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Trainloads of Moderators Episode I: A New Hope


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Do all people get an invitation before they become moderators? Because I've heard that some people just became it without them even knowing it.


It's all discussed beforehand. Like them conspiracies, you know, with them choices being all rigged and the Feld0 creating the NWO and all that stuff. Of course its all hush hush, if you get what I'm saying.


As far as I'm aware a member of the staff will contact a member, and the member can then accept or reject the position. Nothing is spontaneous.


I got ninja'd. It's a conspiracy, they know what I'm thinking and about to type beforehand, AHHHHH! *tin foil hat*

Edited by Whiteshade
  • Brohoof 2

Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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With that said, this is only our first wave of new staff members - further reinforcements we be brought on in the near future once we've had a chance to break in our new recruits and get them accustomed to life as a moderator. Taking them on in relatively small groups will allow us to give each of them closer individual attention during their initial days as staff members, and ensure that we are able to properly monitor their initial actions to ensure that there are no missteps or grave mistakes.


Wait, so more moderators are heading everyone's way in addition to this batch of people? It'll be interesting to see who gets what if that's the case.

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I'm finding that really hard to believe. Out of all those 18,000 members i don't even think 1000 of them are active.

I see this as an upgrade not only to the security of the site, but also makes me happy to see my friends getting promoted.

2 mods and 1 admin could never handle over 500 members, alone.


Just found out that it was 37,000 members. I looked at something else.

I am glad to hear that this system works well for them. I offer them my sincere congratulations and best wishes for the future. I for one, however, enjoy having time to actually take part in the community that I help operate. If this place were all work and no fun for me, you can be quite sure that I would have quit long ago. =P


Hm never mind I just found out that only Admins and "Super Moderators" were shown in the list I looked at. They have 4 normal moderators too.

But still we have less than half as many members. Though I think our forum is more active. The other forum I'm at is from 2003.

Also that forum contains mostly people above the age of 18 so that makes it automaticly less.. chaotic. lol


When I see 20 people in the staff team it seems a bit much to me. But whatever :P


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I'm not a mod? RAGE QUIT!!!!


[i'm just kidding I would make a horrible mod)


But seriously It's nice to see decent people got the job. That and the fact Evilshy is a mod means we are one step closer to overthrowing Feld0.

Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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I don't see why everyone is hating the new mod thing. It has already been done, so why the big fuss? I mean none of you can bring any more points then you did last time can you? I say if you disagree with it, don't say it here because they've already said that they were going to do this. You've had plenty of time to complain about it, instead of complaining on a thread thatch meant to be for congratulating the new staff members!

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Just found out that it was 37,000 members. I looked at something else.



Hm never mind I just found out that only Admins and "Super Moderators" were shown in the list I looked at. They have 4 normal moderators too.

But still we have less than half as many members. Though I think our forum is more active. The other forum I'm at is from 2003.

Also that forum contains mostly people above the age of 18 so that makes it automaticly less.. chaotic. lol


When I see 20 people in the staff team it seems a bit much to me. But whatever :P


Posted Image


Still at some point I still feel that there can be too many mods, before I was able to tell how many, who was, and what they moderated as a mod. But now I'm finding it more difficult to do that.


I feel that they deserve they're positions both I feel like it'll get to my first forum where there were so many mods, it was better to asse they were everywhere rather than learn which would be where.


Zoop is just making his army and he just got another batch, before long he'll make 2 or 3 more and overthrow Feld0 and take his place as best mod- maybe I shouldn't have explained the plan...

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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I don't see why everyone is hating the new mod thing. It has already been done, so why the big fuss? I mean none of you can bring any more points then you did last time can you? I say if you disagree with it, don't say it here because they've already said that they were going to do this. You've had plenty of time to complain about it, instead of complaining on a thread thatch meant to be for congratulating the new staff members!


Some people have genuine concerns over the new addition of staff members, which is understandable. Even though it's pretty tense, it's best to get all of this junk over with, because quite frankly, I'm sure nobody will be really happy if there's a huge line of tension down the path if things are not answered right here and right now.

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All moderators are invited, rather than forced - I think we've had three people so far decline the position, if memory serves correctly.


I thought Neikos got turned into a moderator without him knowing it.


Also, in your post you said ''these are the new staff members that have been added today:''

Will there be more later on or is this it?



Signature made by Kyoshi

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It's nice to see more mods, I'm guessing that now the uprising against Feld0 won't be successful, RP world seemed that it was gonna go out of control without Arylett (No offence to Aureity and Ice Storm xD) Nice too see Evilshy joining the mod team :3




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Some people have genuine concerns over the new addition of staff members, which is understandable. Even though it's pretty tense, it's best to get all of this junk over with, because quite frankly, I'm sure nobody will be really happy if there's a huge line of tension down the path if things are not answered right here and right now.


This is true, i was just saying they had time before this starting happening to say they didn't like it this time! So could of put there concerns in a pm to an admin before. I don't know :P maybe it's just me being me. But I always feel these threads something to be, celebratory other then a truck full of people complaining about stuff they could of quietly PMed a member of staff about it before it happened!

  • Brohoof 1
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But still we have less than half as many members. Though I think our forum is more active. The other forum I'm at is from 2003.

A bit of perspective:


Within just under one year, our member base has reached about 18% of theirs, which they've had nine years to build up to - our present registration rates are in the 700-850 range, with 2,500-4,000 posts per day reaching anywhere from 90,000 - 110,000 posts per month.


None of us on the staff do this full time - we all have education, jobs, hobbies, and other things that we want to save our time for; and that's not even counting the fact that we want some time left over to use the forum and be active on it.


With that said, I'd like to quote a post I made during the original Boatloads thread that not one person directly replied to:


To echo your point, I miss seeing Zoop and Swoop around here (unless I just don't go into the topics they're in). I miss reading their insights and opinions because I think they're swell fellas. :/

I shall now cease to be a grumpy site staffer and speak from the heart. Totes sappy, yo.


I -WANT- to be more active here!


I accepted the role as the first moderator on this community because I bloody floogin' love this place! The fact of the matter though, is that with how much this place has grown, it has been almost impossible for me to have any time to actually enjoy it myself.


There have been many evenings where I've spent the better part of my evenings after work dealing with forum drama, putting out fires, sending out and responding to PMS, so forth and so on. The same goes for all of our other moderators.


The reason we've added so many moderators is so that none of us HAVE to spend all of our forum time on dealing with moderator stuff. By spreading the burden amongst a larger number of users, we can all become more active. That is the main reason that I myself have been pushing for increased staffing here for a fair while.


I want to have time to be a part of this community, and actually ENJOY it again, instead of being a bloody boogieman all of the time.

If you can't tell, I was a bit distraught at the time due to all of the drama being slung around regarding the staffing additions. Anyway, I'm not trying to come down on you or anything, but... honestly, we all want to be members first, staff second. We can only do that if there's enough of us that we don't have to be full time staffers.

  • Brohoof 6
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Here, let me improve that for you.


Posted Image


More waves, huh? I had a feeling that would be the case, seeing as how this alone was hardly a trainload of moderators, like the Boatload of mods thread turned out to be. In that case, the anticipation continues.

  • Brohoof 9


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Wait a minute, you mean to imply that I am a serious individual? Have you ever seen any of the stuff that we post in the Random General Chat Thread? :lol:


Shh... they're not supposed to know that we dwell there and post silliness. :ph34r:


Anyway, i'm looking forward to work with these individuals. New minds that brings new ideas, surprises and excitement to us all, either way i'm sure they'll do great. All i can say is that we'll have great times ahead for the forum as whole!


Congratulations new mods!


**Goes back to the chat thread... :3**

  • Brohoof 3

<3 ~Fairy Fairy~ <3



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I really don't know what to say. I'm honored beyond belief to be given a position amongst the staff of a website and community I love so much. I hope to serve you all to the best of my ability(even if it means I have to be less on and off than usual, lol). :)

  • Brohoof 6


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I for one welcome our new overlords, and (quite pleased to say) will do everything in my power to prolong their inevitable spiral of corruption into mindless modbots. Long gone are the days when you could eat your porridge in peace -- a new age of conspicuous gleaming eyes await you, hiding within every nook n' cranny these god-forsaken nifty forums have to offer. Beware, no one is safe. Your idols and your partners and your friends are now under the firm influential paw of the great and mighty Feldiddy. You never know who might be next -- it could be him, or her, or even you.



Thou shalt keep thine beak shut, otherwise thou shalt be considered a goof.





But, fer cereal y'all. Grats and gibblets -- yeh maken' me tear up.

Don't fergit cher roots, as sons (and/or daughters) of Cthulu Feld0, it is yer duty to properly do what must be done in tha best manner possibru.


Good tidings and cheer to all those in here.

But please, please don't become flanky-petes after choosing this thankless path of corruption promotion.




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Wow...if this is the first episode, Part II will be more...interesting? Nah, that's not the word. It's something, but not the word I look for. You tell me :lol: . Anyway, while I don't know much about the other new mods, I can say that I'm not surprised Chaotic Discord is now a mod. I mean, COME ON! The guy was perfectly able to make neutral posts, being funny, stay cool, AND be like Discord all at the same time, not to mention, he has been around for a long time as far as I know, and also having made loads and loads of posts. Tranlation into Spanish (er, I mean English ^_^ ), he has the requierements for being a mod...although I know nothing about his personal life so...yeah, he could have still say no :ph34r: . Anyway, congratulations to all new mods, and good luck on their new job :) .


Also, we are probably one of the most active forums out there, and the current mods MAY not see that sudden influx...so...yeah...they need leverage, PLUS having a life in the forum aside from modding. SO that everyone will enjoy the site created by one awesome man. Pure and simple :)

  • Brohoof 2
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Well, I guess it's time to get guessing who the next ones are. :)



To be honest, the only ones who strike me as the most possible mod material are RKA and Xfizzle. I'll tell more at they come to mind.

  • Brohoof 2
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Congratulations to the new moderators.


I suppose I am happy eith the selection, I believe ~Chaotic Discord~ is very deserving of his new title, and to the others, well I can honestly say that while I know you here on the forums, i don't really KNOW you all that well, so I cant really say that your deserving until I do...


Anyway, I look forward to seeing all of your contributions to the forums.


I wish you all good luck and hope you are up to the task.


Beacuse I know that I would probably make a terrible mod myself... for... quite a few reasons....



Im off topic now.



  • Brohoof 1


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A bit of perspective:


Within just under one year, our member base has reached about 18% of theirs, which they've had nine years to build up to - our present registration rates are in the 700-850 range, with 2,500-4,000 posts per day reaching anywhere from 90,000 - 110,000 posts per month.


None of us on the staff do this full time - we all have education, jobs, hobbies, and other things that we want to save our time for; and that's not even counting the fact that we want some time left over to use the forum and be active on it.


With that said, I'd like to quote a post I made during the original Boatloads thread that not one person directly replied to:




If you can't tell, I was a bit distraught at the time due to all of the drama being slung around regarding the staffing additions. Anyway, I'm not trying to come down on you or anything, but... honestly, we all want to be members first, staff second. We can only do that if there's enough of us that we don't have to be full time staffers.


My opinions and thoughts might not have such a big impact on you, but i can gladly say that i've seen an ''improvement'' in your mood. And to be really honest, i first thought you were a typical stubborn admin. But i was wrong, you are a great guy and i can't be more happy to have an admin like you.
  • Brohoof 4



Signature made by Kyoshi

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Oh, and on another note...


I think the title of this thread should be changed to either


1) Trainloads of moderators episode 4: A new hope




2) Trainloads of moderators episode 1:the moderator menace (or... something along those lines)




Well, if Feld0 brohhofed this, then it must be a good idea!

Edited by TheBronyHeart
  • Brohoof 5


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This is the part where we all take a nice, deep, relaxing fresh breath of relief and confidence.


I'm more than happy for the new mods, especial Discord, SBB64, and Chigs. Prior to their promotion, I felt that all three are more than fitting for this position, and I cannot express the happiness I'm feeling right now. In fact, it's almost weird. We've been losing to many recently, and all we need is to keep the peace of mind in tact by keeping our security levels up to a safe, normal medium.



Heck, I can hear the future trolls rolling in their to-be IP graves right now.

  • Brohoof 4


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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My opinions and thoughts might not have such a big impact on you, but i can gladly say that i've seen an ''improvement'' in your mood. And to be really honest, i first thought you were a typical stubborn admin. But i was wrong, you are a great guy and i can't be more happy to have an admin like you.


Honestly, there was a period of a couple months where my mood and mentality here were... well, not the greatest, to be honest. I was starting to fall into the trap wherein I was barely participating in the community at all, and looking upon everything I was doing as a staff member as some sort of chore. I was being extremely negative about damn near everything, and it was probably showing in my work.


Thankfully I was able to pull myself out of that particular hole - do in no small part to the fact that we've had more soldiers in the field, which has helped quite a bit in reducing the burden I was trying to carry all by myself.


That said, I very much appreciate your words - it does mean a lot to me. :)

  • Brohoof 4
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Wait I just realized, the title of this thread contains "Epidode I: A New Hope"

Funny thing is, I'm having a Star Wars marathon with some friends tomorrow :o

@@Zoop, @,

This is actually legit, I am having a Star Wars marathon with friends tomorrow xD

I can take photos if somepony doesn't believe me hah


Anyways, you're saying we get alot of new mods because there's gonna be so much activity for season 3.

Honestly I don't think there will be too big of a change.. /thought. (Don't see this as an attack)

Edited by Mr. Nibblers
  • Brohoof 3


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I'm glad that we have such a large moderation staff. I mean, we all know that rules get broken alot here and most of the time it goes unreported. Whether it be personal attacks on another or bypassing the character limit, we need them.


Plus good luck to all the new mods. Hope you guys enjoy your jobs.

  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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2 mods and Scootacool will handle the day to day operations of the forum. The rest are there so that Feld0 can host Mod Parties and get people to fetch him drinks whenever he pleases.


Actually, I automated the drink fetching last week. Now it's taken care of by robots. B)


But still we have less than half as many members. Though I think our forum is more active. The other forum I'm at is from 2003.

Also that forum contains mostly people above the age of 18 so that makes it automaticly less.. chaotic. lol


When I see 20 people in the staff team it seems a bit much to me. But whatever :P


Different sites have different characteristics. Trying to compare the number of moderators on one site to another site is automatically comparing apples and oranges because both websites have completely different cultures, communities, and features. Yes, features matter, and they actually matter a great deal.


Think about this. We have 3,000 new posts per day. Per day. Keep in mind that this number is constantly increasing. But then there is more, moderators not only have to watch over the forum but they also have to watch over the blogs, status updates, game servers, game groups, Synctube room, and Skype chat room. Think about that… That is a lot of stuff… I can guarantee you that the other site that you are currently a member of does not have 3,000 posts per day or even a fraction of our extra features.


The staff on this site is awesome, so we are able to be remarkably efficient providing all of these features and keeping an eye on things in the forum (thanks, in no small part, to the help of users making awesome reports). With that said, we need more of us. We have to keep up with the number of posts per day as well as all of the other areas of the community where users can participate. We are already efficient, so when we begin to reach our limits, adding staff is the only remaining way to increase our capacity for moderation.


None of us on the staff do this full time - we all have education, jobs, hobbies, and other things that we want to save our time for; and that's not even counting the fact that we want some time left over to use the forum and be active on it.

And then there is this, which I would like to highlight again because it is very important. We do not have any full-time staff on the site. We are all volunteers and we juggle lives that consist of things that are disconnected from the forum (jobs, school, family, etc.). Some of us have to do quite a bit of juggling, but we make it happen because we love this community. If we are stretched too thin, then it is easy for the love of the community to turn into burnout. To me, it's better to be on the safe side and add staff.


Scootacool I think I remember him making very long post before. Haven't really seen him all that much either, except for the technical side of the forum.


You know, Raccoon… I haven't actually seen you around much recently either… :D


You should join me in the General Chat Thread for some late-night nuttiness every once in a while. Most of my posting on the forum is there these days. (Well, there and in the RP section.)

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