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C.Discord's Crazy Theory Time: King Sombra, Dark Magic & Luna's Corruption


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I don't like that theory. Firstly because Luna would have no reason to even be interested in dark magic.

Secondly, if dark magic would have such effect on users, I doubt Celestia would allow Twilight to use it


And thirdly and most importantly: It takes away from the Mare in the Moon Tale. To me, the best part of it was the fact that a being as powerful as Luna was brought low by the all too mortal suffering of feeling neglected/unappreciated and Celestia's failure to notice her sisters grief in time. To say "she turned evil because of dark magic" would make the whole story a lot less unique and take away much of the tragedy.


If you believe so ^^ I don't find it particularly hard to believe that Luna would find the magic interesting, and try to understand it better, even believing it to be misunderstood.


The dark magic would only have that effect through long periods of time. I doubt it'd be an immediate thing. Celestia certainly wouldn't want Twilight to start using it periodically like normal magic, no. But like I've said in numerous posts now, being the element of magic, she's got to learn it eventually. Plus, being the book worm she is, Celestia might also reason Twilight might try and look into it herself, which would be a disaster without professional help to guide her. She's already used it twice; might as well just take a single twenty minute lesson to get the basics down so that she doesn't accidentally hurt herself or others for the next time she uses it in her life, no matter how long or short of a time that might be.


It wouldn't be 'she turned evil because of dark magic'. She would have been emotionally suffering already, like I said; the dark magic simply would have taken that emotional trauma, and turned it physical, actually transforming her.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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I think the black magic stuff is "evil" and could have turned luna "evil" but if that happend celestia would know.... and proably would be careful to use it and warn twilight (no matter how trolly she is) and I dont see twilight going "evil" with it luna did but in ways twilight is stronger shes proably more capable of using it and celestia proably doesnt use it much if anyone I think trixe or maybe ratity or sweetie belle ( if shes earning magic these season) would but scince they dont have there cuite mark as magic it would be proably very hard to learn..... or impossible but maybe "twilight true destiny" annouced in one of those commercials is that shes some type of black magic prophecy I think I saw black colored magical mist swirling around heror was it greeb or dark purple :P

Pinkie Pie : "And that's how Equestria was made!"

Pinkie Pie : "who turned off the moon? dont go near that cake theif! stop theif! oh are you ok theif"?

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  • 6 months later...

This theory sort of bumbled out when I was talking with Nascarfan in Skype chat about something a bit similar in relation. But it hit me...


One thousand years go, Celestia and Luna overthrew King Sombra, who had taken over the Crystal Empire. King Sombra was a master in the arts of dark magic; the black, purple and bubbly green magic that we've seen him use, as well as Celestia and Twilight demonstrate in the season three premiere.


We also know that one thousand years ago, Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, fought with Celestia over the moon's eternal place in the sky, and got banished.


What if Luna began to look into dark magic after encountering and defeating King Sombra with her sister? What if the studying and use of the dark magic began to subtly eat away at her psyche, altering her personality for the worst? What if it was this extended use of dark magic that lead to Luna's heart becoming filled with jealousy towards her sister, and ultimately lead to Luna turning into Nightmare Moon?


Bare with me.


Luna was probably already harboring envy for her sister, there's no doubt about that. But if she started screwing around with dark magic, it may have pushed her beyond the tipping point, which could have resulted in Nightmare Moon developing. Dark magic would have probably enticed her, since she's all about the darkness as well and, let's face it, being a bit naive, especially back then, she might have thought the magic was just 'misunderstood'. Young and fairly innocent, her mind may have been heavily influenced by the negative magic's effects, and before you know it, boom, Nightmare Moon: A seed of envy, blossoming forth due to black magic.


This is an interesting theory, but I disagree with it. I'm not saying you're wrong, since this is all just speculation anyway, I just have a different idea. 


To me, where the difficulty arises is in defining what does or does not constitute as dark magic. Luna's magic, when she was an antagonist, seemed to usually be transmitted through her mane. While this is different from how the other characters used magic, it does not have the same distinctive appearance that Sombra's does. Chrysalis's did not look distinctive at all, save for her magic taking on the color green which had not yet appeared in the show, unless I am mistaken. Discord's magic is the most unique, since he does not need a horn at all, and it can alter reality. 


Sombra's magic seems to take on a form that is distinctive from that of all of the other antagonists. At least among unicorns and alicorns, the appearance of performed magic seems to reflect the inner state of their spirit. If a scale were constructed, Princess Celestia would be toward the far end of the good side, and King Sombra to the bad. His magic seems to be a direct manifestation of spiritual darkness, fueled by hatred. 


None of the other antagonists would be as far down the scale as Sombra. This is not to say that Sombra's magic is the most powerful, I think that Discord's is. But Sombra's is the most evil. Due to its distinctly darker nature than what Luna used when she was an antagonist, I disagree that she used any of his magic. 


However, it is possible that she was influenced by his magic. Perhaps when Celestia and Luna were battling Sombra, he sensed Luna's internal conflict about how ponies were not enjoying her beautiful night, and used that against her. If he had the power to make an entire empire vanish into thin air while he was in the process of being vanquished, I think it would definitely be possible that he could have cast some form of curse on Luna as well. Not necessarily one that controlled her actions, but one that amplified her negative emotions, pushing her toward, but not forcing on her, the choice to become Nightmare Moon.



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However, it is possible that she was influenced by his magic. Perhaps when Celestia and Luna were battling Sombra, he sensed Luna's internal conflict about how ponies were not enjoying her beautiful night, and used that against her. If he had the power to make an entire empire vanish into thin air while he was in the process of being vanquished, I think it would definitely be possible that he could have cast some form of curse on Luna as well. Not necessarily one that controlled her actions, but one that amplified her negative emotions, pushing her toward, but not forcing on her, the choice to become Nightmare Moon.


More or less what I meant, anyway? :P Whether directly used or influenced, that's the entire point, that she did have some sort of impact from Sombra and dark magic.

  • Brohoof 1


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This is a pretty good idea.


I alway thought after the battle with King Sombra, he some how infected Luna with some of his dark powers and that how Luna became evil. The darkens twisted her until she turned into, Nightmare Moon.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Crazy theory, indeed.


I think the dark magic that Sombra used to enslave the Crystal Empire, may have a connection to the dark magic that Luna used when she was Nightmare Moon. Probably, that is how the darkness can twist the mental boundaries and convert you to evil.

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  • 3 months later...

I talk a lot about Luna (lol love her-and i'm going crazy with topics....)

But could there be a connection between Luna/NMM and Sombra? His dark energy?

Could there be a possibility as to Luna's transformation not just being from her own dark powers/hatred?


Come up with a headcanon! (If you want)


(P.s Sombra should've gotten a bit more backstory than the one in the Crystal Empire episode imo)

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Heh, that was quite spontaneous :P


I don't think Sombra had any involvement in Luna's transformation. Remember that when Sombra was taken down for the first time, it was both Celestia and Luna fighting him. By the time Luna had transformed into Nightmare Moon, Sombra would've already been banished.


Still, the book in the intro of the first episode only stated that Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon... they didn't mention if it was of her own accord. ;) Perhaps that could be the basis of a new villain as a nice little twist. 

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Heh, that was quite spontaneous :P


I don't think Sombra had any involvement in Luna's transformation. Remember that when Sombra was taken down for the first time, it was both Celestia and Luna fighting him. By the time Luna had transformed into Nightmare Moon, Sombra would've already been banished.


Still, the book in the intro of the first episode only stated that Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon... they didn't mention if it was of her own accord. ;) Perhaps that could be the basis of a new villain as a nice little twist.


My theory was that before Sombra got locked away, he could have put dark energy in Luna which festered into NMM when she became hateful toward Celestia.

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My theory was that before Sombra got locked away, he could have put dark energy in Luna which festered into NMM when she became hateful toward Celestia.


I would imagine him to have used the last of his energy banishing the Crystal Empire. It disappeared for a thousand years, that would take an awful lot of magic. But I see where you're coming from - kind of like those crystals slowly turning dark from the chunk of his horn, right? And in that case maybe it was so small nobody really noticed. Still, Luna's grounds for turning into Nightmare Moon were pretty solid... I'd hate to see my proud ol' moon ignored by all the sleeping ponies :)

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Actually, there is a connection between the three. If Sombra had involvement with Luna becoming Nightmare Moon, he would have be able to use his dark energy to control Nightmare Moon but, he was already imprisoned after Celestia and Luna defeated him. If Sombra wasn't defeated, he could possibly influence Luna to have enough hatred to become Nightmare Moon.

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everything has a dark side, no matter how nice you are, possibly luna  kept her power hidden from celestia, i dont think sombra  is connected to luna nmm, however in luna eclipsed, she could turn into nightmare moon, so who knows

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Theory: Luna's corruption was orchestrated by Discord as a last-resort bit of spite as he was sealed away in stone. He planted the metaphorical seeds of discord (as is his nature) and they just grew from there until she was consumed. This fits with Discord's MO of sowing disharmony. On top of this, the corruption altering her physical form and her all-too-immediate apologies upon reverting to Luna fit with what we see in The Return of Harmony. As I recall, Rainbow Dash also tripped all over herself in apologies after Discord's spell was broken.


I don't see how any of it matches up with Sombra's methods. He doesn't corrupt, he only oppresses.

Edited by Koelath
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Luna was probably already harboring envy for her sister, there's no doubt about that. But if she started screwing around with dark magic, it may have pushed her beyond the tipping point, which could have resulted in Nightmare Moon developing. Dark magic would have probably enticed her, since she's all about the darkness as well and, let's face it, being a bit naive, especially back then, she might have thought the magic was just 'misunderstood'. Young and fairly innocent, her mind may have been heavily influenced by the negative magic's effects, and before you know it, boom, Nightmare Moon: A seed of envy, blossoming forth due to black magic.


I really think you're onto something here! I don't know whether or not this is accepted as canon, but I read the MLP FIM comic series by IDW. Nightmare Moon's concept is further explored in the second set of 4 comic books. There's an ominous magical Darkness that took control of Luna and it makes a return. I encourage you to read it if you get the chance.


There are still many unanswered questions, but you might find the comics helpful in solidifying your theory. If not, I guess there's always Season 4, which we already know will have a little more info about all this.

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I really think you're onto something here! I don't know whether or not this is accepted as canon, but I read the MLP FIM comic series by IDW. Nightmare Moon's concept is further explored in the second set of 4 comic books. There's an ominous magical Darkness that took control of Luna and it makes a return. I encourage you to read it if you get the chance.


There are still many unanswered questions, but you might find the comics helpful in solidifying your theory. If not, I guess there's always Season 4, which we already know will have a little more info about all this.


Generally when it comes to TV series, all non-show elements are non-canon (or a separate canon of their own) unless officially stated otherwise.

Edited by Koelath
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