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The Corrupted Wish Game


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Wish Gra-

...Wait, I can't do that one.

As long as there is free will & independent thought, so too will the populace endeavor to obtain that which it regularly cannot.

....Guess I'll just have to settle for wiping out all life & existence then!

...this might take awhile.  In the meantime!


I wish I had a purpose.                                                Well, I mean OTHER then wiping out all sentient life, of course!


BAHAHA I just corrupted the corrupted wish game XD

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I wish I could control water.


Granted! You now control the world's waterways on a planet that has not yet discovered how to cross bodies of water.

Thousands of channels and there's nothing on any of them!



Wish I had my own private recording of that rimshot to carry around with me!

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Granted. Whatever you create suddenly grows a mouth and starts wailing in endless agony, akin to forever drowning in a pool of magma without being able to succumb to the sweet, cold peace of death.



I wish for... Inspiration.

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Granted.  You have a disturbing nightmare which then inspires you to write a horrifying novel which inspires thousands of other people to commit suicide.  Congratulations.  You basically just murdered all those people.


I wish she would love me back.  Real love I mean, the kind that's defined by self sacrifice.

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Granted. She loves you so much she cooks you into a stew and eats you all up, very content, and marries your bones, after sucking the marrow out of them. 


I wish for something that I dislike.

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Granted. It instead becomes the most beautiful thing in the world. It has overwhelmed you so much, that you lose control of yourself and spend an immortality dancing away into an extremely beautiful world.


I wish I can have a visit to your world, and try to safely leave without dancing.

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Granted You have to watch Halle Berry's Catwoman until you die of starvation, thirst, or eyeball liquidization.


I wish I had 100,000 amazingly awesome and friendly subscribers on my REAL youtube channel: TheWhiteBowser

(shameless plug I know youtube search the channel name and subscribe please :P)

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Granted. You become a white-coloured Bowser, complete with your army of Koopas and Goombas (all of them are white), and you get a white-coloured castle. Everything except you and your army that enters will become as white as paint, as long as they stay within the castle.


I wish Prince Blueblood would ride on his chariot (pulled by Trouble Shoes and Double Diamond) to White Castle, the restaurant. At least you can support their business by featuring them in your next videos!

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Granted you have a horse farm, but you also have no way to clean up all the shit that comes from the horses pooping constantly.


I wish I was elevated to unicorn status on this forum website without having to make 10,000 more posts.

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Granted. Because you are a unicorn in this website, you are now the only unicorn (and horse) who can use a computer with your bare hooves. Watch out for those government agents!


I wish Party Favor became the happiest horse in the world. His smile all reads, "C'mon every-pony, smile, smile, smile!"

Edited by HorsesandMOARGaloar
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Granted. Derpy Hooves is too busy delivering mail, so she asked Party Favor to come to you in her place.



I wish Party Favor would always smile, and never be sad, or even have a single teaspoon of intellect or sanity, ever again.

Edited by HorsesandMOARGaloar
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Granted. Now Party favor can't stop smiling. He can't change the expression on his face or convey any sort of different emotion. This leads to him being an outcast and everyone being scared of him.


I wish the Season 6 finale had laserbeams in it. I mean I watched the thing early and there were no laserbeams! WTF?

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Granted, but before you could register the sight and color of the beams they blind you. Next lasers you'll encounter is in laser eye surgery.


I wish that I could teleport wherever I want with an inablity to accidentally teleport to anywhere that would endanger or kill me.

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Granted. But you cannot control your teleportations power and are stuck in an endless loop forever transporting to new worlds without ever the chance to admire or connect with them.


I wish I would close my internet and stop being on here so I could work on my PMV.

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Granted, but you spend the rest of your active and free hours (not counting bathroom breaks, meals, or sleep) on PMVs. You go insane from boredom, and you get a high electricity bill.


I wish I had a pet Trouble Shoes to plough my farm and pull carts of crops and vegetables. And for others to use him as a stunt horse for movies, like Blanco did for Shadowfax.

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