Killian Jones 2,655 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 One thing I do remember and should somehow say, I joined here because of King K Roop (Now Chainsaw Bouffant), had he not told anything about this place, I wouldn't have been here at all. So congratulate him and stuff. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jon the VGNerd 887 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 Only six months since I joined the forums and am VERY surprised to see the forums celebrate its 1-year old b'day. Having much of my experience on the previous forums I came and went, I thank Google for leading me here to MLP Forums, the one forums that's better than the other ones I have visited and stayed, albeit for a short time however. Despite the major ups and down, from the April Fool's Day gone wrong to previous DDoS attacks, as well as the Chat feature removed and added to Skype, it's still as perfect as other forums I've been to, and to me, there aren't any other forums that can top this one IMO. Since joining the forums on March 23, I guess it's safe to say that, it's just the best beyond belief, and it gets better as time goes by, day after day, week after week, and month after month, and sooner or later, it'll become better year after year in the near future. Heck, I even started making vehicles based on MLP designs since playing SHIFT 2: Unleashed, and my first vehicle from Need for Speed: World was known as AppleCharger, a mixture between Applejack and the Dodge Charger SRT-8, and Rainbow LFA from SHIFT 2, a mixture between Rainbow Dash and the Lexus LFA (in which I gave its meaning, which is called "Light, Fast, Agile") and other vehicles based on MLP. Although I'm on a long hiatus of completing my project due to the congested time schedules from college and because my PS+ expired, which means that I'm not able to play games that have been downloaded for free if I don't have the PS+ (or PlayStation Plus), but despite this, at least I'm able too keep in touch to the forums and make contributions, except on Skype during my college break. To be honest, I haven't donated money to the forums, but because my money is going to the forums, the games and the like, I can only donate one thing important, and that's friendship. In the near future, if I do happen to have enough money, then I can donate some to the forums to keep it improving. Who knows when, however, whenever I have the time, hence why I'm still trying to endure the punishing time schedules in college. Even if some of the users have left, I think to me, it won't stop the forums from shining its light among users, mods and admins alike. That's all there is for me to say for MLPForums. I shall shed manly tears for the MLPForums' 1-year old b'day. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marcato 2,143 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 (edited) ...And that's how Equestria was made! The cake is a Lyra~!! Okay all silliness aside, here's my story! One day, an adventurer was traveling along. He was interested in creating an MLP:FiM comic but had no idea where to put it. Well, as he was walking he stumbled upon a forum. He was no received. At all. Thus, the adventurer went and google "MLP Forums." He came across the popular internet forum which had only about 1,500 users at the time. (This was in the midst of February.) As he was walking over, he realized something. He was still a closet brony! He didn't want people to recognize him by his usual name, so he had a slight hesitation. He almost didn't join, but his adventuring was put to a halt, when he took a Silver Arrow to the knee!!!! AND THUS. SILVER ARROW. WAS BORN. At first it started as a simple hosting site, he started posting his comic and it progressed at a very slow rate. However then, he discovered after getting 5 posts he could access the glories of the chatroom! His attention drifted from said comic and focused more on the community. He began taking part in forum games and discussions, and especially in the chat. It was from this chat that Silver Arrow made his first friend, and that friend was King K. Roop! Or Swoop! Or Zoop! Okay I have no idea what order it happened but friendships were had. Time progressed nicely and Silver continued to be active, taking part in a very large roleplay called "Shifted," started by the original ruler of the RP World, Arylett Dawnsborough! This roleplay was very extensive and intense. Walls of text pursued! (Unfortunately over time the roleplay ended up dying and got left in the dust.) Now by the time April came around, Silver was very inspired and held a lot of respect for the staff members. So much respect in fact, that he started a project. A project known as the MLP Forums Staff Theme Songs! This project was a lot of fun and is still going now! Many staff members were happy with their themes and they all turned into a great practice for Silver's musical career. Unfortunately this was not to last. Around May Silver began working on a fanfiction called Fractured Spirits. This got a lot of his attention for a little while and he remained regular. However shortly after reaching chapter 5 of this fanfiction, another one was started; this one titled "Keepers." Said fanfiction is still being written. In fact, it's being turned into a full out novel. (Currently 302 pages at the time this post was written.) The story was accidentally made in such a way that it was easily possible to make it work without ponies or the land of Equestria, and it was instead turned into "The Ytrialum Records: Keepers." That start of a possible series of books. Currently, Keepers is on chapter 21 (out of a planned 29 or 30) and it's still being written. However the important part about this was the impact this had on Silver Arrow's forum life. Silver vanished without a word from the forums, for the entire summer, only occasionally popping on when he remembered about it. Either way most of his free time was dedicated to writing. Many important events passed during that time, including staff promotions, the introduction of the recent posts and such at the top, and the character limit. However in the middle of August Silver remembered the forum he had so much fun on! He had watched a podcast that made him miss all the friends he had made on the little community, and he returned with a great resounding HELLO. Silver Arrow: Hello Zoop. Silver Arrow: I have plans for you Zoop. Zoop: Wat This, was the start of Silver's return. (In fact, these plans have yet to be carried out!) Silver came back to the forums, and began working on the staff themes he had never completed. He met many new people including Motion Spark and several others. He began working with Feld0 on a short theme for the forums Minecraft server, which was used in a special advertisement for said server. This theme can be found here: And the video: This was an explosive moment, because Silver Arrow discovered the glorious reality of an instrument set called COLOSSUS. It was mind blowing, and Silver's inspiration soared. (And it's all thanks to Feld0!) Shortly after Silver was happy to be back, but he was struck by something that terrified him. Staff members, began to quit and drop away. Many of which were his friends. Most shattering for him was Arylett's quitting. As a result of this, Silver was greatly disappointed to watch as she left the forums entirely, but with one last hurrah Silver released a live version of her theme as a farewell present. Silver was satisfied with this and waved farewell. Shortly after, Klopp left as well, and Silver began to feel traumatized. Hearing rumors of the forums not lasting much longer and collapsing, Silver panicked and went running to one of his greatest remaining friends; Zoop. In a nutshell, Silver had terrible doubts and Zoop pep talked him to oblivion that things would be alright. [27/09/2012 11:29:44 PM] Zoop: I can tell you with the utmost sincerity [27/09/2012 11:29:59 PM] Zoop: It has been months since I've felt as good about the site and staff as I do right now, at this very moment. [27/09/2012 11:30:22 PM] Zoop: Change happens. You can't stop it. [27/09/2012 11:30:28 PM] Zoop: It comes through like a violent wave. [27/09/2012 11:30:35 PM] Zoop: You can either ride it, or try and fight it. [27/09/2012 11:30:48 PM] Zoop: We're riding it, and learning from it. [27/09/2012 11:31:04 PM] Zoop: Sometimes a wake-up call is what you really need to have your eyes opened. Silver was completely blown away. Inspired even. Silver had more confidence in the forums than he had in a very long time. It was so great, that it sent him into an inspirational streak (That is still somewhat lasting) in which he completed Feld0's theme. An amazing result this was, and he began working on music a lot more, and is currently in the process of creating Chaotic Discord's theme. Which brings us to the new staff members! Silver was shocked by the new staff members. But oh, not by who they were. Silver was shocked at how good they were! They were great choices and many were wise. They had good senses of humor but knew when to be serious and when not to. From here, Silver looked forward to seeing what other staff member they brought in, and the future changes of the MLP Forums that were sure to come, as well as the deluge of members that Season 3 of MLP: FiM would bring! ~~End~~ Happy Birthday MLP Forums! Here's to another great year! Edited October 4, 2012 by Silver Arrow 6 ~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~ ~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~ Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Awesome One 1,315 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 (edited) YES! OH YES! Happy Birthday to our favorite forum. This place is truly epic. The member's, the crazy theories in the show discussion sub-forums, the art work, the role play, and not to mention cloudsdale colloseum but I absolutely love messing around in the forum lounge. I know I said this in Jokuc's thread already but I'll say it again. Being a part of this forum has been truly an amazing experience. Meeting other Bronies like Anoni and Crazy Misty and the over all very friendly atmosphere of this forum. Another thing is that this forum has a really awesome design and theme to it. Along with all the other features (notifications, following threads, etc.) I was usually bored most of the day before I found My little Pony, there wasn't anything to do, everyone was 'swagging' and playing Call of Duty and talking about Ronaldo and Messi but I wasn't into that, then I find ponies. Every day I come home from school and get my dose of ponies from the internet, then I move onto this forum. Also, congratulations to Feld0 and the 'gang' for running this awesome forum. You guys are amazing and I mean that. But let's party now.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MLPFORUMS! WOOOT! Party hard, fellow Bronies. Edited October 4, 2012 by The Awesome One 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 Well well well! What a coincidence that I should join the day of the 1 year birthday! From what I've read from all the others writing here it seems like you've all been having a great time and I can't wait to have fun here too I'm only a little disappointed that I've only joined now but that's okay I guess. Maybe I'll be here to witness the 2nd birthday, who knows Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cherry Blossom 864 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 (edited) I'm a bit late on posting here, but oh well. It was pretty gloomy a while ago and I was just there, sitting on a couch in my apartment. A few friends talk about MLP:FiM and I decided to try and watch it. In just one day, I watched around 2-3 episodes of MLP:FiM, but it seemed to be manipulating and entertaining. I felt much happier then before and I stopped swearing as much as I could, but I even became more into religion. After a few weeks, I actually finished both seasons of MLP:FiM, but it was mostly during the summer. I was really reluctantly to watch this show, so I decided to browse some fanfics and read for once in a while. Then I found this interesting fanfic called "On a Cross and Arrow" and I started reading it. It was very long, but it was very enjoyable as well. After maybe one or two weeks I finally finished it. I really enjoyed it reading it as well, but I became bored again. So I decided to search for more fanfictions... Well as I was surfing through the internet looking for fanfics, I somehow managed to come across this site. At first I was thinking that it would be pointless for me to join a forum; since I had no idea a forum was in the first place. So I went back to being with my friends for a bit, but it seemed very tempting to join the forum. I really did enjoy watching MLP:FiM, so I went ahead and gave it a try. I joined up and it seemed pretty okay for me to be here. As soon as I joined, I received an automatically generated post, but I actually replied to Feld0. I didn't expect him to reply, because I thought he was too busy to answer anypony... Until I actually received a reply in a PM from Feld0; I was so excited as if I was receiving an autograph from a celebrity. Then it hit me, the members on these forums seems to be very friendly. I read the forum global rules at least twice before I actually made a post. I felt so intimidated by moderators and I decided to make one post per day and it was to avoid post ----ing. When I made a thread to introduce myself in the Welcoming Plaza, I wasn't expecting anypony to actually reply, but a lot of you guys went ahead and replied. I felt so happy, because of this, I've dedicated my life to help others. I really have to thank those who posted in my welcoming topic. I've also gone into my first RP after reviewing all the steps of an RP. When I joined my first, I had a lot of fun and it really motivated me to joining theatre class. Afterwards I went off posting and adding new friends, but I also sent happy birthday messages to all of those ponies' birthdays. I soon stopped, but I wasn't sure why and I seemed to be regreting a few topics and posts. Though I guess I went along fine and things went very well... Until a lot of the members who were here longer than a lot of us, just left the forums. I wasn't starting to feel upset when I missed my chance to meet the older members of the forums, but I went ahead and made an attempt to add the whole moderating team and some of the remaining old members. It was a little weird yes, but I wanted to meet some ot the old members in the process. Afterwards, some days pass by and it's the Forums' birthday. I had to sleep, so I could wake up early go to school. But now I'm here and happy birthday MLP Forums! And thank everypony in my friends list, mod team and community for giving me such a wonderful time here! My gloominess as faded away into nothing. Edited October 5, 2012 by Octavinyl 3 Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint."It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wolf Angel 30 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 Oooo~ Happy 1st birthday MLP Forums~! I myself don't have a special connection to this place or anything of the like, but I'm happy to see this site reach an awesome milestone such as it's birthday. The first birthday is always the best, ya know~? ^ 3^ Anyway, here's to hoping this forum lives on for many years to come! Yaaay~ *pops some party poppers* 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Red Brick 37 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 Wow, I can't believe this forum site has turned a year old already! I first noticed about "MLPForums" while I was surfing on a LEGO site called and...I came to the right place (which is right here). 1 T w i l i g h t S p a r k l e i s B E S T P O N Y ! ! ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 (edited) I joined this forum back in March 2012 after lurking for about a month-and-a-half. The community was friendly and active, plus full of extremely professional moderators. There were some things that gave me some uneasy questions, one of them being the fact that this was a much newer community full of different users and the other was the constant hiding of posts (and I'll be honest, I despised that method at the time, not anymore, though). But after thinking about it, I decided to join the community and took it quite slowly but surely, trying my best to be active. My stamp for being a part of the forum, though, came in the form of these two posts, which brought out my distinct, matter-of-fact, sharp tone that I've carried through two of my other mainstay forums I go to. And one of those forums I went on a several-month-long hiatus from a week prior to the first linked post, because I got rather tired of the staff's overall unprofessional behavior; Feld0 knows about my anger towards that forum already via a PM conversation. I've got more comfortable here afterwards, and this forum has been one of my main places ever since. As cliché as it's getting now, the staff gets a lot of kudos for running this place. It's been one year with a ton of traffic, and they work really hard to keep this place user-friendly so people can get a good first impression once they see this place for the first time. I may not agree with every single thing they say and do (I think some of you already know about that), but they nonetheless work and try to do their best. It's one of the more professional staffs that I've seen, so that deserves major thanks from me. Here's to another year on the forums, fellas! Edited October 4, 2012 by Dark Qiviut 4 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,680 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 (edited) One year ago... [Kurtiss] Why ponies, Peter? [Feld0] Ponies fascinate me. [Kurtiss, in thought] [Feld0] It's time the bronies share my excitement. Jokes aside, I really am going to have to take the time to thank Peter for his dedication to his website, and how he's managed to bring us all together. I didn't think for a nanosecond that I would be part of such a loving and caring community (and as big) as this one a year ago! I'm thankful that I found out about MLP, and then the website itself not too long after. In all retrospect, I could have still been spamming up the AFC East blog on ESPN, clashing with others to no end, but I'm glad to declare myself as a family member to this community. I can't say enough about the members - some have left and packed their bags, but the new guys are already starting to make a good impression on me - and that's what I love about how things work here! Everyone can become a much better person if they spend some time on MLP Forums, which has the best administration I've ever seen (and served with), providing you not only with awesome site-hosting, but they're all loving and caring on the personal end of things.Granted, it's only been a year, and much more is headed our way. We occasionally have those conflicts that seem to make members drift further from each other, but we can make this place - no, this fandom - a whole lot more connected! Whatever happens though, we'll face it together... Thank you Peter and Kurtiss, for bringing us all together. Have some hugs, everypony! Edited October 16, 2012 by Devin McCourty 16 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kirbyboi 588 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 HAPPY B-DAY, MLP FORUMS! Replace all the 'months' in the song with a 'year'. But you guys know what I mean. I'm proud to say that I'm glad to see how much this forum has grown all in all in everything it has. You guys are all like one big happy internet family. Makes me cry! *sniff* I never knew I'd come to love this forum so much: I thought I'd only stay here for a little bit, then just become unactive. I was wrong. Now I'm a full-fledged butterfly (soon going up to squirrel rank) and I'm still having fun posting and talking with all my fellow bronies. So thank you all for the wonderful moments I've had here. I'd also like to thank all the admin and mods (both new, and old) for making this forum a great place to be in. You guys all work so hard, and I want to thank you all so much as well for what've you've done. The forums wouldn't be the same without you guys! These forums always make me happy. So, brony on, guys! Be a brony, and be proud of it!!! Also... 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainbow_hearts 148 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 Happy birthday My little pony fourms! Though I have been on here only for one year and I'm only a butterfly I shall stay here till I die. Yeah, That's a little too over the top. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonshy 2,305 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 (edited) Happy Birthday MLP Forums. Though I have left, I will never deny the fun times and amazing friendships I have had and developed here. This place means so much to me and I want to thank Peter for this magical place that has given me just about exactly what the elements of harmony represent. Members who make me laugh, such as Pinkazoid and Doctor XFizzle. Members who show me true loyalty, such as thesteampunkninja and Jokuc. Members who showed me generosity and kindness, such as Scootacool and marco23p. Members who show me their honesty, which would actually be the majority of my friends here (Other than a small few). The list would go on and on and I only named members who I thought were well know so that the reader could relate. The list would be over populated with members if I named every member who fits their element. I want to bring up the member who showed me magic, and that person is actually the owner of the site. Peter, you have shown me true leadership and given me a truly 'awesome' experience. I respect you very highly along with some other members/moderators including Scootacool, who has been a great friend as well as a fantastic moderator. I told you before, but this site quite literally changed my life. I was very low and in a sad mood almost constantly. I then found this site and it made me uplifted and happy. I 'stalked' for a while, but then I joined and I felt the real woosh of a small community coming together and being friends. I've said that the site has saved my life, but that was a bit wrong, it did, however, make me feel great and have more confidence. This site has given me disregard for what others think of me and resulted in me having a more outgoing attitude about situations in a whole. Thank you MLP Forums' members and moderators. -Dragonshy (Donovan Gunnar) P.S. The individual in which I am refering to as Peter, is Feld0. P.P.S I am not returning to MLP Forums, this is just a thank you to all the members and moderators for the great ride I had. Edited October 4, 2012 by Dragonshy 14 Yeh Want to know how to get more page views? Click here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kurtiss 205 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 (edited) I'm blown away by how far MLP Forums has come. Everytime I visit there's like 100 new members. It's so awesome to see people enjoying the forums, you have no idea how good of a feeling that is. Without you all, these forums wouldn't exist. For that, I want to say thank you to each and every member. You are the ones who give it life. It feels almost unreal. MLP Forums is more popular than I thought it could get. Back when both Feld0 and I were administering the forums, there were only about... well, I can't honestly remember... but it was NO where near 6,000+ members. Even less than 1000. Seeing MLP Forums become a success is just... awesome. Unbelievably awesome. The best part is seeing people having fun and engaging in topics - actually using the forum. It's great. Haha, I'll never forget those late nights Feld0. Working with you was a lot of fun. When we worked I would always listen to that one video: "Intensive Pony Unit", I have it on my iPod and everytime that song comes on I'm reminded of those nights. XD It sucked with time zones though. I remember you staying up 'til, like, 6 AM your time. You crazy pony. You've done an amazing job on MLP Forums while I was gone, it honestly blows my mind. I feel like I would have held you back, haha. Thank you so much for keeping MLP Forums alive and well! Honestly, I'm so thankful of all of you that I can't even express it in words. So I'll just spaz on my keyboard. aehfeajkdfioeklfdj,mfvb You are all invited to my house for cupcakes!~♥ Edited October 4, 2012 by Kurtiss 26 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spas-ticShotty 3,584 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 I'm blown away by how far MLP Forums has come. Everytime I visit there's like 100 new members. It's so awesome to see people enjoying the forums, you have no idea how good of a feeling that is. Without you all, these forums wouldn't exist. For that, I want to say thank you to each and every member. You are the ones who give it life. It feels almost unreal. MLP Forums is more popular than I thought it could get. Back when both Feld0 and I were administering the forums, there were only about... well, I can't honestly remember... but it was NO where near 6,000+ members. Even less than 1000. Seeing MLP Forums become a success is just... awesome. Unbelievably awesome. The best part is seeing people having fun and engaging in topics - actually using the forum. It's great. Haha, I'll never forget those late nights Feld0. Working with you was a lot of fun. When we worked I would always listen to that one video: "Intensive Pony Unit", I have it on my iPod and everytime that song comes on 'm reminded of those nights. XD It sucked with time zones though. I remember you staying up 'til, like, 6 AM your time. You crazy pony. You've done an amazing job on MLP Forums while I was gone, it honestly blows my mind. I feel like I would have held you back, haha. Thank you so much for keeping MLP Forums alive and well! Honestly, I'm so thankful of all of you that I can't even express it in words. So I'll just spaz on my keyboard. aehfeajkdfioeklfdj,mfvb You are all invited to my house for cupcakes!~♥ Hey, aren't you one of the original mods that hasn't been here for a while? I've heard of you a lot, but I've never seen you post at all.... 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kurtiss 205 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 Hey, aren't you one of the original mods that hasn't been here for a while? I've heard of you a lot, but I've never seen you post at all.... Yes, Feld0 and I created MLP Forums. I had to leave for personal reasons. I do visit every now and then but I don't really post a lot. I just check up on you guys. 9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marcato 2,143 October 4, 2012 Share October 4, 2012 Yes, Feld0 and I created MLP Forums. I had to leave for personal reasons. I do visit every now and then but I don't really post a lot. I just check up on you guys. Kurtiss, I've always wanted to see you active and I must say I'm glad you at least came to celebrate the MLP Forums birthday. I would have been greatly disapointed if one of the sites own creators didn't show up for said creations birthday. You seem like such an awesome and fun guy, it's too bad you had to quit. 4 ~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~ ~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~ Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kurtiss 205 October 5, 2012 Share October 5, 2012 (edited) Kurtiss, I've always wanted to see you active and I must say I'm glad you at least came to celebrate the MLP Forums birthday. I would have been greatly disapointed if one of the sites own creators didn't show up for said creations birthday. You seem like such an awesome and fun guy, it's too bad you had to quit. Yeah, that would have been terrible. I almost DID forget, I'm sorry to say. I knew that we opened the forums in October but I couldn't remember which day... I received a skype message from marco23p saying "thank you". I was a little confused and then he told me... I feel terrible that I forgot the birthday of our forum. Thanks a lot for the kind words. <3 Edited October 5, 2012 by Kurtiss 9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FaZe Vinyl 521 October 5, 2012 Share October 5, 2012 Wow. I can't believe how successful this has been. I know I have only watched my first episode on Jully 18th, but man, this is one of the best forums I have ever been on. 4 Avatar by Zhortac Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 October 5, 2012 Share October 5, 2012 It's been a great year here, sure we've lost many good members, such as Shankveld, Arylett, Dragonshy, Lobstarr, and many others, it's been rough, with certain problems, not to mention the forum drama, yet we managed to pass through, we made great new members, and plenty of forum activity ever since. And I got to say, this forums were truly amazing, I remember just lurking around Cloudsdale Colloseum perhaps a week before I joined, I finally got the courage to do so, I was the typical shy poster, I didn't post much or get noticed until I changed my username to Pinkazoid in early December. I made plenty of good friends, and it's sad to see them leave, I never considered myself being an early member, even though I did join in October. But I'd like to thank you Feld0, without you, I woun't have met some of my favorite members, which helped me out a lot, knowing I had someone to talk to, not just an anonymous user behind a computer screen. I love you guys :3 (even if you don't love me xD) 5 :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoop 8,384 October 5, 2012 Share October 5, 2012 [27/09/2012 11:29:59 PM] Zoop: It has been months since I've felt as good about the site and staff as I do right now, at this very moment. I stand by this and still firmly believe it; even more so now that we've brought on our first wave of additional staff members. Our present staff lineup holds within it a great deal of enthusiasm and positive energy; both things that will serve us extremely well as we go into the start of season three. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 October 5, 2012 Share October 5, 2012 Happy Birthday MLP Forums Im glad to be part of something that's bound to be even better than it is now a few months from now. P.S. Love the badges 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RainbowDash403 5 October 5, 2012 Share October 5, 2012 Happy Birthday MLP Forums. Lets hope we last a good 5 years more minimum! Although i started here a small time ago and i already love it! 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
astroty 26 October 5, 2012 Share October 5, 2012 hey, happy 1 year old even though I joined today, it's aways a pleasure to celebrate a birthday ^^ in 1 year, I will happly comemorate with lot's of friends 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pony Joe 583 October 5, 2012 Share October 5, 2012 I can't believe it's been a year since I joined. Granted, leaving for several weeks at a time may have had something to do with it, but it's still been an incredible experience watching these forums grow. It's become the best forum I've ever had the pleasure of being a member of, and I can't see myself (permanently) abandoning it any time soon. Yes, Feld0 and I created MLP Forums. I had to leave for personal reasons. I do visit every now and then but I don't really post a lot. I just check up on you guys. Kurtiss, you have no idea how amazing it is to see a post by you again. I remember meeting you on the 3DS Forums a year ago, where we all would bide our time in that MLP thread while we got hyped for these forums to launch. In fact, my cursor is inching dangerously close to one of those emoticons. One which I've never used before. OH CRAP HERE IT COMES... 7 That's really all there is to say on the matter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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