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The Corrupted Wish Game


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Granted, but they all die become zombies and eat you.


I wish that my face was pie.

Granted, your face is now Pinkie Pie. No, not the rest of you, just your face. I hope you enjoy smiling.


Granted, but it is so delicious that you die from self-cannibalism. 


I wish for the meaning of every word in the English language to become it's exact opposite.


Granted, you now live in George Orwell's 1984. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.



I wish for a lifetime supply of nutella.

Edited by AdmiralZeratul
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Granted, but you have to trade an pint of your blood for every ounce of nutella you eat.


I wish I had my own personal space station.


Wish granted, here's your Death Star! Now, if only someone could do something about those rebel scum...


I wish for the most delicious sandwich in the universe.

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Granted, but Season 4 of The Walking Dead...


I wish I had a time machine

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Granted, your just experiencing the first stages of a new zombie virus. :D



I wish the Megaton Hydrogen bomb in my basement would stop making those rumbly noises, I don't want to pay for it's removal.

  • Brohoof 1
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Granted, but Vladimir Putin takes it away...


I wish to pass chemistry


Granted. After you swallow it, I smash your face with a shovel, then drop you in a container of human nail trimings and lock it before I swallow the key.

All so I could steal your wallet.

I wish I wasn't getting another cold.

/) cus I got a cold too :) *sniff*

  • Brohoof 1
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Granted, but Math, History, and English all suddenly become 10 times harder.



I wish I had a gold bar, so I could sit on it during tv time.

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Granted, but it rots and is nearly impossible to clean out of everything outside. Thus things start to stink, and all sorts of people get poisoned from their gardens. The government evacuates the area infected by the rotten milk rain, and it takes years to clean out.


You've just cots thousand of people much time of their lives and billions of dollars. GOOD JOB! Your almost a politician!



I wish to know if Time is of the INstant, or Instant is of the Time. That way, I know if Time Travel is possible or not.

  • Brohoof 1
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Granted but you confuse too many people and they kill you.


I wish I owned a Nissan GT-R.

Granted, it is old, used, and beat up.


I wish for a new fedora. I lost my old one on my trip to Flyover Country.

Edited by AdmiralZeratul
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Granted, but you are famous for stupid, horrible, torture-fulled videos.




I wish for a Chromebook.

Granted, you now have a book made entirely out of chrome. Now, good luck actually reading it.


I wish my ship was the most powerful in the sea.

  • Brohoof 1
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Granted, but you get a Giant "Ship" story, which is the most powerful in popularity among fish. Humans on the other hand think it sucks, a lot.



I wish I was riding the bomb Fat Man when they dropped it.

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