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No Shave November


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On October 21st I put a facebook status up (under the influence mind you) saying that I was going to let all of my facial hair grow out until March 21st. Unless I have a date, and it is looking like I will get one before then.


I hope I do get a date because I grow really bad facial hair. I am part native american and we don't grow facial hair very well. I have a bald spot under my chin, one side of my neck grows faster. one side of my face grows faster (the opposite side of the neck side).


So I figured that maybe if I grow it all out, that it should fill in, but we shall see.

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I stopped shaving in the beginning of October, can't grow facial hair that well unfortunately, but I'm still participating regardless.


I want to see how far it will go.

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Well my friend Kensie, she is not shaving her legs apparently? Which annoys me. Oh wellm her hair is blond and she always wears sweat pants or jeans....so they dont exactly show. she says she has no reason to since she always wears pants...but i still find it awkward xD I have to shave my legs. It annoys me even when I get them little stubbles! Edited by Sugar Sprinkles
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Your getting this idea from CTFxC(Youtube Celeberties)


They started the whole No Shave November thing. and also" No Swear November"


I don't know, man. No Shave November has been going on around my area since I was a little kid (way before Youtube). Perhaps they just expanded on it.


Anyways, I don't wanna post my pic just yet. My beard really isn't coming in yet so I think I'll wait another week and then I will. I am growing some pretty massive sideburns though haha.

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I'm going to have to pass. As a teenager, I wanted to be able to grow a beard and moustache. But once I was able to do so, I honestly don't like the scuzzy feel that comes with it.


I can't participate, but I'll be cheering the rest of you on from the sideline!

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For anyone looking to do a similar challenge but you don't want to grow a beard, try something women have to do all the time. (This is only for the guys) Try Full Shave November. Shave everything. Chest, legs, face, armpits. All the same things that ladies shave. Just to see what it's like and what kind of work the ladies do to keep themselves pretty.

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For anyone looking to do a similar challenge but you don't want to grow a beard, try something women have to do all the time. (This is only for the guys) Try Full Shave November. Shave everything. Chest, legs, face, armpits. All the same things that ladies shave. Just to see what it's like and what kind of work the ladies do to keep themselves pretty.


No thanks, when I was drunk my girl dared me to let her wax all the hair on my upper body (including armpits) and I accepted the challenge. Worst. Idea. Ever :( Edited by Wildcard
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I've pretty much done this challenge every month now for the past... almost two years. I'm in.




But in all seriousness I think that No Shave November is just an excuse for neckbearded people to not shave (like usual).

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I shaved halloween to do this!!! Even though I'm not a guy, I'm going to see how long the fur on my legs get in one month :P

My hubby is attempting too! His stubble is already so scratchy my son and I don't like getting kisses any more :(

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Well considering I'm only 15 I don't think I really grow enough facial hair to need to shave almost ever. Like I've shaved twice in my lifetime so far I think...

Maybe when It becomes more prominent. I'm in no hurry to grow facial hair though, to me its only going to get on my nerves.

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Saw something about this earlier today but sadly I have to pass on it since work wants us to shave most of our facial hair. Strange enough we can have goatee's but not full beard. I have a tuff of facial hair that I've been growing for 8 months now just under my lower lip. I think the term is called runway but not for sure.

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I would look so hilariously stupid at the end of November doing this. Would anyone like to take these bad genes away from me? Please? :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been good, guys. I know that there's another week of November, but I gotta shave this for re-takes of school pictures. My parents are making me ;_;

The beard is surprisingly unscruffy and pretty neatly trimmed, even though I didn't touch it one bit :P






Edited by Twiliscael
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do you guys realize that crispy will win in this thread? any of you is competition for him (I am not sure if this is a the largest beard wins kind of thread) ...but if this is a show your beard kind of thread then you all have nice beards :)

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mines on the last page of the post a pic thread. ive had it longer too, atleast 4 inches longer then it is now. not planning on trimming it anytime soon either, chicks dig it. well some do... the cool ones do.

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I can't believe I missed this! I shaved at the beginning of November and haven't needed to since. Had I have known of known about this, I would've participated. Oh well. I'll do it next year when I actually have facial hair.

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I was to the understanding that No Shave November applied to all body hair... Especially... Yah know. Damn, well apparently since it's not. Brb, going to bathroom real quick.


Yuck lol. But at least you now know the gist of the boundaries lol. :P


I don't care if Crispy wins, I just want to say that I competed in the most awesome yearly contest ever. :P

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