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Wishing Equestria was Real

Flying Whales

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I think I’m beginning to get to the point with this show where I’m starting to have fantasies of the Mane 6 and all of Equestria being real. I don’t think I’m alone here on this one. It’s just so disappointing that we can’t live in a world so ideal, and innocent. It just makes me kind of sad and a bit cynical. Everyday in Ponyville something exciting happens and everyone is friendly with each other, people help each other out, it's almost a utopia. Plus, my love for the show really makes me wish I can meet these characters, I can connect with all of them and feel as if they are friends of mine.


With all of that said if any of you feel the same way how do you deal with it? Because right now it kind of stinks, I’d love to live in Ponyville and bake a cake with Pinkie Pie or buck some apples with AppleJack, hell, I’d even go shopping with Rarity or something. The show is just so amazing. It sucks none of it can be real. :(

  • Brohoof 54


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Seriously though, Living in equestria would be awesome. I know exactly how you feel.


I'm not delusional or anything, it's not like I let it get to me, but it would be kind of cool to live there.

  • Brohoof 7



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It would be nice. I mean that's why there's roleplaying. :) But it sucks when you can't think up a good story and character upright. :(


I really like how innocent and safe Equestria is like. In our hearts this kind of world is most congeal to us. You know how dogs are always happy and cheerful? They have a similar attitude like that of Equestrians. I think the closest you can get to these ponies is to have a pet dog.

  • Brohoof 4


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Oh, hey, what a coincidence. I actually just created a topic that discusses a "what if" scenario with the discovery of Equestria.


I'm not gonna lie. I sort of wish Equestria was real, too. Sure, I like my life on Earth (ok, I might be lying just a bit there), but Equestria's just . . . appealing. The bright, cheerful attitude that permeates the Equestrian atmosphere is infinitely more attractive than the cold, grim world of reality. Yeah, we've seen instances of dickery in Equestria, but can those really compare to the amount we see in our world?


And just how many real people are as kind and sincere as those in the Mane 6? Maybe I'm meeting the wrong people, but I haven't seen many.


The ponies in MLP are pure. They're uncorrupted by our world. That's what makes them so great. In our world, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Pinkie would be outcasts; Rarity would be greedy; Rainbow Dash would be labeled homosexual; Applejack would be ruined by people who make Flim and Flam look like saints. They would all be taken advantage of.


I've fantasized about being in Equestria before. I've imagined myself hanging out with the Mane 6. I've always wanted to have intellectual discussions with Twilight Sparkle (though she would definitely be the smarter one).


But at the end of the day, I know that it can't happen. Wanting it won't make it real. It's depressing, but I force myself to accept that my life is here, not there.

  • Brohoof 7
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Really... I know its real, I've been in and out of their world for almost a year now. Sure there's a slight time difference but I told Celestia it can't be helped -some kinda magic default or something- I've done well for myself since I've been there, becoming the 7th element of harmony was a great feat, the element of love... Something no pony can take away from me.


There is more to my story but Rainbow calls so...

  • Brohoof 2

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I won't lie, sometimes I wish the same thing too. Equestria seems like a pretty awesome place to live. How do I deal with it? Quite simple, really. I acknowledge the fact that even if by some chance there was an alternate dimension where Equestria exists... there is nothing I can do to get there. But what I can do is take the message of the show itself and live by it, and I find contentment in that.


I remember hearing this theory once that the ideas we come up with when we create fictional worlds are based on worlds in a parallel dimension or something on the lines of that. Granted, there really is no evidence to support a theory like that so take from that what you will.

Edited by Hawk
  • Brohoof 6
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Yeah actually after you see all the episodes and you see how great the serial is everyone want equestria to be real.I sometimes would really like to apple buck but in this life its not posible...:(

PS:sorry if my post disappoints any pony

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I mean, Equestria seems like an awesome place to live, it's everypony's dream to live there. I mean, it seems so innocent and better than reality :') plus the thought of meeting everypony in PonyVille would be epic.

Edited by MidnightInferno


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I'd love it to be real and wish it was. But if it were I'd make my main priority making sure humans never step foot in there, because lets be honest if even one dishonest person got in the whole world could easily go to pot.

  • Brohoof 3

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Sure anything beats this old worthless rock! (Ha just kidding)


Anyway i do wish there was a real Equestria then we could see all our favorite ponies because lets face it the whole reasone we're even posting on this forum is because we love'em!

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Can't say that I blame you Whales. Our world, while it does have plenty of great things, kind of sucks in comparison to Equestria. And man, I've always wished that animated characters were really real, especially all of our beloved ponies. This world could be a far better and more fun place to live in if they lived in our reality.

  • Brohoof 2
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It's not the first time you've echoed my own feelings, Flying Whales. I'd go to Equestria in a second, at least on a bad day. But I've seen a few other alternate worlds in shows and games that I also loved, so I've been around that block a few times. After a while I decided that the separation of the real world and this fictional one is what makes the whole thing special in the first place. If we lived in Equestria we'd be used to it and then we might yearn for something else. I also worry for the future of the place if a non-brony were to get in, so I guess it's just as well that no one can go there. -_-

Edited by TailsAlone
  • Brohoof 1

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i keep believing that the mane 6 have somehow found their way into our dimension, and search for a human to help them (me). and after a year, their powers make us famous, get a mansion in the counrtyside with over 6 acres of space. and then finally, after 3 years of the mane 6 arriving at my doorstep, i go to equestria with them and become etrnally happy.


and second, the episodes are once a week, so i'd say something exiting happens every week.

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I have always had fantasies about Equestria. I have fantasies about many things. But whos to say it aint actually real? Well, maybe not in this reality but what if it was real somewhere else. Like someother universe. I know crazy. But one of my many theories of the universe is that we are not the only universe. In Fact i think there millions if not an infinite number of dimensions or universes. Literally anything can be real in some other reality, in someother world. Equestria could be out there. Somewhere.


I remember hearing this theory once that the ideas we come up with when we create fictional worlds are based on worlds in a parallel dimension or something on the lines of that. Granted, there really is no evidence to support a theory like that so take from that what you will.


That is simlar to what i think. Instead the worlds we come up with can be or are parellel dimensions or entire universes. Since there can be pratically an infinte number of worlds, anyone of the ones we think can be real. In fact perhaps our minds are somehow linked up with these worlds. Perhaps when we dream our concious travels to one of these worlds. Ok by now i'm soundin' like a loon i bet. I aint gonna delve in any futher this aint no quantum physics topic.


Anyway, i too do wish i could go there. Oh the adventures i can have... ... ... Oh sorry dazed off there. I always fantasize about well, anything really. Its nice to just lay down, relax, and just day dream. Just don't lose touch with this reality heheh. It would be amazing if we could all go there. Its just an amazing appealing world. Who wouldn't want to go there amirite? But, sadly, i don't think we have the technology to do so. But who knows... Maybe one day we can make a TARDIS and travel to Equestria.

  • Brohoof 2
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I mean that's why there's roleplaying.

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However on topic, I feel you. I wish I could go to Equestria and escape all of the hate and greed of this world. I wish I could meet Fluttershy and Spitfire and Princess Celestia and live in happiness forever.

  • Brohoof 2
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Ya, I know how you feel. Id give up my entire life just to have the chance to live in equestria. I think about it sometimes and it makes me sad, Because it all boils down to it just being a show. A idea made from someones mind. Unless that mind saw the real equestria and was sworn to secrecy but could tell their stories claiming its fiction.

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You and me both. I think it would be awesome to live in Equestria, and I have thought about it many times and I always get sad when I realize that it'll never happen :(

Check me out! No, seriously, check me out.

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Yeah, you know if you believe in the theory that there are an infinite number of universes for an infinite number of possibilities then the Equestria we know and love does exist.


It’s not that my life is so bad because it’s just fine. I have nothing to complain about but man, our world just seems so dull, and bland in comparison to Equestria. At least I’m not the only out there. Maybe I too have met the wrong people but things right now are just so gray to me.


Maybe I just need a girlfriend. :P

Edited by Flying Whales


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I had never really thought about it, but yeah. I guess it would be kinda nice if Equestria and Ponyville were actual places. Life would be easier, that's for sure.



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I occasionally have dreams that take place in equestria. They are very neat and they are consistent -- meaning that actions taken in one dream affect the next one there. As for getting there someway physically -- that is a much harder thing. Even if you could convince Celestia to try to summon you it might not work. My thoughts are that something would have to happen on both sides, and that would be very difficult to pull off with the amount of magic to work with here.


As for people saying life would be easier there -- remove the rose colored glasses. I think a significant majority of bronies would be wishing for a way back after just a month of being there.

Edited by silvadel
  • Brohoof 1

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Not a day goes by without me dreaming to live in Equestria.

Its just a wonderful place full of adventure fun friends and no hate... well I guess there is Chrysalis and all the other evil ponies but the elements of harmony can take care of that.

Basically what im saying is yes... I have always wanted to live in Equestria.

  • Brohoof 6

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Seriously though, Living in equestria would be awesome. I know exactly how you feel.


I'm not delusional or anything, it's not like I let it get to me, but it would be kind of cool to live there.


Well, you took the meme right out of my...eh, internet browser? Anyways, I completely agree, I'd love to go to Equestria. Also, is it bad to write fanfics about that? I'm secretly working on one. Another is a PoE (Ponies on Earth) fic.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, you took the meme right out of my...eh, internet browser? Anyways, I completely agree, I'd love to go to Equestria. Also, is it bad to write fanfics about that? I'm secretly working on one. Another is a PoE (Ponies on Earth) fic.


Pff what’s wrong with that? We all have our own fantasies. Writing about something you’d like to experience isn’t weird at all. You don’t need to be secretive about that. :)


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Also, is it bad to write fanfics about that? I'm secretly working on one. Another is a PoE (Ponies on Earth) fic.


Of course not! (You read mine, didn't you? :P)


As for the "what if" scenario, I struggle with this choice (in a good way!) almost every day. For some, it's as simple as YES I WOULD GO AT A MOMENT'S NOTICE. For me, this scenario would most likely tear my psyche apart until I was left with nothing.


If I had the chance, could I really go, knowing that whatever I do, whatever I say, and whatever I touch would be altered permanently? If their timeline was meant to exist separate from ours, anything I do would be potentially change the course of time - for better or for worse. For example, what if one of the Mane Six were supposed to get married, but my intervention somehow prevented that? I would rather stand back and let time play out as it was meant to be. (Albeit tearfully. :()


And coming from a world seeped in blood, violence, and the dark hearts of men, could I actually hold conversations without accidentally introducing foreign concepts to them? Watching what you say and how you say it 24/7 would be a challenge. I shudder to think of what would happen to the structure of Equestrian society should Celestia or Luna have the power to read minds, as I know I've seen my fair share of evil in the world. I'm sure the Royal Sisters have seen battles, exile, lies, etc., but they're nothing on the scale of what we as humans do.


In the end, I think I would grasp the opportunity. Half of me says that the choice is out of selfish ambitions, but the other half rationalizes it, since whatever my choice ends up being, is how the overarching power of the universe deemed it to happen.


Besides, if that future wintery evening comes when I'm able to recline on a couch near a fireplace, have a pony jump up into my lap, touch her silky soft fur, feel her radiant warmth, and hold her close...I think I would risk my life for that.

  • Brohoof 2
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