Z Star 189 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 I have recently decided to become a vegetarian. I have a lot learn about it, and I hope I can really do this! First, I'm just starting off by cutting out ALL meats from my diet and replacing them with other protein sources, and I am also going to try to cut out all pops and try to eat better in general. I have decided to cut out meat "cold turkey" if you will. Haha. Please, let me know if you are a vegetarian! Maybe post some pointers and some helpful info. And if you are considering it, please, research it a LOT (read food labels!) and decide if it's the right lifestyle for you! Even though you are only one person, that's all it takes to make a difference. Not only am I doing it for the animals, I am doing it for my health. I have heard that it can make your body feel so much better. I mean, really, fast food is just soooo terrible for me! I am going to be looking so forward to making this change! 6 I love love love Pinkie Pie! But every pony rules! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nixter 180 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 Meat isn't exactly bad for you, but not eating it does make one less dense, if you will. Due to me having like no willpower at all, I couldn't dare to be a vegetarian, as I see no benefit from it, so being a vegetarian does make one stronger in the mind, which is quite good. However I do try to practice being a vegetarian for maybe a day at a time to just practice my resist to urges, but never would I take out meat from my life, as it is too tasty and important! I cannot help it, I love eating dead animals! But you taking on this task is a very tough task indeed, should you have been eating meat a lot prior. But not eating meat would make you feel a lot less heavy and grounded, just make sure you have enough protein, you could very well pass out and feel malnourished and awful... Don't let that happen! 1 Don't Punch! Stab. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Party Cannon 876 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 Any kind of extreme living is not something I'd recommend. Eating only meat or none at all is a bad idea. There are a lot of normal healthy vegetarians though, yet I recommend against it mostly for versatility reasons. You go to a friend's house, and they only have chicken tacos, eat them. If you go to another friend's house and they only have salad, eat it. Humanity dominates based on their ability to adapt. Don't limit yourself. It's counter-intuitive to basic human instinct. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuillermoGage 246 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 (edited) I have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for the past twelve years; over half of my life. I am rather apathetic about your cause. And I thought this thread would be about the ponies being herbivores. Edited November 18, 2012 by GuillermoGage 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gekoncze 327 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 I am vegetarian too ^^. I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian for about 2 years. If you need some help, you can visit this site: http://www.veggieboards.com/ where you can find a lot of info. Of course you can ask me, but I am still quite new to this. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 I am vegetarian and I don't plan on becoming one any time soon as there are only a few vegetables I actually like and the amount of meats I like is nearly endless, but I respect your decision to become one and wish you the best of luck. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homura Akemi 974 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 Been in the veggies for 3 years. I've always told anyone into it to not give it all up immedailly, but to take small steps. I eliminated red meat first, then white, then fish. Best of luck! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ink 191 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 (edited) eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Edited August 21, 2018 by Ink 4 I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something. Reading the blog below kills more brain cells per minute than smoking: http://health-and-fitness-tips-and-topics.blogspot.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 (edited) Good luck with your malnutrition. You do realise that meat isn't unhealthy because you NEED it to survive? Humans aren't called omnivores for no reason you know. But in the end it's your decision. Also, in the end, Shaoni is right. Generally vegetarians are less healthy because there really is no subtantial protein replacement for red meat. Without stuffing yourself full there's not really another way to get the amount of protein you're supposed to have. And the animals will still be slaughtered. I have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for the past twelve years; over half of my life. I am rather apathetic about your cause. And I thought this thread would be about the ponies being herbivores. Do you mean empathetic or sympathetic? Apathetic means you don't care at all. Which if you're also a vegetarian I'm pretty sure apathy isn't what you feel. Edited November 18, 2012 by Suprememessage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Urdnot 2,680 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRBqJu4xJt8 No bacon? Dang, I couldn't do that lol.A few of my friends are vegetarians, I never quite understood it. I mean, humans evolved as omnivores, we're supposed to eat meat and vegetables. We always have.What happens when you just slam on the brakes and stop eating meat? There's gotta be some kind of biological response. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silverhoof 2,844 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 (edited) My sister and brother in law became kinda sorta vegetarians. The decision was health oriented, all the men in my brother in law's family had died at the age of 45: heart attacks. So they cut out red meat, and all fried foods. chose a healthy diet. But they did feel free to eat fish and poultry. Salty foods are removed as snacks. They eat roasted pinion pine nuts when they watch a movie. Sweets are cut down and are limited to holidays. ---They do feel much better. Now I am a committed omnivore. I like meat. Its healthy and difficult to replace in a vegan diet. Children need meat to grow. I've read where children have been removed from vegan household because they are malnourished. Going vegetarian seems OK for adults but not for kids. Good luck on your decision. I'm with the others here who do not think its wise. I think my sister's radical change of diet can be healthy as it does include some meat. I suggest eating fish at the very least, and cheese. Maybe you could just start by eliminating the junk food and preparing your own meals. Visit a health food store and just investigate. You could have a strong and healthy diet and keep the meat in simple moderation and improve your health 100%. But what ever you decide, please do me one favor. Please embrace diversity and allow other people to live differently from you. Driving around with a "Meat is Murder" bumper sticker just marks you as a weirdo. It's the old, "treat others as you want to be treated" motto. The vegans who view meat eaters as evil are not helping anyone. Edited November 18, 2012 by Silverhoof 1 UNICORN FAN CLUB: http://mlpforums.com/topic/113426-unicorns-are-the-best-ponies-fan-club/ NEW SILVERHOOF http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/new-silverhoof-r4429 Equestrian Physiology 101: http://mlpforums.com...physiology-101/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rolls Royce 606 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 (edited) Serious props to you, I could not live without meat in my life, BBQ is one of my favorite things in the world. My sister was a vegetarian for about a year, but she couldn't resist steak any longer. I wish you the best of luck. Edited November 18, 2012 by Rolls Royce Signature credit to Gone AirbourneXbox Live - Sir Trollestia Steam - Sir_Trollestia Wii U - SirTrollestia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mephala 2,633 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 I've been a vegetarian for quite a while. I can't eat meat because I feel it's unethical, basically *laughs* Also, I find the taste rather disgusting, and in the immortal words of Captain Dipshit "it can't be healthy to eat anything that poops". It's easy for me, and I love it. Not everyone agrees with my views, but that's fine-it's not like I'm some crazy PETA person or anything 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarStep 42 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 Good luck with your malnutrition. You do realise that meat isn't unhealthy because you NEED it to survive? Humans aren't called omnivores for no reason you know. But in the end it's your decision. Also, in the end, Shaoni is right. Generally vegetarians are less healthy because there really is no subtantial protein replacement for red meat. Without stuffing yourself full there's not really another way to get the amount of protein you're supposed to have. And the animals will still be slaughtered. Geeze just because you become a vegetarian doesnt mean you are suddenly malnourished. She wants to take control of her diet so I say good for her. I'd say on average my vegetarian friends are better nutrition wise than most omnivore friends of mine. Yes you should eat healthy as a vegetarian as you should if you eat meat. Also I have to disagree with the argument that you will never get enough protein without eating meat. Most people consume way more protein than their body needs. If you replace your general caloric meat consumption with vegetables than you will be fine. Vegetables generally have close to the same amount of protein per calorie as meat, it's just they are usually lower calorie count per weight. As for the 3 protein strands not found in most veggies you can find in certain kinds of nuts or dairy if you go that route. Anyway at OP this is a good way to force yourself to look at your diet so good luck to you and while some may say that it will not stop the slaughter of some animals enough people stopping will cut down on the raising and slaughtering of them so its a little. Also agree with silverhoof, do not become a person who hates on regular omnivores. This is your decision and as others should not belittle you for choosing to live this way, you should not belittle them. 2 My deviant art, pleasantly plush with pixeled ponies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silverhoof 2,844 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 (edited) One of the main problems with being a vegetarian (as discovered by my sister) was eating out. You just can't find a place with veggie menus. Another problem is family. Eating with family means always bring your own food or having someone go out of their way to accommodate your special needs. Edited November 18, 2012 by Silverhoof UNICORN FAN CLUB: http://mlpforums.com/topic/113426-unicorns-are-the-best-ponies-fan-club/ NEW SILVERHOOF http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/new-silverhoof-r4429 Equestrian Physiology 101: http://mlpforums.com...physiology-101/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 Geeze just because you become a vegetarian doesnt mean you are suddenly malnourished. She wants to take control of her diet so I say good for her. I'd say on average my vegetarian friends are better nutrition wise than most omnivore friends of mine. Yes you should eat healthy as a vegetarian as you should if you eat meat. Also I have to disagree with the argument that you will never get enough protein without eating meat. Most people consume way more protein than their body needs. If you replace your general caloric meat consumption with vegetables than you will be fine. Vegetables generally have close to the same amount of protein per calorie as meat, it's just they are usually lower calorie count per weight. As for the 3 protein strands not found in most veggies you can find in certain kinds of nuts or dairy if you go that route. Anyway at OP this is a good way to force yourself to look at your diet so good luck to you and while some may say that it will not stop the slaughter of some animals enough people stopping will cut down on the raising and slaughtering of them so its a little. Also agree with silverhoof, do not become a person who hates on regular omnivores. This is your decision and as others should not belittle you for choosing to live this way, you should not belittle them. As in, my point still stands. Since the calorie per weight is lower in vegetables. You could eat vegetables until you throw up and still not have enough protein. Because you'd need to eat more of them and if you ate more of them you'd be less healthy so really you only hurt yourself in the end. Geeze just because you become a vegetarian doesnt mean you are suddenly malnourished. She wants to take control of her diet so I say good for her. I'd say on average my vegetarian friends are better nutrition wise than most omnivore friends of mine. Yes you should eat healthy as a vegetarian as you should if you eat meat. Also I have to disagree with the argument that you will never get enough protein without eating meat. Most people consume way more protein than their body needs. If you replace your general caloric meat consumption with vegetables than you will be fine. Vegetables generally have close to the same amount of protein per calorie as meat, it's just they are usually lower calorie count per weight. As for the 3 protein strands not found in most veggies you can find in certain kinds of nuts or dairy if you go that route. Anyway at OP this is a good way to force yourself to look at your diet so good luck to you and while some may say that it will not stop the slaughter of some animals enough people stopping will cut down on the raising and slaughtering of them so its a little. Also agree with silverhoof, do not become a person who hates on regular omnivores. This is your decision and as others should not belittle you for choosing to live this way, you should not belittle them. As in, my point still stands. Since the calorie per weight is lower in vegetables. You could eat vegetables until you throw up and still not have enough protein. Because you'd need to eat more of them and if you ate more of them you'd be less healthy so really you only hurt yourself in the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarStep 42 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 As in, my point still stands. Since the calorie per weight is lower in vegetables. You could eat vegetables until you throw up and still not have enough protein. Because you'd need to eat more of them and if you ate more of them you'd be less healthy so really you only hurt yourself in the end. Oh please. You can get all the protein you need for the day in just a few servings of vegetables. I understand you dont agree with going vegetarian but that's no reason to throw out hyperboles meant to induce fear of it when OP is looking for facts about it. 3 My deviant art, pleasantly plush with pixeled ponies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 Oh please. You can get all the protein you need for the day in just a few servings of vegetables. I understand you dont agree with going vegetarian but that's no reason to throw out hyperboles meant to induce fear of it when OP is looking for facts about it. It was a hyperbole sure, but it's still a fact that omnivores don't need to eat as much as vegetarians to get their daily nutrition. And it's still a big inconvienence at parties and the like. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gekoncze 327 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 (edited) I am quite surprised how many people out there know so little about nutrition. There can be healthy and unhealthy both vegetarian and omnivore diet, you just need to find good sorces of all the needed minerals and StarStep is right - you get much more protein than you need. I am the only vegetarian in my family and we have no problem with it - we cook the same food and when there is meat for lunch, I just cook something for myself. EDIT: and as for the etic part: I know that I cannot return life to the animals, but I can have clear conscience that I don't support slaughtery. Edited November 18, 2012 by Gekoncze 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Circadian 1,273 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 (edited) I have recently decided to become a vegetarian. I have a lot learn about it, and I hope I can really do this! Congrats! You just made one of the healthiest decisions of your life! First, I'm just starting off by cutting out ALL meats from my diet and replacing them with other protein sources, and I am also going to try to cut out all pops and try to eat better in general. People always say that if you don't eat meat you're not getting enough protein, but that's B.S. You can get protein from plenty of other sources like peanut butter, spinach and other leafy greens. Stir fry is your friend. If you want some really easy recipes, feel free to ask. I make it 2-3 times a week. For sure cut out pop. That stuff is like battery acid on your teeth. I have decided to cut out meat "cold turkey" if you will. Haha. The irony of using that phrase is not lost on me. I have heard that it can make your body feel so much better. I mean, really, fast food is just soooo terrible for me! You are so correct. I dropped 25 pounds after going vegetarian, and now my weight has stabilized around 170. (I'm 6' 2") I have loads more energy now too, best decision I ever made. http://www.hulu.com/watch/289122 Fast food is terrible for everyone. You've made a great choice, just make sure you eat a good variety of foods. Try to stay away from frozen or pre-made stuff as much as you can. Go for the fresh produce. Organic isn't really necessary; just make sure you rinse everything off really well first. Good Luck! Edited November 18, 2012 by Circadian Rhythms 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 I could never be a vegetarian. The only vegetables I can stomach are corn, carrots, and occasionally lettuce. I love burgers. True, the world would have a lot more food if we were all vegetarians, but I'm too spoiled to make the transition. Whatever. I have no room to judge. Enjoy your vegetarianism. I think that's the word. My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuillermoGage 246 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 Good luck with your malnutrition. You do realise that meat isn't unhealthy because you NEED it to survive? Humans aren't called omnivores for no reason you know. But in the end it's your decision. Also, in the end, Shaoni is right. Generally vegetarians are less healthy because there really is no subtantial protein replacement for red meat. Without stuffing yourself full there's not really another way to get the amount of protein you're supposed to have. And the animals will still be slaughtered. Do you mean empathetic or sympathetic? Apathetic means you don't care at all. Which if you're also a vegetarian I'm pretty sure apathy isn't what you feel. Nope, I actually do mean that I am apathetic about it. Meh, really I originally became a vegetarian for the typical Lisa Simpson reasons, but I'm no vegan. Meat is actually an expensive luxury for me right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krouton 13 November 19, 2012 Share November 19, 2012 I've been a vegetarian my entire life, and protein has never been a shortage for me. I'd say I'm more physically fit than most people in my country, the US (which maybe isn't saying much). I'm not basing this entirely on my diet of course; I do exercise regularly. What I don't get is why some omnivorous get so offended and defensive of their diet when a vegetarian is around, as if I'm challenging their lifestyle. Maybe I am? But I do think an omnivorous diet is completely legit. Of course, since meat is mass produced the way it is in modern times, it is much lower quality than it should be. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retro*Derpy 3,197 November 19, 2012 Share November 19, 2012 I have a friend who told me being a vegetarian "Messes with the order". That is complete nonsense. I would be a vegetarian(I even eat a lot of veggies), but I rather like my meats. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyrasaur 3 November 19, 2012 Share November 19, 2012 It's a common misconception that humans need a lot of meat to be healthy. Many people around the world are vegetarian and they're perfectly fine -- heck, they're usually healthier than the folks who eat greasy burgers all the time. The problem is that if you just remove all the meat from your diet and eat nothing but French fries and lettuce salad ... Um, yeah, of course you'll get sick. There's no nutritional density there. A balanced vegetarian diet has stuff like beans, lentils, soy, whole grains, nuts and seeds to provide protein and vitamins. Milk and eggs are optional. And it's important to get lots of colourful fruit and vegetables (red, orange, yellow and dark green). Even the much-maligned potato is healthy as long as you eat the skin and, y'know, don't drown it in butter and grease. Please, let me know if you are a vegetarian! Maybe post some pointers and some helpful info. Heh, I'm actually not a vegetarian myself. Animals are too delicious. But I use vegetarian ideas to help me cook healthier and keep my meals interesting. Sometimes I'll cook, say, a big pot of barley, kale and sweet potato with just a little bit of bacon for flavour. I'd suggest researching world cuisines, though. Indian food, for example, has lots of vegetarian dishes with flavourful curry-type sauces. It's probably easier to find an Indian take-out restaurant than to find a hamburger joint with a decent veggie burger! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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