NavelColt 22,882 October 11, 2012 Share October 11, 2012 (edited) Title: Applebuck SeasonAir Date: November 5, 2010Synopsis: It's Applebuck Season in Ponyville and a short-handed Applejack is determined to complete the harvest all by herself.The first ever Applejack episode Big Mac says more than just 'Eeyup' within the first thirty seconds of screen time, and we get to see AJ as she bumbles around Ponyville, mirroring her clumsy first generation self in many ways. Oh Applejack, what a silly pony. Edited May 28, 2014 by DashForever 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cranium Tyranus 216 October 11, 2012 Share October 11, 2012 No Discord! What are you doing?! Bringing these old episodes back up will make everyone on the forums go into unrest, some will get annoyed at those who post and then they'll start a flame war in the comments, it'll be Chao- oh.... OH. You one devious prankster Mr. Discord.... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,055 October 11, 2012 Share October 11, 2012 Ah yes, Applebuck Season, definitely still one of my favorite episodes, and until "The Last Roundup" and "The Super-Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" episodes in Season 2, it was my favorite AJ episode! Honestly, I think my favorite part of the episode is when AJ is helping (well, trying to help ) Rainbow Dash with her latest trick. The whole scene's hilarious, but I think we all know the truly best part of the scene: APPLEJACK FACE-PLANT!!!!!!! I tell ya, I could watch this all day; it never gets old! 4 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 October 11, 2012 Author Share October 11, 2012 No Discord! What are you doing?! Bringing these old episodes back up will make everyone on the forums go into unrest, some will get annoyed at those who post and then they'll start a flame war in the comments, it'll be Chao- oh.... OH. You one devious prankster Mr. Discord.... If you take note of the main Episode Discussions page, Season 1 practically doesn't exist at all. Season 2 has every episode accounted for, but Season 1 is in dismay, and only has a quarter of the episodes, if that. Feld0 wants to have all of Season 1 completed, thus having both seasons accounted for, by the time Season 3 starts 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cranium Tyranus 216 October 11, 2012 Share October 11, 2012 Sorry, didn't know. Until recently I've stuck to mainly the RP part of the forums, I just happen to notice how closely the season one topics were being created, and they were all by you, so I assumed you were just trying to stir a little mischief before the start of the next season. XP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clarity 3,094 October 11, 2012 Share October 11, 2012 Didn't really notice this episode much XP I like her Season two voice better, anyway. Even though I don't look at this ep much, AJ episodes are still the best episodes. But there's a bit too much character development in this episode, because the writers don't know what else to do after that. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HomuraBL 851 October 13, 2012 Share October 13, 2012 This episode was good. Even though I don't like Applejack that much, it had some really funny moments. we also get introduced to Derpy liking muffins. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkiefan1287 610 October 13, 2012 Share October 13, 2012 Applebuck season I think is one of the funniest episodes of season one. It also give us a better look at Apple Jack, who is in her family, and what she does around the farm. Great episode. Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Fluttershy 1,844 October 14, 2012 Share October 14, 2012 This was arguably one of my favourite episodes of season 1. It was the first time that I really realized that it wasn't all little girl concepts and older people could watch it. It was also the episode I used to convert my friend into a brony. :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 October 14, 2012 Share October 14, 2012 I like her Season two voice better Applejack has a different voice in season 2?!? Anyway not too bad an episode considering its the one of the maybe 3 episodes centered around Applejack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mathboy 4 October 20, 2012 Share October 20, 2012 Didn't really notice this episode much XP I like her Season two voice better, anyway. Even though I don't look at this ep much, AJ episodes are still the best episodes. But there's a bit too much character development in this episode, because the writers don't know what else to do after that. Interesting point, I never thought of it that way. How would you cut back on the character arc though? There was one main lesson to be learned, and that's about it... One of my favorite S1 episodes. It contained so many cues for AJ's mental state: the wobbly vision after missing RD's catapult, tinnitus after hitting her head, distorted hearing from sleep dep. They were really assuming a lot from the target audience, which is what made the show great (and I'm sure started attracting bronies). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rocket_Rainboom6 8 November 7, 2012 Share November 7, 2012 That was a'lot of trees! And Applejack said she could handle it all on her own but it turns out you always need friends to help out! I would have just asked for help in the first place if I was Applejack. Made by: villan97 I will be making background stories for them soon YAY! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheGreatandPowerfulZecora 16 January 27, 2013 Share January 27, 2013 Sad to see Applejack this way. Still one of her funner epsiodes . Rainbow Dash was a little jerky I noticed. And how in the hay did Applejack launch Rainbow Dash that far if they weigh about the same? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WafflePony 20 January 30, 2013 Share January 30, 2013 Oh, Big Mac. how I loved your pun at the end of the episode. AJ: How do you like them apples? Big Mac: How do YOU like THEM apples? YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Awesome Signature by Doctor-Whooves Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buttonmash1973 1,026 January 30, 2013 Share January 30, 2013 That's how I got into the show, and got AJ as my favorite pony there. This is one of my all time favorite episodes in Sesason one too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunar Fields 7 February 27, 2013 Share February 27, 2013 This is my favorite episode so far in Season 1. Granted I having seen any other episode outside of Season 1, so this is currently my favorite episode at all! This really made me love Apple Jack's character, both her dependability and her stubbornness. This made me love Big Macintosh too, of course. That apple pun and Apple Jack's reaction was one of my favorite parts of the episode. Apple Jack running into the branch and mishearing Twilight was my favorite part. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thundershock 310 February 27, 2013 Share February 27, 2013 Pretty good episode :3.Its kimda sad how applejack has to do all the work for herself .And its ALOT of work as well. Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shawn Parks 1,798 February 28, 2013 Share February 28, 2013 When I first started watching the show, Seasons one and two were already completed. This particular episode kind of stuck out in my mind when I was going through the first season. I found it quite funny. I love Applejack and Pinkie Pie making "baked bads." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FatPat 77 March 22, 2013 Share March 22, 2013 Still one of my favorite episodes in the whole series. Whenever I tell anyone to try watching the show I specifically tell them to start with episode 4. To seal the deal I say "It's the episode where one of the ponies get's drunk and disturbs the peace." I especially love the scene with AJ and Pinkie baking. Love the disorted voice Pinkie has when we hear her from AJ's perspective. I also love that Pinkie doesn't notice all the mistakes Applejack is making. This one was written by Amy Rogers. She also did "Fall Weather Friends" and "The Last Roundup." I think she did a good job with these Applejack episodes. I realize that Applejack is one of the harder characters to write about as she's the normal one of the group. I think it would have been better if they had aired this episode further down the line. That way the show would have had more time to establish Applejack as the one who has her head together, thus improving the impact of seeing her so distorted. I don't like the idea that Applejack reached her peak here so the writers ran out of material for her. This one, as well as the two I mentioned above, all center around AJ's pride which is her biggest flaw. There's certainly potential to give her a few more flaws to explore. There's her short temper, and her tendancy to get easily offended. One thing I noticed in Season one was that AJ and Twilight could be seen hanging out often. I was thinking that a good plot for an episode would be where both of them share a "control freak" problem that could be addressed at the same time. Anyway I think this is the best Applejack episode and one fo the best episodes period. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shawn Parks 1,798 March 22, 2013 Share March 22, 2013 I agree that Applejack has not reached her peak as a character. The family reunion episode was a good example of Applejack still being able to have goals in life, even though she is doing what she wants to do as a career at the moment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pony Of The Month 534 April 3, 2013 Share April 3, 2013 (edited) This is a fantastic episode, although it's a shame that this is the most development we'll ever get out of Applejack. Edited April 3, 2013 by Flutterbass And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Cube 4,843 April 3, 2013 Share April 3, 2013 (edited) This is pretty much the go-to Applejack episode for, well everything. It's one of about two episodes where she's the focus, and gets heavy screen time by herself. It's probably the funniest Applejack episode, and it's the one where she receives the most development. It's easily a highlight of Season 1, and perhaps one of the best episodes in the series. Certainly one of my personal favorites. One nitpick I have is how she's so stubborn about having any help, but one episode prior, we clearly see her with Twilight THANKING her for help. Different circumstances I suppose, but it is a little bit odd. And I don't agree with the notion that Applejack can't learn any more lessons or that her character is complete. Balderdash. It's true, she's the most grown up already, and she doesn't have as many glaringly obvious flaws as the others, but there's still plenty that can be touched upon. Edited April 3, 2013 by Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Davoo 8 April 12, 2013 Share April 12, 2013 So I am continuing my 2013 plan/schedule of re-watching every MLP episode once every four days between now and the beginning of '14, in order to get through this MASSIVE hiatus in anticipation of season four. Also, because I haven't re-watched most of the episodes anyway. You can follow along with me down the list if you like. Today's episode was this one. You know what makes Friendship is Magic such a successful show? Of course you do. It's not that the characters are rich, deep and likeable lovable, it's not that the animation, sound design and overall production are the best of any TV-cartoon made in all of history (seriously; it's like an old Fleicher brothers cartoon), it's that the show has struck an emotional chord with so many people. Something about it just resonates with millions of people; makes them cry, makes them laugh out of nowhere for no particular reason; maybe even makes them a better person. Lately I've been working with my family business totally full time, and have become about equally as important a provider for my family as my dad, sometimes working Saturdays. And business is tight and (seemingly) everything is so expensive, so I don't have much money rationed off for me personally like it used to be last year. And I've also taken up my own separate career goals at home, into which I have been pouring almost all of my spare time--I'll probably get back to work on them as soon as I finish writing this message--and so I've often found myself staying up past midnight prying my eyes open, then to get up at 6 or 7 am the next morning. And actually I've been quite awesomely happy; I like getting dirty from work every day, I love staying up all night, I love pushing myself and making things; even in the knowledge that statistically I'm most likely going to fail for a while (or forever), I've really enjoyed living more than I ever have. THIS is the state of life Jefferson meant by the word 'happiness'. Yet despite all that, for some reason, about two hours ago, out of nowhere, I suddenly felt in the dumps. I became senselessly angry to myself over literally nothing, then became really sad and stayed that way as I was heading home. I knew that today was scheduled to watch another FiM episode, so I was really looking forward to watching it because I was hoping it'd make me feel better. And so what episode just so happened to be lined up to watch? The one about Apple Jack working too hard and being a prideful idiot not asking for help and taking on too much responsibility. I swear I did not plan this. I dunno; watching it I was telling myself that I'm not making the same mistakes that AJ was making. And technically speaking, I was correcting. But I dunno, maybe I really do have a problem with that. Just over a year ago, I was such a wretchedly lazy, underachieving dead weight, that maybe I'm overcompensating. That's another thing that makes FiM arguably the best made-for-TV western cartoon yet made; the lessons and values are actually a little advanced, pretty mature, and make you think. Or at least, this one made me think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thebobmaster 31 April 17, 2013 Share April 17, 2013 (edited) This episode, for the first time, does not feature Twilight in the main role. Instead, the main character is Applejack (Ashleigh Ball), who is in charge of clearing the apple trees on the orchard her family owns, Sweet Apple Acres, after her older brother, Big McIntosh (voiced by Peter New, a Canadian actor who has essentially made his career out of minor roles), is injured and unable to do so. Too proud to ask for outside help, and with her family unable to help her, she is determined to clear the entire orchard herself. However, this is no easy task, and as she gets more and more exhausted, her efforts not only affect her, but those around her as well. Honestly, this plot is one of the better ones. It is grounded, following the more character-focused plotting that "The Ticket Master" predicted, and is rather easy to relate with, for me. Who hasn't had that moment where they are in over their head, but rather than ask for help, just tries to work harder? Another plus about this episode is the fact that Twilight is not in the main role. Not that she is a bad character, but having a different focal character gives that character's voice actress a chance to shine, and shine Ashleigh Ball does. Her voice acting shows quite skillfully the tiredness in the voice of Applejack as the episode goes on. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Ashleigh deprived herself of sleep in order to get the tone of voice right. Combine that with managing to successfully keep the accent up, and you have a strong performance. That's not to say that characterization goes by the wayside. In fact, this episode is the first one that is strongly focused on character flaws. Specifically, Applejack's pride and stubbornness. The impressive thing is that, unlike many kid's shows, this episode shows realistic outcomes of refusing to help. It's not like her refusal to help causes an invasion of something (well, other than a stampede of bunnies. Trust me, it makes sense in context). Rather, it just interferes with her day to day life, and her attempts to help her friends. Yet another good thing about this episode is that is surprisingly accurate when it comes to the symptoms Applejack shows from her exhaustion. Hard of hearing, blurred vision, irritability, all of these are symptoms accurately depicted. That is more than you would usually see in a show aimed at younger kids, who aren't likely to appreciate the amount of detail put into depicting exhaustion accurately without overly exaggerating those symptoms. Finally, this episode shows a fair bit of humor, balancing out the seriousness. Big Mac's name is two puns for the price of one (Big Mac, as well as Macintosh apples), and the screw ups from Applejack's exhaustion, while serious, are also played for humor. Also, anything that includes a reference to Apocalypse Now is a winner in my book (one pony's reaction after the aforementioned bunny stampede is "The horror! The horror!"). Overall, this is definitely the best episode of the 4 I've reviewed, and one of the strongest episodes of the show I've seen so far, in my opinion. Overall: 8.5/10 (5/10 is average) Edited April 17, 2013 by thebobmaster Want episode reviews? Go to Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
True Rarity 1,240 April 19, 2013 Share April 19, 2013 I just saw this episode, and it's just plain hilarious! I LOVE IT!! Then again, I love almost all the episodes! "Eew, wheat worms? I guess that's fancy talk for earthworms..." ~Applejack My deviantART Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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