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private Multiverse Tournament


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A dark robed figure stood at a console, watching screens filled with various clips of different people doing different amazing things. "Yes these will do nicely," he said before pushing a button and summoning 16 portals and picking up a stack of notes. Each of the notes were black with white lettering that was understood by nobody but comprehended by everybody. The notes read as follows:


"Welcome Sir or Madame, you have been chosen as champion of your Universe. You will be representing the entire Universe you represent in a battle to the death against other champions. Rest assured that upon death you will be returned to your Universe with no memory of this event in your mind. The winner however, will be granted strength beyond belief to do with as they wish."


The hooded figure then spread out the notes and sent them to each champion. After that he stood back and waited.


(So now you all write your characters reaction to the notes. Also, just to avoid awkward situations, time stops as each champion gets their note.)

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The Masked Man looked around, he had just been leading the Pigmask Army into the mountains, and now suddenly he was here. 


Being Programmed to follow Porky's every command, he kept a straight face and pulled out a cell phone looking communicator. To his dismay, it could not reach his army or his master. 


He looks around confused, his programming did not predict being separated from all communication, so he only thought of one thing, he must win this tournament and use the strength mentioned to further aid in his kings commands.


(Edit): Information about my character here.

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sora caught the mysterious parcel as i feel from the sky. quickly he tore open the envelope inside was a note:"


Welcome Sir or Madame, you have been chosen as champion of your Universe. You will be representing the entire Universe you represent in a battle to the death against other champions. Rest assured that upon death you will be returned to your Universe with no memory of this event in your mind. The winner however, will be granted strength beyond belief to do with as they wish."

always ready for adventure sora heads off to obtain power with which he hopes to defeat master Xehanort once and for all!

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With a flash of white and a tumble to the ground, the ragtag ranger hauled himself to his feet. He felt as his energy slowly returned to his body, trying to think though what had just happened. Where could he be? His questions were answered by a strange he found simply lying on the cold ground. As he carefully examined it, he could tell this was not going to be any ordinary battle. 'Champion of your Universe'? Could he be one to uphold such a title? He was but a ranger, a king in exile.


These thoughts could wait, quickly turning now to see who his competitors would be. He would decide his fate in the end, not them. If he could not overcome these challenges then it would not matter who he faced. He would prevail in this fight, not for power or glory, but to protect his homeland. Aragorn, son of Arathorn, savior of Middle Earth.

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The Mogadorians had her surrounded, just her alone and her legacies. She had been separated from the other numbers on a dire flight to Djibouti, and with the charm broken, death seemed impossible to dodge. She takes out two of the Mogs but stands helpless as the others close in.


Miracles do happen, as they are unexpected but seem to appear just when you need them. A portal, in front of her, if it as what it looked like. A whole different universe with that, and a note which explained it. Gratefully accepting, she leaped in and rolled, before she stood. Just as she had predicted, or as it said in her note, it was a different universe. Now to find out what to do next.

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The blue haired Adept pulled the note towards him. He smiled, reached up and tapped the half-mask that covered part of his face. "strength beyond belief you say?" he said in a smooth tone. "That will do very nicely but I guess this means I have to fight." he sighed, "I much prefer to have others do my fighting for me, but this shall be...interesting." Arcanus, no.. He had used the Tuaparang alias for to long. He pulled off the half-mask. If he was to do this he would do it as himself, as Alex, the man who unleashed Alchemy onto Weyard. "When I return victorious the Wise One will pay for stealing the Golden Sun away from me." 

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The Master chief was in a firefight agaisnt a group of promethean soldiers. The chief shot a rocket laucher straight into a group of ennemis, when the rocket froze in mid air. Time had stopped and the letter appeared. After reading it he causiously walked trew the portal.

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The Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry looked up, a most curious expression upon his face. The many spinning, whirring and tinkling magical devices he kept in his office had frozen in place. Getting up from where he sat at his desk, he moved, and examined one of the devices more closely from behind his half-moon spectacles. "Most interesting," said Albus Dumbledore. In a flash of light, a magical portal appeared behind where he had been sitting. Walking back up to his desk, Dumbledore noticed a letter, scribed in a foreign tongue on unusual black parchment, on his desk, where there had been nothing but a letter to the Minister of Magic previously. Picking up the parchment gingerly with his withered black hand, Dumbledore read, eyes growing narrow. "Ah. That's how it is, is it?" Dumbledore was sorely tempted. He did not want power. But... Since it had been offered... The tall, silver-bearded figure passed through the mysterious portal, which disappeared upon his passing through it.

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Spider-Man was swinging desperately through New York. The Sinister Six, now being comprised of Doc Oc, Sandman, Electro, Vulture, Shocker, and Venom! "What's the symbiote even doing back here!?" Said Peter to himself, "Last I saw of that gunk it was sinking deep into the foundation of the Fantastic Four's new tower! Besides how would Eddie even know tha- Spider sense! But whe- oof!" Spider-Man's train of thought was interrupted by the immense force of Sandman's attack, completely encasing Peter inside of Sandman's very being, Electro soon joined in, unleashing several volts of electricity at everyone's favorite arachnid. Peter twitched and convulsed as the electrocution went on, before Sandman finally flung Spider-Man into the air, where he was clipped twice by Vulture as he was waiting overhead, before spiking the old Web Head down into the waiting arms of Doc Oc. Octavionus was making some quip about squashing Spider-Man like the bug that he was as he was repeatedly slamming the Wall crawler repeatedly against the pavement, but Peter couldn't hear him, Peter was lost, he had failed. Venom was apart of the new Sinister Six, he surely told the others who he was, everyone he loved or cared for: "Aunt May..." Shocker blasted Spider-Man into the side of a building, "Harry..." Doc Oc slammed a crushing blow into Spider-Man's rib cage, "Gwen..." Sandman picked Spider-Man back up and presented him to Venom. "MJ..." Venom greedily snatched Peter from Sandman's grasp.


"Hey Petey... Remember us?" Said Venom through a jagged, sinister smile. "We haven't forgotten you..." Venom then slammed Spider-man into the pavement, "After we're done here, I think we'll deliver your head to Aunt May, we know how she worries," Venom said bringing his head closer to Peter's, "Then We'll pay a visit to OUR girlfriend MJ... Or is it Gwen? Been so long since we've been close Petey... But first..." Venom started as he morphed his hand into a scalpel, "We're gonna cut your heart out and eat it in front of you." Peter closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable. But the sensation of a blade entering his flesh never came, in fact, he felt completely fine, like he never got hit at all.

Spider-Man stood up, no longer being held down by Venom, he saw a lone piece of parchment at his feet. "Multi-verse Tournament? And they pick me? What, is The Hulk away getting a manicure or something?" Peter joked to himself, "Though given the situation I'm in here..." Peter said while looking towards the Six, "I think I'll take my chances with getting a power boost then getting my heart eaten out..." With that the Web Slinger walked through the portal, invitation in hand.

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The Doctress casually picked up the note.


"Finally, something that isn't Nedben's fault. I need a vacation."


Spotting the portal, the irritable lady gave a stern glare and readied herself.


"Well? I'm going to corrupt all universes in the connection chain you've set up if you don't hurry along. The unholy amounts of stuff Torture wants me to see for no reason other than to waste my time... Yeah, I'm going to get out of Insanity Land here for any amount of time."

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Dante looked up as a note fluoted iin front of him he grabbed it and read what it said, "Strantgh beyond belief? Heh." Dante grabbed Rebellion as a portal opaned up in front of him. "The "Champions" better give a challenge, these demons are getting easier to kill." He said walking though.


(OOC: Forgive me if I don't do a good Dante)

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Dragonborn Stared toward the dragon flying over the field. this might as well been his job. He pulled out his deadric sword and shield, a trusty combo. But just before the dragon swooped down. he stopped, and not just to pull up. He actually stopped in place, mid swoop, and a letter appeared in front of him. he read alowed:

"Welcome Sir or Madame, you have been chosen as champion of your Universe. You will be representing the entire Universe you represent in a battle to the death against other champions. Rest assured that upon death you will be returned to your Universe with no memory of this event in your mind. The winner however, will be granted strength beyond belief to do with as they wish."

He looked at the paper "what kind of deadra trickery is this?! I demmaned information!"

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47 did a double take as he saw the letter on the nearby table. He had just finished dealing with his target, a corrupt judge by the name of Duncan Valentine, and had just hid the body when the letter appeared. 47 picked it up, time seemingly slowing to a halt as he did, and read it.


"The winner however, will be granted strength beyond belief..."


47 raised a quizzical eyebrow. He was intrigued by the letter, though you couldn't tell by looking at his face. If the letter wasn't lying, an insurmountable amount of power was ready to be won, and something like that could enhance his already incredible skill at his job. There did not seem to be any trace of ill will behind the letter, despite the subject matter. He neatly folded the letter back up, placed it in its envelope, and put the envelope back onto the table.


"I accept," he said simply. A portal suddenly opened nearby. He checked his gear, making sure everything was in place, and calmly walked into the portal.

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"Tsk.I had expected something better and either fancier or more plain from a Universal Master, but I suppose anything is better than being stuck in the definition of crazy for all eternity until a big enough end." the Doctress said, having stepped through the portal.


"Hm, I'd spoil hundreds of endings and corrupt hundreds of Alternates, but it's not like you'll remember any of this. What if I told you reality was a lie? That no Master is truly in control of all despite whatever chessmaster actions and claims to the contrary they postulate? That none of us exist? That we're all fiction, pawns of beings in higher planes that are pawns of those even higher? That most of us aren't even under control of creators of our original works anymore?!"


Having finished the standard you-don't-really-exist speech opening, the Doctress looked around, noting the various champions.


"Oh look, people I sort of know about from various media. Meh, I've been too busy and lazy to read up on all your backstories, though I know about some of you."

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Meta Knight was on the bridge his ship, the Halberd. "Captain Vul, set a course for Dedede's castle." No response. "Vul I said-" Meta Knight stopped as he realized that not only his crew, but the entire ship, and in fact time itself had stopped moving. Soon a portal to another world opened up in front of Meta Knight along with a letter telling of a tournament. "Hmm... power beyond belief? Excellent, I could use more training. Perhaps I could finally beat that Kirby" He says as he walks through the portal.

Edited by N-Harmonia
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After Getting no responce from the world around him, or the letter, He came to a conclusion. "If this so called power really is the prize, then i will take on your challenge." he turned around to see a portal. not like the one to soverngard, nor like the planes of oblivion. cautiously, he stepped through.

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Aragorn quickly checked his person, making sure each piece of his arsenal was accounted for. His sword, Andruil, Flame of the West, slung by his side. To his left was his elven curved dagger. On his back was his Cloak of Lothlorien and his Ranger bow. Everything seemed to be accounted for. His armor was merely composed of linked chain covered in tough leather. Simple but effective protection. He gazed around at his competitors, seeing how varied and strange they appeared. Aragorn chose to simply leave them be, covering his head with his hood and falling back into the shadows. He lit his pipe and took a deep inhale of the smoke. At least there were some homely comforts to be had.

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Dumbledore casually moved his hand to the hilt of his wand. This place reminded him of nothing he had ever seen. His gaze swept over the strange assortment of others gathered there with him. There was what looked like a masked blue ball, with arms and legs and a sword that should have been disproportionate to the size of its wielder, a hooded man smoking a pipe in the corner, and a man wearing strange armor and sword that glowed with an almost sinister aura. There was what appeared to be a robotic being, holding what Dumbledore recognized as a muggle rifle, and a man wearing a strange red and blue leotard, with a large spider emblazoned upon it. So, these are the best their respective universes have to offer, Dumbledore thought. I wonder how many universes will be competing, and if it will be all of them.

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"Oh goodie, someone who I have a clear history on and isn't in a position of royalty." the Doctress said, appearing immediately next to Dumbledore so fluidly and teleport-fast the only trace she had moved at all was a faint bounce in her slightly curly brown hair and the telltale flutter of her doctor's labcoat and greyish dress.


"So Dumbledore," she began, "Other than the fact you're slated to die from being tossed off Astronomy or some other tower, how goes the work administrating Hogwarts? I'm bored from waiting for all the champions to arrive and plus universe-Masters always make me irritated because of that annoying Nedben, but hey. How's your opinion on J.K. Rowling or are you not a wallbreaker?" the Doc asked rapidfire, her childish side taking over quickly.

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Dumbledore nods. "Well, since you clearly seem fully aware of my history, anything I have to say about myself would be largely pointless." His eyes were twinkling behind his half-moon spectacles. "As for Miss Rowling, certainly, we do share quite a cordial relationship. You see, she is a squib, and has recently been hired by the Ministry to document young Harry's time at Hogwarts. I believe she quite an extraordinary young magical historian." Dumbledore gives this woman a piercing gaze. "You seem to know an awful lot about me, but I cannot say the same about you. It would be awfully rude of me to consider keeping this delightful conversation centered around myself, when I do not even know your name."

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The Masked Man studied the others in the room, all of which showed looks of interest or confusion, meaning that they likely arrived in a similar matter he had.


Next, he evaluated each one...

There seamed to be a conversation started between a older looking one, and one whom seamed awfully suspicious. One thing is both seamed to be intelligent, and the fact that anyone is here likely ment they were tough, so He had better not misjudge anyone.


Next, there was a short, round one, whom also seamed very suspicious, he also looked to have a sword, perhaps long distance attack will be better than trying to spare with one whom seams to know how to melee.


Then, there was a normal human looking one in a red and blue outfit that covered his body... Other than some visual muscles, this one seamed just plain odd.


With a quick glance at all the other opponents, The Masked man noticed all seamed odd one way or another, not many even looked like they should be here. But, they are here, so he decided he should follow battle protocol at first in each fight, then adapt.


He thought about approaching some of them, to get a closer look, but it seamed likely trying to eliminate them now would not be wise. He decided it would be best to wait for the one who sent him here to show his face. And he knew very well if he won this "power", his Master would have so many great uses for it, if only he could contact King P now.

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The master chief was looking at the other competitors. They all looked very diffrent from one another. Waiting for a tournament to find the ultimate warrior reminded him of his past training with the other spartans. The chief was the last survivor from the spartan 2 program. He had single headedly took out a covenant armada, the master chief was ready for what ever challenges laid ahead.

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Dovakhin looked around at the competition. there was an old man with some sort of stick, having a conversation with someone else. there was a small chubby man, who had a seemingly disprportioned wepon. There was someone hooded in the corner too. But the two who stood out were an unusual man in a red and black clothing. He had no hair, but instead a wierd series of lines and numbers. the other, was a relativley tall man, in a green suit. from a distance the suit seemed fake. he carried some sort of wepon, to blunt for a sword of axe, yet two thin for a mace. whatever it was it probably was a hostile wepon.

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"Doctress Melissa Vanguard, Elesion City Council Narrator." the Doc said, shaking Dumbledore's non-withered hand exceedingly fast, then slowing as she finally got the last of a rush out of her system.


"Ow... Well, I'm one of the strongest grandmaster technomagi creative-offices narrators out there, with the exception of my fellow Councilmembers and Autonomy. I've done a lot of things ever since the Great War, but hey. I bet Weapon's screwing with metaphysics to view what I'm doing right now... Serves the timestop-defying multibodied child right... Meh, I'm a long and painful story. We'll have time to share tales that happened on and off the screen after the first battle... Which I hope that halfnote-something Master will get started on..."


The Doc abruptly stared upward, trailing off midsentence. She was not staring at the ceiling, but rather some indeterminately located screen.


"Cut the description, Weapon, I KNOW you've broken some law of physics, blast nedben for making them so flimsy, and are using your MLP Forums account to view what we're doing!"


Hey, not Our fault!


The Doc gave a glare and decided not to risk a cosmic-overpower at this stage. Most people who control realms of existence are irritated when their realm's physics and logic are overturned by an invasive outside force for a third-party battle they didn't ask for. Cue a short argument between Weppy and Doc.

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Dumbledore looked at the shorter figure with an air of slight bemusement. Not only had the self-described Doctress broken the fourth wall, she had also seemingly engaged in an argument with some unseen entity. It seemed, reflected Dumbledore, that the laws of time and space were not strictly regulated in her universe as they were in his own. He stood there patiently, twiddling his thumbs with an air of serenity, waiting for Melissa to return to the reality they currently both inhabited.

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