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The better pony villain  

84 users have voted

  1. 1. Who is the better pony villain for Friendship is Magic?

    • Nightmare Moon
    • The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon
    • Gilda the griffon
    • Discord
    • Flim and Flam
    • Queen Chrysalis and the Changlings
    • the Diamond Dogs
    • the dragons
    • the Windigos
    • King Sombra

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Discord, who's character is based off of Q from Star Trek, brought an ideal villain to a show like this one. While truly evil villains who are cruel and malicious like King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis are awesome, Discord is a prankster and jester; he makes you laugh, he makes you love him, but what he is doing is still causing harm or destruction, whether emotionally or physically.

  • Brohoof 1


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Discord, because I always liked mad villians more than emotionally distrut (Luna) or I-do-bad-because-I-must (Chrysalis) kind of villians. Also jerk villians I just can't stand *cough*Trixie*couch*Diamond Tiara*cough


He just wants to have fun, and I find that awesome in villians.

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Oh man! Discord all the way.

I mean other villains are more cruel and bad to the bone but still...

If he'd tone down a bit I could be good friends with him, he's just a genius, and I love people with huge sense of humor ^_^

he's just brilliant and I love him that way!



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Someone voted for the bucking dragons but nobody voted for Trixie? What a shame. I voted for Discord though. There is a song named after him. And that song has like OVER NINE-THOUSAAAAAAND parodys

Sorry for the thing that has been in my sig for like a lot of time, I ragequit because I got a warning and then never bothered to get back to the forums and change my sig xd

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Discord hands down has the best Character development and the most interest villain by a pretty good stretch.

A close second would have to be Nightmare moon. She probably is second most developed in my opinion.

Edited by Zygen


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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My personal favorites are Discord and Chrysalis.

Chrysalis because she just... oozed evil. She looked the part, did the part, and talked the part. She reminds me a lot of Disney's Maleficent, in a way- A powerful female, tricking people into going along with her plan, with a serious way with words, that knows exactly what she's doing. Not to mention, they're both dominantly green.

Discord reminds me of the wacky old hilarious grandpa you always look forward to seeing in family reunions, and he's got quite a bit of charisma anyway, so my vote went to him.

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I have to say Discord, I love his character and the way he looks. He is also very lovable even though he is a villain. Otherwise I'd have to say Flim and Flam, can anyone NOT like their musical? I find myself singing it atleast once a week.

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Discord gets my vote, because he came the closest to defeating the mane six. He already knew that he couldn't win against the Elements of Harmony, and he knew that Celestia and Luna were no longer controlled them. He used his knowledge of the Elements to make them ineffective, and the trap he set up to accomplish his goal was genius. He was shown to be a more calculating villain than the others, and that is what makes him the best.

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Discord came the closest to winning since he had actually briefly defeated the mane six and if it wasn't for Celstia intervening with the letters he would have conquered Equestria but i have to give some props to flim and flam for realizing they can conquer Ponyville with a catchy tune seriously that's all it takes

Edited by CaptainLuna
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Sombra, 'nuff said. He's the best because he didn't waste time going into monologue's about his misunderstood childhood, didn't waste time going into rants about how the heroine will never defeat them, he waited, and struck at the right time, and went after the only thing of true value in the end.

"Quoting yourself, the only way to make sure you have the exact quote you need for the exact reason you want it," -Soduh_Man

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Queen Chrysalis, she had taken Canterlot! If she wasn't distracted, the Changelings could have been feeding all over Equestria. I think she has to come back in Season 3.


Discord is awesome too. But he didn't have a method for his madness, he was destroying everything just for the sake of do it.


And I also like the Windigoes a lot. They should return to haunt the Crystal Empire and Canterlot.

After foggy and funereal days
In a mixture of sadness and devotion,
memory and mental escape
I take back my life
A bit confused, but more conscious of my way.

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Nightmare Moon. The only one with a reasonable motive and backstory to have become a villain. Any other villain is just wanted to take over a nation but no other reason besides that.


Her defeat also illustrated the true use of the "Elements of Harmony" and the "Magic of Friendship." Turning enemies into friends or bringing peace to one's tortured soul.

Edited by poniesforfun


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King Sombra reminds me of the bad dude from Zelda Ganondorf :P but I can't really say who I thought was the better villian to be fair kinda difficult

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Queen Chrysalis, she had taken Canterlot! If she wasn't distracted, the Changelings could have been feeding all over Equestria. I think she has to come back in Season 3.


Discord is awesome too. But he didn't have a method for his madness, he was destroying everything just for the sake of do it.


And I also like the Windigoes a lot. They should return to haunt the Crystal Empire and Canterlot.


Discord, to me, is like the Jay Leno of Pony villains. Chrysalis was the best because, unlike the other villains, she was a genuine threat to Equestria. Discord just wanted to turn it into the Wonderland from the Care Bears in Wonderland, Nightmare Moon Just wanted a little more acknowledgment, and King Sombra.... Ugh.... He got no build-up and very little pay-off..... He's like a cheap rip-off of Hexxus from Ferngully.


I liked Discord, there's no doubt about that. His design as well as his personality were very easy to love. He was just too "laid-back" and eventually the mane six were able to defeat him in the end. Now here's King Sombra. Terrific design, great concept of corrupting the crystal empire, as well as his "door of fears." That single door should have been explored with other characters, and not just Twilight and Spike. He looked more menacing than any other villain when he came back as a whole shadow of himself. Overall, I'd say I like him better than any other villain.


Several bronies, like the guys at Everfree Radio, believe that Sombra looks like a bad Pony OC made in Pony maker. He wold have been cool, if he'd had more development, more build-up, more screen time, and more dialoque.....



(sig was made by Bari)

Red like roses fills my dreams and bring me to the place you rest

White is cold and always yearning, burdened by a royal test

Black the beast descends from shadows

Yellow beauty burns gold

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Discord all the way. His personality was menacing and witty at the same time, the perfect troll character. And John DeLancie's voice acting was brilliant.


He is the MLP version of the Joker, and the Joker is the best villain in comic book history in my opinion.


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Edited by hailPhantom

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Discord is the best, sure is not the most evil I think that title goes to King Sombra I think Discord is more of a force of nature much like Galactus except he is not nearly as dangerous or destructive. You can never completely and totally defeat chaos itself, it is like trying to defeat earthquakes or hurricanes so you never really know when Discord will appear again. He is the most well developed, unique and entertaining villain introduced so far in terms of background, motive, story and dialogue. And so far there is yet to be a villain that is anywhere near as much of a threat as Discord, he came closer than anyone to defeating the Mane 6 if it wasn't for his arrogance he would have crushed them.

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After re watching the episodes with King Sombra, I think he could be as good or an even better villain than Discord if they had given him a little more depth. He definitely had the creepy, evil factor down but maybe a little more talking and fleshing out the character. Although I got the impression that he would be back later in the season or another season. Maybe that's just me?

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After re watching the episodes with King Sombra, I think he could be as good or an even better villain than Discord if they had given him a little more depth. He definitely had the creepy, evil factor down but maybe a little more talking and fleshing out the character. Although I got the impression that he would be back later in the season or another season. Maybe that's just me?


I've read a lot of reviews on Sombra's character, and with the role he was given in the episode, background and lines weren't really apart of the equation from the beginning. Sombra was painted to be the dark and ominous consequence for if Twilight were to fail in her 'test' to bring the Crystal Empire and it's inhabitants back to their former glory. Ergo, the episode didn't focus on him, like how the episodes for Discord and Chrysalis did :3 He's really a Sauron-esque villain.


That said, there's been heavy hints that he will return later this season, and there's no doubt him getting more lines and exposure in another episode would do nothing but help him as villain. Personally, he's my second favorite next to Discord, even now.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 1


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I vote goes on Queen Chrysalis as best pony (insect) villain, I just think she has the best design compared to other villains (NMM had a pretty cool character design also). Although I agree Discord was the most sinister and no doubt the most amusing out of the lot (and also being voice acted by John DLancie who did a brilliant job at it also) my vote stays as the overgrown roach being the best villain.


~War is based on Deception_

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I've read a lot of reviews on Sombra's character, and with the role he was given in the episode, background and lines weren't really apart of the equation from the beginning. Sombra was painted to be the dark and ominous consequence for if Twilight were to fail in her 'test' to bring the Crystal Empire and it's inhabitants back to their former glory. Ergo, the episode didn't focus on him, like how the episodes for Discord and Chrysalis did :3 He's really a Sauren-esque villain.



Oh wow that's actually a really cool idea! But I really hope they do bring him back because he does have the makings to be a great villain, maybe even a re occurring one.

  • Brohoof 1

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Even though his "reign of terror" was short-lived, I found it pretty cool and evil(ish). I mean, if Fluttershy didn't go and stop it, it would've pretty much killed four ponies and a chicken. I don't think the other villains were as big of a threat as Cockatrice.


Plus, he has a chicken head. :P

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  • 1 year later...

I was interested on who the brony fandom thought was the most maniacal, evil, backstabbing, villain. So I made  this poll though there are probably several others just like it. Make your choice and please explain why you think that villain was the best. Keep the arguments/discussions clean please. Try and make good points too, I personally think Sombra was the best.


For one, Sombra had ruled an empire and enslaved all the ponies in it.  That in itself is a great evil feat. Even his weakened form had a great amount of power and he nearly won back his evil throne. I don't think he got enough air time though. He would've made a much better villain if he spanned across several episodes, in my opinion. I mean, I think he would have a whole lot more evil powers up his metaphorical sleeves. Also he looked the coolest out of all the villains, again my opinion. He was the definition of evil warlord in appearance.

Edited by The Shadow Stallion
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