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mega thread MLP:FiM Gameloft App, Friends, and Info

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I dunno anything for certain about the Stamps stuff, but I've read some theories about it.

It appears to be an event that's suppose to stay dormant, until a certain date in the future, I think?


Anywho, Just popped by to let ya'll know that Nurse Redheart is now on sale for 200 Red Gems!

That's a lot of gems. I'm almost outta gems now. :(


On the bright side, could get some screenies of her, to share with ya'll! :yay:









Her House takes up 4 squares x 4 squares, just like most of the other Houses in Ponyville.






Custom Signature and Avatar by Balareth

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Just recently, I managed to get a new smartphone(An LG G2) and a new phone service.  Using an app called Helium(You have to use the $4.99 premium license), I was able to transfer the save file to the new phone.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Have the ballon pop game a point?
At 2nd attempt i won 2 gems in heart gem game, on other 40-50 free and heart gem games (and in 2 trials in gem game too)  i won only bits, element shards and some trees, statues etc useless.

And EG dancing - too long time i won only unicorn statues and heart gems, what i can use only balloon pop game to win element shards what i can bake limitlessly in Zecoras pot?


Its that just unluck or systematic symptom?

high octane nightmare fuel

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  • 2 weeks later...

This game has always been a big con to try to get you to spend more gems and thus pay real money for them in frustration of how slow you earn them.


Just look at the recent changes where you can watch trailers to bypass paying for stuff, except its only stuff that costs bits not gems.  Because its not exactly hard to earn bits once you have sunk enough time in the game, but it remains a PITA to earn gems forever.  The ONLY things I need, cost gems, I bought everything that cost bits MONTHS ago.


It seems to be even worse now though as the frequency of adverts has shot up dramatically in recent updates.  I don't even know why I bother with this game any more as its so very boring.

Edited by Alexander Atkin
  • Brohoof 1

GameLoft ID: alexatkin PSN/WiiU: AlexAtkinUK STEAM/XBOX: Alex Atkin UK

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That means like ballon pop are useless waste of gems, in EG dance may win more ponies. But those heart gems - all the ponies are bought with them months ago, now are heart gems useable only in ballon pop game...
They hope that i go buy gems with real money, but its not enough game for me - same like buy unlimited ammo and god mode in DooM - game fun are lost.

high octane nightmare fuel

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Speaking of Hearts... Did they bring the "Friends can Give Hearts to Friends" thing, back, yet?

I stopped playing because I couldn't Dance with Friends anymore.


Custom Signature and Avatar by Balareth

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Speaking of Hearts... Did they bring the "Friends can Give Hearts to Friends" thing, back, yet?

I stopped playing because I couldn't Dance with Friends anymore.



I don't think they did because their Facebook page haven't said anything about it lately ever since the social network has been removed temporarily.


Yeah that's true about EG dance mini-game. We can't get any higher score cuz of the social network removed temporarily.

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've installed this app as of Tuesday, June 9th, 2015 while upgraded my laptop OS from Windows 7 to 8.1 on Friday, June 5th, 2015.


That includes I'm saving bits and gems in order to expand the selection, clearing obstacles/unwanted objects (bushes, empty trees, rocks, stones, boulders, etc.), and buy such as ponies (some of them that cost hearts), buildings, and decorations.


My advice is to turn Twilight Sparkle into a princess may require you to finish this quest "Returning to Harmony" once it appears after defeating Nightmare Moon. At the Equestria Girls mini-game, win a surprising pony within a week before the time starts over!  ;)

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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The Hearts are taking too long to accumulate without the social network feature so probably you'll get about around 5-10 hearts I believe. Gems, probably they're hard to get based on the objectives of the solo and daily events also do what comes first. Don't use elements of harmony shards on parasprites, changelings, and vampire fruit bats unless needed and required to do so to proceed with the quests. I may suggest getting most of the shops, and ponies first and then if you have traveled the everfree forest, you wanna make totems as you can. I may making greater friendship totem for better yield which is the garlic, sticky sap, and black iris, but it takes long so you may want to make totems to make individual elements of harmony shards just in case.

  • Brohoof 2


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Nightmare Moon defeated long time ago.

But where i can get Luna? What to do for that?


You'll get princess luna inside your inventory under ponyville category after you completed all of your ponyville questline.

  • Brohoof 2


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I almost made Twilight Sparkle turning from a unicorn to an alicorn with reaching the following Canterlot quest today "Shard by Shard", and then finish the "Returning to Harmony" quest this Thursday or Friday! :D

Nightmare Moon defeated long time ago.
But where i can get Luna? What to do for that?

Defeat Nightmare Moon for the following quest "Mare In The Moon" by bringing all the mane six ponies to Ponyville and activate all six harmony stones, then Princess Luna is added to your inventory however it requires you at least level 51 first. ;)

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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Not need to complete ALL quests. Need to complete quest "Build Town Hall," then start that Nightmare Moon end story. Stones already activated long time ago, Twilight are princess long time.
But Town hall was not final quest, i have here "welcome Shining Armor" quest what not completed yet. I gets my Luna yesterday. :)

high octane nightmare fuel

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I restarted from scratch because I got a new phone a month ago. Here's my progress:


I just got done with the Tirek storyline, which was my first main arc completed. I'm almost close to completing the Nightmare Moon storyline, have a couple steps that can't be skipped. I am almost halfway there for the Coronation. I have ways to go for the Canterlot Wedding.


My only gripe so far: Hearts are much harder to come by.

(coming soon)

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I restarted from scratch because I got a new phone a month ago. Here's my progress:


I just got done with the Tirek storyline, which was my first main arc completed. I'm almost close to completing the Nightmare Moon storyline, have a couple steps that can't be skipped. I am almost halfway there for the Coronation. I have ways to go for the Canterlot Wedding.


My only gripe so far: Hearts are much harder to come by.


Yeah that's true about the hearts. last time we got a lot of hearts and now we can't gift the hearts to each other no more.


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Yeah. It makes it much more difficult to get hearts.


On another note, Princess Twilight Sparkle's unlocked, but the coronation proper hasn't been finished yet. Soarin' is who I need to get next, and I'm not in a rush to get him just yet.

(coming soon)

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Has anyone seen the latest update announcement? Seems like we may be getting Discord! Betting he'll be an expensive gem purchase   >_>

What's the canterlot questine to get twilight from unicorn to alicorn, i have 8 quests there atm so not sure what is/isn't important!


Also if anyone wants to add me, i'm EchoVoice, only have Celestia as my friend atm  :(

Edited by BurningEmber


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We can't add each other in the app anymore due to social network being down for young audience reasons so keep that in mind.


Turning Twilight Sparkle into a princess (alicorn) might be a priority so whenever you travel to canterlot, it'll be easy to tell which ones are the changelings.

  • Brohoof 2


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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone else having problems with the app today? Last night I was having issues with saving progress, every time I left the app I would be reset to the same point I was at earlier in the night and trying to do certain things would crash the game. That problem is fixed now but I noticed that Twilight Sparkle is gone! I am not able to buy her in the shop either! No other pony seems to be missing. Should I try contacting Gameloft about this?

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Anyone else having problems with the app today? Last night I was having issues with saving progress, every time I left the app I would be reset to the same point I was at earlier in the night and trying to do certain things would crash the game. That problem is fixed now but I noticed that Twilight Sparkle is gone! I am not able to buy her in the shop either! No other pony seems to be missing. Should I try contacting Gameloft about this?


They did add the cloud save in case if you got a rollback so you have to check what time and date you saved your data at. if you're still having the rollback problem, just contact the customer support.


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Sorry to double post you guys, but to share the news with you guys. Well the good news is that we will get our social network back, but this time we will be using the codes. I don't see any reason why though, but probably one of the younger audience reasons. If you asked me how the codes work, well it's kind of like friend codes, but they didn't explain it in detail so I dunno what will happen to our gameloft live IDs so we'll just have to wait and see what will happen. Refer to their Facebook page for more information.

  • Brohoof 2


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Well hopefully we can add everyone here by codes. The post did say next week (which is this week) so mostly likely like around july 24 or so or early on.


Oh Yeah I did see another MLP app on the app store also it was posted on the game's facebook page too, but we can probably talk about that game. It's probably equestria girls although It's not the dance mini-game and a building simulation as we played from MLP gameloft app, but it's just some adventure game that i know. There's 1 downside part as i took a 1st look of the game which is that we can't name our characters (or OCs) manually so apparently you have to pick from the list. We probably discuss that app here if we can do that.


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