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No, no, no....as interesting of a concept as this may be, it's bound to start a flame war - even if we're all Bronies. I've seen it happen one too many times...




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Nothing better to do but to sit back and see how this turns out. :P


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*Edit 2: The moment I see a flame war erupt, I will unleash a storm of gifs upon this thread just for my own entertainment to add a bit of...brevity to this rather touchy subject.

Edited by CloudFyre
  • Brohoof 31
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No, no, no....as interesting of a concept as this is (and it does make you think), it's bound to start a flame war. I've seen it happen one too many times...


I am sure the people on this forum are mature enough to not let that happen. And even if they aren't, a mod could easily prevent it.
  • Brohoof 1
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I am sure the people on this forum are mature enough to not let that happen. And even if they aren't, a mod could easily prevent it.


no matter where it is or who it is debates about religion allways end in an argument. But I do agree that twilight would be an atheist. The rest of them would be quite hard to pin point. hmmm

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I say we try it anyway and see how long it takes for someone to decide to start a fight.


I once saw a humanized Fluttershy portrayed as muslim, surprisingly. Wearing a hijab and all.


As for me personally, it's hard to guess someone's religion without being told or knowing them personally.

If I were to make a guess, I'd say...


Twilight - atheist or practicing christian (I can see her go both ways, actually)

Fluttershy - muslim or non-practicing christian

Rarity - non-practicing christian

Pinkie Pie - jewish or nonreligious

Rainbow Dash - nonreligious

Applejack - practicing christian or devout christian (you know, stereotypes and all)

Edited by Jadefire
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Oh dear.... I want to get involved but I don't at the same time. I'm going to do it and I apologize if it offends anyone its not meant that way;


Twilight - Atheist

Pinkie - Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster

Applejack - Christian not sure which particular sect

Fluttershy - Wicken / Pagan

Rarity - Christian but doesn't practice.

Rainbow - Atheist or closet Christian

Edited by Fridge
  • Brohoof 9

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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Oh dear.... I want to get involved but I don't at the same time. I'm going to do it and I apologize if it offends anyone its not meant that way;


Twilight - Atheist

Pinkie - Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster

Applejack - Christian not sure which particular sect

Fluttershy - Wicken / Pagan

Rarity - Christian but doesn't practice.

Rainbow - Atheist or closet Christian


HAHAHA! I take back what I said earlier about not joining in on this conversation. *Giggles* "The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster"...Oh boy...I haven't cracked up like that in a long time.

  • Brohoof 5
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HAHAHA! I take back what I said earlier about not joining in on this conversation. *Giggles* "The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster"...Oh boy...I haven't cracked up like that in a long time.


Lol Glad you liked it. But it really does fit her doesn't it?


My gf thinks Rainbow Dash might be a non practicing Catholic, something to do with replacing her faith for adrenaline.

Edited by Fridge

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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Oh dear.... I want to get involved but I don't at the same time. I'm going to do it and I apologize if it offends anyone its not meant that way;


Twilight - Atheist

Pinkie - Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster

Applejack - Christian not sure which particular sect

Fluttershy - Wicken / Pagan

Rarity - Christian but doesn't practice.

Rainbow - Atheist or closet Christian


HAHAHA! I take back what I said earlier about not joining in on this conversation. *Giggles* "The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster"...Oh boy...I haven't cracked up like that in a long time.


That made me laugh too. :lol: In all seriousness, though, I really could see Pinkie worshiping the Flying Spaghetti Monster. If not that, my second guess would be that Pinkie practices Jediism, on account of her Pinkie Sense. It reminds me vaguely of the Force.

Edited by Descant
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Well, I do not think that I can really say which religion would match which pony without my conscience beating me to death with a point-ed sticks, because I would have to base this opinion manely on stereotypes.

We haven't seen a real demonstration of mane six's members' philosophical or teological opinions (and we probably won't. It's a children cartoon after all :D) and therefore there is no valid ground to build these theories on.

I know that I might sound a little nit-picky, and I am aware that this thread is designed primarly for fun and not to insult anypony (like that second scenery would be even possible on such nice site as this one is) but still... I would't take religions lightly xD


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Twilight: Agnostic-Atheist

Pinkie Pie: Dadaism

Applejack: Protistantism

Fluttershy: Wiccan

Rarity: Judaism

Rainbow Dash: Sith


*serious nodnod* :mellow:


EDIT: Oh, and while we're at it, there Buffaloes would probably be Zensunni.


The Spice must flow~ :ph34r:

Edited by Hansel
  • Brohoof 3

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I am sure the people on this forum are mature enough to not let that happen. And even if they aren't, a mod could easily prevent it.


No because this forum has humans on it and you know how humans are, bleh. Maybe if we were all robots or something it would work but no. This thread is bound to be a flame war. It always happens, no matter what.


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Dur hur. twilight iz smartz. darefore sheez an athhesitst. cuz onlee atheeasts likke si ence and mathhsz.


Actually, no. Twilight's unbelief got torn to shreds in one episode. She clearly converted to something.


Twilight - Former atheist. Converted to whatever Pinkie is.

Rainbow Dash - radical Muslim. (she likes flying into stuff, doesn't she?)

Applejack - Southern Baptist

Fluttershy - Agnostic. Too scared to offend someone by picking anything.

Pinkie Pie - Zen Buddhist. Because logic doesn't apply to that religion.

Rarity - Roman Catholic

  • Brohoof 8



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I could see Fluttershy being a Christian and Twilight being an Athiest, but what would the other ponies' religions be. What would Dash, Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity's religion all be?


I kinda hope they don't add religions to the show...

Edited by Betez



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Hmmmmm, in the episode May the Best Pet Win Rainbow Dash says "My prayers have been answered!" When Tank shows up. Is it just an expression or is she religious? Food for thought I suppose.


It was probably just an expression. I mean I say stuff like "thank god for that" all the time even though Im not part of a religion.

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Hehe well, here we are at 20 replies and totally flameless! which is a good sign so far hehe so i thought is quickly share my take on this:


Twilight - Agnostic/Athiest

Fluttershy - Zen Buddhist

Pinkie Pie - Church of the Subgenius

Applejack - Evangelical Christian

Rarity - Maybe Jewish or Athiest

Rainbow Dash - Maybe either non practicing Christan / Athiest


Also I wanted to say - the fact many are agreeing on some of these, despite there not being any direct mentions of religion in the show just how well developed the characters are!

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I like how everyone generally agrees that Pinkie is involved with some obscure religion that is generally nonsensical. It is a bit of a trend.

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It was probably just an exp<b></b>ression. I mean I say stuff like "thank god for that" all the time even though Im not part of a religion.


Ha ha, yeah, I'm aware that it was probably just an expression, I just thought it might be halfway relevant to the thread so I posted it :)
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Actually I think Pinkie Pie would be a firm believer in the flying spaghetti monster.Twilight an atheist she's always studying and seems to be always questioning things. I could see Fluttershy believe in Buddhism, Rarity a Catholic, Applejack a Christian (because of her typical southern accent), and Rainbow Dash..... would probably wouldn't even care... maybe agnostic?



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I feel my irritation levels rising slightly... I must refrain from commenting on this... I know I'll start a flame war if I so much as type one word about this subject...


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  • Brohoof 1

how even is otter and how can it be if

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Twilight: Christian/Agnostic, but not a strict one or devout one, just kinda in name. (Probably took the name back up after "Feeling Pinkie Keen")


Pinkie Pie: Christian, everday type not a die hard.

Rarity: Christian, again a normal everday variety one, just a bit more generous than most

Applejack: Christian, most devout of the group

Rainbow Dash: Christian, believes but isn't much of a church goer

Fluttershy: Christian, probably between Rarity and AJ



This is my guess based on the fact Equestria is based on American/Canadian demographics.

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