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gaming Annoying kids on the mic.


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There was this one w+m1 pyro kid, saying everyone sucked because he was getting a lot of kills (Phlosgitinator+W+M1= Tons of kills in a second).

He was screaming on the mic and laughing, i was starting to get pissed off and all of my friends in the server too, so i picked Scout (Second class i know how to use a lot) and every time i killed him i used the Schadenfreude (Laugh Taunt), i dominated him and he started screaming to me.

The lulz.

I started going on the same place and killed him like 30 times in one life until he quit and everyone thanked me.

"We will, we will rock you" - Kurt Cobain (2003)

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I personally just mute everyone when I play online, unless I'm playing with my friends, then they go out of their way to troll people and I have to mute my headset so I don't laugh the entire game


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PC gaming comes with a lower annoying child to normal person ratio ^^


However, when i have been at my dad's house i've been on Xbox live and experienced my fair share of stupid kids, after a while i decided that the best way to play Xbox online was hammered, so every time i play Xbox live i'll be drunk.

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It's because of screaming 11 and 12 year olds that I don't play games like CoD or other games meant for "mature" audiences. Honestly, if kids think they are mature because they play a rated M game, maybe they should compare their reactions to those of people that are older and actually mature.


Honestly when I die in games, I laugh about it. It's funny. Also if it gets downright unfair or annoying I shrug it off and leave. No big deal really. Calm yourselves children, if this is how you react to a fake non-existant realm, you're gonna have a tough time out there in the real world.

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I don't usually play online games such as cod but i have seen instances of little kids online when i'm at a friends house or somewhere. they were rather annoying but not much annoys me so we continued playing. after a while they started 'trolling us' so we mute them and left the game. from what i can tell from the internet there are a few kids out there who aren't spoilt but with the many that there are some get abused online simply for being a kid but they shouldn't be playing gory games anyway they should be like myself and play pokémon or mario or just learn manners

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it depends on the kid ;)

if they're mature for their age, which can happen, i'll talk to them and hold simple conversation in game. Though it amazes me how much adult content these kids know for their age :huh:

I remember when I was in the young teens and pre teens I didn't know nearly half what they do -_-

if they're bratty, I'll troll them and just be a complete jerk to them. Actually landed one to go grab his mom to try and defend him. My friends and I had fun with that one :P

This was before the xbl party system went into play. Now my friends and I just get in party to avoid that. ;)

with PC, I bought a vent server so my PC friends and I don't worry about that either :)

Although sometimes one of them will bring up "hey theres a kid in here, lets troll him" and we'll go check it out

Especially when they're complaining about explosives and how newby they are...my friends and I have our "troll" setup using 40mm, C4, and everything explosive on CoD games. in BF3 we just do the old fashioned jeep bomb or get creative.

Edited by Gigachip


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I've never really had to deal with kids. Mostly because they don't play PC games and on the rare occasions they do, I can mute them. Never had a JMK but I've had the usual idiot act like they know what they're talking about. Just dealt with one in Left 4 Dead today. It's not so much that they're a kid, its that they have to tell me obvious crap such as "Go into the saferoom."





Makes me lulz every time.

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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I'm going to say this again, mainly for the people who think there should be an automated system for removing "squeakers". I have a very high-pitched voice, but if any of you had been reading my earlier posts, you'd realize that I'm a very mature, refined, and (if I do say so myself) intelligent, and I enjoy playing online video games. And sometimes, I wish to communicate with my teammates. Is it so wrong that if I try and say it as quietly as possible, as not to pique the mic, and take all precautions to prove I'm more than other people with similar voices, that I'm allowed to play the game in peace? Who knows? You may find someone who respects you, thank goodness.

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It's all a matter of maturity. You can be a kid and use your mic not to spam, cuss, etc, but to say smart things that would help your team quickly acknowledge your game's current situation without having to stop to type.


The problem is that most kids have that cracked puberty voice, which automatically turns them into an extreme annoyance to the others. So, if I was a kid with a cracked voice, I would rather not even touch the microphone, no matter what I want to say, in order to not irritate the other 'immature' players in the server. :|

Edited by DrizzleSTAR
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My hubby gets really annoyed when a bunch of noob kids are yelling at him, especially since he's usually running around saving their butts...for this reason my kids aren't going to be allowed to play online games till they're 13 at least :3

(depending on their maturity level at 13....)

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Uggh... Must I be reminded of this topic?

This is the 'LetsNeverDoAnythingProductiveAndDowngradeEveryOneElse' Generation.


It's okay to be mad about something, or be annoyed, but do it in a civilized manor. These kids aren't civil. Most of them don't know shit. They ride on other's coattails. One day they will learn (or they can just die in their own self-given hell).


I'll admit, I'm 15 and about 8 or so years ago, I was part of this generation. Over the years I learned on my own that I must work for what I want and so I became obsessed with Emulation and programming - Two things that are self rewarding.

I became someone who stuck with something and never gave up on something. This generation doesn't want to do hard things, they only want to do easy things they know they can do. They never want to stick with anything, they just want something simple they can quickly do that makes them feel good (That's why most of them try to bully others with threats). When they don't get this small thing they get angry or mad. They want to take something from someone to make them feel better, weither it be kills in a game, or happy emotions with words.


Tip for people: When someone of this generation gives a threat, do not fuel it, counter it like everything was ok. Never take what he/she said to heart and never let him/her influence you. Over power them not with threats, but with logic. Say if Bully says "Fucking move out of my way or I'll fuck your mother" say "Okay then, go ahead, have a fun time" and walk away. The bully will have a moment where he has no idea what just happened. He may jump back and say "Well, ok, I'll fuck your sister as well!" or some other bullshit, but on the inside, he's having a small breakdown because his former method of threats to push you down has been broken.


I've isolated myself with the higher crowd of people, and I'll never look back at this generation. I work and talk with people older than me. Why? It's because they are smart. They worked for what they wanted.


My name's Violet, I'm 15, and I hate this generation.

Edited by VioletLinked



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I once met a ten-year-old kid on TF2 who was actually trying be as polite as possible. My friend dueled him, he lost and after the duel he congratulated my friend and called it a very good duel. He was a nice guy. :P

[indent=11][color=#800080][font='trebuchet ms']And Sombra is the best villain.[/font][/color][/indent]

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Oh man, I just love to converse/troll little kids, and I love it when they join in conversations in the game (be it for fun or for serious). Too many people take games too seriously and just disable communications with other team members because they become annoyed with someone else. It's easily understandable though. Having a kid yell at you may not be the best way to enjoy a game.


Losing sucks, losing is not fun. But when people start laughing at or with each other, it doesn't even matter to me anymore. It's all about having a good time, one way or another.

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I never usually play online matches on my PS3 or Wii but when I do, it's actually really tame when it comes to the PS3. I guess it's because I can either handle the immaturity or it's because I don't use my own mic a lot.

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>I come home, and hear my brother crying. I open his door and he just lost a match in CoD.

>Russian kid claims he can ban me from steam because im not folowing his personal rules in tf2

>Playing minecraft with some friends while skyping, and some kid joins, hell breaks loose

Taring reality apart with tardis completion: 100%

Trying to find dimension where Equestria is located: -

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I have been encountring this way to many times. I'm admin on a Counter-Strike: Source server. Every 5 minute it joins a little kid who is yelling with his loud voice like " This server sucks! Bla bla bla "!


Well, it's a part of my living as i have 5 little brothers and sisters ^^

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