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You can go to equestria but there is a price attached


As the basic pony type of your choice BUT  

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  1. 1. You must do the following upon arrival -- which ones are acceptable?

    • You would have to serve 2 years as a guard pony
    • You would have to serve 5 years as a guard pony
    • You would have to marry twilight sparkle
    • You would have to marry rainbow dash
    • You would have to marry the great and powerful trixie
    • You would have to swear an oath to do ANYTHING Celestia asked of you
    • You would have to swear an oath to do ANYTHING Luna asked of you
    • You would have to swear an oath to protect Equestria
    • You would have to live in los pegasus and never go to ponyville or canterlot
    • You would have to agree to not bother the mane 6 or the princesses
    • You would have to spend 5 years helping fluttershy with her animals
    • You would have to spend 2 years with equestria's historians answering any questions asked about earth
    • You would have to spend 5 years serving ponyville in your best capacity
    • You would have to spend 5 years as Pinkie Pie's assistant
    • You would have to spend 5 years as Prince Blueblood's assistant
    • You would have to do a very dangerous task in the Everfree Forest
    • You would have to be purified by the elements of harmony first

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That is like saying everyone is a murder because they physically could. Obviously that is a false statement. Your example of conflict still does not count.


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That statement makes no sense. My point was that through sheer greed alone, they can be brought to a point where they will attack each other. I wasn't saying they'd of actually killed each other at that point, just rendered unconcious so they're no longer a rival for the object of their desire.


Or we could say that dragons are savage and violent by culture. Celestia doesn't kill random dragons because they don't usually involve themselves with ponies. Killing them because they can be violent is like killing a person because they can be violent. Spike doesn't kill anyone during his draconic episode.


When did I bring up Celestia ever killing anything? Your point was that humans entering Equestria would corrupt and destroy their society, but the things we bring to the table that would "corrupt" are already there. The biggest corrupting influence I could see arising from a normal person is gunpowder being brought to there attention, and actually, scratch that. They have fireworks, which means they have gunpowder, unless one wants to claim they're done with magic instead, which is baseless.


Anyway, they have crime, war (or at least the preparations for it), can be brought to violence, there's racism, discrimination amongst the social hierarchies, and there's mental insanity (I don't care what anyone says, Pinkie was all of an hour away from making a batch of cupcakes before Dash came in and dragged her away in A Party of One). Only thing I can see humans bringing over that'd be corrupting is sexual perversion, which Granny Smith's mother's expression when her husband kissed Celestia's hoof, and Rarity's reaction to the idea of getting dressed in front of Spike, hints that even that may not be absent in Equestria. Otherwise, they have the bases covered themselves, as when it comes to poverty, the Apple family is already apparently barely making ends meet as one bad season and they can lose the farm and/or starve for the winter, which falls into famine. Plus the Apple family was stricken with famine when Granny Smith was a filly as well.


The only thing about humans is they'd be the only (known) sentient meat eaters (assuming the Diamond Dogs and Dragons don't eat meat). And this wouldn't be as big a deal as people seem to think it would be, as Fluttershy, the lover of all animals, feeds fish to her ferrets, and still living worms to the birds. As long as humans stuck to fish and nonsentient terrestrial animals, I imagine no one would really care. I'd go so far to say they likely wouldn't mind (as a whole), if humans ate pork or birds, provided they're not someone's pets or property and what not. Fluttershy likely wouldn't like that part, but that'd be no different than the outspoken vegetarians we have here, and like I said, she already feeds animals to other animals, so she'd already be more compromising than out outspoken vegans.


And one more thing with ponies and armaments of war. Don't forget Archer and her bow and arrow cutie mark.

Edited by Vy'drach

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

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That statement makes no sense. My point was that through sheer greed alone, they can be brought to a point where they will attack each other. I wasn't saying they'd of actually killed each other at that point, just rendered unconcious so they're no longer a rival for the object of their desire.


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Just forget it. I'm not even going to bother.


When did I bring up Celestia ever killing anything?



Kill/banish whatever. The point was that Celestia doesn't deal with the dragons *2x facepalm*


Anyway, they have crime, war (or at least the preparations for it), can be brought to violence, there's racism, discrimination amongst the social hierarchies, and there's mental insanity (I don't care what anyone says, Pinkie was all of an hour away from making a batch of cupcakes before Dash came in and dragged her away in A Party of One).



Where is there crime or war on MLP? Everyone can be brought to violence with mind control so it doesn't even count. There isn't any racism and I do not recall and discrimination. There is mental insanity, but not from pinkie. There is a mentally insane pony that barks in the episode where Rainbow Dash sneaks into the hospital to get her/twilight's book.


Only thing I can see humans bringing over that'd be corrupting is sexual perversion, which Granny Smith's mother's expression when her husband kissed Celestia's hoof, and Rarity's reaction to the idea of getting dressed in front of Spike, hints that even that may not be absent in Equestria. Otherwise, they have the bases covered themselves, as when it comes to poverty, the Apple family is already apparently barely making ends meet as one bad season and they can lose the farm and/or starve for the winter, which falls into famine. Plus the Apple family was stricken with famine when Granny Smith was a filly as well.



That isn't necessarily sexual pervasion, but the fact that you associate it with that would indicate that humans would probably bring sexual perversion.

The Apple family is not poor. They never say she or her family is poor. Famine is a scarcity of food. The food was there, the problem was picking it and planting it. Even if we assume they are poor. That would make Equestria's poverty level so minuscule its ridiculous. Stop bring up past events they aren't even valid when we are considering present times.



And one more thing with ponies and armaments of war. Don't forget Archer and her bow and arrow cutie mark.


Again, weapons but no war. Sounds like they are pretty good at keeping peace.


Are you really telling me that Equestria is Earth's equal in corruption? Really?


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WAIT A MINUTE! What if you wanted to marry Vinyl Scratch? D; Also, I wouldn't mind being an assistant for Pinkiepie for 5 years, she's my 2nd favorite pony! XD I'll never get annoyed or get bored of her :)

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-Select marry Twilight Sparkle.

-Select marry Rainbow Dash.


: P


I'm sticking to my theory is that its just a TV show, showing the best parts of Equestria and smoothing over the worse ones.


Plus, ponies aren't perfect (say it five times fast). They are jerks, fools, morons along with the rest of the nicer ones. Just because you only see the good doesn't mean that's all thats present.

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I must ask, why can I not marry Fluttershy?


That's one choice I'd pick. I'd punch the monitor just to access that poll choice.


I can be a guard though. That's easy enough for me...


Aye, I picked to be a guard as well. Actually, I would hope to work my way up the ranks and until I commanded a small company of guards! That would be my dream job if I lived in Equestria! And of course, I would help fluttershy with her animals! I would also be a historian, but I don't have the pateince to learn another world's entire history again..
  • Brohoof 1
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If I where to ever go to Equestria I think I would have to be purified by the Elements of Harmony so my human ways would not corrupt the peaceful land. I hope the purification would turn me into a pegasus because I would love to marry Rainbow Dash. :P

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Plus, ponies aren't perfect (say it five times fast). They are jerks, fools, morons along with the rest of the nicer ones. Just because you only see the good doesn't mean that's all thats present.


Actually that is exactly what it means. If it's not shown then it doesn't exist. Think about it. If Equestria is defined by what is shown in MLP and anything Hasbro says about it then if they don't say or show something then it doesn't exist. Not that it can't exist, they just haven't added it yet. If someone else besides them adds something then it isn't Hasbro's Equestria anymore, it is a fanon Equestria. they are no longer exact copies. Edited by Bohtty


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Wasn't there going to be a war between the different types of ponies before Celestia and Luna came to fix things? Although I don't think anything drastic would happen since it's a kid's show. If MLP was real, then I think there would be many possibilities because nopony is perfect and there's always temptations wherever you go. I think if anything did happen, Celestia and Luna would do what's needed to protect their ponies, but if things got too out of hand not even they could stop disaster from happening. And there's always the chance of some monster escaping Everfree Forest and leveling Ponyville or one of the other towns.

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Actually that is exactly what it means. If it's not shown then it doesn't exist. Think about it. If Equestria is defined by what is shown in MLP and anything Hasbro says about it then if they don't say or show something then it doesn't exist. Not that it can't exist, they just haven't added it yet. If someone else besides them adds something then it isn't Hasbro's Equestria anymore, it is a fanon Equestria. they are no longer exact copies.


Well, there is evidence that society is not as perfect as it seems.


First of all, there is evidence of problems in the past. These likely did not go away. The writ of Cloudsdale being a "pegasus only" city rings a little racist, especially since there is airborne technology, teleportation magic, and spells to allow ponies to walk on clouds. People were downright shocked to see them on there.


Then you have the Everfree Forest. Ponies are downright terrified of the place. Heck, they're lucky that they haven't been attacked by a monster before. When a stampeded of bunnies attacked they were helpless to stop them. Don't try and pretend that its not a risk, either: people were scared at the thought of a dragon because it could attack them. Y'know, the one that managed to swat Rainbow Dash away with a single blow. The Dragons the the best fliers in Equestria couldn't so much as scratch. Then there's the Ursa Minor, which just waltzes in and blows everything to hell until Twilight stopped it. What if she had been sick, or just a little bit weaker? All of their hopes and society are based upon 6 young adult girls. Without them, they would be beaten so many times its not even funny.


Second, the ponies have been shown to be jerkish at some points. There are no price control laws or anything to keep someone from saying "Oh, you need that? 400% higher price." It was just a cherry, right? What if it had been food? What if it had been doctor visits? No monopoly control whatsoever is a pretty dicy concept. And there were those jerkish ponies, who were taking advantage of this pony who was too shy to fit in the herd psychology and abused Fluttershy to no end, pushing her around, taking things from her, blocking her, etc. etc. Don't claim that the ponies are perfect, because they are not. 90% of them are useless or jerks.


Finally, there are the big guns. Discord was an eldritch god of chaos who only lost because he wasn't being serious enough. What if he had wanted to win? He could have outright killed Celestia and the Mane 6, then shredded apart the very laws of physics themself and caused the very end of the universe. If he were real, I would be horrified every single second that he could come back and kill us all. They have no idea why he really came back. He could come back at any second. The changelings reveal that not everyone in this world is nice, and that there are species, one at least and possibly more. The buffalo were certainly willing to go to war, and Gilda was a total jerk.


You are turning a blind eye to all these problems. Equestria isn't perfect, and I don't think it was ever intended to be.

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First of all, there is evidence of problems in the past. These likely did not go away. The writ of Cloudsdale being a "pegasus only" city rings a little racist, especially since there is airborne technology, teleportation magic, and spells to allow ponies to walk on clouds. People were downright shocked to see them on there.


"Not likely"? Or it could have. Either way its an assumption. As for racism, well unless a earth pony/unicorn/alicorn/pegasus claims to be superior to the others simply by being their race, then there isn't racism. I could very well be wrong, but I don't think that they ever say that Cloudsdale is absolutely a pegasus only city.


Then you have the Everfree Forest. Ponies are downright terrified of the place. Heck, they're lucky that they haven't been attacked by a monster before. When a stampeded of bunnies attacked they were helpless to stop them. Don't try and pretend that its not a risk, either: people were scared at the thought of a dragon because it could attack them. Y'know, the one that managed to swat Rainbow Dash away with a single blow. The Dragons the the best fliers in Equestria couldn't so much as scratch. Then there's the Ursa Minor, which just waltzes in and blows everything to hell until Twilight stopped it. What if she had been sick, or just a little bit weaker? All of their hopes and society are based upon 6 young adult girls. Without them, they would be beaten so many times its not even funny.



I don't recall anyone, but Fluttershy actually being scared of the dragon and I definitely do not recall anyone being scared that it could attack. The best fliers in Equestria chopped the spines off Spike's back.

But Twilight wasn't sick so your hypothetical what if is referring to a different dimension and a different Equestria.

Nowhere does it say that all of the hopes of Equestria are based on the mane 6 (I think) so therefore, they aren't.



Second, the ponies have been shown to be jerkish at some points. There are no price control laws or anything to keep someone from saying "Oh, you need that? 400% higher price." It was just a cherry, right? What if it had been food? What if it had been doctor visits? No monopoly control whatsoever is a pretty dicy concept. And there were those jerkish ponies, who were taking advantage of this pony who was too shy to fit in the herd psychology and abused Fluttershy to no end, pushing her around, taking things from her, blocking her, etc. etc. Don't claim that the ponies are perfect, because they are not. 90% of them are useless or jerks.


But apparently no price control works for them and there doesn't seem to be any homelessness or starvation. I didn't say the ponies were perfect. I didn't even say Equestria was perfect. I said Equestria was essentially perfect because when compared to the Earth, it is.


Finally, there are the big guns. Discord was an eldritch god of chaos who only lost because he wasn't being serious enough. What if he had wanted to win? He could have outright killed Celestia and the Mane 6, then shredded apart the very laws of physics themself and caused the very end of the universe. If he were real, I would be horrified every single second that he could come back and kill us all. They have no idea why he really came back. He could come back at any second. The changelings reveal that not everyone in this world is nice, and that there are species, one at least and possibly more. The buffalo were certainly willing to go to war, and Gilda was a total jerk.



And still nobody died. Not even the changelings. There is no proof that Celestia could be killed by Discord.


You are turning a blind eye to all these problems. Equestria isn't perfect, and I don't think it was ever intended to be.


Again, didn't say it was perfect. I said it was essentially perfect at least when compared to the Earth. It can't realistically be perfect because it was devised by someone who was imperfect. (Not to say that it couldn't be theoretically perfect.)

I haven't turned a blind eye to anything, Unless it happens in the show then it doesn't exist in the canon Equestria. Wars with a death toll do not exist in Equestria, only the ingredients and preparations for it do. The same concept can be applied to many other claims.

Edited by Bohtty


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"Not likely"? Or it could have. Either way its an assumption. As for racism, well unless a earth pony/unicorn/alicorn/pegasus claims to be superior to the others simply by being their race, then there isn't racism. I could very well be wrong, but I don't think that they ever say that Cloudsdale is absolutely a pegasus only city.



I don't recall anyone, but Fluttershy actually being scared of the dragon and I definitely do not recall anyone being scared that it could attack. The best fliers in Equestria chopped the spines off Spike's back.

But Twilight wasn't sick so your hypothetical what if is referring to a different dimension and a different Equestria.

Nowhere does it say that all of the hopes of Equestria are based on the mane 6 (I think) so therefore, they aren't.




But apparently no price control works for them and there doesn't seem to be any homelessness or starvation. I didn't say the ponies were perfect. I didn't even say Equestria was perfect. I said Equestria was essentially perfect because when compared to the Earth, it is.



And still nobody died. Not even the changelings. There is no proof that Celestia could be killed by Discord.



Again, didn't say it was perfect. I said it was essentially perfect at least when compared to the Earth. It can't realistically be perfect because it was devised by someone who was imperfect. (Not to say that it couldn't be theoretically perfect.)

I haven't turned a blind eye to anything, Unless it happens in the show then it doesn't exist in the canon Equestria. Wars with a death toll do not exist in Equestria, only the ingredients and preparations for it do. The same concept can be applied to many other claims.


You are taking reliance on evidence to an illogical extreme. Even science makes assumptions and projects to a certain degree, and this is by no means science. There is evidence that Equestria is flawed right here, just as flawed as Earth humanity, and it is poignant.


For example, there was the scene in Fluttershy when Twilight talks about the dragon and EVERYONE panics. Not only that, but the rabbits come, they are terrified. The parasprites devoured everything and cause significant damage. The changeling attack had residual damage in terms of street scars and wholes, and the fact that ponies were scared for their lives. Are you saying that they were looking at the changelings attacking and were frightend but LOLNOPE there were never in any danger at all and just being stupid!


In fact, I'm going to use your argument against you. I am going to point out that there is no evidence for Equestria not being a total crapsack world. I'm going to say that behind the scenes, unicorns are arranging for a genocide of Earth ponies, and there is nothing on-screen to disprove it. Also, the ponies are in a brutal battle with the griffons and are going to lose. Also, Discord secretly one and is living in a skin-suit of Celestia to mess with everyone.


If we are relying on evidence and using no extrapolation, then there are indeed infinite interpretations. The intelligent thing to do is not to assume that it is perfect, or assume that it is terrible. It is to look at it intelligently and make extrapolations, and thus come out with a flawed but good world, much like our own.

  • Brohoof 1
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You are taking reliance on evidence to an illogical extreme. Even science makes assumptions and projects to a certain degree, and this is by no means science. There is evidence that Equestria is flawed right here, just as flawed as Earth humanity, and it is poignant.


For example, there was the scene in Fluttershy when Twilight talks about the dragon and EVERYONE panics. Not only that, but the rabbits come, they are terrified. The parasprites devoured everything and cause significant damage. The changeling attack had residual damage in terms of street scars and wholes, and the fact that ponies were scared for their lives. Are you saying that they were looking at the changelings attacking and were frightend but LOLNOPE there were never in any danger at all and just being stupid!


In fact, I'm going to use your argument against you. I am going to point out that there is no evidence for Equestria not being a total crapsack world. I'm going to say that behind the scenes, unicorns are arranging for a genocide of Earth ponies, and there is nothing on-screen to disprove it. Also, the ponies are in a brutal battle with the griffons and are going to lose. Also, Discord secretly one and is living in a skin-suit of Celestia to mess with everyone.


If we are relying on evidence and using no extrapolation, then there are indeed infinite interpretations. The intelligent thing to do is not to assume that it is perfect, or assume that it is terrible. It is to look at it intelligently and make extrapolations, and thus come out with a flawed but good world, much like our own.


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I've actually been waiting for someone to point this out since my third reply, but it still doesn't help the situation, only stalls it because now there is no winner and can never be a winner.


Still though, we could take down another level and assume that since we don't see unicorns arranging for genocide that they aren't. In fact if there are no unicorns on screen and unless otherwise stated, the unicorns are doing nothing since Hasbro nor the show have displayed any sort of indication of what all unicorns do when not on screen.


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What was this topic about again?

Edited by Bohtty


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I've actually been waiting for someone to point this out since my third reply, but it still doesn't help the situation, only stalls it because now there is no winner and can never be a winner.


Still though, we could take down another level and assume that since we don't see unicorns arranging for genocide that they aren't. In fact if there are no unicorns on screen and unless otherwise stated, the unicorns are doing nothing since Hasbro nor the show have displayed any sort of indication of what all unicorns do when not on screen.


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What was this topic about again?


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Anyways, THREAD!



You would have to serve 5 years as a guard pony

You would have to swear an oath to do ANYTHING Celestia asked of you

You would have to swear an oath to do ANYTHING Luna asked of you

You would have to swear an oath to protect Equestria

You would have to spend 5 years serving ponyville in your best capacity

What I was planing on doing the moment I get there. Seems more interesting than what I'm doing now.



You would have to do a very dangerous task in the Everfree Forest



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You would have to marry twilight sparkle


(Whew. That was close)



You would have to spend 2 years with equestria's historians answering any questions asked about earth

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It's best if they'd didn't know. Say the next villain learns of what's here and would be more omnicidal than the other villain. Our nuclear weapons can pretty much sterilize a huge area for a long time. We don't need added magic to it.



You would have to spend 5 years as Prince Blueblood's assistant

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  • Brohoof 2
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One choice I was curious as to why it didn't make the list would be giving up your human form, forever, to become a pony that isn't your choice, so you only have a 1/3rd shot of becoming what race you'd wanna be. That would be something some would have to think about.


But I chose some years as a guard, helping Fluttershy with animals, and the task to do in the everfree forest. Those are all 3 not so enjoyable tasks I would say.


Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! Signature thanks to Doc Volt.

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I felt like being forced to marry someone would be crossing the line, no matter how awesome they are, but answering questions about earth, 2 years in the military, being purified, and obeying the princesses seems pretty fair to me. Everyone has to obey the princesses already, so why would you be exempt from that rule? And purification is mainly for saftey reasons. And you can be useful for 2 years, by telling historians about earth while having a required military service.

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I've changed my mind, I would pretty much do anything on the list. It would suck being unable to meet the mane 6 or the princesses, but hey, at least I would still get to go to Equestria and chill with talking ponies (although I'm not sure on the stay in Los Pegasus one, if it's like our Los Vegas then most of the ponies there, I probably wouldn't want to hang out with anyway.

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Once at Equestria I would want to construct my "futuristic" weapons that we humans have now there. And take over, lead a revolt. Therefore I could only do the first few, (Marrying Rainbow Dash was the last one selected.) Then I picked the second to last. Hopefully I could keep whoever I married on my side. If not, oh well.


I could serve as a guard too, would help me establish connections and learn how Equestria would fight back. I was sure on the oath ones, I can take an oath, doesn't mean I will live up to my word. That's all an oath is, my word. Do the rules of this game allow me to break my word or no? Since I'm going to be a lying dirt-bag anyway? So I left those unchecked.


I didn't pick the staying in one city thing because I'd need to move around and establish connections. I also didn't pick serving or helping ponies in some way because I need time to assemble my weaponry.


Obviously I couldn't pick be purified by the Elements of Harmony, I would lose everything I need to lead said revolt. Including my will power.


Now I would not want to be married to Trixie. I hate Trixie, but married to Twilight or Rainbow? AND getting to go to Equestria? AWESOME! Wait, do I get to have BOTH? :huh::wub:

"Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37


"In the beginning, God created the heavens, the Earth, and Octavia, who is best pony." Genesis 1:1

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I voted for everything but Marrying Rainbow dash and Trixie. Marrying somepony you don't know or don't like is a very scary thing. I've seen some marriages where the couple feels like they are in prison all the time and they hate each other, but don't want to get divorced. I'll marry Twilight though, because I feel like I know her and like her :D

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Why would I want to marry someone to get somewhere I can easily just take a blimp over to lol? WHAT IF WE DON'T HAVE THINGS IN COMMON? OUR LOVE WOULD BE FAKE!!!! :(


I'd border jump, just like in the good ol' US of A! I'd get my Pony Card by establishing myself as a hotshot with all the ponies rather than a goon bent on imperialising their city. But, then again, ALL THEIR APPLE CIDER COULD BE OURS, HUMANS! JUST THINK.......CIDER!!!

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  • 9 months later...

I have no friendship in this world and you are the one who have made me think that there is still hope for me to go to a better world for me

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>no option to marry Vinyl Scratch




I kid, I kid. :P


But honestly, marry?

Can't we...y'know..cuddle first? Get to know each other a bit more before going -that- far?


...and how exactly is this "going far" to get the opportunity to go to Equestria? Wouldn't it be more reasonable to do crazier, Jackass-leveled things in order to try and get there?




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If I were a pony, I'd be down with marrying Twilight or Rainbow Dash. That'd be awkward as a human however... Can we be a pony?


Obeying the princesses' orders are fair. Probably need to do them anyway.


I'd love to help Pinkie and Fluttershy with their things.


Don't know what being purified would feel like, but I guess it's a good thing anyway, so why not?

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