Yellow Diamond 7,575 December 18, 2012 Share December 18, 2012 In either one of those scenarios, Starswirl would then be known to have surpassed an alicorn in power, being only a unicorn. Twilight may very well do the same, if she doesn't become an alicorn herself, but Starswirl was probably the first. If that were the case, Discord Starswirl would probably return as a result of some sort of major event involving Twilight's magic. History tends to be cyclical in Equestria. Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnonBrony 1,468 December 18, 2012 Share December 18, 2012 (edited) holy.... mother... of..... Celestia... MIND=BLOWN That... that actually makes sense. It makes PERFECT SENSE! Seriously, that would be the most awesome of twists. If this thing didn't spoil it would of made everyones brains pop out of their skulls when they hear it. And it still is gonna do that since not all Bronys will see this. And we are poroably gonna forget it by season finale anyway. Discord as Starswirl... Wow, just wow. But wait if the next training is under him... doesn't that mean they release him... on purpose.... Edited December 18, 2012 by AnonBrony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spring Storm 276 December 18, 2012 Share December 18, 2012 Well, he lived before Celestia and Luna came to power, so I'd imagine that he's been dead for over 1000 years by the time FiM takes place. But if Discord is Starswirl, all changes. Discord is certainly coming back. John de Lancie confirmed that a few months ago. A couple people got worried that Discord's appearance in a Hasbro ad ("Naughty or Nice") was the only thing de Lancie voice acted for and that the draconequus wouldn't reappear again. I think that we shouldn't be worried about that. Hasbro wouldn't reintroduce him if he wasn't coming back, sort of like how Trixie began to be shown in Hasbro advertisements in the few months before her return. If Discord turns out to be Starswirl, than all of Equestrian history will be flipped on its head. The implications would be...astounding, and the likely ensuing collapse of Twilight's old worldview would make for quite the season finale. As to whether it's real or not: Again, I find it highly unlikely that a guy from Hasbro just randomly decided to leak this info. However, it's info that that a simple troll or attention hog wouldn't use. It's so crazy that it just might come true... I didn't mean to imply that Starswirl would necessarily be introduced, but you never know, they could have done a flashback or some sort of travel-through-time thing with him. Just some speculation ^-^ Together since October 19th, 2011 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Genepool 224 December 18, 2012 Share December 18, 2012 Saw this rumor and part of me believes it due to the prior post about the appearance of Discord. The only thing that concerns me is a unicorn becoming so powerful that it rivals Princess Celestia's power. While this seems good in theory, it just smacks of Mary Sue/Gary Stu. However, if the MLPFIM crew handles this issue well, then I won't have any problems to gripe about. Want to make sure it's not some arbitrary/cliche "O Star Swirl and Twilight are related, having a similar/the same ancestor who was a powerful alicorn... blah blah blah." What would be rather "unique" imho is if the creature Discord is a separate entity from Star Swirl like a Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde personae. Or perhaps Discord being a whole nother creature completely and Star Swirl took the creature over through some mental manipulation. An unintended consequence is Star Swirl's mind being corrupted by the creature's chaotic nature. However, we may have to take it at face value where Star Swirl = Discord, and he was slowly driven insane by his own research. Mostly led to that conclusion since the line talks about letting go of rational thought when dealing with the Omniomorphic spell. The character even goes as far to compliment Pinkie, saying she "understands" it. *shivers* Can't imagine the devastation that exuberant pink pony would cause if she got a hold of Discord's powers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyubey 60 December 18, 2012 Share December 18, 2012 Well, there goes my headcanon of Sombra being Starswirl.:| Still, this sounds like a fantastic idea, but I honestly was hoping Twilight would become drunk with power, making it so that her friends had to stop her. However, if they somehow manage to fit my theory and the Discord/Starswirl theory both into the season finale, I'd be more than happy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chattydash 62 December 18, 2012 Share December 18, 2012 There is a rumor that Discord is apparently Star Swirl the Bearded, Link: It seems a little far-fetched at first but the evidence seems to really add up. It would most likely be the season finale methinks. what do you mean star swirl the bearded discord is my fav villen he is everythink and brill so exsplane what you mean and season final tell me more sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--Eve-- 351 December 19, 2012 Share December 19, 2012 (edited) Reading the possible lines: Discord: "On the contrary, I used to be quite stolid, then I got the beard." Q in Deja Q: Riker: I dont need your fantasy woman. Q: Oh your so stolid. You weren't like that before the beard. See the resembalance? theres also some other lines like this, Taken from Deja Q. Edited December 19, 2012 by StarVision 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SrFrog 927 December 19, 2012 Share December 19, 2012 Oh, now we're finally getting somewhere with these rumors. Does it really sound that farfetched? because as a theory of what might be to come, this might actually be the best one. It's an interesting possibility, to say the least... "Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Diamond 7,575 December 19, 2012 Share December 19, 2012 Reading the possible lines: Discord: "On the contrary, I used to be quite stolid, then I got the beard." Q in Deja Q: Riker: I dont need your fantasy woman. Q: Oh your so stolid. You weren't like that before the beard. See the resembalance? theres also some other lines like this, Taken from Deja Q. Interesting. Nice catch there, StarVision! My TNG memory is so foggy that it never occurred to me to check the lines as you did. In light of the absence of positive evidence for these lines being true, it may indicate that a hoax is indeed in play. I don't have the impression the writers would keep borrowing from Q material (score one for JJ Griesbach!), if you are suggesting more than one line has been lifted. Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Genepool 224 December 19, 2012 Share December 19, 2012 Interesting. Nice catch there, StarVision! My TNG memory is so foggy that it never occurred to me to check the lines as you did. In light of the absence of positive evidence for these lines being true, it may indicate that a hoax is indeed in play. I don't have the impression the writers would keep borrowing from Q material (score one for JJ Griesbach!), if you are suggesting more than one line has been lifted. True, but we must play devil's advocate here. We know that Discord and Q share traits that are common of one another beyond the voice of the illustrious John De Lancie. Another thing is how writers and animators like to pick and choose lines/ideas from others movies to reference them. Most notable was the cherry picking scene which referenced I Love Lucy. In the Magic Duel episode it was said the ending referenced a movie which turned out to be The Three Amigos. I don't find it "illogical" that the writers would reference Star Trek by putting in a line such as that, however, to contradict myself, I do agree that without a solid piece of confirmed evidence, this really has to be put into the not possible/extremely unlikely pile. Only thing we even have to go on is John De Lancie returned as a voice for MLPFIM. It doesn't confirm or deny the possibility of him reprising the role of Discord. Heck, for all we know, Mr. Lancie could be voicing a king for Saddle Arabia where the season finale takes place, and the mane6 fight against some evil spirit/genie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Feather Gem 967 December 19, 2012 Share December 19, 2012 All I can do is hope. I love Discord. I love him. Like...seriously. If I appeared in Equestria, one of the first places I'd go is to his statue. DiSCoRd'S AppRENtICe Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whofch 128 December 19, 2012 Share December 19, 2012 (edited) I don't think I buy it. Seems well put together and all but at the same time, a little far fetched. Not sure what but something feels like it doesn't fit. Perhaps how they referred to Discord before he showed up. Perhaps it's just because I don't really want more Discord (nothing to do with John de Lancie, he's awesome). Sure it'll be great whatever they do though but until it airs, I'm assuming nothing. Edited December 19, 2012 by Turpow We were meant to rule together, little sister...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pumpkinbot 69 December 21, 2012 Share December 21, 2012 Oh, sweet Celestia, I love this idea. Discord once having been a unicorn under Celestia's wing, he eventually grew bored with the spells she was teaching him, started making his own spells that -really- started screwing things up, and eventually turned himself into an Eldritch Abomination through those spells. ...Oh, yes, PLEASE. If not, and if Starswirl and Discord's origins are never toched upon, this shall be my new headcanon. It's...perfect. Tame enough for a Y TV show, but such a fantastic idea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bucky McGillyCuddy 956 December 21, 2012 Share December 21, 2012 (edited) Wow it definitely adds up, Star Swirl had his name thrown around a lot for someone who hasn't been seen yet. The pattern on that book seems a little too "star swirly" for me to call it a coincidence. However i'm not believing a word until i hear this audio that it's apparently spread from. It's 2012 right? If you get your hands on leaked anything it's not hard to reproduce in some form. Especially if your going to run your mouth about it. Also regarding leaked anything. If this turns out to be true, even though it's my own fault for clicking on a link i know is spoilerific, why would anyone want to do it in the first place? Does anyone agree that finding this out during a thrilling canon episode would have been far more exciting than reading it as a leaked rumor? I just don't get why people can't wait until release date. Edited December 21, 2012 by Bucky_McGillycuddy If you'd be so kind as to check out some of my drawings, I would really appreciate feedback. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
That Colt 42 December 25, 2012 Author Share December 25, 2012 Ladies and Gentlecolts, the synopsis of Keep Calm and flutter on has been revealed. SPOILERS Season 3 Episode 11 Episode Title: Keep Calm and Flutter OnAir Date: January 19th, 2013Synopsis: Princess Celestia tasks the ponies with reforming Discord, a mischievous spirit of disharmony, but Fluttershy is the only one who is willing to give him a chance. ...=D 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anadu Kune 668 December 25, 2012 Share December 25, 2012 Ladies and Gentlecolts, the synopsis of Keep Calm and flutter on has been revealed.SPOILERS Season 3 Episode 11 Episode Title: Keep Calm and Flutter On Air Date: January 19th, 2013 Synopsis: Princess Celestia tasks the ponies with reforming Discord, a mischievous spirit of disharmony, but Fluttershy is the only one who is willing to give him a chance. ...=D Merry F@$%^ Christmas!!! Oh man. You know this really does seem to make this rumor seem more possible. I personally am very excited for this. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 December 25, 2012 Share December 25, 2012 (edited) OMG, that's so awesome...I can totally see this! Fluttershy is the most forgiving of the ponies, plus she was immune to Discord's mischief before he forced her to turn evil, so it wouldn't be a stretch that she might understand him in some way. Edited December 25, 2012 by TailsAlone 2 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Genepool 224 December 25, 2012 Share December 25, 2012 This will be quite interesting, and I can't wait to see this particular episode. With each pony in successive episodes being pushed to their breaking points, I expect something to happen to our kind, animal loving pony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 December 25, 2012 Share December 25, 2012 What a Christmas present, indeed. Discord confirmed, and a very interesting looking episode at the looks. I've read numerous fanfics about Fluttershy being the only one of the Mane Six willing to interact with Discord and give him a chance, in a variety of situations, so it would appear the show writers have had the same idea for a while. Can't wait. Seriously. Swag and chaos return at last. Just like Q on Star Trek before him. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 December 25, 2012 Share December 25, 2012 (edited) I was quite surprised to hear that too. Although its not 100% accurate at the moment that this is indeed the episodes synopsis but either way I think this will be the the best episode if season 3 yet. *Imagines Discord transforming Fluttershy into.a dragon * Oh yeah! Edited December 25, 2012 by ~Chaotic Harmony~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Genepool 224 December 25, 2012 Share December 25, 2012 (edited) What a Christmas present, indeed. Discord confirmed, and a very interesting looking episode at the looks. I've read numerous fanfics about Fluttershy being the only one of the Mane Six willing to interact with Discord and give him a chance, in a variety of situations, so it would appear the show writers have had the same idea for a while. Can't wait. Seriously. Swag and chaos return at last. Just like Q on Star Trek before him. One thing I find interesting is how there were loads of fanfics about Trixie's return to Ponyville and then we had Magic Duel. I think it was M.A. Larson who tweeted that the idea for the Trixie episode was submitted back in 2011. I'm quite curious of when the script was submitted for this episode. Starting to think it's the otherway around where we fans have ESP because we are predicting some dang good episodes. With ponies being pushed to breaking points, as mentioned above, I really want to see how Fluttershy evolves. We saw only a tiny bit of this during Putting Your Hoof Down where our pegasus pony learned to assert herself more. Definitely expecting a moment where Fluttershy just rolls her eyes as Discord starts turning her into different forms. *Edit* Only thing that will make me like this episode 100% more than anything is if the animators screw with Bronys by having discord turn into Derpy. Edited December 25, 2012 by Genepool Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 December 25, 2012 Share December 25, 2012 That makes no sense, first of all, let me mention a few reasons for implausibility: -Stars and swirls are both common symbols, and quite a few other characters have appeared with them -If I remember the story correctly Discord was sealed away before Star Swirl's time, which would create a continuity error/plot hole -Almost nopony recognises star swirl the bearded but everyone recognises discord. I think my second point is what disproves it though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
himanuts 165 December 25, 2012 Share December 25, 2012 That makes no sense, first of all, let me mention a few reasons for implausibility: -Stars and swirls are both common symbols, and quite a few other characters have appeared with them -If I remember the story correctly Discord was sealed away before Star Swirl's time, which would create a continuity error/plot hole -Almost nopony recognises star swirl the bearded but everyone recognises discord. I think my second point is what disproves it though. No where is it said that Discord was sealed before Starswirl's era. Starswirl was mentor to Clover the Clever, one of Equestria's founders. Discord reigned over Equestria up until Celestia and Luna sealed him away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starswirl the Trixie 975 December 25, 2012 Share December 25, 2012 That makes no sense, first of all, let me mention a few reasons for implausibility: -Stars and swirls are both common symbols, and quite a few other characters have appeared with them -If I remember the story correctly Discord was sealed away before Star Swirl's time, which would create a continuity error/plot hole -Almost nopony recognises star swirl the bearded but everyone recognises discord. I think my second point is what disproves it though. But Starswirl was around long before Celestia/Luna, which means he was from before Discord's banishment. Stars and swirls are certainly common. I don't think that the episode on Discord particularly supports the theory. The "leaked" Starswirl-Discord dialogue suggests an episode of Discord taking over again and forcing Twily to question her beliefs, not the possible "redemption" (in quotes because, honestly, I feel that Discord did nothing wrong) episode. #SOCKS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalRose 636 December 26, 2012 Share December 26, 2012 I can really see this being true if I think about it in context. Of course, if you think about anything in context it can sound plausible. I do love theories though and this one makes sense. I also enjoy how the original poster in the link provided at the beginning of the thread worded their reasoning. ~DeviantArt~ ~ Taking commissions ~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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