing all mystery and in a way I guess losing the detective aspect to it.


Super sonicy mines for the win, am I right guys. What a load. Anyway, number one was a great game but I personally never found it scary, it has it jumps and its animation and combat is WONDERFULLY realistic. Ten out of ten. Golden stars but it pales in comparison of silent hill in actual terror and mind play although it introduce something special...something unique...something that game developers and us fans should all take in account...a horror combat done well while still keeping the fear factor to it...unlike FEAR! *rages at the game* and actually does have some interesting mind play and suspense when it comes to encountering enemies-although it seems to get way less threatening once you get a load of them upgrades-via achievements- and can abuse the hell out of that stun gun-


you know what. I agree. In my heart, the game of horror who wears the crown will always be the first silent hill 1-2-3 although I have to admit. Criminal Origins really tried..it really put effort into its design and so far its one of the best combat/ horror... maybe more thriller-to me personally-with grim dark aspect to get pumped out this generation and it definitely deserve a reward of its own, we don't get a lot of horror games us fans and important for us to praise a game company and its designer well when they get something right, even if it just a small thing or one piece of the game appeal and criminal origins got a few things right.




So, here my personal suggestion plus other people input here:


If you guys want horror games try:


Silent hill 1-2-3: For psychological horror but be ready to be patient at times.


The Suffering 1-2: Great third person shooter, cool gimmicks and interesting monsters with disturbing details.


Criminal Origins: First shooter that somehow manages to be realistic to an extent, allow common combat but without ditching its atmosphere or scary tense mystery.



Also. I heard of fatal frame. That looks alright, seems like it gives it a good shot-I personally say don't touch sirens..it tries but....well...the "but" speaks for itself-and I think there is something called...rule of rose which as grim dark and horrorish aspects to it. Some game called dementio but I can't remember it name to be exact. It about a girl with a dark trapped in a mansion and everyone/thing wants to rape, kill, break and tear her guts out.



oh..and of course...SCP containment breach. Grey and cry of fear.


I tend to be immune to "horror" games. Mostly because most horror games rely on gimmicks and jump fears to make the game scary. I especially dislike jump fears because they're misleading. They're often nothing dangerous, and you can get the same reaction with a game leading you down a bright, cheery path through a park when suddenly, *pop* there appears an adorable Fluttershy in the middle of the road. It's an "Ahh! There's suddenly something when there was previously nothing" thing. Amnesia, Fatal Frame II, the Silent Hills, the Resident Evils, the Dead Spaces, stuff like that doesn't scare me. You can't gimmick me into fear, and by gimmick I mean things like resource starvation or the lack of weaponry.


I will admit Cry of Fear did have a few moments, but it's still mostly jump scares. Three games that did scare me, from least to most, however, are The Thing, Dino Crisis and Aliens vs. Predator (the original PC one, called Classic 2000 on Steam). The Thing was mostly because I was relatively young, but the part where you first really come across large things was where three of them are circling outside a building. I looked outside a window and saw one do a combination run/slither past it, and I backed up and was something like, "Yeahno. I am not going out there with those bastards." So I stayed inside looking for supplies and trying to get my courage up to go out and fight them when there was a loud bang and suddenly the three things were in the room with me. I emptied my gun into them a few times, wondering why their health wouldn't go below red, until I remembered they need to be finished off with fire, so I whipped out my flamethrower and roasted them, about to wet myself the entire time.


Then there's Dino Crisis, which is scary because it's Resident Evil without the slow, stupid zombies, but fast, usually intelligent raptors instead (they had trouble with laser fences). The enemies were actually very dangerous, which is where the fear came from. Then there's the T-Rex. Your first encounter is a jump scare, but it's a proper jump scare. It's not some weak enemy you now have to unequip your powerful weapon to not waste ammo on, but one of the largest predators known on this planet, and the way it's introduced is you solve a puzzle, and it immediately bursts through the window and eats someone. There is no windup to it, it's solve puzzle, receive T-Rex face. First time I saw it my controller went flying as I literally jumped in fear, then had to try and grab the controller on the ground while the T-Rex was trying to eat me, which he succeeded in doing right as I grabbed the controller.


And the scariest game for me is Aliens vs. Predator, and not for resource starvation or because the enemies look scary.


Posted Image


Oh no, not because they look scary at all. It's scary because your primary enemy, the kainde amedha (xenomorph, alien), is nature's perfect killing machine that even in its death can be a lethal weapon (and the amount of time you'll screw yourself over or kill yourself simply by killing one is quite high when learning what to do and what not to do in the game). Their speed, is enough to give Dashie a run for her money. They can climb on any surface in the game (which works nicely with their speed, in their favour). They are quite durable as well, able to lose their tail, both legs, and an arm and keep coming after you, or both arms and their tail and keep coming after you. Their colour blends in well to the surroundings, making them difficult to detect at times. They are also almost entirely unscripted in their spawns, so there's no "clear room, rest, find supplies, go to next room, repeat" part to the game. It's more "clear room, turn around, more kainde amedha coming after you" thing. They do not stop spawning, and if you enter a room they can't go in (as they can't open doors usually), they will take an airvent and flank you. The game is scary not because of lack of supplies and what not, it's scary because while you have plenty of ammunition and often enough health/armour pickups, you will die because they will kill you. A lot. It requires you to be good to survive, and to be able to move fast and shoot faster. And this is just talking about the normal drones, we ain't even talking about the Predaliens or Praetorians, who are both much more dangerous. Also, facehuggers are instant death, and very hard to see/shoot.


Silent Hill never utilized gimmicks...well...yeah..the fourth one did..but really to be honest. The fourth one is what started the whole land slide of the series into a gimmick, mediocre, gary stu combat fest anyway. Silent hill pretty iffy, you would probably need to specific mention what one your talking about since in one wer talking about the origins of psychological horror and the other-4 and up-set is a bunch of sell outs mis-using its name. Ok, I guess. Technically silent did utilize gimmicks later on...ugh...you know what I miss. Silent hill when it was just simply silent hill, now its just a confusing mess of different games name and different fans. I know, I know. I'm butthurt over this again. Sorry for steering the convo off path. Its just...well...its like my childhood inspiration as an artist. It sort of like micky mouse inspiring you to be an animator and finding out Disney replaced all the shows with a bunch of lame reality shows and talentless singer but now they are all named micky mouse and trying to pass themselves off as him.


No vitriol against you, Vy'drach. I'm just nerd raging like a fanboy, the one mention just let me go off on one.



Man, alien are bloody awesome. Two thumbs up...the thing -metal bawxes and random bugs, barren frost land. To be fair, the thing was generally fun If I was to be honest. Dino crisis...uh...dino crisis...this a game that speaks for itself...people. Find a emulator try that one out because I have no comment.


Jeez, I'm sick of the predators getting all the attention. Yes, they are cool but the aliens are generally deadly yet in every movie/game with preds in they die in mass. These things spill acid and tear through armor, why the hell are they losing to a single hunting squad of bloody predators. I would suggest playing the alien vs predator xbox/ps2 game RTS. Its generally fun, has a cool alien play through and you get new alien breeds in that, some which would frankly be awesome to have in other games and movies. Ever heard of the ripper alien?


Its basically the KING to the queen, huge, massive. Warrior, loads of health. Obscene armor both of its have are a circle of blades. Its far deadlier than a queen but lacks the obvious breeding abilities, it also has to go through a growth process of being a face hugger-warrior-ripper. Also in that they presented the Warrior, who are basically slightly bigger drones who regenerate faster and somewhat better armor They can continue to attack after losing entire limbs-even to the point of becoming totally disconnected of their lower body and regenerate it later-

Edited by MiStErUnMeRry
  • Brohoof 1

A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds.

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My user name is actually taken from that RTS. Go look up the Spearmaster class of Predator. And as for why Predators kill the kainde amedha en masse, it's because for one the Yautja's blood mostly neutralizes the kainde amedha's acidic blood, and Yautja equipment (outside of the incredibly canon contradicting movies) is made partially of their tissue making it very resistant to the acidic blood. Otherwise, it's two species with similar physical prowess fighting, but the Yautja train their entire life for the hunt, and take combat to an art form, where the kainde amedha are largely unintelligent and rush forth blindly to protect the hive, with no regard for personal safety, usually seeking to swarm the opponent, which makes them cannon fodder. Unless, of course, there is no hive and it's only a few or an individual specimen(s), which they will be cautious and stealthy as it's imperative they survive since a drone can become a queen and start a new hive.


As far as Silent Hill having gimmicks, I was talking about resource starvation (limited health and ammo), as well as jump scares. The enemies themselves were easily dispatched and posed little threat. Don't get me wrong, Silent Hill 1/2/3 was a great game, but it was fun for being able to beat an enemy to death with a pipe or whatever your weapon of choice was.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

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You should all play SCP: Containment Breach. That's some scary stuff right there. I've played some Silent Hill, Amnesia, Slender, none were that scary. But SCP:CB puts you in dark corridors with tons of creatures on the loose, all wanting to kill you, each one having different ways to deal with them. You can kill them, you have no weapons, but if you know how, you can find ways to not be killed by them.

It's not finished yet, but it's pretty good as is.

  • Brohoof 1

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@, @, @@Wolveon, @, @@Leon, @@MiStErUnMeRry, @, @,


Slender was pretty fun to play the first time. I hadn't watched any videos of it when I played it for the first time and I heard everyone said it was so scary. I played it and was a bit scared of what would happen, but when I saw Slenderman and I lost I was like "wtf how can people think THAT is scary? -__-" The other times playing Slender her been really boring. The game sucks.

Slender is waaaaay overrated.


Amnesia is a really fun game. It has it's scary moments too. Though I'm used to "scary things" since I am a big horror fan and watch horror movies way too often so I didn't get as scared as I'd want to. Downsides of this game is that it is pretty lame at the beginning with nothing scary happening at all. But again, the game is awesome. The same with the Penumbra games, they're pretty awesome too.


Silent Hill is also one awesome game. It isn't that scary though, imo.


Doom 3 How I love this game. It's awesome and has quite alot of sudden scares.


And I can't believe how nopony have mentioned F.E.A.R those games are also really funny.


Dead Space is also a funny horror game. Though it's more of an action game than horror. It isn't that scary at all imo and nothing happens at the beginning. You have to come pretty far before any aliens come.


BUT the cake goes to...


Posted Image


Condemned 1: Criminal Origins


The game is awesome! Really. It's creepy and an awesome game with a good story.

There is a 2nd one called "Blood Shoot" but that one isn't as good. Play the 1st one.


I agree to some extent on your post, yes slender has become over rated recently due to being over played and such. It could have also ruined your experience for playing slender if you didn't know what you were doing or what you should be afraid of.


The parts of your post that i disagree with is your opinion on what your favorite scary games are. I have played all of those games or at least watched gameplay of them and i really don't find any of these games to be very scary.


Scary games I've played (that weren't previously explained):


Cry of Fear: Too many jump scares, wasn't really good


Grey: Still too many jump scares and also wasn't a very good game


Fatal frame: Pretty scare, it is creepy as hell though because of how similar it is to silent hill


Ju-on: Meh, I didn't like it


Try giving me a game that can actually scare, all of the games I've played didn't do the trick.


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Skip to 8:13


That room in the game was one of the things that actually scared me.

It's a really cool thing with the dolls that they follow you

  • Brohoof 1


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That room in the game was one of the things that actually scared me.

It's a really cool thing with the dolls that they follow you


Ah yes this part of the game where the dummies follow you... i still don't see what is so scary about it. I already mentioned before that i had played this game, and many others like it, but still don't find them to be scary. I'm open to any more suggestions you have about scary games i should try. (BTW i'm also looking for a scary movie if you have any suggestions)


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Resident Evil, keeping me under the blanket since 1998. I know that some of you may not find Resident Evil to be that scary, but that's problaby because I'm younger than most of you. Resident Evil is the classic series that really puts you in a situation with limited items hanging around.


Recently I've played both demos of Resident Evil 6 and I am very excited for it coming on October 2nd!

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