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The Vending Machine.


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Gets... *CLINK* *ZZRRRR* *BOOM* Uh... Apparently it broke the vending machine, you get everything that's been given away in the thread before now! Ah, here's the repair people, they were quick. Right the machine's fixed, on with the thread! :D


*Inserts the banjo from Deliverance*

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You get a door of passage.


*Inserts the type of coin the vending machine was originally made to take, but the coin's on a string, haha! >: )*

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You get a jukebox.


Lure the Cutie mark Crusaders in with candy...then grab them, tie them up and roughly shove them into the vending machine.

I give an evil laugh as I hit the button. "Bwa Ha Ha Ha! Not even Rainbow Dash can stop me now!"  (hits enter. The machine activates.)

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