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How picky are you as a customer? Rate yourself!

Motion Spark

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I consider myself to be a really patient customer, in a restaurant, for example, finding a hair in my food is not enough for me to get angry, I'd eat the food anyways, I mean if it's good why not *shrugs* but...


if I find a nasty dead animal in my food, I'd return it, very politely, without doing a scandal about it, and ask for another plate or the return of my money. (well that depends on the animal, if I find a dead mice, then I would firstly get scared XD and then do a scene! and never come back to that place :P)


If I'm in a fast food waiting in the line, and if they keep me waiting for a while, I won't get impatient and wait all the time needed (of course, I won't wait 1 hour for my food), because I know that they are busy with all the orders, however, if I see somepony that was behind me in the line and got served before me, then I would ask about my order, again very politely.


I would get angry (still don't know to the point of screaming and yelling) and probably would be rude, if I got a really bad service when they just do what they want and treat me, the customer, badly.


If I'm on the phone, with customer support (for cable, internet, phone services etc.) and if they make me wait, and transfer my call to another department multiple times, I'll accept it, as long as I get a good service from them (of course I won't accept like 20 transfers, that's ridiculous :P)


I'd rate myself 4/10


being 1, not picky at all, up to 10, very very picky!

  • Brohoof 3


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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As a customer, I'm pretty nice. I don't care at all if there's a hair in my food (If the employee stepped on my food I'd still eat it), nor do I care if it takes a long time. Food takes a while to prepare, and even if it's a fast food restaurant, there are busy times.




As a waiter, I may look nice on the outside, but don't be fooled. I HATE most customers. Some customers are complete douchebags, some talk quieter than a mouse, and some of them just pander to me as if I'm some sort of invalid. And the OLD PEOPLE. Ugggggghhhhh. "I'll have a... hmm... no... uh... is that a... (10 trillion years later) ...Double Cheeseburger." Me-"Will that be all for you today?" Old Person-"Now lemme think... hmm... doIwantsomethingelse... decisions, decisions... (Another 10 trillion years later) ...Nope." Me (What I say)- "Alright, your total will be *yadayadayada*." Me (What I'm thinking)-"Why don't you do the world a favor and go die, you insufferable old coot? Go eat your damn sandwich and get out of my face. Fuckin' old fart..."



  • Brohoof 1

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I work at a restaurant and I'm quite used to some people complaining about stuff. Some people are cool with it, others are not. Like I recently had a customer come in and pick up an order and my boss forgot to put a soup in the bag while I was out in front on the phone taking a call for an order. He had forgot to make it, and didn't see it on the bill. I thought it was weird looking, because I was the person previously packing it. I asked if that was everything, he replied, "Yeah, that's everything." I handed it to the customer when they had arrived to pick it up. Few minutes later they called back saying they didn't have their soup they ordered. She was polite about it, and wished to pick it up the next day. I hate when people complain about things we can't do though. At the place I work at it gets busy, Most of the people I hire just quit. Too much work for a person, but I don't mind it. Something like a delivery order and are delivery man is out doing other deliveries in the area. We can't do anything, he's doing his job as fast as he can. Anyways you have your few customers that are upset and complain about different types of stuff.


I myself consider myself to be 2/10. I'm more than patient and polite about things. People make mistakes, I know that. One time I had a pizza burnt I ordered at a super market and she was so upset about the whole thing and kept saying sorry. I was completely fine with it because I got the burnt pizza. (which wasn't even that badly burnt) In other cases of being picky you can make substitutions to things in an order it's a part of the job. I have people always make substitutions in orders if I ever get a call. If it's something abnormal, we reach a compromise between the customer and myself.

Edited by Fox
  • Brohoof 2



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Ehhh... I would probably rate myself a 2/10, most likely because I never give second thoughts about stuff. If it has to do with food though, then ill just eat any damn thing that is put in front of me, no questions asked.


really? let me tell ya somethin' ...


one night, I came back home from a party, and I was really hungry, and it also was really late at night. The only place I got available was a fast food of a gas station near my home that was open 24 hours. I went there.

the service that day was really bad, the workers attended me with a horrible face, and they served me like they didn't care, but that didn't get my cool. Well I asked for a chicken burger with western fries and my soda. Went back home.

As soon as I was eating my burger, I tool like 4 bites and I could see some lettuce "moving" on my index finger, when I got close to see my finger, there was a green worm slinding on my finger, it was beyond disgusting, because it reminded me of a maggot (I hate maggots), I threw everything to the garbage, including the soda, and since to this day have been in that place again.


believe me, if I was there, I would do a major scandal, and show all the other customers what they did to me, and took a picture and spread it on all the social networks available to make sure THAT NOPONY BUY MORE FOOD THERE!! :mellow:


and now, would you eat your food with worms?


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Well it depends on what aspect...

If it is a restaurant, then I don't mind a wait.

But if it is fast food, (like our burgerking, which lost me as a customer) Had terrible waiting periods(when i'm the only one there it took 20 min), and messed up every order... multiple times in one sitting!

But if there is one thing i don't stand... poor customer service. You will lose my money.

But that's extremely bad customer service, like telling a customer that they suck and such.S


So in waiting i'm 3/10

But on service i'm a 20/10

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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As a customer, I'm pretty nice. I don't care at all if there's a hair in my food (If the employee stepped on my food I'd still eat it), nor do I care if it takes a long time. Food takes a while to prepare, and even if it's a fast food restaurant, there are busy times.




OK, that was really weird...would you eat food from the floor? and stepped by somepony else? WTF! :blink:


As a waiter, I may look nice on the outside, but don't be fooled. I HATE most customers. Some customers are complete douchebags, some talk quieter than a mouse, and some of them just pander to me as if I'm some sort of invalid. And the OLD PEOPLE. Ugggggghhhhh. "I'll have a... hmm... no... uh... is that a... (10 trillion years later) ...Double Cheeseburger." Me-"Will that be all for you today?" Old Person-"Now lemme think... hmm... doIwantsomethingelse... decisions, decisions... (Another 10 trillion years later) ...Nope." Me (What I say)- "Alright, your total will be *yadayadayada*." Me (What I'm thinking)-"Why don't you do the world a favor and go die, you insufferable old coot? Go eat your damn sandwich and get out of my face. Fuckin' old fart..."




I work at a restaurant and I'm quite used to some people complaining about stuff. Some people are cool with it, others are not. Like I recently had a customer come in and pick up an order and my boss forgot to put a soup in the bag while I was out in front on the phone taking a call for an order. He had forgot to make it, and didn't see it on the bill. I thought it was weird looking, because I was the person previously packing it. I asked if that was everything, he replied, "Yeah, that's everything." I handed it to the customer when they had arrived to pick it up. Few minutes later they called back saying they didn't have their soup they ordered. She was polite about it, and wished to pick it up the next day. I hate when people complain about things we can't do though. At the place I work at it gets busy, Most of the people I hire just quit. Too much work for a person, but I don't mind it. Something like a delivery order and are delivery man is out doing other deliveries in the area. We can't do anything, he's doing his job as fast as he can. Anyways you have your few customers that are upset and complain about different types of stuff.


I myself consider myself to be 2/10. I'm more than patient and polite about things. People make mistakes, I know that. One time I had a pizza burnt I ordered at a super market and she was so upset about the whole thing and kept saying sorry. I was completely fine with it because I got the burnt pizza. (which wasn't even that badly burnt) In other cases of being picky you can make substitutions to things in an order it's a part of the job. I have people always make substitutions in orders if I ever get a call. If it's something abnormal, we reach a compromise between the customer and myself.


nice stories we have here, it's always good to know how it looks the other side of the coin ^_^


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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I'm a very patient and calm person, I like, never get mad (if I do, then it's all inside, never yelling or anything) Maybe a little too patient, I can wait for things for as long as they take, so I'd rate myself at about 2/10 :)

Edited by Apocalyptic Chaos




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K, that was really weird...would you eat food from the floor? and stepped by somepony else? WTF!

Yep. Sometimes, my friends or family will be eating something, a piece of their food falls OUT OF THEIR MOUTH, and I'll pick it up and eat it anyway.


Edited by HylianMadness
  • Brohoof 1

how even is otter and how can it be if

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As a customer, I'm pretty nice. I don't care at all if there's a hair in my food (If the employee stepped on my food I'd still eat it), nor do I care if it takes a long time. Food takes a while to prepare, and even if it's a fast food restaurant, there are busy times.




As a waiter, I may look nice on the outside, but don't be fooled. I HATE most customers. Some customers are complete douchebags, some talk quieter than a mouse, and some of them just pander to me as if I'm some sort of invalid. And the OLD PEOPLE. Ugggggghhhhh. "I'll have a... hmm... no... uh... is that a... (10 trillion years later) ...Double Cheeseburger." Me-"Will that be all for you today?" Old Person-"Now lemme think... hmm... doIwantsomethingelse... decisions, decisions... (Another 10 trillion years later) ...Nope." Me (What I say)- "Alright, your total will be *yadayadayada*." Me (What I'm thinking)-"Why don't you do the world a favor and go die, you insufferable old coot? Go eat your damn sandwich and get out of my face. Fuckin' old fart..."




Old people are people too. When you get older they're reaction time is slower and are more prone to disease. SInce I live in Canada most of the people in Canada are old, because we have all the baby boomers retire. Most of em' tend to be in good shape! I do often deal the elderly when they order. Slow talkers, accents (oh noes), quiet, the many questions, and it the list goes on. Although, I do express the same troubles as you, but really.... just a normal day at work. Go to work, get paid.

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  • Brohoof 1



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Old people are people too. When you get older they're reaction time is slower and are more prone to disease. SInce I live in Canada most of the people in Canada are old, because we have all the baby boomers retire. Most of em' tend to be in good shape! I do often deal the elderly when they order. Slow talkers, accents (oh noes), quiet, the many questions, and it the list goes on. Although, I do express the same troubles as you, but really.... just a normal day at work. Go to work, get paid.

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I don't care if you're old or young, man, woman, boy, or girl. If you annoy me, I will call upon the Flying Spaghetti Monster to smite you where you stand (or maybe I'll just be pissed at you for a few minutes.)

how even is otter and how can it be if

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That's not being picky, that's being persnickety.





Working in retail will really teach you patience when dealing with mistakes and inconveniences at stores, but I've always been chill even before I had my first retail job. Those guys make an average of $8 an hour with no commission, so don't expect them to know everything or to bend over backwards for fear of you having a tantrum; you aren't worth it. Don't expect a frail employee that's half your size to single-handedly carry massive things to your car. Call them "sir" or "ma'am" like you might anybody else with whom you aren't acquainted. I give people the benefit of the doubt and I give them more than ample time for any request, that goes for personal interactions and business over the phone. I've also worked in a call center before, and know all about the headaches unique to those positions.


I'm very patient in restaurants when they're obviously busy. The only thing I don't like is when I can see them lounging about when I've been waiting for a refill or something else that only takes a few seconds for the past 5 minutes. One time a waitress spilled a glass of Coke all over me. She was distraught and apologizing profusely but I apologized to her because I realize how embarrassing it must have been for her. I tried getting her to sit down and take a breather but she was too scared of getting reprimanded. Of course, the manager offered me free stuff, I refused, but he insisted to the point of thrusting it on me. Waiters and waitresses have very trying days. Have in mind to be extra kind when you walk into a restaurant.


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I'm a very patient and calm person, I like, never get mad (if I do, then it's all inside, never yelling or anything) Maybe a little too patient, I can wait for things for as long as they take, so I'd rate myself at about 2/10 :)


why do I expected this kind of answer from you? :P I am not surprised at all

Yep. Sometimes, my friends or family will be eating something, a piece of their food falls OUT OF THEIR MOUTH, and I'll pick it up and eat it anyway.




dude @_@ ...



that's the job of the pet!! not yours! would you be capable of leaving your dog or cat unemployed? X(


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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why do I expected this kind of answer from you? :P I am not surprised at all


dude @_@ ...



that's the job of the pet!! not yours! would you be capable of leaving your dog or cat unemployed? X(


I don't know, maybe I have a secret deathwish that even I don't know about. Maybe I hope to contract a life-threatening disease that will end me.


Or maybe I just don't care.


And besides, my pets are evil beasts, they can fend for themselves.

how even is otter and how can it be if

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I don't care if you're old or young, man, woman, boy, or girl. If you annoy me, I will call upon the Flying Spaghetti Monster to smite you where you stand (or maybe I'll just be pissed at you for a few minutes.)


Please don't I'm scared of da Flying Spaghetti Monster. O_O


Meh, it's fair to get upset with customers, because sometimes they can be a pain in the ass. Except I don't tend to think they're annoying. If we made a mistake, late delivery, it's our fault and need to reach a compromise with a customer. When it's something where the customer doesn't know what they want, have a disability, or old, It's all about communication. Not saying you don't have it, but I've been working for over 3 years at the current restaurant I work at, so I've gotten experience on how to deal with various situations.



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I can't have a rating as no one would dare mess up anything involving my food. I can't be picky if everyone gives me perfection all the time especially if they think I'm a biker. It's funny how some people actually thought I was from a MC. That was in New York when i had a chopper as a rental vehicle. Coolest motorcycle ever..... Besides would you want to mess up the order of a scary looking Russian man?



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I don't think I am that picky, atleast not when I'm in a restaurant (I don't think fast food joints are restaurants.) But when I have to wait 30 minutes for a half-assed crumbled up bruger I can really lose it.


I would rate myself


Restaurants: 2/10

Fast food place: 6/10


Signature by Cloud Chaser

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Depends well if it is a physical product I will probably search through them for ages looking for a perfect one (possibly I have very mild OCD)

so probably 8/10


If it is a cafe 10/10 I mean If I would find a hair in my food or anything else I would put it on the side of my plate if it was a animal the same thing but I would tell them afterwords.

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Eh, 6/10...


Having worked at a kitchen before, I know how demanding those jobs can be so I rather not push it. However, if it's on those occasions that the staff can't even organize itself than I am out of there. Customer support though? always call the Spanish line if you never want to hold for more than an hour.

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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I'd say I'm fairly patient when waiting for food. I'm really picky about getting my money's worth. I dislike getting cold, stale, nasty fries from McDonald's and other fast food joints. I love chinese buffets. If I know I'm going to one, I don't eat the day before so I can eat to my heart's content :) Overall, I'd rate myself 2/10, which is 20% cooler than zero.

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I'm a pathetic customer unfortunatley T.T Burger King could get my order wrong right off the bat and I wouldn't have the balls to take it back because I would feel sorry for them for mucking it up (So stupid I know) Not that it has gotten that bad yet but still, xD



Edited by Galaxyzqt
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I'm not too fussy as a customer, if they mess up my order or something, I would just go back and inform the staff. If for some reason the staff was hostile to me then I would just leave, and if they were really so then there's always "self-defense".


That's not to say there's no places that I'm not fond of, I have several restaurants that I hate, but I always respect the waiters and pay tips, just never go back lol.



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I expect only the finest service that bows at my feet at every order. When this does not happen I make sure to complain long enough to get somepony fired, because that's just how Demi rolls.


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I'm not really fussy at all. I do rather want my actual order and all but if things take a little while or they accidentally get something wrong, then that's okay. I just sort of roll with it, usually.

"Neither the angels in heaven above nor the demons down under the sea can ever dissever my soul from the soul of the beautiful Annabel Lee."

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