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mega thread Everypony's Religion And Why?


What is your religion?  

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  1. 1. What is your religion?

    • Catholic
    • Orthodox
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    • Lutheran
    • Anglican
    • Methodist
    • Baptists
    • Unitarian/ Universalist
    • Christian (other, or general)
    • Islam
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    • Judaism (other, or general)
    • Equestreism (or don't care)
    • Electic Pagan (added at request)
    • Wicca (added at request)
    • Jehovah's Witness (added at request)
    • Spiritual (added at request)
    • Other (quote the OP and I'll try to add it ASAP)

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i believe that when you die you die. your dead. finished. nothing happens. so yeah i think they are wasting their lifes and should really be out there and life their life to the fullest. but that's my opinion. but is it a threat? i really don't see how that would be a treath. i'ts just advice. and i think you will life a much more fulfilling and happy life if you do that.


but i don't get the part about me arguing against freedom of speech. if we didnt have freedom of speech i wouldnt even be saying this.

The majority of Christians who actually believe in Hell (I'm not one of them) basically accuse you of throwing away your spiritual self by not adhering to some set of standards that they put value in. Would you not agree to this and label this as what you're calling the threat?


You on the other hand, believe in no afterlife of any kind and basically accuse them of throwing away their physical selves by not adhering to your own set standards that you put value in, those standards essentially being do whatever you want as long as it doesn't effect anyone else.


These two are essentially the same thing are they not?


What I was saying with respect to freedom of speech is that you're claiming people are evil for "threatening" you'll go to Hell if you don't do as they say. Calling them evil for [essentially] spreading their beliefs. I probably shouldn't have said you're arguing against freedom of speech, but saying "someone is bad for saying ____ and ____ is bad" comes pretty close to reasoning for censorship.

Edited by Hollowshield
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The majority of Christians who actually believe in Hell (I'm not one of them) basically accuse you of throwing away your spiritual self by not adhering to some set of standards that they put value in. Would you not agree to this and label this as what you're calling the threat?


You on the other hand, believe in no afterlife of any kind and basically accuse them of throwing away their physical selves by not adhering to your own set standards that you put value in, those standards essentially being do whatever you want as long as it doesn't effect anyone else.


These two are essentially the same thing are they not?


What I was saying with respect to freedom of speech is that you're claiming people are evil for "threatening" you'll go to Hell if you don't do as they say. Calling them evil for [essentially] spreading their beliefs. I probably shouldn't have said you're arguing against freedom of speech, but saying "someone is bad for saying ____ and ____ is bad" comes pretty close to reasoning for censorship.


well when i am saying that i am in fact using free speech myself.

and i see your point. but i am not aggressively preaching to people that they will live in eternal pain if they don't do that and that.

(it's better to have no pain at all than pain isn't it?) i actually don't preach it at all. i keep it mostly to myself. but if anyone asks to tell them about my religion/ideology then i am up for saying what i believe.


edit: my mind is very foggy beacouse i have a very high fever right now so this MIGHT be drivel, but i am pretty sure i'm getting somewhere.


2nd edit: it seems like, according to this website, that the norwegian culture is a lot worse than the american. Maybe thats why it doesnt add up.

Edited by anonymstol


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Part of the implications of 'Tolerance' in "Love and Tolerate" I believe implies the statement "knowing how to pick your fights", and to that end, I don't think I want to engage what goes on in this thread...


Indeed. It never fails to amaze (and amuse*) me how quickly people from all backgrounds and theological persuasions can get spun up so quickly, and end up taking what is said in these kinds of threads personally.




* yes, that's kind of a mean way to look at it, but I'm kind of a mean person, so it works out.





Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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Um...where did you hear that?

Leviticus 20:13

"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

(from the New International Version; believe me, I've seen over a dozen of the other translations and they aren't any better)

There are multiple verses in Leviticus that condemn homosexuality but this is the specific one that calls for the death of gays.

Edited by ErBoi
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me i have no religion none at all, and i really don't care for one at all, so no religion for me ya, i believe in no gods or goddysey, and that all i have to say ;)

Do what you love to do and grat thing will come from it
Do what you love to do and you can't be stoped

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If all atheists were not believing in good and evil, this world will be fucked over since decades

It's not like atheists hugely outnumber the non-atheists for their position on good/evil to make such a significant difference. And the world has pretty much been screwed over since humans invented pointy sticks. Much of the reason for this being that all people have their belief in good/evil. It's just that the views of morality don't quite match for different people, which tends to cause problems. Which brings a good point to consider: where do your definitions of what's acceptable and what is not come from?


Christianity is first and foremost (in my opinion) a way to preach forgiveness.

Mostly depends on which part of the Bible you read. The Old Testament is chock full of detailed descriptions for different acts of violence, betrayal and otherwise questionable activities. Usually committed in the name or by will of God. Makes it kinda understandable why Jesus was executed for having annoyed the church officials by preaching love and forgiveness.


some will say if you don't believe in Christ you will go to Hell

Not just some, it's in the Bible. "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” - Revelation 21:8.
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Mostly depends on which part of the Bible you read. The Old Testament is chock full of detailed descriptions for different acts of violence, betrayal and otherwise questionable activities. Usually committed in the name or by will of God. Makes it kinda understandable why Jesus was executed for having annoyed the church officials by preaching love and forgiveness.


Not just some, it's in the Bible. "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” - Revelation 21:8.


Well maybe I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure the entire foundation for Christianity are the teachings of the New Testament. The Old Testament is more like Judaism. The Bible is also largely up to interpretation - that's why there are so many divisions of Christianity. Christ himself taught forgiveness, and if you're a Christian you believe in Christ, so 1+1=2. Makes sense to me

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Mostly depends on which part of the Bible you read. The Old Testament is chock full of detailed descriptions for different acts of violence, betrayal and otherwise questionable activities. Usually committed in the name or by will of God. Makes it kinda understandable why Jesus was executed for having annoyed the church officials by preaching love and forgiveness.


Well that's because you're not suppose to read "part" of the Bible.


Would you pick up a novel and read through chapter 2 or just decide to read chapter 11 and then think you can understand it?


It would make no sense if you did.


Anyone who reads the Bible like that will never understand Christianity.

  • Brohoof 2



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i dont sure what its name, i dont really sure what i believe (and i dont really care about what i believe either)

(but by title im jewish, born to a secular jewish family)




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Leviticus 20:13

"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

(from the New International Version; believe me, I've seen over a dozen of the other translations and they aren't any better)

There are multiple verses in Leviticus that condemn homosexuality but this is the specific one that calls for the death of gays.


I was just curious cause he said that christians say that you cant have sex at ALL. God intended sexual relations to be pure, not the crap they do these days (its disgusting). I actually have what is called a purity ring, its something you wear that says you are pure of heart and do not lust for sex like most people. I dont believe you cant have sex, but i do believe you shouldnt lust for and that it should be for what God intended it to be for. You shouldnt want to do it again, thats not the purpose of it. Its also intended for a husband and wife ONLY. Its not right if you have sex with someone you havent married or someone you have no relation or history with. Thats just my opinion.


Epic sig and avatar by: Chaotic Discord

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Well that's because you're not suppose to read "part" of the Bible.


Would you pick up a novel and read through chapter 2 or just decide to read chapter 11 and then think you can understand it?


It would make no sense if you did.


Anyone who reads the Bible like that will never understand Christianity.


I went to a Christian summer camp when I was 12 and again when I was 13. During that time, I read all of the Bible; we had a daily chapel and I also took it upon myself to read what wasn't covered in chapel on my own time. At the time, I read it in the way most underachieving preteens would; hearing the words in their head but barely acknowledging what they entailed.

Around when I turned 16 I went back to it and actually paid more attention this time through. Having read the Bible is probably the top reason I am not a Christian.


I find serious fault with the statement that the Old Testament is to be ignored when nowhere, at any point, in the New Testament is that taught. Jesus in the Bible, in fact, cites the Old Testament well over 100 times, while conversely going on to disobey it just as much. He never once said that Old Testament law was to be dismissed.

In John 10:35, Jesus says "The Scripture cannot be broken", the 'Scripture' being the 'Word of God' (as he stated in Matthew 15:6).


The context thing also bothers me. Saying that verses such as Leviticus 20:13 or Deuteronomy 21:18-21 are only vile when quoted out of context does nothing more than tell me that you think there is a context in which the killing of men for being homosexual or children for being disobedient is OK.

I was just curious cause he said that christians say that you cant have sex at ALL. God intended sexual relations to be pure, not the crap they do these days (its disgusting). I actually have what is called a purity ring, its something you wear that says you are pure of heart and do not lust for sex like most people. I dont believe you cant have sex, but i do believe you shouldnt lust for and that it should be for what God intended it to be for. You shouldnt want to do it again, thats not the purpose of it. Its also intended for a husband and wife ONLY. Its not right if you have sex with someone you havent married or someone you have no relation or history with. Thats just my opinion.


While I disagree with you philosophically on pretty much every point here, I do not have a problem with you practicing this exclusively in your own life. It is when people with these philosophies decide that the government is a force to extend their own personal worldviews to encompass as many people as possible, willing or not, that I start to have some strong contentions. Edited by ErBoi
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Did you even bother to read what I posted?


I never said anything about context or about the intended usage of the Old Testament.


I honestly don't give a damn if you attended Sunday school. You still know little about the topic you are attempting to engage in.



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Did you even bother to read what I posted?


I never said anything about context or about the intended usage of the Old Testament.


I honestly don't give a damn if you attended Sunday school. You still know little about the topic you are attempting to engage in.


It seems to me that his entire post was a direct response to your claim that we're not supposed to just read "part" of the Bible. I'm not sure how you found his reply to be unrelated to your post. Also, I'm sure we were all hoping for more from you than simply accusing him of not knowing what he's talking about (without demonstrating it).



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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It seems to me that his entire post was a direct response to your claim that we're not supposed to just read "part" of the Bible. I'm not sure how you found his reply to be unrelated to your post. Also, I'm sure we were all hoping for more from you than simply accusing him of not knowing what he's talking about (without demonstrating it).


I'm not here to put on a show for you. If you want something, go read a book. I'm quite serious too. I could stand here and talk but you'd get much more from a book.


His post was filled with nothing but loaded questions. He asked me why I would disregard the Old Testament.


I do not disregard the Old Testament, so I have no idea where that question came from. Mainstream Christianity doesn't disregard the Old Testament either, so his question is meaningless.


He also asked me a question about two particular quotes. Neither of which I ever made any claims about.


I'm not going to answer loaded questions, especially when they lack understanding of very basic Christian theology.



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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I'm not here to put on a show for you. If you want something, go read a book. I'm quite serious too. I could stand here and talk but you'd get much more from a book.


Yet we continue to reply to one another ad nauseam. Curiouser and curiouser. Incidentally, I think that people learn just as much quality information from each other as they would from a book. Even if it doesn't seem like they're listening.



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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Simple. Just post in your religion. If its not included, quote this post and tell me what it is. I'll add it.


I believe in Greek mythology you know like Zeus Poseidon and Hades what would i call that... Greekism, Mythologyism i don't now lol i will now proceed to slam my face into my keyboard ufebnvhurnfduhnvifjdobigijbe

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Yet we continue to reply to one another ad nauseam. Curiouser and curiouser. Incidentally, I think that people learn just as much quality information from each other as they would from a book. Even if it doesn't seem like they're listening.


Yes, people can learn from each other or at least learn how each of us go about the difficult questions of life.


Although this thread really does not have the atmosphere for it.


The topic structure leaves the incoming posts very partisan and unwilling to discuss anything reasonably.


Repetitive and outlandish claims are tossed around carelessly. I'd be glad to discuss some of these topics and share opinions, but like most other places on the internet, it's not a very good place to attempt such interactions.



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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One question.... WHY is occult in other? D:> My belief is world wide bro! MEH. Fine I understand that Satanism could be in other but OCCULTISM? NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...


Also for the haters, for 10 YEARS I was a christian, so ont think I don't know the bible. Occult makes life.....FUN! Life if full of Magicka! ... SEE WHAT I DID THERE? AWWWW YEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

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I won't lie here, cause i'd be lying to myself.


I'm Catholic because i'm afraid that I should be. I went to private school, and have a Catholic family. I don't have a choice to go to church.

There is also no physical proof in front of my that God exists.


Though, I believe anyways because MAYBE it might be true. Maybe I can save myself from something that I need to be saved it.

So that's why I am Catholic. I'm forced to by my family (not abusive force. I just don't want to disappoint them), and that i'm scared not to.


I'm not sure though. Religion is a topic I would rather avoid. If I must, I will go to Church. If I must, I will do homework on Religion.

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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I'm not sure if I posted here already (too lazy to check :P)


Anyway, I was raised as a Catholic, but I don't exactly agree with alot of the stuff the Catholic church preaches. I don't see what's wrong with gay marriage. I don't believe that I have to go to a place to show my faith (church). Etc, etc, etc.


I personally believe that if I'm a good human being, I'll go meet the big man up there.



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Atheist. I simply don't understand the concept of a higher being that is "all powerful and loves everypony." How does that even work? Nopony's perfect, yet this being(s) are perfect? Science is the only religion that gives a legitimate explanation without requiring faith.

  • Brohoof 2

Cross my heart and hope to fly;

Stick a cupcake in my eye;

If I lie to Pinkie Pie;

I can kiss my ass goodbye.

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I am agnostic, But my mom forces me to go to a church cause she can not handle the fact I am agnostic sadly... -_-

Go agnosticism! *cheers and waves flag*


Fluttershy shall say yay to this post.


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Atheist. I simply don't understand the concept of a higher being that is "all powerful and loves everypony." How does that even work? Nopony's perfect, yet this being(s) are perfect? Science is the only religion that gives a legitimate explanation without requiring faith.


Because this "being" is not human, or animal. It's moreso an omnipotent, sentient "force" so to speak, like a living gravity.



I'm leaning towards Sikhism, something about it just attracts me.....as my avatar obviously shows.


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