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gaming [Gaming] The Team Fortress 2 Thread

Ron Jeremy

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And then valve goes and does this... -.-"


Didn't really pay attention to that update until I watched through the video. I don't partake in duels or even purchase map stamps. But it sounds like Valve is milking some extra cash with that crap.


I miss the time when everything was simple and when there were no hats, at all...

  • Brohoof 1


"Look upon me, Equestria, for I am Rarity!"

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Well, nopony is forced to buy any gifts/dueling minigames/map stamps.


If you ask me it's kind of interesting! Not that I would do it myself. =)

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Well, nopony is forced to buy any gifts/dueling minigames/map stamps.


If you ask me it's kind of interesting! Not that I would do it myself. =)


Well I'm not exactly bashing them on the creativity of it, I mean the dualing one is the only on I'd ever go for since it's drop-able.

But it's just the fact that they're milking TF2 for everything it's worth it make it feel like that they're slowly giving up on it, even when there's a HUGE fan based community that have many ideas to contribute to the game and a lot of it feels like it's getting ignored.

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you can't be serious.. WTF Valve?!?

I mean, the hats are cool and all, but losing them after having them for 24 hours..


  • Brohoof 1

[indent=11][color=#800080][font='trebuchet ms']And Sombra is the best villain.[/font][/color][/indent]

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you can't be serious.. WTF Valve?!?

I mean, the hats are cool and all, but losing them after having them for 24 hours..



Exactly! I mean I could understand if it were for a month, hell even for a week but mass player appeal, but only one day and 1 player each?! This is low... almost as low as the Mann-economy update. :/
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah so i started playing tf2 again.

Someone gifted me a strange backscratcher, does somebody want it?

Also i want a Modest Pile of Hats or Towering Pillar, i can pay 1,66 ref :)

"We will, we will rock you" - Kurt Cobain (2003)

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Hey guys, if you don't know, I am a huge TF2 player. I got some nifty tips for you.


1: When Rocket Jumping as Soldier or Sticky Jumping as a Demoman don't press W in mid-air. This will cause you to lose momentum, and you will go shorter than you usually would want to go, instead press A and the move your view to the left, or press D and move your cursor to the right. This technique is known as air-strafing, and it makes it easier to shoot from the sky with your rockets and pipe-bombs.


2: As a Pyro, you rely on your secondary to finish enemies off. Spray the enemy with fire, then shoot him with your shotgun. If you are a Flare user, airblast him into the air (you airblast by pressing M2, in case you go W+M1 24/7) Flares always crit enemies on fire, making your enemy dead in seconds.


3: If you're a Medic you will want to heal that big, beefy Heavy there, but hold on! Contrary to popular belief, Heavies are NOT the most useful Medic buddies. Their big heads and large backs make them easy prey for a Sniper or Spy, and they are usually focused on the battlefield more than you. I go after Soldiers and Demomen, do to their large damage outputs (Heavies have low Damage, their minigun damage stacks over time) they are quite well to pair with your medigun. A good patient will always keep an eye out for you, and Soldiers have something heavies don't, crockets. Once you charge a Soldier with the Kritz, it's all over for the other team. Demomen also demolish teams with their crit stickies and 'nades, that have a large explosion radius. Bottom Line: Soldiers and Demomen are amazing Medic buddies, I get more points when I pocket them instead of a Heavy.


I officialy can say i quit TF2.

Makes me angry, i can't have fun with it anymore.

Community making items and weapons ruins the game, if we are talking about hats and accesories then i see no problem with it.




Also this, Scout is a good class, but Pyro isn't, and it's getting full of pyros with this crap:


Posted Image


Since that came out, Pyro's have been more OP.

"People who don't use degreaser with pyro are noobs" Quote by a player in a server (i won't tell his name).

That means people who used backburner before the game became f2p are noobs... interesting.

The only big success i could take in this game was The El Jefe, nothing more than that.

When i had 2 genuines hats, 3 or 4 hats, and some stranges, i had 2,33 ref, about to buy a Nice Winter Crate Key, no success so i wanted to try next day. Next day i got hacked.

Reclaimed items back, Valve answered the items were deleted from the database.

Started again, got hacked again, but this time i got my items back and i got my El Jefe.

But this is how the community is, lots of hackers and people who want to ruin your gameplay, so that's why i am quitting, i want to have fun once again, playing something else and not trying everyday to sharp my skills when it's full of idiotic people. Call me a noob or whatever you want, i will not care.

I will give all of my items to Platinum Rook.


First off, that Degreaser is the best Flamethrower there is, I'd take awesome weapon combos over afterburn damage please. It actually discourages W+M1.

The Backburner was a horrible, convoluted mess back in the day, look at its stats back before the Hatless update in 2011: +50 Health (Raising his Demoman-like health to above Soldier-like health)

No Airblast (Valve made this to make it a more "agressive" style of the Flamethrower, a.k.a W+M1)

+15 Damage (It was like a Minigun that spewed Fire)


The Backburner made the Pyro a walking Soldier/Heavy hybrid that walked fast, and lit shit on fire.


Anyways, my side of the argument, sorry if I sounded rude.

Edited by Street Comedy
  • Brohoof 2

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Hey guys, if you don't know, I am a huge TF2 player. I got some nifty tips for you.


1: When Rocket Jumping as Soldier or Sticky Jumping as a Demoman don't press W in mid-air. This will cause you to lose momentum, and you will go shorter than you usually would want to go, instead press A and the move your view to the left, or press D and move your cursor to the right. This technique is known as air-strafing, and it makes it easier to shoot from the sky with your rockets and pipe-bombs.


2: As a Pyro, you rely on your secondary to finish enemies off. Spray the enemy with fire, then shoot him with your shotgun. If you are a Flare user, airblast him into the air (you airblast by pressing M2, in case you go W+M1 24/7) Flares always crit enemies on fire, making your enemy dead in seconds.


3: If you're a Medic you will want to heal that big, beefy Heavy there, but hold on! Contrary to popular belief, Heavies are NOT the most useful Medic buddies. Their big heads and large backs make them easy prey for a Sniper or Spy, and they are usually focused on the battlefield more than you. I go after Soldiers and Demomen, do to their large damage outputs (Heavies have low Damage, their minigun damage stacks over time) they are quite well to pair with your medigun. A good patient will always keep an eye out for you, and Soldiers have something heavies don't, crockets. Once you charge a Soldier with the Kritz, it's all over for the other team. Demomen also demolish teams with their crit stickies and 'nades, that have a large explosion radius. Bottom Line: Soldiers and Demomen are amazing Medic buddies, I get more points when I pocket them instead of a Heavy.


First off, that Degreaser is the best Flamethrower there is, I'd take awesome weapon combos over afterburn damage please. It actually discourages W+M1.

The Backburner was a horrible, convoluted mess back in the day, look at its stats back before the Hatless update in 2011: +50 Health (Raising his Demoman-like health to above Soldier-like health)

No Airblast (Valve made this to make it a more "agressive" style of the Flamethrower, a.k.a W+M1)

+15 Damage (It was like a Minigun that spewed Fire)


The Backburner made the Pyro a walking Soldier/Heavy hybrid that walked fast, and lit shit on fire.


Anyways, my side of the argument, sorry if I sounded rude.


I certainly did not get offended! In fact, i think i learned from my own mistakes.

Degreaser is a very good flamethrower, i started playing TF2 again like 2 weeks ago, i have a degreaser now and trying to practice with it.

I still like Backburner though, but i don't have it and i don't use it, Backburner was made originally for ambushes, but Degreaser took this place, airblasting and fast changing weapon is a fast kill and it's more tactic.

So don't worry, you have a point and im agreed with it!


Thanks for reminding me of editing that post!

Edited by The Baritone Milkman

"We will, we will rock you" - Kurt Cobain (2003)

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I got to play TF2 earlier, with around twelve people on the server. Was a blast. <3


Also, got this drop.


My latest hat/misc. acquisitions have been, excluding things given to me/etc: Random hat crafted a Whiskered Gentleman, then a couple days later a Sight for Sore Eyes drop. Then a couple weeks after that a Pyromancer's mask. And then, now, this. A Respectless Rubber Glove.


I'm getting a feeling that the universe wants me to main Pyro.


Anyway, I'm happy to see how tightly-knit our little community has gotten in the TF2 department. Anyway, still willing to trade for these things: a NOTHING and a NOTHING. I want to craft a NOTHING and a NOTHING for my collection, and these are what I need.


EDIT: Nothing more needed at the moment. Thanks Chigens. <3

Edited by King K. Roop
  • Brohoof 1
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I got the Honcho's Headgear as a drop a few days ago, followed by a trade for the Fancy Dress Uniform and a Strange Rocket Launcher.


Life is good as a Soldier.

  • Brohoof 2


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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It's funny when a soldier keeps firing rockets at you even when you airblast all of them and they end up killing their teammates. :D

[indent=11][color=#800080][font='trebuchet ms']And Sombra is the best villain.[/font][/color][/indent]

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I certainly did not get offended! In fact, i think i learned from my own mistakes.

Degreaser is a very good flamethrower, i started playing TF2 again like 2 weeks ago, i have a degreaser now and trying to practice with it.

I still like Backburner though, but i don't have it and i don't use it, Backburner was made originally for ambushes, but Degreaser took this place, airblasting and fast changing weapon is a fast kill and it's more tactic.

So don't worry, you have a point and im agreed with it!


Thanks for reminding me of editing that post!


It depends on the situation, my friend!

The degreaser allows for the powerful puff n' sting, but the ambush power on the backburner remains alive.

A good example is the enemy team pushing the bombwagon. Backburner litterally has the ability to steamroll the mercenaries pushing it. ^^

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It's funny when a soldier keeps firing rockets at you even when you airblast all of them and they end up killing their teammates. :D


A good Soldier would blast him with his shotgun after the first airblast.


He would also aim at the feet so the Pyro wouldn't escape any damage.

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^ Nice!

And a little freshup on the first post wouldn't be too bad. =)


:lol: Go look. I did it already yesterday.


(Also, it seems someone else edited it since)

Edited by King K. Roop
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New update.



Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released

April 17, 2012 - TF2 Team


Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)

  • Fixed server crash exploit related to audio buffer overruns
  • Fixed server crash caused by using changelevel2
  • Updated console logging system to minimize opening and closing of files, greatly improving performance under certain conditions
  • Additional improvements for client/server stability
Team Fortress 2
  • Added the Texas Half-Pants and the Bolt Action Blitzer
  • Updated the Teufort Tooth Kicker so it can also be equipped by the Engineer
  • Updated the Scrap Pack so it can now be crafted, gift-wrapped, and traded
  • Updated the Short Circuit

    • Fixed projectiles not being cleared if they were blocked by buildings or other projectiles
    • Fixed not incrementing the "How the Pests Was Gunned" achievement for destroyed stickies
  • Fixed being able to place buildings in nobuild zones
  • Fixed Red team Pyros being able to grief teammates by attacking them with the flamethrower and then switching to team Spectator during the attack
  • Added the ability to remove Strange parts via the Restore button in the backpack
  • Added the ability to reset scores on Strange items via the Restore button in the backpack
  • Crates now display their series number in the backpack view
  • Added new "tf_hud_no_crosshair_on_scope_zoom" to the Advanced Options menu
  • Fixed using the "inspect" command to Spy-check teammates
  • Fixed the Bazaar Bargain increasing its head count while shooting at ÜberCharged enemies
  • Fixed defense buffs reducing crush and telefrag damage
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Medics to reduce the health of heal targets if the target had earned more health than their normally allowed max overheal
  • The Cozy Camper’s description now correctly reflects the actual speed reduction while scoped and is now applied correctly when using the Huntsman (speed for the other rifles remains unchanged)
  • Add the object entindex to the object_deflected game event
  • 本地化檔案已更新



Nerfs, miscellaneous changes, a new accessory and a promotional hat (Bolt Action Blitzer) for some F2P game. I suggest people not download the game (World of Crimecraft or something). I've been hearing various reports from various sources about it putting harmful files on your computer when you install it.


It's ugly anyway. :P

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Update broke my hud :(

[indent=11][color=#800080][font='trebuchet ms']And Sombra is the best villain.[/font][/color][/indent]

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Alright guys, I just acquired over 100 regular weapons. So if you need anything I could probably set you up, I got weps for pretty much every class. Also, my Steam ID is Chigens if we are not already acquainted.

My signature broke


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the moment when you aim directly at an enemy's head, pull the trigger and it counts as a bodyshot.. my tf2 adventure today in a nutshell....


I know the feeling..

[indent=11][color=#800080][font='trebuchet ms']And Sombra is the best villain.[/font][/color][/indent]

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New update.






Nerfs, miscellaneous changes, a new accessory and a promotional hat (Bolt Action Blitzer) for some F2P game. I suggest people not download the game (World of Crimecraft or something). I've been hearing various reports from various sources about it putting harmful files on your computer when you install it.


It's ugly anyway. :P


I played it before it was hooked with TF2 for free stuff, it is not very fun. :/

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