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Manehattens University For The Rich Or Talented (SOL: RP)


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"oh no, its fine. i needed some air aswell and... well... i just feel a bit off today." she tried not to freak azure out. "cool cutey mark btw. its creepy and cool at the same time." she smiled. she looked at the clock on the garden wall. "new record without 'them' talking" she said quietly. she used her magic to pull down a cloud from the sky. after a bit of fiddling she made a tetris like game. "your an alicorn aswell." she gestured to his back. "your hiding your wings... why?"

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"It's a long story. Rebels were out in Equestria when I was born, rebels against Celestia and all royalty. My father figured they'd tie an alicorn with the royal family, so he cast a spell upon my body in which my wings would be invisible to the unsupported naked eye. Do tell, how exactly are you seeing them?" Azure asked. Lily, in all of his thousand years, was the only pony besides his parents that ever recognized him as an alicorn.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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lily didnt want to tell him that 'they' could see them. if she did, she would weird him out. she pondered. "i dont know..." she lied. she continued to move the clouds. "i guess... i dont even know." she spread her wings. " but i'm not tied to royalty, infact, im not tied to anything." she chuckled slightly. then of course in her head. 


awww... he seems nice.


he seems weird to me


oh, specs, your so funny.


she isnt kidding...


shut up tear, im trying to see the shape of his wings.

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Azure took a small glimpse at the troubled mare. She was, in a sense, like him. Only talking when needed, slightly shy, having awkward social skills at certain points... and a horrible liar. Digressing, Azure felt the need to talk some more. Maybe he could help her. If only he could crack her case. "I wouldn't be too sure about that. I believe every alicorn, including myself, along the lines of written history was of royalty. That is of course that they were plain, simple ponies without any mysterious talent whatsoever." Azure said. By the end of the sentence he was slightly closer to Lily and looking at her tentatively.

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"haha, if you knew half of it..." lily laughed. she continued to play tetris with the clouds. she started to hum to herself.


who is she that alicorn

where is she? what is she?

when will she be that alicorn?


"im not royalty, if you can guess what im actually from, ill buy you lunch tommorrow."

Edited by lilymalady123
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"I'll hold you to your words, mind you." Azure said, knowing Lily was too tough to see through far. With that said, Azure found no point in staying much longer. "Well I guess this is goodbye... for now," came his statement. After that unnecessarily came "Well, bye."

Azure slowly trotted away from the tree.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"until next time..." she said quietly as she watched azure trot away. a single glint appeared in her eye. she stood and returned the cluds to their natural position. she trotted slowly to her dorm a while after and, as the sun left the sky, cleaned up her room for the first time in at least 3 months. she climbed into her bed and closed her eyes.

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After Angel found herself unable to fall asleep, she threw the covers off and sat on the bed, breathing deeply.  She decided to do as she was taught if she ever had an episode such as now.

Angel closed her eyes.  Her horn began to glow sliver and a thin line came out of it.  It began to expand in length, circling her a number of times.  Angels mane and tail flew around.  The line slowly began to close in on her.  It seeped into her, immediately filling her with warmth and calmness.

Angel breathed out and opened her eyes.  She felt exhausted.  But calm.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"you cant run from us, lily, we are a part of your mind." the voices rang through the room. it was black. the walls, floor and ceiling all black. there were no windows, no doors. red curtains lined the wall with no purpose. they moved, but there was no wind. "we are here to stay, lily! its all your fault, you should have fought back. why didnt you? are you weak?" lily was galloping down a never ending hall. 


lily awoke to her alarm. it was morning. her first day of classes were awaiting her. she arose from bed and brushed her mane. she walked out of her room and down the hall to the cafe for breakfast.

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Angel had a horrible night.  She had never felt so alone before.  Of course, even before, she had felt lonely.  But now there wasn't anyone here that she knew.  That she could talk to.  That knew what happened to her.  Angel sighed.

She found a piece of paper had been slipped under her door.  A schedule.  Breakfast.

Angel filled her pastel blue saddle bag with bits, a notebook and a pen.  She rushed off to the cafeteria.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Night Song woke up the next morning. She had a pleasant night. She went over to her desk to see if she finished her assignment(she had to record herself singing a song of her own choice and she chose to sing Everything At Once. She also had to answer some questions). Pleased that she did, she put the recording device and her homework that had the questions in it in her white and royal blue saddlebags. She walked over to breakfast.

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Acid dash sat at his desk, he pulled out his laptop, and plugged it in, he then started making beats, putting them together, and making a song, he eventually needed vocals. Yet he was a horrible singer. He just listened to his song on his red headphones, as if expecting a pony that is good at singing would just walk through the door.

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Angel got her breakfast of pancakes drizzled with strawberry sauce and a glass of apple juice.  She looked around the cafeteria.  She spotted a table in the corner next to a window.  She went over and sat down.  She stared at her food.  She wasn't hungry, but she should eat anyway.  There was no longer any pony to remind her.  She must remind herself.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(OOC: Night Song has Acid Dash's picture in her homework folder)


When Night Song came over to breakfast, she got some pancakes with maple syrup on top and a glass of milk. She sat down at a table with a pony(Angel Feather) sitting at it. Night Song didn't know what to say, so she just sang to herself.

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Acid Dash walks slowly to the cafeteria, as he walks, he checks his folders, binders, etc. for the picture. As he walks, he mumbles "I wonder where that picture could have gone...When he got to the cafeteria, he got his normal breakfast, one carrot. That is usually what he got, as he loved them since he was small. When he sat down, he pushed the hair out of his eyes, and started eating the carrot.

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Azure had awoken to the familiar tune on his phone. Three beeps repetitively rang while his phone nearly vibrated off of his desk. He picked it up and looked at the time to see that he slightly overslept. Getting his binder, he headed toward the cafeteria which for the past four years he had done so nearly every morning. The threshold was packed, but there was always one spot that nopony but himself had sit at during mornings. To his surprise, he found two young mares sitting at the traditionally abandoned table sometimes branded "his". When walking up to a singing pony with a dark navy coat who was sitting in his ritual table (Night Song), he gave her a glance but sat down in the seat next to her anyways.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Acid Dash watched, eating a carrot still, as 2 ponies sat at the same table, wondering if they all knew each other. He pulled a black and blue hoodie over his head, and sat at the table he was in for a moment. He then got up, and started walking back to his dorm. As he walked out of the door, he saw the picture he had lost in Night Song's folder, he thought that it was 2 different ponies, and so he walked out of the door, and back to his dorm.

Edited by Jacob2Cl0wn
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Night Song had finished half of her breakfast when she spotted Acid Dash. Oh yeah, the picture! she thought. She took the picture out of her folder and ran up to him before he got too far. "Hey! Is this your picture?" she asked, handing the picture to him. Judging by the picture, she assumed the ponies were his parents or something.

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Acid Dash stopped when he heard  Night Song. He turned around, and looked at the picture, and said in a low voice Uhh...Yes, that is mine..." He grabbed the picture and put it in his bag, and he turned around, looked back and walked out of the door. He ran to his dorm, grabbed a picture frame, and put the picture in it, trying to make sure he wouldn't lose it.

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Azure left the binder at the table to signify he was sitting there. He then got up to get his breakfast. With the line dying down, it was easy to progress through the choices displayed with nopony behind him. He made his pick and got back to his seat and ate in silence, occasionally looking around the room in wonder, also trying not to make eye contact with the ponies next to him. 

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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When Acid Dash put the picture in the frame, he forgot that he was to explore the school, as it was very big, and he would not like to get lost, so, he walked out of dorm, double-checking he had his dorm key with him, and walked around, avoiding everypony, his hood was still hung over his head, and he had been walking with his head down, and he just walked on, looking around, seeing every part of the school.

  • Brohoof 1
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While eating the rest of her breakfast back at the cafeteria(she decided it was best to leave Acid alone), Night Song read one of the fiction books she brought with her. It was about four ponies adventuring through difficult terrain to reach a dragon that would help them take back a land conquered by the evil "king". After reading a couple chapters, she took out her schedule. It said to head over to the music room next, so she put on her saddlebags and walked over to it.


(OOC: Is your OC in the same class as mine, Jacob2Cl0wn?)

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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As he walked around the school, he noticed he was late for class, on the way, his hood fell more and more over his face, covering his eyes, so he did not know there was a turn up ahead, when he finally lifted his hood up, he saw the wall only inches away from him, he couldn't stop running, so he hit head-first, into the wall. His head was severely cut, and he was bleeding, but, he still managed to limp to class, still pouring blood out of his head, not trying to cover it at all. He sat down where he was supposed to sit, and tried to say he was sorry he was late, but instead he said "I---I-m Soorryy iiimmm laaatee" He fell down, and was unconscious, he thought he was dead.

(What Class are you in?)

Edited by Jacob2Cl0wn
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lily had lost track of time. she had sat staring out the window for too long. she got up and started to walk to the music room. when she arrived she saw a young colt on the floor. everyone was around him. the voices rang in her head:


go on, you know a healing spell, help him.


but he has nothing to do with us.


death imminent.


fine you can help him


no one asked for your permission


lily rushed over to his side and started to cast the healing spell. soon enough he was better, but still unconcious. "ill take him to the nurse." she said

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(OOC: I'm in the music room)


Night Song was shocked at first when Acid had blacked out. However, when Lily used that healing spell, she was a little assuaged. Oh no, I hope he's going to be ok! she thought. She then took out a pencil and a sheet of paper and wrote:


To who it may concern,

I hope you're doing fine after that accident of yours. I'm also sorry if I bothered you in anyway at that field yesterday. Those ponies in that picture must've been special to you. They must've found a very good place in your heart.


From, Night Song.


She folded the letter in half and placed it on top of Acid's bags. She then turned her attention toward the teacher who was about to instruct them.

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