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open Harmony Betrayed


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It's been years since the defeat of Sombra and the reign of Shining Armor and Cadance in the Crystal Empire stands strong along with the rest of Equestria. The mane 6 have all settled down and started families of their own within the time but the only problem is that while their friendship is still strong even though some live in other places now. One major problem thought that they don't know is that the power of the elements have lost most of their power but haven't returned to stone yet. Everything seems like a normal day at the castle when Celestia has invited everyone for a royal lunch so that everypony can see eachother and get caught up. Unknown to Princess Celestia and Luna an ancient seal in the catacombs of Canterlot Castle has faded away and now the worst possible enemy has returned their fathers old enemy the wielder of the Element of Darkness: Lord Kazin. Now it's up to their children to find the new wielders of the Elements of Harmony and bring down Kazin. Along the way they will find the truth about themselves and strengthen their friendship while facing down challenging fears and something that could possible shatter their friendship forever.




Starlight laid in the branches of the Library reading a book on earth magic she was given this assignment by Celestia herself. Starlight sighed she wanted to do something exciting and maybe go do something with her friends Cupcake, Sunlit, Jeterspry, and Apple Doom. Starlight leaned over hanging her head over the branch her magic holding the book in place "You'd better not be slacking off young lady Celestia will quiz you on this subject." Twilight called from below. Starlight grumbled sitting back up in the tree and sticking her nose back in the book. "This is so lame I wish I could just go have some fun for once instead of studying all the time." Looking back down she saw her father walk out and rub horns with her mom before they left to go to the train station to meet Rarity when she got in. They had all been invited to join Celestia for a royal lunch later today something that Starlight was really looking forward to.

Edited by storm-fire

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Jeterspry had flown ahead just a little bit he thought, however when he looked back it seemed that his flying speed didn't seem to match his parents. It wasn't that he was excited to get to the party but rather that he just wanted it to be over. He wasn't big on official parties that were going to be attended by Royalty. Rather he would enjoy just being able to see his friends and goof off. 


He hovered waiting for his parents to catch up. "We're meeting at Starlight's right?" Before either of his parents could answer he took off again.

Edited by Tempest Chaser
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cupcake bounced around ponyville on her break from running sugarcube corner. she had left it with the cake twins, they were older than her, but they always treated her equally. she had a smile on her face and a song in her heart. her mother and father were coming in today. she was so happy to see them, it had been at least three, maybe four, months since she saw them. they had left on a trip around equestria to taste all the different treats. she bounced by everypony, greeting each with a smile and a cheery "hello!". everyone had told her she was so much like her mother when she was younger. her mother had matured somewhat, but cupcake still acted like a three year old. she stopped and smelt the flowers. she looked up to see the library ahead. "i know!" she said, "i'll visit starlight!!!" starlight was a close friend, compared to the tons of other friends cupcake had, so giving her an excuse to not study seemed like a fun idea.

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As he sat on the train, Emerald wiped a drop of blood from the corner of his mouth. "Thunderin' Jaysus! Got a good shot in he did", he muttered, borrowing one of his father's favorite expressions (although he had never understood what "Jaysus" was). He was referring to the fight he had gotten into earlier when a couple of his classmates had made fun of his inferior magic and he blew his fuse. His mother Rarity was furious with him as always for acting so "uncouth", and his father claimed to agree with her, although Emerald could tell his father was secretly proud of him for standing up for himself and being able to give as good as he got. Actually that was a bit of an understatement; while Emerald would be fine in an hour or so, his adversaries would probably still be feeling his blows when they woke up the next morning. Emerald smiled at the thought, having proving again that he was not someone who could be pushed around, and leaned back to get some sleep during the train ride.

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Starlight took a minute to practice some of the earth magic. She closed her eyes and focused her magic into her horn eliciting a pale purple glow. Sparks flew from her horn as she attempted use earth magic, although she was an alicorn she was far from a junior magic user and way out of her league of her mother and the Princess. The earth next to the tree moved as she raised a small cube of earth and stone out of the ground before dropping it back with the rest of the earth. "Ugh why do I need to learn earth magic I mean it's not like I'm going to use it anytime soon." Starlight groaned. Looking over she saw Cupcake bounding towards the house and she used her magic to toss the book into a window hearing a crash. She must've broken her lamp and her mother would get on her about that later. She stretched her wings and floated down to the ground just as Cupcake made it to the tree. "Hey Cupcake thank goodness you're here I was getting so bored. Did you want to go with me and get to the train and meet with our friends that are coming in?"

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Shade was walking towards ponyville, she had scratch marks all over her, following her was her changeling minion who looked like a normal changeling but green, shade was her normal pony self as she walks into view of ponyville, "I think it's best if you stay away from this town, I don't want the wrong attention, I don't think I can take another beating." She said to her minion. Her minion noded and flew away. Shade looks at ponyville walking towards it, she was in pain after being chaced from the hive. She was a rejected changeling, she didn't know what to do but wonder equestria, but when she gets more powerful, she is determend to destroy the hive. She walks into the town slowing down as she looks at all the buildings, they all looked so strange to her since she grew up in manehatten, there was one that looked like a ginger bread house. As she continues to walk threw town, she wonders what to do. * maybe I should start a new life here, make some friends, untill I can destroy the hive I have lost of time to spear* she thinks to her self. As she walks she sees other fillies talking by a tree house, no really... A tree, house... She thinks for a moment and looks at them. Finally she decides to talk to them, she shyly walks up to them and, "um... Hi... I'm new in town... And I... Well... dont know where i am..." she said in a shy tone pausing for them to respond.

Edited by villan97



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Emerald awoke to the sound of his father's voice, "Get up lad, we're almost there". Emerald smiled and anxiously awaited  their arrival at the station. After everything he had heard about Ponyville and his mother's old friends Emerald was excited to finally meet them.

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"Hey Sunlit!." "What is it mum?" "Come check this out." Sunlit Dash walked to his mother, Rainbow Dash, who had a letter. "Ooh, what does it say?" Rainbow Dash stared at the letter, then said "It says that the elements of harmony are going to some fancy dinner. Of course, we will make the party 20% cooler." Sunlit giggled. "Ok, let's go then." "We can get there in ten seconds flat." Rainbow Dash and Sunlit flew up and started to race towards Ponyville. They always had races and such, though Rainbow was always victorious. Sunlit spotted a town with a tree in the center. "Is that Twilight's Library?" Rainbow had told Sunlit all about Ponyville and her friends. She had always taken an interest in it. They flew down to the library and knocked on the door.

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Apple Doom was being dragged by his tail by his mother."I do not want to go! I am perfectly happy with these here apple trees!" Apple Doom shouted as he tried to get a hoof planted firmly." I told my friends you were going to be there. besides  Cupcake, Sunlit, Jeterspry, and,Starlight will be there." Upon hearing this,Apple Doom no longer struggled and changed his attitude."i wonder if any of the girls will be my age or cute hehe." His mother swatted the back of his head and they continued walking.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Shade was walking towards ponyville, she had scratch marks all over her, following her was her changeling minion who looked like a normal changeling but green, shade was her normal pony self as she walks into view of ponyville, "I think it's best if you stay away from this town, I don't want the wrong attention, I don't think I can take another beating." She said to her minion. Her minion noded and flew away. Shade looks at ponyville walking towards it, she was in pain after being chaced from the hive. She was a rejected changeling, she didn't know what to do but wonder equestria, but when she gets more powerful, she is determend to destroy the hive. She walks into the town slowing down as she looks at all the buildings, they all looked so strange to her since she grew up in manehatten, there was one that looked like a ginger bread house. As she continues to walk threw town, she wonders what to do. * maybe I should start a new life here, make some friends, untill I can destroy the hive I have lost of time to spear* she thinks to her self. As she walks she sees other fillies talking by a tree house, no really... A tree, house... She thinks for a moment and looks at them. Finally she decides to talk to them, she shyly walks up to them and, "um... Hi... I'm new in town... And I... Well... dont know where i am..." she said in a shy tone pausing for them to respond.


Starlight who was happy to see Cupcake was surprised by this new pony that just happened to be wandering into town. "Oh hi...I'm Starlight and this is my friend Cupcake and you're in Ponyville." Starlight didn't know what to think of this new pony with a dark grey coat and her black and green mane. From the looks of it though she wasn't all that bad and seemed nice enough, so she gave her a smile. Starlight saw a rainbow colored blur fly through the sky and to the front of her home. Starlight kindly excused herself and trotted around the side to see a cyan colored pony with a rainbow mane next to another cyan pony with a lemon color mane. Starlight giggled it was deffinately her mothers best friend and hers. She took to the air and flew just out of their view and floated right down to Sunlit's ear "BOO!" Starlight yelled in Sunlit's ear getting a scream out of her. Starlight dropped to the ground in a fit of laughter loud enough for the others behind the house to hear.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Starlight who was happy to see Cupcake was surprised by this new pony that just happened to be wandering into town. "Oh hi...I'm Starlight and this is my friend Cupcake and you're in Ponyville." Starlight didn't know what to think of this new pony with a dark grey coat and her black and green mane. From the looks of it though she wasn't all that bad and seemed nice enough, so she gave her a smile. Starlight saw a rainbow colored blur fly through the sky and to the front of her home. Starlight kindly excused herself and trotted around the side to see a cyan colored pony with a rainbow mane next to another cyan pony with a lemon color mane. Starlight giggled it was deffinately her mothers best friend and hers. She took to the air and flew just out of their view and floated right down to Sunlit's ear "BOO!" Starlight yelled in Sunlit's ear getting a scream out of her. Starlight dropped to the ground in a fit of laughter loud enough for the others behind the house to hear.

Sunlit squealed, then, seeing it was a joke, also fell over laughing. "Bwahhahahaha. Hey Starlight! Its good to see you." She then turned her direction to Cupcake, who was bouncing around. "Oh, hey Cupcake! Haven't seen you in a while." Sunlit took out a present from her bag and gave it to the pink filly. "For you." Cupcake opened the present, and a pie popped out, hitting her in the face. Again, Sunlit was on the ground, this time laughing at the pink pony covered in pie.

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cupcake giggled. she licked the pie off her face. she bounced around some more on a sugar high. she turned the sunlit and starlight. she gasped. "TO THE TRAIN STATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she started to bounce off in the direction of the station, she haddnt seen emarald in AGES!!!! plus her mum was nearly here. she bounced really high and sang 'smile, smile, smile' a song her mum taught her.

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Starlight laughed holding her hooves on her stomach she was laughing so hard it was hurting. Her wings flailing about as she rolled on the grass hearing Sunlit's mom start laughing as well. Starlight quickly regained her composure as she got up and started walking with her friends towards the train station to meet up with their parents and soon Emerald as well. It seemed silly but it would be fun to ride the train with her best friends to Canterlot for a royal lunch with the Princesses and she even had gotten word that Uncle Shining and Aunt Cadance would be there too. "Oh wow I can't wait to see Emerald again and to think that I might see my aunt and uncle and my fav cousin too." Starlight jumped in the air letting her wings float her back down to solid ground the view of the station in sight and the sound of the train obvious it was getting even harder for her to control her excitement.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sunlit smirked. "Last one to the train station's a rotten egg." She zoomed into the sky, then took off like a bullet towards the train station. She saw a streak of rainbow pass her and sped up to try and catch her mother. She blinked and saw a strange object flying at her. She collides with the object, finding it was a pie, much like the one she gave cupcake. Rainbow Dash was laying on a cloud laughing, but Sunlit just licked the pie off her face and kept going. She was determined to beat her mother and everypony else to the train station. Landing, she saw Rainbow Dash sitting on a cloud nearby, as though she had been there for ages. "Took you long enough." Sunlit laughed, sat down, waiting for the others.

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Shade watched the ponies having fun and all that good stuff, she smiled with a tear running down her cheek. * that must be what friendship is... It's so, happy looking.* she thought to herself. Shade never had any friends, she grew up in the theaves guild in manehatten with other fillies, but it was all so serious work, she left the guild to look for who she really is. That was when she found out about her being a changeling, after the first day at the hive she was chased out, for being a changeling reject. But she learnt lots of changeling powers. She was still scratched up and was still in pain from yesterday's events. She contacts her minion, * this town dosent seam bad, if you just desguise as a normal pony I think you'd be able to hang around here too!* then her minion replys, * yes, I understand why it would be risky, anyways where are you?* she asks, * in a forest? Well is there anything there?* she asks again... * well enjoy yourself!*


Shade looks at her blank flank then thinks * maybe if I stick around theas ponies, I can find my cutie mark! If it's posable for me to even get one* she looks at the ponies run/fly off towards a train station. She dosnt say anything but follows them quietly.



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(ooc: sense we started in Ponyville I redid my post. Meeting you guys at train station to ride to Canterlot.)


He saw the train station and dived for it. At the last possible minute he pulled up coming to s screeching stop. What he hadn't seen were his friends approaching. Trying to play it cool he trotted over to them. "Hey guys, what's going on? Can you believe we have to go to this party?" He was hoping that at least one of them wouldn't be excited also. 

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Apple Doom and Apple Jack were nearing the train station "I hear something in the distance could it be them?" AD asked his mother.
"shoot son i do not know, i guess we are gonna have to find out!" A.D. quickened up his pace but his mother insisted they ran. they both started to run. Apple Doom then began to think to himself"What if the dont like me? can i trust them?" He quickly shook himself of those thoughts when his mother yelled,"Don't fall behind darlin'!"

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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(ooc: sense we started in Ponyville I redid my post. Meeting you guys at train station to ride to Canterlot.)


He saw the train station and dived for it. At the last possible minute he pulled up coming to s screeching stop. What he hadn't seen were his friends approaching. Trying to play it cool he trotted over to them. "Hey guys, what's going on? Can you believe we have to go to this party?" He was hoping that at least one of them wouldn't be excited also. 

"I don't really mind." Sunlit replied. "If Pinkie and Cupcake have any say in it, it should be pretty entertaining. Besides, its an excuse to see everyone." She heard another train approaching, and shot over to look for somepony. She checked every window, before finally returning to the rest of the ponies.

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(I'm assuming Emerald has met the others before, but that it was long enough ago that he doesn't really remember them. Any other times he might have seen them he was elsewhere with Rambler for reasons which will be made clear in due time.)


Emerald was feeling a little nervous as he the train pulled into the station. The other kids were probably already good friends with each other, and he could barely remember their names. Not to mention that his father seemed much more apprehensive than normal. He got the impression that Rambler didn't get along with his wife's friends, which was strange considering he got along with just about everypony. Well, either he got along with them or he got in a fight with them, after which he promptly forgot about them. This was different; Rambler seemed to make a point of avoiding them for some reason, and that wasn't something Emerald had seen his father do with anypony else before. Frankly, it frightened him a little.


Fortunately, his mother seemed to notice his distress and laid a comforting hoof on his shoulder, "Trust me darling, everything is going to be fine."


His fears somewhat alleviated, Emerald stepped out of the train, setting foot in Ponyville for the first time in years.

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Apple Doom And his mother,Apple Jack, finally see the train stations and the other ponies they know in front of them."Now you behave yourself you hear?" Apple Jack said as she glanced at Apple Doom. "C'mon mom have i ever misbehaved before?" Apple Doom said trying to be nonchalant. His mother looked at him with her usually scowl. Apple Doom, sensing another hit across the head, quickly trotted forward calling out to the other ponies.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Apple Doom And his mother,Apple Jack, finally see the train stations and the other ponies they know in front of them."Now you behave yourself you hear?" Apple Jack said as she glanced at Apple Doom. "C'mon mom have i ever misbehaved before?" Apple Doom said trying to be nonchalant. His mother looked at him with her usually scowl. Apple Doom, sensing another hit across the head, quickly trotted forward calling out to the other ponies.

Sunlit saw the pony walk out of the train and walk towards the group. She flew above the pony with a suspicious eye. "Hello, I'm Sunlit. Should I be telling you thing? Are you a spy?" Sunlit looked around the pony to make sure he wasn't armed. "And what's your name, hmmm?"

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(im assuming this is to me)

Apple Doom,startled by the abrupt introduction, boldly yells out his name and answers the questions. " My name is Apple Doom and this is my mother, Apple Jack! I am no spy for i come from Sweet Apple Acres!" Apple Doom sat down as he breathed to calm himself down.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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(im assuming this is to me)


Apple Doom,startled by the abrupt introduction, boldly yells out his name and answers the questions. " My name is Apple Doom and this is my mother, Apple Jack! I am no spy for i come from Sweet Apple Acres!" Apple Doom sat down as he breathed to calm himself down.

"Oh, I remember mum mentioning Apple Jack. Apple Doom, eh? Creepy name. Are you sure your not a spy?" Sunlit was less cautious, but still very intrigued. What kind of name is Apple Doom? She calmed herself down. "Sorry about that. Seriously though, Apple Doom? You sound like some kind of villian.

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Sunlit saw the pony walk out of the train and walk towards the group. She flew above the pony with a suspicious eye. "Hello, I'm Sunlit. Should I be telling you thing? Are you a spy?" Sunlit looked around the pony to make sure he wasn't armed. "And what's your name, hmmm?"

(it just now occurs to me that you were adressing Emerald. The irony is that I've just been sitting here waiting for an excuse to post something.)


Emerald was taken aback for a moment. "My name is Emerald. Um... who are you? And why would there be a spy on the train?"

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"Oh, I remember mum mentioning Apple Jack. Apple Doom, eh? Creepy name. Are you sure your not a spy?" Sunlit was less cautious, but still very intrigued. What kind of name is Apple Doom? She calmed herself down. "Sorry about that. Seriously though, Apple Doom? You sound like some kind of villian.

"Your question is surprisin'. No pony ever asked me that question before." Apple Doom was thoroughly confused. He wasn't sure how to answer the question. After a long time in his mind the best answer he could come up with was: "I was told that my father gave me the name."

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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