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We've had a wide variety of main antagonists thus far for this pony show, all of them with a different set of powers, personalities, appearances and even species. All these villains are unique from one another, and if put into a room with each other, it'd be interesting to see how they'd interact with one another, and if any fights inevitably sprang forth. I've been wanting to make a topic comparing the four main villains and their powers for a few days now, and I've finally gained the motivation. Please give your own thoughts on the topic and your own order of most powerful to least powerful villain, of which you'll find at the end of the topic, as well.

Nightmare Moon: Corrupted Princess of the Moon
When this show first started, we were handed a mare of the night, of whom was sealed on the very moon she once controlled. Her back story a sad one, Nightmare Moon emerged from her prison and promptly sought out to ensure Equestria would drown in a never-ending night, so that all her subjects would finally respect and appreciate what she saw as so beautiful.

Displaying a wide variety of powers in her relatively short amount of screen time, Nightmare Moon has been shown to be capable of:
-Mane Manipulation: Her ethereal mane, though reminiscent of smoke, can preform various tasks and is capable of touching others. It can thus be used for both attack and defense.
-Weather Manipulation. She caused lightning to sprout and attack several armored guards that tried to seize her. Nightmare Moon, as a Shadowbolt, was later able to cause the fog to converge and drown out Twilight Sparkle's voice from reaching Rainbow Dash.
-Rapid movement & Infection of Objects/Terrain. She can transform into a cloud of purple smoke, not unlike her mane, and can use this form to travel long distances quickly, as well as seep into trees and even the ground to create avalanches and cause objects to change appearance.
-Shape-shifting. An advancement of her previous ability, the claw in the manticore's claw and the Shadowbolts are two prime examples.

It's also debatable on whether or not Celestia was actually imprisoned or kept somewhere by Nightmare Moon, though Nightmare Moon hints towards it when she mentions that the ponies will 'never see their princess of the sun ever again'. It is also known that in order to be imprisoned into the moon one thousand years ago, Celestia required the Elements of Harmony to do so. Judging by these factors, and her abilities, it goes without saying that Nightmare Moon is a match for Celestia, if not a bit more powerful.

Discord: Spirit of Chaos & Disharmony
With season two's anticipated premiere came the introduction of the greatest villain to have yet grace MLP: FiM's existence. Discord, the spirit of chaos, disharmony and strife among ponies, is an ancient evil fought by Celestia and her sister Luna well before Nightmare Moon's corruption, one thousand years ago. Believed by many to be a creature that's existed since the beginning of time itself, Discord is a singular entity representing a fundamental law of nature: chaos.

Playful yet sadistic in his own right, Discord's raw power is easily the most omnipotent of any of the villains shown on this show thus far:
-Warping Reality. With no effort whatsoever outside the snap of a finger, Discord can reshape reality, bend the laws of physics and do feats of magic that others find all but unthinkable.
-Removing logic from the world around him. More like an add-on to his previous power; even when he isn't currently present, Discord's chaos is able to spread and develop all on it's own. Applejack's trees and corn stalks, Fluttershy's bunnies, and even the sun and moon themselves *which began raising and lowering at random* were all effected by the Draconequus's chaos when he was nowhere to be found. This points to the idea that by simply existing in the world and causing chaos, his power spreads outwards and effects everything naturally.
-Personality Discordation. Through mind games, looking into his eyes or even through a single touch, Discord can turn a creature into their pure opposite, personality-wise.
-Shape-shifting. Like Nightmare Moon, Discord is able to alter his own appearance. He put his face into a balloon, turned into butterflies, and even put his own consciousness into a glass rendering of himself.
-Teleportation. He's able to teleport.

Discord has been shown to possess magical abilities off the scale, of which he can execute with almost no effort. As far as raw power goes, he trumps basically every other character, villain or non-villain, in the series. The only way to stop him is through the Elements of Harmony, which were used by both Luna and Celestia long ago, and the Mane Six in modern times.

Queen Chrysalis: Empress of the Changelings
And so came the most anticipated teaser Hasbro and the HUB have given thus far. The 'wedding finale' of season two was easily the most publicized build-up MLP: FIM had, and it's main villain, though unexpected, did not fail to deliver. Queen Chrysalis, resembling the classic Disney villain more than her two predecessors, is the leader of a parasitic race called the Changelings. These creatures feed off of emotion, specifically love, instead of blood, and they breached Canterlot and nearly took over, with Chrysalis herself almost gaining Shining Armor forever.

Clever and deceitful, all but Twilight Sparkle were fooled by Chrysalis's charade as the beloved Princess Cadence, wife of Shining Armor:
-Shape-shifting. Like the previous two villains, Chrysalis can perfectly shape-shift. She uses this ability to take the form of a someone her target loves, then feeds off of that love to gain power.
-Emotional Parasitism & Mind Control. Through a spell, Chrysalis was able to keep Shining Armor under her hole-filled hoof, all the while growing stronger off of his love for her costume, Princess Cadence.
-General of the Changeling Army. Whether through a 'hive-mind' effect or through a traditional 'leader and subordinate' relationship, Queen Chrysalis commands an entire legion of Changelings, and can get them to do anything with a single demand.
-Fluctuating Power. Through her consumption of love, Chrysalis is able to temporarily gain power artificially. She surpassed Celestia in strength due to this, and directly defeated her.
-'Banishment' Magic. She is able to banish ponies of her choosing down to the crystal caves, which apparently cannot be teleported out of or gotten out of by other magical means.

While Chrysalis does have some skills of her own, most of her power comes from her army at her command, or her ability to feed from the love of others, which, like all parasites, is an assumedly temporary effect. Without the power she's taken from someone else, Chrysalis is probably not as strong as Celestia, and wouldn't have defeated her like she had in the second part of the season two finale.

King Sombra: Ancient Tyrant of the Crystal Empire
He seemingly took over the entire Crystal Empire by his own will and power, and then proceeded to rule with an iron hoof, practically enslaving the crystal ponies by putting them in chains, until he was eventually overthrown and imprisoned within ice in the Arctic North by Celestia and Luna. Upon his return, he surrounded the entire kingdom within his darkness, waiting for the moment for Princess Cadence

Tyrannical and more malicious than any of the three primary antagonists seen prior to his introduction, Sombra is a dark unicorn tyrant who brings another unique villain type to the table:
-Dark/Black Magic. As demonstrated by Celestia to Twilight, Sombra possesses intense black magic that seems to also incorporate black crystals, not surprising seeing as this is the Crystal Empire.
-Shadow & Darkness. Sombra was turned to Shadow by Celestia and Luna long ago. He now commands a gigantic, seemingly endless amount of black darkness that encompasses his form. This blackness is infectious, and has the power to cause black crystal to emerge from the ground, or even corrupt buildings.
-Immensely Powerful Curse Magic. Before his defeat, Sombra was able to put a curse on the Crystal Empire that caused it to vanish into thin air for a thousand years.
-Intimidation. As shown by Twilight's interrogation of a specific Crystal Pony, the mere mention of Sombra and his rule causes fear to the Crystal Ponies. This may be how he so easily took over and then maintained his rule over entire empire seemingly by himself.

Though he was mostly depicted as a creeping darkness type of villain, he is easily the most cruel of any of the villains we've seen thus far, having actually enslaved the Crystal Ponies. He's agile and can morph his darkness and shadow form to cause black crystal to form out of the ground, and is also capable of vast magical feats outside that, including curses. He may not have had much character development, but he was powerful, nonetheless.


Lord Tirek: Power-Hungry Beast King
A unique and terryfying creature from a far-away land, Tirek used deceit, thievery and betrayal to get what he wanted; all of the magic in Equestria. He went from a sneaking thief to a demonic deity capable of draining even the great powers of Discord within two episodes, and showed off malice and cruelty that no other villain has shown to the same degree, thus far. From imprisoning all three princesses and the Mane Six, to fighting an OP Twilcorn in DBZ-style combat and holding his own, Tirek left an impression that neither the ponies of Equestria or the fandom that watches them will ever forget.

Sinister, completely void of any redeeming qualities whatsoever and more ruthless than any other villain, Tirek's arsenal grew along with his detestable personality throughout the two-part S4 finale:
-Magic Drain. Presumably a unique form of Dark Magic, Tirek is able to drain the magical essence of any being he comes into close contact with, stealing their magic and adding it to his own.
-Levitation Bind. Rather than a unicorn horn, Tirek uses a foci point inbetween his duel centaur horns to use magic. His dark orange shadow magic allows him to bind opponents in powerful telekinesis. He uses this often in conjuction with his Magic Drain ability.
-Shadow Blast. Tirek's primary choice of attack is a powerful beam of energy that blasts from the foci point between his horns, where he focuses magic. This blast increases in size and power whenever he does the same. By the time he duels Twilight, it's a force to be reckoned with.
-Portal Summoning. Once powerful enough, Tirek's shadow magic is capable of ripping open time and space, opening portals to presumably anywhere he chooses. He sent the princesses other than Twilight to Tartarus using this ability.

-Immense Strength. As Tirek absorbs magical energy, his size and physical abilities increase as well. He was capable of throwing, breaking through and outright blowing up rocks and other solid objects using only his fists or body.


Like Chrysalis, Tirek absorbs power from others in order to come out on top. However, because we witnessed him in a weakened form, and he never stopped absorbing until he became all-mighty, we're never really sure what his 'default' power was, when he was shown to be rather large and bulky in the storybook legend. What we do know is, his method of gaining power is far quicker, more straight-forward and outright superior to Chrysalis's method of gaining power, allowing him to trump her with ease in the 'parasite power' category.


In my own view, this is the list of most powerful villains from most powerful to least powerful.

  • Discord. Discord is a spirit with godly powers. He strolled right into Ponyville, snapped his fingers, and the entire region went to hell in a hand basket while he acted like it was nothing. He's easily at the top.
  • Lord Tirek. Although he absorbs power from others like Chrysalis, he was shown to have some amount of power on his own, by comparing his size from the storybook to his modern forms. Additionally, his method of draining and cunning intelligence means he's far more able to attain that power, and very quickly. He is below Discord, because Discord still has more base form power than Tirek does. At the end of the day, Discord still doesn't need to drain power to be strong.
  • King Sombra. Sombra appears to be immensely powerful for all the reasons I mentioned in their specific section, and they seem to have even greater power than Nightmare Moon or Chrysalis, but certainly not as powerful as the neigh OP capabilities of Discord and Tirek, which effectively puts him in the middle.
  • Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon is at least equal to Celestia if not a little stronger. This puts her next on the list.
  • Queen Chrysalis. Call me racist to Changelings, but come on she's a parasite; without her army and without any artificial power gained from someone else, Chrysalis has little power to speak through only herself. She was surprised she beat Celestia and remarked that ''Consuming it (the love from Shining Armor to Cadence) has made me even more powerful than Celestia!" Key word. 'Made'. She's last on my list because while she can consume power to get more powerful, she doesn't seem to be more powerful than the other three villains naturally, whilst they all are powerful naturally.






  • Brohoof 12


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I must say I agree with your power list. The next part is about the new villain so...


I can honestly say this one seems like he'l basically be the Satan of the villains He seems like he'l be sort of manipulative, and maybe be a powerhouse, basically Discord without the sarcasm, and Q-like emotions. If I had to try to pin-point what I think he'l be like, I'd say he'd be like Scar from the Lion King. Deceptive and all out evil. I don't know what to think about his powers. I mean it's obvious he will be a real master of the dark-arts.


I used to really think Chrysalis was all-powerful, but I was pretty foolish to think that. I agree with everything you said about her. (Though she still is my favorite royal.)

  • Brohoof 1


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You know, I think Queen Chrysalis could change into any object she desires. It's implied that she's at least just a bit further down in magical power than Celestia, which is an incredible feat for anyone. Something that her minions can't do, only because they're either not trained highly enough in that regard nor do they have the discipline necessary to put themselves in a position to master that art.


It remains to be seen on when Cadence was actually trapped in the mines in the first place. It's hinted that this sort of operation made by an entire species would take many months of planning (let's face it - this wedding was hug , so much that it would probably be written off as the happiest of all events in a long while), but how long ago? Perhaps in addition to taking the form of the pony, Chrysalis can assume that pony's personality for a while until either of the following things can apply:


1) The "personality assumption" effect wears off after a while.

2) The above effect can be turned on or off to the Queen's liking.

3) She cannot get help from any sort of side effect of her spell. She has to learn to mimic the pony's personality manually.


Given her magical ability and ruler of her own race, however, I can go with 2) - it's possible that she got arrogant and cocky that she could just invade the entire place without having to even mimic Cadence's personality as much as she could. Though, after a while, it could be assumed that she could get real tired of mimicking one pony's personality for as long as that and she could start toying around with her own attitude, and not that of a princess who dearly loves her subjects.

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It's time for another edition of Aegis' Power Level Guide!


*checks scouter*


Hmmm, according to my advanced scouter I got from Lord Freiza, this seems to be the following order:


Discord: 3000 - 3500


With the ability to control space, time, and basically just about anything physiological, nobody can touch this malicious individual in the fact that he is an omnipotent figure. With a dashing voice and a sick sense of humor, Discord is truly nobody you should mess around with. But, that's Pony wise. For us Saiyans, we can easily exterminate him. Heck, our power levels are waaaaaay higher than that!


Nightmare Moon: 2400 - 2700


Celestia's sister's power comes from her jealousy and rage, and that alone makes her a worthy runner-up to Discord. She can make the fearless of ponies and even dragons bow down before her ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE! However, she was casted away by Celestia into the moon for at least 1000 years! How could she have let her own sister overpower her darkness? Doesn't matter though. Her power was increased twofold by the time Twilight came to Ponyville for the first time, and only through the power of the Elements of Harmony was she defeated, because the Mane 6's power levels combined were OVER 9000!!!!!!!!



King Sombra: <Unknown data>, possibly 1000 - 1220 depending on original form


Not much recon was done on this shady character, but he is most likely a wannabe dictator with little to no power, and uses his weak, puny magic spells to intimidate other ponies. Unlike Lord Freiza, he can defeat anything!........Except Saiyans.



Queen Chrysalis: 10 (with love), 700 (without love)


The weakest of them all, as she can only shapeshift and seem's to only unleash her true power when love is in the air, like when Princess Cadence and Shining Armor blasted her away with their LOVE FOR EACH OTHER! Therefore, she is just a weak and utter fool who lets all her minions do all the dirty work. What a miserable excuse for a ruler.


Goku: 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000


No explanation needed.

Edited by AegisReflector
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If the released images are anything to go on Sombra seems to be able to change into the smoke monster from lost. That's pretty intimidating in my opinion.

But yeah, my rankings


1: Discord

Discord is broken, plain and simple, able to break you mentally with a tap on the forehead, teleport, give reality a big middle finger even better than Pinkie Pie is able to (so far :) ), telekinesis, lightning, control of the sun and moon, and a massive troll. If he wasn't so cocky and unserious he would be next to unbeatable for even heroes much stronger than our favorite ponies.


2: Nightmare Moon

Possesses comparable strength to Celestia, and may have beaten her off screen. Intelligent enough to just smash the elements of harmony


3: Chrysalis

Weaker than Celestia without an insanely powerful source of love. Can shapeshift and use magical lasers. Has more growth potential than other villains though, (won't ever catch Discord but might be able to absorb enough love to take down Nightmare Moon). It is worthy of note that she commands an entire race, so while individually she is weaker than Nightmare Moon, if you factor in her army she might be a bigger threat.


Not even going to try to rank Sombra since I refuse to watch the 8 minute clip, and even with it I don't feel like we can accurately compare him to established villains

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Until I see more of Sombra. NMM ranks second on my list. Celestia on her own couldn't defeat her, that already puts her second only to Discord basing on what we have seen of the show. With only the same alternative that was taken to defeat him being able to defeat her.

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Yeah, I'd have to pretty much agree with the list. Discord, followed by NMM, followed by Chrysalis. I'm guessing Sombra will be about NMM's level of pure power.


However, I wouldn't go as far to say that Chrysalis is a pushover. I would guess she's pretty darn powerful. I imagine she's the Changeling Queen because she's the strongest Changeling, as why would the hive trust a weakling to find them love to feed on? Also, she did challenge Celestia head-on. Yes, I realize she only did win because of the love-power-boost, but she still had the guts to face her which must mean she's either foolhardy (entirely possible, but she's pretty darn clever and smart to be able to pull of a "convincing" Cadance to everypony, including Celestia), or pretty confident in her strength.


NMM wasn't exactly evil. After all, she never actually tried to kill anypony, just hinder them from progressing. I mean, really. If she wanted the Mane 6 dead, she could have just flown into the library while eavesdropping and ended it there. But yeah, I'd rank NMM to be pretty equal in terms of power with Celestia.


And then there's the raging powerhouse of Discord. Draconequus can warp reality, yo. He's by far stronger than Celestia or Luna. He wasn't even conciously toying with the sun and moon, his chaotic aura was enough to halt Celestia and Luna's control over the two heavenly bodies. Really, he just can't be beat, at least not if he's seriously serious. But being serious isn't much fun, unless he's being serious about not being serious, then it's seriously fun. For serious.

  • Brohoof 1

So much Friendship!

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Pretty epic wall of text bro, 'twas a good read. Though for Chrysalis, I think you should rate her on the "strength list" including her army, as they seem a part of her.

Edited by Scootabloom
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Pretty epic wall of text bro, 'twas a good read. Though for Chrysalis, I think you should rate her on the "strength list" including her army, as they seem a part of her.


They'd only be apart of her if it was a 'Hive Mind' effect, in that she telepathically controls all of them. Since this was never confirmed, it could be just as likely that they just listen to her cause she's the Queen. Ergo, I didn't add it, and focused on only her, like the other three villains.


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They'd only be apart of her if it was a 'Hive Mind' effect, in that she telepathically controls all of them. Since this was never confirmed, it could be just as likely that they just listen to her cause she's the Queen. Ergo, I didn't add it, and focused on only her, like the other three villains.


Hmm. I see. I guess I would still consider it part of her cause she can basically mind control them with commands, but I see where you're gettin at.


Once we actually see the full might of King Sombra, you should update this if need be. Can't wait for his elite appearance.

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I have to agree on Discord being the most potential threat. However one should remember Nightmare Moon didn't outright become immobilized and defeated but merely returned to Luna. Meaning she could definitely take a punch from the Elements of Harmony better than Discord can. Perhaps because Luna possesses a portion of the power of the Elements of Harmony because she used it in tandem with Celestia to seal Discord into stone.

Edited by poniesforfun


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I have to agree on Discord being the most potential threat. However one should remember Nightmare Moon didn't outright become immobilized and defeated but merely returned to Luna. Meaning she could definitely take a punch from the Elements of Harmony better than Discord can.


It's not about 'taking a punch' xP The elements had specific and different reactions on each of those characters because they were both utterly different villains. Nightmare Moon was always Luna inside, the elements just had to knock off the dark shell encompassing her. Discord on the other hand is not redeemable, so thusly the Elements have a more intense reaction upon hitting him; petrification.


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That's exactly what I mean.... Luna has some level of magic or Harmony resistance so the power did not hurt her as much just calmed her mind. All the power did was wake her out of the trance of anger back to her little Luna self. I mean waking up from your trance is a better fate than being petrified.


I still agree that Discord has been quite a challenge to take on though I doubt he could cause any actual direct damage to anyone and apparently he can't change the minds of others so easily. Twilight Sparkle for instance had to choose to give up to go grey which is a point that Discord cannot directly change Twilight Sparkle maybe because she possesses some magic immunity or because she's a logical/rational pony. I'm guessing her "friendship" was her magic immunity but whatever.

Edited by poniesforfun


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That's exactly what I mean.... Luna has some level of magic or Harmony resistance so the power did not hurt her as much just calmed her mind. All the power did was wake her out of the trance of anger back to her little Luna self. I mean waking up from your trance is a better fate than being petrified.


I still agree that Discord has been quite a challenge to take on though I doubt he could cause any actual direct damage to anyone and apparently he can't change the minds of others so easily. Twilight Sparkle for instance had to choose to give up to go grey which is a point that Discord cannot directly change Twilight Sparkle maybe because she possesses some magic immunity or because she's a logical/rational pony. I'm guessing her "friendship" was her magic immunity but whatever.


Twilight was the Element of Magic and Discord knew she was the leader, I don't think it's completely implausible that he purposefully left her for last while he turned all her friends against her. Why turn all of them into negativity, when you can leave just one to then watch as her friends turn against her? Discord probably knew the other five elements would drive her to Discordifying herself, and that's what he did. All apart of the games he plays all the time. After all, as shown with Fluttershy he can change someone on a whim, I don't think Twilight was immune or anything.


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Well that's still in question because then Discord would not have been beaten by Celestia and Luna when he can just change their personalities.


Not really, Celestia and Luna are immortal alicorns, there's too many implications and factors to outright assume he could do it for them. I think he could have done it with Twilight, but I'm not so sure about them.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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The fact that Celestia and Luna weren't changed only says there is some way to keep yourself from being changed. I doubt Celestia and Luna aren't exempted from ever getting hurt as Celestia has been nailed down by Chrysalis.


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Discord is the most powerful, no doubt about it. We'll see how Sombra does though.

Nightmare Moon had some interesting abilities, but didn't get much time to show them. I wonder if Luna can still use those abilities, we know the least she can do is shapeshift back to look like Nightmare Moon if she wants, along with other standard unicorn/pegasus abilities.

Chrysalis seems to have the ability to become extremely powerful as shown by her defeat of Celestia, but she likely doesn't have all that much power without a love source. It seems she can distribute some of her power to her fellow changelings as well.


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  • 5 months later...

Just thought to bring this back Seeing how this was before Sombra appeared.

1) Discord: He can do pretty much anything, Only the Elements of harmony can effect him so far. And he could have easily teleported but he just was too cocky.

2) King Sombra: Because from what we have seen so far he is the only villain who the heros were forced into using tatics to beat, He is easily above Any creature That has horns as he could disable Their magic and kick their flanks, Also he has two forms And the Shadow one is pretty much the smooze of G4 and theres a chance that in his shadow forms nothing can touch him as he is not soild. He was only defeated easily because he was beaten through tatics not Face to face

3) Nightmare Moon: She is pretty much Princess Luna who turned super Alicorn, She managed to defeat Celestia, Sadly she is stupid who cant even Make good traps.

4) Queen Chrysalis: Now I know that she defeated Celly buts thats only because she used SAs Love, Base Chrysalis is already confirmed weaker That Celestia. Also what her powers are? She is pretty much only a gaint Changeling That can do a little magic and transform, She is more of a mastermind than a fighter

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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Discord: Discord is like the Galactus of the MLP universe he may not eat planets but he is so insanely powerful that he is literally as the embodiment of chaos itself a force of nature. This without a doubt makes him the most powerful character introduced so far but his own arrogance lead to his undoing.


King Sombra: Not only was he easily more powerful than Celestia and Luna but he was also a master tactician setting traps and using ponies own fears against them which made him even more deadly.


Nightmare Moon: Nightmare Moon was powerful, perhaps even more powerful than Luna is in her regular form but throughout the whole Friendship is Magic two parter I sometimes wonder if she was holding back due to her good side still holding a small influence over her.


Queen Chrysalis: Probably the weakest of the villains in her base form but her ability to drain love is able to somewhat make up for this though she needs to rely on deception and infiltration more than the other villains do her shape shifting abilities make this much easier. I see her more as a usurper/infiltrator villain than a fighter.

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How the buck did I miss this list when you put it together in November, CD?  Well, no matter, I'll just name off my top 4 villains real quick.


First, I totally agree with your power list, this list is just my own personal ranking of all 4 villains.


1. Discord


2. Nightmare Moon


3. Queen Chrysalis


4. King Sombra


I've always had a soft spot for Nightmare Moon, having a tragic background and all, which is why she's as high as she is on my list (well, that and she has the best laugh of all of the villains; the rest are pretty traditional, even Discord's, but hers is hilariously corny and campy, reminiscent of something you'd see in the Adam West "Batman" TV show).  Just listen to it!!!



It's so over the top, and I love it!!!!!!!! laugh.png

Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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  • 1 month later...

In my own view, this is the list of most powerful villains from most powerful to least powerful.

  • Discord. Discord is a spirit with godly powers. He strolled right into Ponyville, snapped his fingers, and the entire region went to hell in a hand basket while he acted like it was nothing. He's easily at the top.
  • King Sombra. The new villain appears to be immensely powerful for all the reasons I mentioned in their specific section, and they seem to have even greater power than Nightmare Moon or Chrysalis, which effectively puts them right after Discord.
  • Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon is at least equal to Celestia if not a little stronger. This puts her third on the list.
  • Queen Chrysalis. Call me racist to Changelings, but come on she's a parasite; without her army and without any artificial power gained from someone else, Chrysalis has little power to speak through only herself. She was surprised she beat Celestia and remarked that ''Consuming it (the love from Shining Armor to Cadence) has made me even more powerful than Celestia!" Key word. 'Made'. She's last on my list because while she can consume power to get more powerful, she doesn't seem to be more powerful than the other three villains naturally, whilst they all are powerful naturally.

Your own thoughts? Your own order? Discuss.


Great post. I almost entirely agree with your power order, but I would put Queen Chrysalis at number three, and Nightmare Moon at number four. While both of them can shapeshift, Chrysalis's abilities with deception and feeding off of love, in my opinion, make her far more dangerous than Nightmare Moon. While Chrysalis is not as naturally powerful as the other three, her ability to flawlessly shapeshift in addition to how much power she gains from feeding off of love makes her more of a threat to everyone other than the most perceptive ponies.

  • Brohoof 1



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1. Discord. The mane six are the elements of harmony and Discord is the element of CHAOS. In my head canon he's the spirit of disharmony, an ancient being with immense power. Disharmony can spread even through the most powerful.


2. Nightmare Moon. She is an alicorn with very advanced magic. I put her above Sombra because in my opinion alicorns have naturally higher magic levels than unicorns. (Have you noticed that all the main villains use magic? I would like to see a pegasus or earth pony villain.)


3. Sombra. He's obviously a beast at magic. He seems to have devoted his life to the conjuring of dark magic, which is something I don't think many unicorns have much if any knowledge about.


4. Chrysalis. She can be very devious, but according to her actions and my head canon, she's not super smart. She's still (obviously) a major threat however, as it only takes the love of two ponies to allow her to defeat even Celestia.

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 1 year later...

Sombra is WAY too powerful in my opinion. he's just a unicorn, the others should be more powerful.


A unicorn who fucked with Dark Magic, though. The trope of giving up your mind and sanity for power unimaginable through some form of dark entity or magic is an old one, and I think Sombra fits that bill. That said, I think Nightmare Moon need(s/ed) a lot more time to show off some major powers, too. Even in her reapperance in the S4 premiere flashback, all she really did was lazers.


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