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gaming [Gaming] The Team Fortress 2 Thread

Ron Jeremy

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AAAAUGH, goddamn players who keep going scout in MvM WHEN WE DON'T NEED ONE. I'm sorry, I'm sick and tired of running into this. I really think that this game needs class limits as a default option, people are not paying attention to the class roster when they first join the server and don't consider the situation the team is in. Stacking all those crappy classes leads to nothing but disaster.


Words of advice: don't be an ass to your fellow players unless they refuse to listen to reason. Don't take so long to hit F4 when everyone else has. Stick to the class you start as and only switch to a class that could improve the situation in the next wave (eg. one guy could switch to spy on waves with Steel Gauntlets to make them easier to manage). Don't force anyone to change their strategy unless they're interfering with their teammates (eg. building next to other engies, screwing around away from the battlefield). Help them learn from their mistakes, don't be a complete know-it-all and boss people around. If they can't get the hint, then votekick them out.


If you're gonna be a gigantic douchebag, do it with other people who are willing to play along, aka PEOPLE ON YOUR FRIENDS LIST.


Oh, and one more thing: never roleplay in a public server. People are there to kill bots and enjoy themselves, not get roped into a "story" and have one player refuse to play properly unless the others advance it. Somebody thought it was a good idea to RP as Fluttershy and kept bugging us with constant "Do you love me? Do you love me?" and being completely useless. Drove us nuts and got us nowhere. There's a place for roleplaying, and that's a forum. Not a horde mode in an action game. Unless, again, it's with people you know.


I'm sorry, but I hate people that decide to get in the way for no good reason.

  • Brohoof 1


Vector Production ~ Friends: YES | Public Requests: TBD | Commissions: NO

BronyCAN 2016 Head of Publications - Email of PM for questions

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  • 2 weeks later...

AAAAUGH, goddamn players who keep going scout in MvM WHEN WE DON'T NEED ONE. I'm sorry, I'm sick and tired of running into this. I really think that this game needs class limits as a default option, people are not paying attention to the class roster when they first join the server and don't consider the situation the team is in. Stacking all those crappy classes leads to nothing but disaster.


Words of advice: don't be an ass to your fellow players unless they refuse to listen to reason. Don't take so long to hit F4 when everyone else has. Stick to the class you start as and only switch to a class that could improve the situation in the next wave (eg. one guy could switch to spy on waves with Steel Gauntlets to make them easier to manage). Don't force anyone to change their strategy unless they're interfering with their teammates (eg. building next to other engies, screwing around away from the battlefield). Help them learn from their mistakes, don't be a complete know-it-all and boss people around. If they can't get the hint, then votekick them out.


If you're gonna be a gigantic douchebag, do it with other people who are willing to play along, aka PEOPLE ON YOUR FRIENDS LIST.


Oh, and one more thing: never roleplay in a public server. People are there to kill bots and enjoy themselves, not get roped into a "story" and have one player refuse to play properly unless the others advance it. Somebody thought it was a good idea to RP as Fluttershy and kept bugging us with constant "Do you love me? Do you love me?" and being completely useless. Drove us nuts and got us nowhere. There's a place for roleplaying, and that's a forum. Not a horde mode in an action game. Unless, again, it's with people you know.


I'm sorry, but I hate people that decide to get in the way for no good reason.

calm down man, you're getting overly worked up over a simple game. Also, I've done a decent  amount of the mann up tours and if there's one mistake you can make its underestimating the usefulness of a scout. Also, everybody in mvm pubs will be assholes, you need to start an mvm team, or play on expert mann up tours where the players are generally a bit more experienced.



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Mad milk:

The lifesaver.

Cow Mangler 9000+ The bison:



With these guns you get INFINITE AMMO.



And the CowMang, fires a shot that wrecks everything!

A single charge shot can ruin your fucking day if your on the other end.

Engineers buildings get disabled.

The hit causes a minicrit.

You light the people you hit on fucking fire.

Its deadly.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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First it was this...




And now they've gone and done this. Welp, better watch yourselves out there, ladies and gents. Anti-bronyism will be in full throttle this Scream Fortress.


(btw, the Engie and Scout got the best lines.)

  • Brohoof 1


Vector Production ~ Friends: YES | Public Requests: TBD | Commissions: NO

BronyCAN 2016 Head of Publications - Email of PM for questions

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First it was this...



And now they've gone and done this. Welp, better watch yourselves out there, ladies and gents. Anti-bronyism will be in full throttle this Scream Fortress.


(btw, the Engie and Scout got the best lines.)


Sheesh, people are actually leaving TF2 because of something this small? It's even a Halloween/full moon restricted item, so they won't even notice it most of the time. I just find this laughable more than anything.


Maybe if this keeps up, the game would be completely free of those obnoxious idiots! Rejoice!

  • Brohoof 1
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Sheesh, people are actually leaving TF2 because of something this small? It's even a Halloween/full moon restricted item, so they won't even notice it most of the time. I just find this laughable more than anything.


Maybe if this keeps up, the game would be completely free of those obnoxious idiots! Rejoice!

Welcome to the Internet, where overreacting to every single small thing is encouraged, rationality is so rare it's like a superpower and people who like something that you don't obviously deserve to die, because how dare they be different than you.


The butthurt over an item restricted to Halloween, though, is both hilarious and ironic. Hilarious because I find it funny that a whole bunch of people are raging over a hat containing references to something they don't like and acting like this completely ruins the game and as if the game is forcing them to wear it, and ironic because they tell us to "grow up" and then as soon as something that resembles MLP appears they get their panties into a knot so hard they have to go absolutely everywhere related to the game and declare "UNINSTALLING RIGHT NOW FUCK YOU VALVE" as if they really matter.


The entitlement of some people startles me at times.

  • Brohoof 3
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Wow, so Valve really DID manage to discover something that would scare game-players. This in a world filled with horror games.


I'm attempting to install the dedicated server again - maybe then I can have more people to play with for this event.

  • Brohoof 2
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First it was this...



And now they've gone and done this. Welp, better watch yourselves out there, ladies and gents. Anti-bronyism will be in full throttle this Scream Fortress.


(btw, the Engie and Scout got the best lines.)

I had to buy it... I couldn't risk it being only available temporarily and missing it, so I went ahead and spent the money on that. I mean, what's the alternative? A single key?


I wish it weren't Halloween only though...

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I'd like to go on a tangent here and say that I FUCKING HATE HELLTOWER. Hightower was by far the worst map I played, but this goes WAY beyond that.


The main problem? Mini-sentries. There are too many spots where minis can be a real pain in the ass. They're easy distractions which lead to easy places to get sniped, piped or crocketed away. And they're so cheap and easy to set up and run for cover, it's by far the worst mechanic on the map.


But try adding pumpkin bombs, skeletons, fireballs, teslas and a goddamn evil eyeball to the mix. What do you get? Absolute chaos for one team, there's just no point in pushing those stupid corpses.


The stupid thing needs to be banned from Halloween event maps, it just sucks the fun out of everything when there's a stupid little aimbot you can't do anything about.


This update has left me very disappointed, all thanks to the WORST map in this game.



You know what? Fuck this game. I've suffered TOO MUCH from this stupid free-to-play model. I've had it up to here with all these people who think they're smarter than anyone else.

  • Brohoof 1


Vector Production ~ Friends: YES | Public Requests: TBD | Commissions: NO

BronyCAN 2016 Head of Publications - Email of PM for questions

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A shame. I've had many a great moment in TF2. I've helped many a F2P become decent at the game. But if you wish to stop playing TF2, that's your choice.


And yeah, minisentries are seriously overpowered. I mean, just look at this.


The worst part is it's true. The minisentry is easy to destroy, but at the same time, easy to die to.


At least, though, your reason given is not the Magical Mercenary. Quitting a game over a cosmetic item that resembles and adds in responses that resemble something you don't like is a reason I will not accept as valid.

Edited by Daring
  • Brohoof 2
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I'd like to go on a tangent here and say that I FUCKING HATE HELLTOWER. Hightower was by far the worst map I played, but this goes WAY beyond that.


I likewise was irritated (albeit only slightly) by the decision to use Hightower as the basis for a holiday-themed map. It's a horrifically boring map dominated by Snipers, Engineer nests, and Rocket Jumper Soldiers going for kills with the Market Gardner. The map design is not at all conducive for teams to concentrate on the objectives, i.e., the carts. I'm mostly dismayed by the fact most every server now is running Helltower. I'd prefer to play other maps, thank you very much; having it shoved down my throat does not make Helltower more fun.


Actually, I only picked up playing TF2 again after three months of not touching the game. I had to reinstall the game due to constant lag issues. It's times like these that TF2 reveals itself to be bloated with content that does more to slow the game down than to enhance the experience. That having been said, I caved in and purchased the Magical Mercenary. I want to kill things as Unicorn Fairy Zombie Heavy.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Even though I usually hate Hightower, I found Helltower a little enjoyable. The magic spells are fun to use once you know what each one does. I mainly played Scout and Spy which I seemed quite good with.


Also, I think they recently nerfed the Gunslinger so it can no longer destroy sappers. At least, that's what I noticed from gameplay.

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...I'm sorry to say I might be one of the ones pushing people out of the game, then. I've obviously been joining in the Helltower matches, and I make heavy use of the mini-sentry. I consider it a very easy-to-use area-denial weapon; misused when the opponent simply decides to take an alternative path, or when someone has a whole team's worth of hurt following them along.


I know it's popular to be a sniper on that map, but I thought that's what made Soldiers, Scouts, and all the highly-mobile classes (plus, the Pyro's flaregun - my favorite counter-sniping weapon ever) so valuable; with all the spells in play too, I'd think it wouldn't really be so easy to sit in one place and headshot people.


Ironically, we get back to rock-paper-scissors mechanics then. Classes like the Scout use their superior mobility, using the whole available arena. The engineer's job is to deny parts of that arena to the Scout; necessitating the use of the heavy bruisers, slow-movers, and indirect-firers, like the Heavy, Medic, and Demoman (or, just a well-placed Spy)


I'd be happy to try a game with whoever's been frustrated lately. I'm often able to give bits of advice without going too far into "criticizing" people. You have to be willing to switch class whenever the situation really dictates for it, but if so, I may be able to point out a few issues in your playstyle. I honestly feel at times that the game involves enough strategy, as opposed to pure skill, that even people without very good twitch-reflexes should be able to do well with enough thought.

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I've noticed on helltower that pretty much everyone is going scout and sitting on the cart. I'm fine with that. I like the new areas you can get to with the spells as sniper, all you need is a high jump spell or a teleport spell and you can set up shop right in cover and out of normal reach, where you can really only get killed by a demo lobbing explosives or when you peek out of cover. The thing is, nobody goes after you. You can sit on top of the building with the full healthkit and take potshots at everyone on the cart and just rack up kills. I find it fun. Plus spying is so much easier because all you have to do is disguise as scout. Nobody even bothers to spycheck you. And with the teleport spell at your disposal, if an enemy sees you? All you need to do is throw a teleport ball behind the enemy, turn around, and get your free kill. And people keep falling for it. The only thing I hate is when it gets to hell because you are pretty much screwed as spy at that point unless you can get to the top of the tower and roll the mini spell so you can fly around and backstab people.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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The spells are really fun, and Helltower removes some of the worst parts of Hightower (most notably, it's now moderately reasonable to spend less than an hour getting your cart through that uphill barn section), but mini sentries really are too good on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I'll give the game a try in the next days but I don't think I'll become a good player. I pretty suck at playing Shooters with mouse and keyboard tough I am a pretty decent MW3 player on PS3 xD

u still play mw3 on the PS3!!!? i thought me and my friend JB were the only ones who still enjoyed playing that game on PS3.

if anyone needs a spy i am your guy, i am pretty good at spy, my friend that has been playing the game for quite some years told me i was better then most the spy's he knows.


"You WILL be heavily judged on how you treat others."

"Opinion is about perspective, peoples who opinions matter to me the most are those who have the ability to understand different perspectives while maintaining their own opinion."

"Projecting your insecurities on other people doesn't solve them, so don't."

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u still play mw3 on the PS3!!!? i thought me and my friend JB were the only ones who still enjoyed playing that game on PS3.if anyone needs a spy i am your guy, i am pretty good at spy, my friend that has been playing the game for quite some years told me i was better then most the spy's he knows.

Spy is honestly an overused champion with Sniper, mostly because some people don't cooperate and switch when they realize they have too much. Only one or two are enough, not five.


I noticed that it's a good idea to use up one bullet in your revolver and reload in disguise mode. Since most Spies go as Sniper, Pyro, Spy, or Engineer (if Sentries are unguarded), this can be considered wise if you make your disguise hold a firearm. It doesn't work on non-reloadable weapons, however, like the Flamethrower or Sniper Rifle.


The most bizarre team composition I've seen to date is 9 Scouts, 1 Medic (me), and 2 Engineers. And it was definitely not Scout rushing.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn. High level competitive TF2 is some sickass stuff.

I don't really go around looking for frag videos but I happen to sub to this guy on YouTube so have some Pyro.


Those are some beautiful explosive jumps in the beginning of the video.

[indent=11][color=#800080][font='trebuchet ms']And Sombra is the best villain.[/font][/color][/indent]

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